

section 31 median

1. The era’s examples of _____ that are cited by the author can be balanced in part by certain examples of dissent(前面应该找一个相反的) during the same period.

2. It seems foolish to refuse the offer of an expedient that is both so _____ success and so difficult to create them absent.

3. The genius of the scientific method is that it (这里it指代前面标红的文字)(i)_____ the dictum of Aristotle that the goal of science is knowledge of the ultimate cause of things. True science, we now know, advances human knowledge by (ii)_____ ultimate causes and focusing instead on the testing of empirical hypotheses. 

5. Inuit print making is less (i)_____ than carving in that it does not have substantial historical precedents, although(这里是提到了两个东西,然后这里although 是转不同) there are (ii)_____ incised carvings on bone or antler, facial tattoo marks or inlay skin work on clothing, mitts and footwear. Carving materials such as stone, bone, antler, wood, and ivory were (iii)_____, but paper and drawing tools were unknown until introduced by early explorers and missionaries.

6. For many years, Americans have had a love affair with ferryboats. Ferries are said to relieve our frayed nerves after we’ve stewed in bumper-to-bumper traffic, and conventional wisdom also says ferries (i)_____ congestion and air pollution by getting us out of cars. Unfortunately,(前面叙述这个东西多好多好,这里简单向相反方向选就行) this (ii)_____ notion recently has (iii)_____ several West Coast mayors, who have in consequence eagerly pursued the implementation of ferry service in their cities.


section 32 median

1. With the numerous opponents of the controversial new taxation measure in such a fury, anyone who publicly advocated the measure did not fail to meet with _____ usage.


5. Analysis of 47.5-million-year-old fossils from Pakistan has yielded fresh insights into the early ancestors of modern whales. For example, Maiacetus inuus was a land animal (i)_____ life in the sea(这个总领句,决定了最后一个空不能太绝对). One Maiacetus innus fossil encased a fetus positioned for a head-first delivery, which is typical of a land mammal and suggests the species gave birth onshore. But it probably spent much of its time (ii)_____: its big teeth were suited for catching fish, while its flipper-like feet must have been (iii)_____ walking.

8. Although its gray text blocks and black-and-white illustrations give it a sober mien, this one-stop resource can take the place of a dozen less _____ texts.

这里就是说,在text讲的不是那么comprehensive的时候,这种this one-stop resource更好

section 33 median

1.In his youth, the naturalist and artist John James Audubon was given to _____ glamorous tales about himself: he falsely claimed to have studied under a renowned French painter and hinted that he was the heir apparent to the French throne.


Concoct 往往是一个事情explanation

2. Holston characterized a colonial situation as an aggregation of activities and a conjunction of outcomes that, though _____ and这里有递进的意思,因此,前面不能太强 at times coordinated, were usually diffuse, disorganized, and even contradictory

3. In aquatic environments, the herbicide atrazine is more likely to (i)_____ developing amphibians when it is highly diluted than when it is much more concentrated, a new study suggests. Although counterintuitive,(但这两句朝向是一致的) the finding is (ii)_____ some past research on atrazine and studies showing that other hormonally active compounds are most damaging at trace concentrations.这是关键

5. There are two opposing theories about mountain formation and climate over the past 40 million years: either the surge of mountain building (i)_____ the global cooling or vice versa. The first of these two theories asserts that widespread mountain building cooled (ii)_____ (注意体现的是两者的什么关系)mountains and climate. For example, mountain glaciers tend to be (iii)_____: once established, they increase the reflectivity of the surface, thus lowering temperatures and allowing more ice to form.

6. With the emergence of scientific history-writing in the late nineteenth century, several authors sought to ignore the glowing myths surrounding George Washington and uncover the human being within, but their biographies were still (i)_____ enough that Washington remained a marbled and remote figure. Indeed, by the 1920s Washington has become such (ii)_____ personage(应该说这个说明了上一个空) that inevitably someone had to go to the other extreme and try to (iii)_____ the legend.



section 34 median

4. The mood of the times is no longer one of (i)_____ over our scientific achievements. (第二句说困扰)Doubts and worries beset technical and scientific specialist, as well as the public at large. I do not consider such worries (ii)_____,(后半句说无依据) though they are often based on intuitive feeling rather than on strictly logical arguments.

