


A. Translate the following into English.

1. 你认为一个人要做些什么才能成为一个幸福的人?(to be a happy person)

→What do you think one can do to be a happy person?

2. 自从她去年离开上海去重新过她的乡村生活后,我的心里一直很失落。

(a void finds its way into…)

→Since she left Shanghai and resumed her country life last year, a void has found its way int

o my heart.

3. 我甚至没想过他会中头奖。(cross one's mind)

→It didn't even cross my mind that he would win the first prize.

4. 我是在大城市长大的,激烈的竞争(rat race) 对我不再新鲜了。(grow up)

→I grew up in a big city, so the rat race is no longer new to me.

B. Translate the following into Chinese.

1. Slowly, a dark void found its way into my heart and began to eat away at my happiness


2. My father wasn’t too keen on the idea of being back in the rat race, but I assured him tha

t this time it would be nothing like that.


3. As fate would have it, my life would soon change again, and in a very big way.


4. While my surroundings were different and strange, they were also exciting and fun.


A. Translate the following into English.

1. 教书是一个重要的职业 —— 一个令人神往的职业,充满挑战和激情。

(a fascinating one, )

→Teaching is an important professiona fascinating one, filled with challenges and exciteme


2. 如果这位科学伟人还活着的话,毫无疑问他会扩充他的定义,把最新的研究成果

(research findings)包括进来。( to include)

→If the great scientist were still alive today, he would no doubt expand his definition to incl

ude the latest research findings.

3. 解决国与国之间争端(dispute)的最好办法是通过联合国。(The is through)

→The best way to solve disputes between countries is through the United Nations.

4. 大工厂生产的产品正在替代小工场生产的产品。(take the place of)

→Goods produced by big factories are taking the place of the goods produced by small wo


B. Translate the following into Chinese.

1. Advertising is part literature, part art, and part show business.


2. Advertising can be found as far back as the public criers of ancient Greece—

who, for a fee, shouted out messages about a company’s products to one and all.



3. If the definition of advertising as “salesmanship in print” were expanded to include radio a

nd television, it would still stand today.



4. From these modest beginnings, advertising has developed into a highly specialized and p

rofitable business.


A. Translate the following into English.

1. 生活并不总是像美丽的童话,你得承认这点。(live with)

Life is not always like a fairy tale, and you have to live with it.

2. 他们是德国最精明能干的(smartest)年轻人,是他们这一代人的精

华。 (the cream of the crop)

They were the smartest young people in Germanythe cream of the crop of their generation.

3. 这件事已经够复杂的(complex),你最好不要再插手了。(step in)

The thing has already been very complex, so you had better not step in again.

4. 多亏你的建议,没用多长时间就解决了困难。(iron out)

Thanks to your suggestion, it didn’t take long to iron out the difficulties.

B. Translate the following into Chinese.

1. People believe a suitable name can serve as an outline for a child's future, helping

to determine if the child will be a famous painter or a piano player, a lawyer or a landlord.



2. All the boys in one generation of a family, the brothers and male cousins, will have the sa

me first part to their name.



3. Finally, some people name their children after famous rulers or public figures, like George

Washington Carver, for example, or even after their favorite soap opera actors on television.



4. This is also an issue in Japan, where the government feels children should not be given n

ames that other children will make fun of.



A. Translate the following into English

1. 因为他们没有什么选择,所以只能被迫接受现在的工作。(force into)

→→They are forced into the present jobs because they have little choice.

2.虽然已经是暑假,但教室里还有很多学生像往常一样努力学习。(as normal)

→→Although it is summer vacation, many students are still working hard as normal in the cl


3.我们应该学习如何改善事物,而不是只学习让自己适应新环境。(for the better)

→→We should learn how to change things for the better rather than just learning to adjust

ourselves to new circumstances.

4.教师让所有学生都参与校园社会活动是非常重要的。(involve in)

→→It is important for teachers to involve all students in social activities on campus.

B. Translate the following into Chinese.

you go backpacking anywhere in the world, you are going to meet like-

minded people who are interested in traveling as much as you and who have gone traveling

on their own too.



er interests you, be it clothes, fashion, language, culture, religion, animals, oranges,

flowers, video games, or ancient buildings, just allow yourself to spend some time looking i

nto it.

→→凡是自己感兴趣的,无论是服装、时尚、语言、文化、宗教、动物、甜 橙、鲜花、电子


old cliché is that travel broadens the mind, but travel can also change your mind too,

about your job, your circumstances and your general situation back home.

→→常言道,旅游能拓宽人的思想,但旅游也能改变人的思想,改变对自己的 工作、自己的


be sensitive around your friends when you get back—

don’t talk big endlessly about your travel stories. Pay attention to what’s been going on with

them and your friendships will pick up where they left off.



A. Translate the following into English.

1. 作为一位著名的商业人士,你能和我们分享一下您成功的秘诀吗?(recipe for)

→→As a famous businessman, would youshare your recipes for success with us?

2. 在加州,玛丽夫妇尽情地享受着宜人的气候。(a mild climate)

→→In California, Mary and her husband enjoy a mild climate to their hearts' content.

3. 踢完足球后,约翰汗流浃背,全身湿透了。(be soaked with)

→→After he had played football, John was soaked with sweat.

4. 我父亲听从医生的劝告,把烟戒了。( take one's advice)

→→My father took his doctor's advice and gave up smoking.

B. Translate the following into Chinese.

1. Nancy took her mother's advice and even made a shirt for herself to match the shi

rt she had made for Donald.


2. That was the first outfit that we really matched, and then it became a flourish, because w

e had a good time doing it.


3. He promised her a diamond ring on their first date when he proposed and was accepted.


4. They choose what to wear by a simple method: whoever gets to the wardrobe first in the

morning (usually Nancy) gets to pick the outfit for the day.



本文标签: 名字孩子接受