

Unit 1A - Street Trees

Melody Chavis loves natures. She believes bringing it back into the city is one way to help save her run-down, crime-ridden neighborhood. Planting trees along the street where she lives seems like one step in the right direction, but it turned out to be not quite so simple.

Street Trees

Melody Ermachild Chavis

I was drawn to my upstairs bedroom window by shouting in the street. The shouter was a middle-aged black man in shabby pants, and he strode, fast, right down the middle of the street. Storming across the intersection, the man beat the air with his fists and shouted into the sky. "Somalia!" he cried. "Somalia!"

Ours is a neighborhood where poverty and addiction have made misery for years, and this was when airlifts of food to the Horn of Africa were all over the nightly news. "I know what you mean," I thought. "Why there? Why feed them but not you?"

Then he walked up to the newly planted tree under my window, grabbed its skinny trunk with both hands, yanked it over sideways, and cracked it in half on his knee. He threw the tree's leafy top onto the sidewalk and stomped off, cursing. I pressed my palms to the glass as he disappeared up the sidewalk.

The tree was just a baby, one of the donated saplings our neighborhood association planted with help from the children on our block. Men from the public-works department had come and cut squares in the sidewalk for us, reaming out holes with a machine that looked like a big screw. The kids planted the trees, proudly wielding shovels, loving their hands in the dirt.

I had made name tags for each tree, with a poem printed on each one, and we asked the kids to give each tree a name. "Hi, my name's Greenie, I'm new and neat, just like the children on our street." If we made the trees seem more like people, I thought, the kids would let them live.

Both trees and people around here are at risk of dying young. After our neighborhood was flooded with crack cocaine and cheap, strong alcohol, things got very rough. In the last five years, 16 people have been murdered in our small police beat. Most of them were young black men, and most of them died on the sidewalks, where the trees witness everything: the children, the squealing tires and gunshots, the blood and sirens.

My neighbors and I did all we could think of to turn things around, including planting the trees.

But the dealers still hovered on the corners and the young trees had a hard time. Idle kids swung on them like playground poles, and peeled off strips of bark with their nervous little fingers.

One of the saplings planted in front of my house had fallen victim to a car, and now the other one had been murdered by a man mad about Somalia.

Discouraged, I let the holes in the cement choke with crabgrass. In the center of each square, a pathetic stick of dead trunk stuck up.

When things are bad, I stand in my kitchen window and look into my own garden, a paradise completely hidden from the street outside. For 15 years I've labored and rested in my garden, where roses clamber on bamboo trellises. Lemon, apricot, apple, and fig trees are sheltered by young redwoods and firs that hide the apartment house next door.

I often feel l'm gardening with my dear old next-door neighbor Mrs. Wright. An African-American woman from Arkansas, Mrs. Wright came to work in the shipyards during the war. When she bought the house next door this was the only neighborhood in town where black people were allowed to live. She was foster mother to many children, and she was sadly disapproving of the young people who used drugs when that started. Mrs. Wright farmed every inch of her lot, and had it all in food, mainly greens. She gave most of the food away.

Her life exemplified the adage, "We come from the earth, we return to the earth, and in between we garden." I miss her still, although she died six years ago, in her 70s, after living here nearly 50 years. I was almost glad she didn't live to see the night a young man was shot to death right in front of our houses.

A map of the neighborhood 15 years ago, when my family came, would show community places that are gone now: bank, pharmacy, hardware and small, black-owned corner stores. There are a lot of vacancies now, jobs are gone, and people travel to malls to shop. Many families run out of food the last days of the month.

On my map I can plot some of what killed this community's safety: the too-many liquor outlets — nine within four blocks of my house; the drug dealers who came with crack about 1985. Clustered near the drugs and alcohol are the 16 murder sites: the 15 men, the one woman.

"I want to get away from all this," I think often. But really getting away would mean selling our home and leaving, and so far, my husband and I have been unwilling to give up, either on our neighbors or on our hopes for helping make things better.

But we do get away, to the mountains. We've been walking the John Muir Trail in sections the last few summers. I've never liked the way it feels good to go to the mountains and bad to come home. That's like only enjoying the weekends of your whole life.

According to my mail, "Nature" is the wilderness, which I'm supposed to save. And I want to. But right here and now, if I go outside to pick up trash, I might have to fish a used syringe out of my hedge. That's saving nature too. The hard task is loving the earth, all of it.

The notes I stick on my refrigerator door remind me of the unity and sacredness of life. There's a quote from Martin Luther King, Jr. on "the inescapable network of mutuality. " I know I can't take a vacation from any part of this world.

Still, the habit of my mind is dual. This I hate:(the littered sidewalk); this I love:(the alpine meadow). I could get into my car and drive to that meadow. But when I drive back, the sidewalk will still be dirty. Or, I could stay here, pick up a broom, and walk out my front door.

The sidewalk yields clues that people have passed this way, like trail markers in the mountains: candy wrappers the kids have dropped on their way back from the store; malt liquor cans and fortified-wine bottles inside brown bags. Sometimes there are clothes, or shoes, or car parts. I tackle it all in thick orange rubber gloves, wielding my broom and dustpan, dragging my garbage can along with me. I recycle what I can. "This is all sacred," I tell myself. "All of it. "

There are bigger waste problems. But when I think about the ozone hole, I find that it helps me to clean up. Thinking globally without acting locally can spin me down into despair.

Or into anger. I know that other people somewhere else made decisions that turned our neighborhood, once a good place, into a bad one. Like the alcohol-industry executives who decided to aim expensive ad campaigns at African-American teens. I know decisions happen that way to the old-growth forests, too.