5. Pioneering medical research scientists’ (i)_____ claims regarding the (ii)_____ new researches make the public wonder their own doctors are not dispensing miracles.(这一点很抽象) There are forces(就是下一句), both external and internal, on scientists that most require them to (iii)_____. Without money, there is no science. Researchers must constantly convince administrators who control tax dollars, investors, and individual donors that the work they are doing will make a difference.

6. Despite the occasional (i)_____ of their venues,(这里是说,有时候尽管地方还不错) the culture of corporate conferences is a deeply (ii)_____ conference, each day consisted of nearly nine hours of continuous lectures and panels (这后面的修饰,是还是说这个时间难熬,然后中间穿插东西)enlivened by pleasantries or anything that could be construed as a joke. The only(取反去掉) (iii)_____ (指代前文)sensory deprivation of the sessions came from the handsome color slides favored by the corporate presenters.

7. Historically, the depletion of soil’s nitrogen has been one of the most _____ problems faced by farmers: an essential nutrient, nitrogen is quickly leached from soil, and farmers have struggled to find ways to replenish it.

8. Scientists should hope the faults(已经和后面的形成了关系) in their theories will be _____ their peers since the refutation of one hypothesis can free its originator to develop a better one.



section 35 median

3. Britain’s deteriorating(所以后面的词也很有可能不好) economy after 1945 was (i)_____ by politicians who favored the manufacturing sector over the service sector: rather than attempting to (ii)_____ the decline of manufacturing, they should have promoted service industries.

8. The preliminary analysis being on the whole, reassuring(往往比较周到) its confirmation would _____ concerns about the dangers of project .

10. Titan, Saturn’s largest moon, looks surprisingly _____,(到底看起来怎样,向后看)even though it is a cold, dimly lit world made from unknown materials.


section 36 hard

2. Consolidating memory is not instantaneous(这里是说这一刻,下一空递进最终,冒号后解释Consolidating memory) or even _____: every memory must be encoded and moved from short-term to long-term storage, and some of these memories are, for whatever reason, more vividly imprinted than others.


3. The politician’s record while in office, though (i)_____, hardly accounts for her high standard three decades later—(这个破折号继承的high standard,然后之后的空与空后的部分转)a standing all the more (ii)_____ because of continuing assaults on her reputation during those years. 

4. Although it is not uncommon for journalists to portray political inexperience on the part of public officials as an (i)_____, it was nevertheless surprising when members of the press treated the new senator’s obvious (ii)_____ as an extraordinary virtue.


5. When a new scientific model emerges, research studies (i)_____ that paradigm tend to dominate in the scientific literature: the process of selecting articles for publication is tilted towards positive results. But once the paradigm (ii)_____, the academic incentives shift in the opposite direction: research results are more considered worthy publication when they (iii)_____ what has become the established view.这两种情形应该是相反的

6. The historian of ancient science Otto Neugebauer concluded that Babylonian astronomical texts are (i)_____ because everything has been eliminated from the astronomy except observations and the mathematical consequences of an initial hypothesis about the fundamental character of the astronomical movements.


This judgment(就是指的上文的concluded) cohered with the high level of mathematical theory, which (ii)_____ mathematical computation together with empirical observations as (iii)_____ of science

and denied any role to speculative hypotheses of a strongly theoretical nature.


9. Willian Perkins, his _____ speaking style notwithstanding, has long been seen as the moderate face of his political party. 注意notwithstanding的位置喜欢这样放 

10. Although in his new book he tends to repeat himself like a _____ uncle, McHughen makes a persuasive case for the safety of tinkering with genes to create new foods.



section 37 hard

2. While the writer was best known for her much-ballyhooed _____, her impact reached far beyond memorable quips.

这里有些递进,另外quip 有点droll 的这种古怪


3. Contrary to those who fear the impact of invasive species on native plants, the biologists contend that the threat posed to biodiversity by nonnative species is often (i)_____.

这里直接就是这个threat 怎样

如果说选uniform 应该前面 再有一个not

For instance, a study of garlic mustard, a nonnative plant now thriving in Minnesota’s oak forests, found that garlic mustard abundance in forest plots was not (ii)_____ the number of other plant species there.

4. So, perhaps the lesson is that rather than wanting their monarchy to (i)_____ its modernized Scandinavian counterparts, the British public cherishes it most when it is most (ii)_____.

你注意第二个空要反的点在于 modernized

5. The notion of film producers as the ogres of the movie business has proved an (i)_____ one, but according to The Producers by Tim Adler, it is not always grounded in reality.


