

The reason why I wrote this article in English is not that I want to show off how good my English is but I really did this in the pure English environment. So I think maybe English is more suitable for this competiton.

Let me conclude some good points and bad points.

Good ones:

**1.Make good plans and follow it.**The team leader is really professional in making plans and organizing the flow of the discussion, which means actually I dont have to care much about what to do .All I have to do is give ideas and do my job.

2.Good experience.Its really important to know more about the outside world at a young age.This will help you to understand more about how the world functions and finally you kow what role you are playing in the whole ecosystem.This competition coverges some of the best business students in northern China.I am looking forward to communicate to the world and cooperates with teammates from all over the world.

**3.Sustainability sense.**This is what the competition values.I may ask the judge what the sustainability is this afternoon.I think internationalization is one aspect.Comanys like Tencent ,Alibaba really did a good job in Chinese market, but actually if they want to achieve sustainability, they have to be international,just like Apple,Google…because internationalization is the trend of future and Chinese market have its own ceiling.Its also a good chance for the world to know more about China and set up an outstanding image. Big companys should take the responsibility.Keep up with the latest trend is another aspect.Kodak is a good example to illustrate this idea.

4.Accumulation and expression(English).Many of my friends have good mindsets and ability.But have problem with expressing themselves. So solid knowledge is one thing, whether you can express yourself is another.

Bad ones:

1.Our discussion maybe not efficient enough.I think before the discussion, everyone should know the topic and prepare for their own ideas.During the discussion,speak as clearly as possible.It will be better if you have your own construction so that your teammates can understand your idea more easily.

2.Tension hinder performance.I think I can understand what my teammates think,but I fail to express it when needed.Next time when expressing the idea,be a little bit more relaxed.

本文标签: competitionBusiness