



improve the source current power quality
input power quality 输入电能质量;
power quality requirements 电能质量要求;
become dominant 占据主导地位;
inherent simplicity 固有的简单性;
higher efficiency is sought 追求更高的效率(seek的过去分词);
represent a better soulation 代表更好的解决方案;
integrated power semiiconductor modules 集成功率半导体模块;
three-level rectifiers 三电平整流器;
bidirectional and unidirectional power flow topologies 双向和单向功率拓扑;
netural-point-clamped (NPC) boost rectifier 中点箝位型整流器;
force commutated rectifiers 强制换向整流器;
positive or negative dc bus 正负直流母线;
be rated at 1200V 额定1200V;
silicon-carbide(SiC)Schottky devices;
further increase efficiency 进一步提高效率;
parallel switches/parallel phase legs 并联开关/并联相腿;
harmonic cancellation effect 谐波消去效应;
electromagnetic interference (EMI);
total harmonic distortion (THD);
interleaved n-channel Vienna-type rectifier 交错n通道Vinena整流器;
single-channel embodiment 单通道形式;
interphase inductors 耦合电感;
coupling inductors 耦合电感;
coupled inductors 耦合电感;
commutate 整流/换向;
combined switch 组合开关;
voltage potential 电势;
operate the converter in an interleaved manner 交错方式运行;
renders smoother the current drawn from the source ;
interleaved phases 交错相数;
interleaving angle 交错角度;
helps reduce the converter switching loss 有助于减小变换器的开关损耗;
harmonic components 谐波分量;
input boost inductor 输入升压电感;
the middle point of the dc bus 直流母线中点;
the voltage difference between A and B A和B之间的电压差;
the simulated waveforms of …的仿真波形;
the current in phase A A相电流;
the amplitude of …的幅值;
the peak value of …的峰值;
the magnitude of the high-frequency spikes 高频尖峰的幅值;
create additional conduction losses 造成额外的导通损耗;
impede the proper operation of the converter 妨碍变换器的正常运行;
In each switching cycle 在每个开关周期中;
modulation scheme 调制方案;
fundamental period half-cycle 半个基波周期;
in one switching cycle 在一个开关周期中;
Equivalent circuits of …的等效电路;
phase shifted by 180° 移相180度;
in accordance with 与…一致;
the voltage applied across A and B A和B之间的电压;
throughout the line cycle 整个线电压周期;
throughout the entire line cycle;
magneticmaterial saturation 磁性材料饱和;
higher inductance values 更高的电感值;
drain-to-source voltage ringing 漏源电压振铃;
estimated power loss 估计的功率损耗;
the current flowing through the device
winding conduction losses 绕阻导通损耗;
information obtained from simulation 仿真得到的信息(后置定语);
the rms value of the current …的有效值;
the nonlinear nature of …的非线性特性;
given 考虑到;
double-pulse test experimental set up 双脉冲测试平台;
MOSFET turn-OFF procedure MOSFET 关断过程;
parasitic inductance 寄生电感;
at nominal load 在额定负载下;


compared to
In effect 实际上;
In addition 除此之外;
Specifically 特别地;
For instance, 例如;
As a result 因此;
Accordingly, 因此;
As observed 正如观测到的;
thanks to 由于,幸亏;
be adopted for 被…采用;
can be classified in… 可分为…;
one of the most recognized 最受认可的之一;
an alternative realization of… …一种可选的实现方式;
the latter 后者;
feature a reduced number od switching devices 减小开关器件的数量;
be usually reffered as 通常被为;
attain diffierent key features 实现不同的关键特性;
the topologies mentioned above 上述提到的拓扑;
be summarized in Table 2 被总结在表2;
illustrate 说明;
brought forth by 由…带来;
the loss breakdown for … …的损耗细目;
as benchmark 作为基准;
procedure developed in this paper 本文提出的xxx“(做后置定语);
in accordance with 根据;
specifiation 规格;
among these converters 在这些变换器中;‘
due to 由于;
result from 由于;
result in 造成,导致;
take advantage of 利用;
differ little between A and B A和B相差不大;
require 需要;
power density 功率密度;
can be increased 增加;
allow for 考虑到
simultaneously 同时;
It is expected then that 因此人们希望;
would feature even higher efficiency and power density than…
adopte 采用;
optimization 优化;
operation principles 工作原理;
