



1. abdicate / 退位, 放弃(职位,权力等)

He has abdicated his responsibility as the prime minister.

2. abduct /

The eleven Japanese were abducted by North Korean spies.

abduction 诱拐, 绑架

3. abuse /滥用

Steps must be taken to prevent the abuse of power.

drug abuse 误用药品, 吸毒

4. accessory / 附加物, 从犯, 同谋者

5. accomplice / 同谋者, 帮凶

6. accord /

agreement 协定

7. accusation /

accuse / 谴责, [律]指控

8. acquire / 获得

They have always attempted to acquire weapons of mass destruction.

9. acrimony/ 言谈举止上的刻毒, 讽刺, 毒辣

The president spoke with acrimony about the threat from Iraq.

10. acronym / 只取首字母的缩写词

11. address /致辞, 演讲

radio address 广播演讲

weekly radio address 每周例行广播演讲

televised address 电视演讲

12. adjourn /延期, 休会, 换另一 个地方

13. adjustment/ 调整, 调节

本文标签: 演讲放弃同谋者从犯