I went to a lecture at the Zen Center not far from my house, to hear the head gardener there. She talked about what is to be learned from gingko trees. I've always liked their fan-shaped leaves, bright gold in the fall, but I hadn't known they were ancient, evolved thousands of years ago. They exist nowhere in the wild, she said, but were fostered by monks in gardens in China and Japan. Somehow, gingkos have adapted so that they thrive in cities, in polluted air. They remind me of the kids around here, full of life in spite of everything.

The day after the lecture, I went to the nursery, ready to try planting trees again in the holes in the sidewalk. Now in front of my house are two tiny gingkos, each inside a fortified cage of four strong metal posts and thick wire mesh. To weed them, I kneel on the sidewalk and reach in, trying not to scratch my wrist on the wire.

Kneeling there, I accept on faith that this little tree will do its best to grow according to its own plan. I also believe that every person wants a better life.































Key Words:

horn       [hɔ:n]     

n. 动物角,喇叭,触角,角状物,力量源泉

poverty   ['pɔvəti]  

n. 贫困,贫乏

beat [bi:t]

v. 打败,战胜,打,敲打,跳动

n. 敲打,

addiction        [ə'dikʃən]

n. 沉溺,上瘾

misery    ['mizəri]  

n. 痛苦,悲惨的境遇,苦难

melody   ['melədi] 

n. 旋律,曲子,美的音乐,曲调

trunk      [trʌŋk]   

n. 树干,躯干,干线, 象鼻,(汽车后部)行李箱

sidewalk ['said.wɔ:k]    

n. 人行道

association     [ə.səusi'eiʃən] 

n. 联合,结合,交往,协会,社团,联想

block      [blɔk]     

n. 街区,木块,石块

n. 阻塞(物), 障

crack      [kræk]   

v. 崩溃,失去控制,压碎,使裂开,破解,开玩笑

alcohol   ['ælkəhɔl]

n. 酒精,乙醇,酒

screw      [skru:]    

n. 螺钉,螺丝,螺旋,螺旋桨,螺状物

sidewalk ['said.wɔ:k]    

n. 人行道


beat [bi:t]

v. 打败,战胜,打,敲打,跳动

n. 敲打,

witness   ['witnis]  

n. 目击者,证人

vt. 目击,见证,出席,

rough     [rʌf]

adj. 粗糙的,粗略的,粗暴的,艰难的,讨厌的,不适的

labored   ['leibəd]  

adj. 吃力的;费劲的;不自然的 v. 工作;劳动;分

choke     [tʃəuk]    

vi. 窒息,阻塞

vt. (掐住或阻塞气管)

bark [bɑ:k]     

v. (狗)吠,咆哮

n. 狗吠,咆哮


idle  ['aidl]     

adj. 无目的的,无聊的; 懒惰的,闲散的; 无根据的

foster      ['fɔstə]    

vt. 养育,培养,促进,鼓励,抱有(希望等)

trunk      [trʌŋk]   

n. 树干,躯干,干线, 象鼻,(汽车后部)行李箱

kitchen   ['kitʃin]   

n. 厨房,(全套)炊具,灶间

victim     ['viktim] 

n. 受害者,牺牲

cement   [si'ment]

n. 水泥,纽带,接合剂,牙骨质,补牙物,基石

stick [stik]      

n. 枝,杆,手杖

unwilling        ['ʌn'wiliŋ]      

adj. 不愿意的

plot [plɔt]      

n. 阴谋,情节,图,(小块)土地,

v. 绘

crack      [kræk]   

v. 崩溃,失去控制,压碎,使裂开,破解,开玩笑

community    [kə'mju:niti]   

n. 社区,社会,团体,共同体,公众,[生]群落

alcohol   ['ælkəhɔl]

n. 酒精,乙醇,酒

stick        [stik]      

n. 枝,杆,手杖

vt. 插于,刺入,竖起<

network  ['netwə:k]      

n. 网络,网状物,网状系统

candy     ['kændi] 

n. 糖果

vt. 用糖煮,使结晶为砂糖

dual        ['dju:əl]   

adj. 双重的,成双的

n. 双数

hedge     [hedʒ]    

n. 树篱,篱笆,障碍,防护物,套期保值,推诿

wilderness     ['wildənis]      

n. 荒野,荒地

rubber    ['rʌbə]    

n. 橡胶,橡皮,橡胶制品

adj. 橡胶的

refrigerator    [ri'fridʒə.reitə]

n. 冰箱

sidewalk ['said.wɔ:k]    

n. 人行道


tackle      ['tækl]    

v. 处理,对付,阻截

sidewalk ['said.wɔ:k]    

n. 人行道


spin [spin]     

v. (使)旋转,疾驰,纺织,结网,眩晕

thrive      [θraiv]    

vi. 兴旺,繁荣,茁壮成长

spite       [spait]    

n. 恶意,怨恨

vt. 刁难,伤害

acting     ['æktiŋ]  

n. 演戏,行为,假装 adj. 代理的,临时的,供演出

wrist [rist]

n. 手腕,护腕

despair   [di'spɛə] 

n. 绝望,失望


  1. 大学英语精读(第三版) 第六册:Unit1A Street Trees(1)_大学教材听力 - 可可英语
  2. 大学英语精读(第三版) 第六册:Unit1A Street Trees(2)_大学教材听力 - 可可英语
  3. 大学英语精读(第三版) 第六册:Unit1A Street Trees(3)_大学教材听力 - 可可英语
  4. 大学英语精读(第三版) 第六册:Unit1A Street Trees(4)_大学教材听力 - 可可英语
  5. http://www.kekenet/daxue/201609/46758shtml
  6. http://www.kekenet/daxue/201609/46758shtml

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