


A、Verbs for structuring academic assignments

involved inwhich are part of/included in
conductorganise and do
illustratedraw something in order to explain something
assumeaccepting something to be true
finddiscover by calculating
calculatejudge the number or amount of something and adding, multiplying, subtracting or dividing numbers
demonstratesshow, make clear
identifyrecognise someone or something and say or prove who or what they are
challengequestions whether it is true
affectlook at or consider carefully and in detail

B、More key verbs

classifydivide things into groups according to their type
establishdiscover or get proof of
account forexplain
seensee is often used in the passive in academic style
attempt(formal) tries

C、Verbs which combine with noun forms of key verb

explaingive/provide/offer an explanation (of/for)
explorecarry out an exploration (of)
emphasiseplace/put emphasis (on)
describegive/provide a description (of)

UNIT5 Key adverbs

A、Adverbs that compare

comparatively/relativelyin comparison with something else
especially/particularlymore than usual
speciallymore than usual (spoken English only) for a specific purpose
somewhat (oppositeconsiderably)
primarilymainly Amir is primarily interested in bio-physics.
mostly/largelyalmost completely (but not totally so)
directly (opposite: indirectly)without anything else being involved housing.

B、Adverbs that relate to numbers or time

approximately[roughly, about]
eventually[in the end, after some time]
Ultimately[finally, after other things have been completed]

C、Adverbs that relate to how things are stated

essentiallyreferring to its main characteristics; also basically
Generallyusually, also on the whole
implicitlynot directly, suggested or implied rather than stated

D、Adverbs that restrict or limit

merelyexactly and nothing more
simply[plainly]    [easily; someone who isn’t a specialist in the field]   [absolutely, without doubt]
hardly everalmost never:

UNIT6 Phrasal verbs in academic English

A、Phrasal verbs and one-word synonyms

phrasal verbsynonym
put forward (an idea/view/opinion/theory/plan)present
carry out (an experiment / research)conduct
make upconstitute
be made up ofconsist of
point outobserve
point uphighlight
set out (to do something)aim
set outdescribe
go intodiscuss
go/look back overrevise, review *
go throughcheck

B、More phrase verbs

go on todo something after doing something else
work onstudy, work in the field of
set upprepared, arranged
work outcome to a conclusion about
go againstnot be in agreement with
write it all up(of an important document) write in a final form

本文标签: academicVocabulary