



introducting work 引言工作


  • 建立主题的上下文,背景和/或重要性

  • 在研究领域存在问题,问题或争议

  • 定义纸张中使用的主题和/或关键术语

  • 说明文章或短文的目的

  • 概述写作的覆盖范围和/或结构



  • 建立主题的上下文,背景和/或重要性

  • 简要介绍相关的学术文献

  • 识别问题,争议或学习领域的知识差距

  • 陈述研究和研究问题或假设的目标

  • 提供研究设计和方法的概要

  • 解释研究的意义或价值

  • 定义某些关键术语

  • 提供论文或报告结构的概述


许多分析师已经在研究文章的介绍中确定了常见的模式。最著名的模式之一是由John Swales(1990)首次描述的CARS模型(创建一个研究空间)。这个模型运用了生态隐喻,最简单的形式有三个要素或动作

  • 确立领域(确立主题的重要性回顾之前的工作)
  • 确立定位(表明知识的缺口)
  • 占据定位(列出新研究的目的,列出问题,陈述工作的价值,表明写作结构)


X is fundamental to … 
X has a pivotal role in …
X is frequently prescribed for …
X is fast becoming a key instrument in …
X plays a vital role in the metabolism of … X在新陈代谢中起着至关重要的作用
X plays a critical role in the maintenance of …
Xs have emerged as powerful platforms for …
X is essential for a wide range of technologies.
X can play an important role in addressing the issue of …
Xs are the most potent anti-inflammatory agents known.
There is evidence that X plays a crucial role in regulating …
X is a common condition which has considerable impact on …
In the new global economy, X has become a central issue for …
Evidence suggests that X is among the most important factors for …
X is important for a wide range of scientific and industrial processes.
Xs are one of the most widely used groups of antibacterial agents and …
There is a growing body of literature that recognises the importance of …
X is an important component in the climate system, and plays a key role in Y.
In the history of development economics, X has been thought of as a key factor in …
Xs are one of the most widely used groups of Y and have been extensively used for ….


本文标签: 在线短语学术英译汉academic