



2013.6 英语四级考试真题试卷(第一套)完形填空

Whether you think you need daytime rest or not, picking up a nap (午睡) habit is a

smart, healthy move. The Mayo Clinic says naps __67__ relaxation, better mood and

alertness, and a sharper working __68__. A 2008 British study found that compared to

getting more nighttime sleep, a mid-day nap was the best way to cope __69__ the

mid-afternoon sleepiness.

According to the Harvard Health Letter, several studies have shown that people

__70__ new information better when they take a nap shortly after learning it. And,

most __71__, a 2007 study of nearly 24000 Greek adults in the Archives of Internal

Medicine found that people who napped __72__ had a 37 percent reduced risk of

dying __73__ heart disease compared to people who didn't nap.

Of course, napping isn't __74__ for everyone. If you're suffering from inability to

sleep, naps that are too long or taken too late in the day can __75__ with your ability

to fall or stay asleep at night.

But for most, naps can make you feel sharper and happier. Naps provide different

benefits, __76__ on how long they are. A 20-minute nap will boost alertness and

concentration; a 90-minute snooze (小睡) can __77__ creativity.

According to , you __78__ a natural dip in body temperature __79__ 1

p. m. and A short nap at this time can boost alterness __80__ several hours and,

for most people, shouldn't __81__ being able to fall asleep at night.

Pick a dark, nice place that's not too warm or too chilly. __82__

napping on the couch instead of in bed, so you're less __83__ to snooze for too long.

Surprisingly, the best place to take a nap may be a hammock (吊床) if you have one.

A Swiss study __84__ last year found that people fell asleep faster and had deeper

sleep when they napped in a hammock than in a bed. That same rocking __85__ that

puts babies to sleep works __86__ for grown-ups, too.

B67. A) enforce B) promote C) operate D) support

D68. A) feeling B) frame C) sense D) mind

A69. A) with B) aside C) about D) upon

C 70. A) remark B) consider C) remember D) concern

B71. A) reportedly B) incredibly C) constantly D) frankly

A 72. A) regularly B) enormously C) heavily D) strongly

D73. A) off B) under C) against D) from

C74. A) exact B) correct C) right D) precise

D75. A) influence B) eliminate C) compete D) interfere

B76. A) focusing B) depending C) relying D) basing

C77. A) enlarge B) engage C) enhance D) enlighten

B78. A) explore B) experience C) exercise D) execute

A79. A) between B) amidst C) among D) besides

D80. A) of B) beyond C) during D) for

C 81. A) produce B) dispose C) affect D) hasten

D82. A) illustrates B) decides C) predicts D) recommends

A83. A) inclined B) involved C) adopted D) attracted

B84. A) pronounced B) published C) discovered D) cultivated

C 85. A) mood B) model C) motion D) motive

A86. A) wonders B) passions C) mystery D) pleasure

2013.6 英语四级考试真题试卷(第二套)完形填空

The work for which Thomas Malthus is still most widely known is his Essay on the

Principle of Population, which first appeared in 1798. This book introduced Malthus's

__67__ that population inescapably outgrows subsistence (生活资料), and that this

difference __68__ population size and the ability to adequately meet the __69__

subsistence needs of all the members of that population " naturally" produces a

fundamental struggle for __70__ in which some flourish at the __71__ of others.

Charles Darwin's most important contribution __72__ the field of biology, described

in his work. On the Origin of Species, was to __73__ Malthus's observation that

plants and animals multiply faster than nature can provide for them to his own __74__

of the process of "evolution" - the notion that different forms of life develop __75__

from a common ancestry (祖先). Combining these elements, Darwin __76__ that the

factors of "the struggle for existence" and "the survival of the fittest" are the central

mechanisms __77__ which evolution is based. In this sense, then. Darwin introduced

the possibility __78__ conflict and struggle are biological phenomena, which are

__79__ central to human social existence.

A number of more contemporary social thinkers were __80__ by Darwin and

continued this particular version of the conflict perspective, commonly referred to

__81__ social Darwinism, into the twentieth century-Thus, for example, Herbert

Spencer, a __82__ English social theorist, applied these ideas of the natural __83__ of

conflict and survival of the fittest to his . notion of social evolution, __84__ William

Graham Summer, an American sociologist, saw the __85__ for survival among

individual actors as operating to bring about fundamental __86__ in the quality of

human .

C67. A) scheme B) reference C) theory D) illusion

A68. A) between B) of C) amid D) about

B69. A) initial B) basic C) low D) original

A70. A) existence B) attendance C) presence D) appearance

D71. A) pain B) offense C) danger D) expense

B72. A) around B) to C) upon D) over

D73. A) notify B) simplify C) rely D) apply

A74. A) analysis B) emphasis C) question D) decision

C75. A) permanently B) occasionally C) gradually D) constantly

D76. A) promised B) projected C) processed D) proposed

B77. A) from B) on C) at D) in

C78. A) which B) where C) that D) how

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