6. The (i)_____ (懂得最后一个词,然后转折一下)nature of the candidate’s comments is calculated. (deliberation)As a long-standing target of critics who regard him as radical, he understands that he needs to be as (ii)_____ as possible if he is to overcome those critiques and(这里表递进,appear is 并列) appear as a (iii)_____ leader.

7. Joshua Gisemba Bagaka found that the pedagogical results of group projects and other engaged learning activities in Kenyan mathematics classroom were _____; such activities, then, may not be the best way of improving mathematics education.

8. Architects may be more extroverted and therefore the more(这一个空要和前面递进) _____ members of a bridge design team, but they are not always the most essential.

9. Excessive focus on what might have been can cause in us feelings of restlessness and regret, but some scientists are beginning to think that fancying an alternative reality might have _____ effects as well.同义词要准一点 

10. Apparent flaws in the sculptor’s work have not _____ its respectful reception(response, reaction) by most modern critics. 


section 38 hard

2. Without seeming unworldly(就是很灵活), William James appeared wholly removed from the _____ of society, the conventionality of academy.这里其实意思上讲是递进

3. Convinced of the gravityseriousness这里要理解到这个层次) of her poetry, Voigt must have found the reviews of her most recent collection (i)_____ reading: one amused reviewer thought that it was unrecognizable as poetry but decidedly (ii)_____.

4. The author’s best-selling book on Virginia Woolf is not (i)_____ treatment of her subject; on the contrary, it presents (ii)_____ portrait(这个描述有这些方面) of the novelist, faults and all. 

5. The new art museum’s (i)_____ building augurs well for that ambitious institution because it speaks of (ii)_____(这里相当于填同义词) contemporary architecture on the part of the board of directors that may (iii)_____ equal astuteness about contemporary art.

7. It’s hardly _____ the committee calls for: rudimentary competence would be an improvement on the current chaos.


10. While recognizing that recent reports of cyber warfare, phone-hacking scandals, and identity thefts have tended to accent the destructive connotation of the word, Sue Halpern maintains that “hacking” is such _____ term that its meaning nearly always derives from its context.


section 39 hard

2. The artist is known for making photographs that deal with politically charged subject matter, yet because her art is so evocative and open-ended(这里是说有点包容), it would be wrong to characterize it as _____.

3. Nordhaus predicts that in the future we will increasingly be (i)_____ ecological problems like global warming rather than (ii)_____ them. We may, for example, make some headway in limiting emissions that contribute to warming, but much of our work will be in adapting to ecological problems and alleviating their effects.

Address b: to deal with : treat •… intrigued by the chance to address important issues …

5. The characters in this comic strip fret about the (i)_____ of their “little counterculture lives”(首先这里即使没有看懂,但因为这个是修饰,所以选一个意思一致的), especially when terrible things are happening in the world, but the cartoonist makes their lives (ii)_____ in ways(注意这里的感觉,compete往往是要一个目标,而这里应当理解为让下面一切协调起来) that do not seem (iii)_____ at all.(这里根据上一句取反) Real things happen here—births, deaths, adoptions, affairs, breakups, commitments, ceremonies, civil union—and they matter.

7. When studying the ancient Greek astronomers, Copernicus realized that despite the intrinsic beauty of many of their arguments, the ancients often made claims that _____ logic.不合逻辑,而不是refute去证伪

9. In order to cultivate new repertoire(这里要做新的,因此之前就不应该是主流的 ), the music industry is providing a hearing for previously _____ composers.

10. Although many skeptics of the scientific theory _____ critiques that have long since been disproved, some of the doubters arguably bring up valid points.



section 40 hard

1. The medical professor’s thesis—hardly new,(这里应当理解为虽然不新,但是应该有某些比较好的特点,却。。) but rarely _____ by a faculty members of his distinction—is that patients are more than the sum of their symptoms and systems.

2. Even if he wants to serve again—and given his obvious love for the job, the assumption among insiders is that he is more likely to stay than go—there is at least _____ his serving another term.注意首先要注意这里的结构,总的而言是转折尽管中间有个插入语 

3. Memory-prompt technology such as online birthday reminders does more than enhance our recall abilities; it induces us to (i)_____ ever more behaviors to automated processes. Witness the (ii)_____ a program that allows us to create computer greeting cards for the entire year in one sitting.

