

Academic writing style

  • 避免使用人称代名词pronoun, 使用impersonal language. 尽量使用被动语态passive voice.
  • 避免使用问句questions, 使用陈述句statements
  • 避免使用缩写和简写

They've --> they have; It's-->It is; the school's-->the school has

The company's decision-->the decision of the company

Photos --> photographs

  • 避免模糊表达vague expressions

etc., and so on-->for instance, such as, for example

'i.e.' and 'e.g.' 美式英语一般倾向于加逗号,英式英语一般不常用。

et al. 这个一般是斜体,且中间没有period

  • 避免使用非正式表达informal expressions

A bit-->rather; lots of-->many; like-->such as

More and more-->increasingly, growingly

Is a must-->is necessary/essential; A hot topic-->a much discussed/controversial issue

Right away-->immediately

In a nutshell-->briefly

  • 避免使用multi-word verbs, 尽量使用single word verbs

Put together-->assemble; help out with-->assist; cut back on-->reduce

  • 避免使用一些口语词

Get --> obtain; do-->conduct; want-->require

Good -->effective, workable; bad--> poor, unacceptable

Maybe -->perhaps, possibly


A lot of research-->a great deal of / a considerable amount of researchLots of studies-->many / numerous studies

A really interesting study-->a very / extremely / particularly interesting study

A bit disappointing-->somewhat / rather disappointing


Come up with-->devise; talk about-->discuss; look at-->examine

Tackle -->manage; place-->location; get--> acquire; hand out-->distribute

Find out--> discover, identify;


Raise your awareness of a range of grammatical errors, stylistic inappropriacies and referencing problems

A range of different types of error or mistake

Style, stylistic, appropriate, appropriateness,

Inappropriate, inappropriateness=inappropriacy

Be suggestive of = suggest; be indicative of = indicate

本文标签: writtingpaperstyleacademic