



Grandpa moved in with us after Grandma passed away when I was came

to C anada from China. I ntever spoke much Mandarin(普通话)Grandpa didn't speak

much English, but it didn't matter.

One way we bonded was over a game ofMonopoly (《大富翁》).He didn'treally

understand the rules. But I don 't think it mattered. We alwayshad a great time and

a better relationship when we played the game.

I think of Grandpa when Iplay the trading card game Yi-Gi-Oh with my sons. I

can't keep rack ofall the spels and effects involved in this fully, I don't

care ifI win or lose these matters is spending time with my children

and making an effort to understand their interests.

l often think about my kids at how excitedly they explain rtules and howthey

go easy on their old 're growing up fast. I imagine it's likehow Grandpa

felt when he played Monopoly with us.

Grandpa went for regular also spent his days sitting on the couch(长

沙发) staring out the window and singing thoughthe was bored. But

as l age, I find peace in taking moments to stare out a window. It is really

I got that from him.

One of my biggest regrets is not spending more time with night

he passed away was the day before his 80th birthday. I felt very Ileaned

from my grandfather was to enjoy simple pleasuwes in life. Ssuch as seeing the

beauty in the colors of the rainbow, seeing a single leaffall from a tree and playing

Yu-Gi-Oh with my sons.

【小题1】What happened to the author and his grandfather during their game?

A. He grew impatient with his grandfather.

B. They enjoyed themselves at the game.

C. They learned to speak each other's language.

D. His grandfather seldom had fun at the game.

【小题2】What's the meaning of the underlined word “bonded” in






【小题3】What is the author thinking when he stares out a window?

A. How bored his father was at that time.

B. How much he misses his grandfather.C. How difficult it is to be good

wonderful it is to feel peace at heart.

【小题4】According to the passage, which of the following statement is right?

A. The author can communicate well with his grandfather in English

author can 't play Yi-Gi-Oh with his sons because he can't keep track of

all the spells and effects involved in this game

C. The author understand his grandfather better when he grows older.

D. The author spent a lot of time walking and sitting on the couch with his


【小题5】What is the writer's main purpose in writing this story?

A. To tell readers his grandfather's life stories.

B. To show the influence that families have on kids.

C. To encourage readers to spend more time with families.

D. To share how his grandfather influenced him in some way.

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