4. While people complain about their hectic lives and demanding schedules, one might be justified in suspecting(注意这里中心词以及while 所引导的关系) that they are being somewhat (i)_____: compulsive busyness seems to be, for many, a source of (ii)_____.

5. Applications of the Endangered Species Act (ESA) have fared best in contexts in which habitat condition is closely linked to species condition and the cause of habitat degradation is easily identified. The achievements of the ESA in those contexts, however, have (i)_____ that other uses of the act can (ii)_____ that record even where such favorable conditions do not (iii)_____.


quelled the conviction 就是压制了某个belief, 但这样就和后面的对不上,特别是第三个空


Dupe 是欺骗

6. Scientific papers often (i)_____ what actually happened in the course of the investigations they describe. Misunderstandings , blind alleys, and mistakes of various sorts will fail to appear in the final written accounts because (ii)_____ is a desirable attribute when transmitting results in a scientific report and would be poorly served by (iii)_____.一定要看清并列的成分

7. In a number of instances, investors hoping to tap into the region’s meteoric growth have instead faced problems ranging from unpredictable management practices to outright _____.

Malfeasance fraudulence

8. To call Kermode the finest English critic of his generation would be a _____ compliment, since not many of its population are professionally engaged in literary criticism.说后面这句话的意思是说,这并没有什么

如果是选sincere 后面应该讲,比方说,所有人都真诚的怎样怎样



section 41 hard

3. The reclusive clergyman may have lived and died in melancholy, but this doesn’t seem to have (i)_____ his genius in any way.(这里是一个坏的东西对于一个好的东西怎样)(之后有点递进)(就是讨论两者的关系) On the contrary, we find ourselves wondering whether his genius wasn’t (ii)_____ in some mysterious way by his mood.

 4. The museum’s compelling new architectural exhibition(这里要对应新的特点) looks at eleven projects around the world that(修饰projects have had major (i)_____ impacts despite modest budgets. It is part of (ii)_____ in the museum’s architecture and design department, which in the past has championed architecture’s artistic value over its real-world consequences.

5. Even the reader acquainted with the outlines of Pushkin’s biography will be (i)_____ the (ii)_____(这里震惊的语气可能需要配合下面的细节) so vividly conveyed in Binyon’s biography. Not only was Pushkin’s personal correspondence intercepted and his movements (iii)_____, but Tsar Nicholas I’s decision to oversee Pushkin’s career obliged Pushkin to submit all his manuscripts for inspection.

这个题要看懂要表达的意思 这里主要说的就是monitor

7. Her attempts to wrest fiction free from traditional constraints like plot and character were never entirely popular with readers; nonetheless, her fiction has had _____ influence on critical theory, novel, cinema, and even psychology.



section 42 hard

1. Some ethicists worry that a deeper understanding of the brain may be tantamount to _____; if we discover that free will is an illusion of neural circuitry, how will we hold people responsible for their actions?

3. Partly because of Lee’s skill at synthesizing (i)_____ trends drawn from many fields of study, her theories appeared to present, with uncanny aptness, ideas already (ii)_____ in the minds of her contemporaries.


4. Recent scholarship has questioned the (i)_____(这一个空要与下面有比较强的对应) of tropical forests around the world. Archaeologists have shown, for example, that the largest contiguous tract of what was thought to be virgin rain forest in the southern Amazon had been transformed into a cultural parkland before European contact, and many of the forest islands in West Africa’s savanna forest transition zone are (ii)_____ as well.

5. Viewing people as ‘’social atoms’’ that obey rather simple rule (which are not unlike the laws of physics), one may discover certain (i)_____. Take, for example, the way channels emerge when people move in crowds. In the midst of initially (ii)_____ movements, one person begins to follow another—in an effort to avoid collisions—and streams of movement emerge. As more people join in, there is greater pull on others to join the flow, and the particular channels become (iii)_____.这一空还有点受第一个空的限制

6. Fifty pages of footnotes, some of them presenting quite lengthy bibliographies, suggest that very few pertinent sources on the Black Arts movement in literature have (i)_____ Thompson’s search; (ii)_____, the text makes it clear that the author’s examination of these sources has been similarly (iii)_____.


7. The town’s air was consistently _____: depending on the breeze, one might be greeted with the sour effluvia of twenty breweries, choking fumes from the coal factory, or brackish smells from the nearby river.


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