the analysis of …的分析;
design flow chart 设计流程图;
detailed loss estimation 详细的损耗估算;
presents and discusses the experimental results 展示和讨论了实验结果;
take place 发生;
unwanted effect 不利影响;
the generation of circulating current 环流的产生;
the side effect of …的副作用;
As described in the previous section 如前节所述;
n.+ described above 上边描述的…
is produced by 由…产生;
is defined as 定义为;
the current flowing through 流经…的电流;
With all these definitions, 有了这些定义;
Assuming now, without loss of generality, 假设现在不失一般性;
Generation Mechanism of Circulating Current 环流产生机理;
Circulating Current Attenuation Method 环流抑制方法;
a known approach to attenuate the circulating current
inevitable 不可避免的;
is predetermined by 由…预先决定;
maintain only a minor influence on 只对…保持很小的影响;
is depicted as 被描述为;
is labeled as 记为;
has no effect over 对…没有影响;
flux cancels out 磁通抵消;
Considerations 考虑;
facilitate the design 便于设计;
equivalent representation 等效表现形式;
can be determined 可以确定;
In general 总之;
in the order of 大约;
the detailed operation of …详细的运行;
zoomed view of …的放大视图;
correspond to 对应于;
the duration of …的持续时间
at the given switching cycle 在给定的开关周期;
operating condition 运行条件;
take into consideration that 考虑到…;
should be taken into consideration …应该被考虑;
under consideration 在考虑中;
be under consideration ;
without taking into consideration + 考虑的n. ;
fulfill the following condition 满足以下条件;
avoid 避免;
be carried out 被执行;
the required inductance 所需电感;
is not negligible 不可忽略;
are assumed to be negligible 假设忽略…
increases the impedance of the circulating loop 增加循环回路的阻抗;
exacerbated (影响)加重的;
in the 20–100 V/ns range; 在…范围;
highlight 突出;
the above-mentioned phenomenon 上述现象;
current spikes 电流尖峰;
A dedicated effort is hence required to 因此需要做出专门的努力去…;
since 因为;
superior high-frequency characteristics 优越的高频特性;
be effectively mitigated 有效缓解;
This loss component is quite small and accordingly not considered in the loss prediction of 这中损耗分量很小因此不在…的损耗预测中考虑;
mentioned below 下边所提到的;
this loss is estimated to account for 340 mW 估计占340mW;
achieve 实现
is finally attained 实现;
meet/meeting 满足;
constraint 限制;
efficiency-oriented 效率型;
be developed in this paper ;
specifications 技术指标;
be presented hereinafter 如下所述;
the details of …的详细内容;
is described in 描述在…;
flow chart diagram 流程图;
standards to be met by the converter 变换器需要满足的标准;
used for 用于;
select 选择;
seek 寻找;
will be discussed in depth 将被深入讨论;
are presented below 在下文提到;
numerical iterative process/iteration process 数值迭代程序;
is primarily constrained by 主要受限于;
is provided in Section IV-D 在…中提供;
is accordingly chosen for 因此被选为;
the relationship among total power loss, design of passive components, and switching frequency …之间的关系;
be out of the scope of this work 不在本工作考虑范围之内;
be not included in 不包含在…
detailed description of …的详细描述;
applicable to 适用于…;
preferable 更好的,更合适的;
a comparison between A and B was documented in [21].
not only reduces switching loss but also input current THD 不但…而且…;
, as well as 和;
be carefully modeled in this work;
is function of
can be accurately calculated
existing analytical models 现有分析模型;
separately 分别地;
segment segmentation
be deemed reasonable 被认为是合理的;
is verified by 由…证明;
a small fraction of …的一小部分;
simplification 简化;
time consuming 耗时的;
is suitable for 适用于;
The price paid for …付出的代价
render the model hard to implement and adopt 使模型难以实施和应用;
circumvent the above-mentionedshortcoming 克服以上缺点;
a set of equations 一套方程;
eliminates the need to 不需要…
deal with 处理;
their influence on 对…的影响;
the loss model presented previously 前面提到的损耗模型;
at a switching frequency of 22.4 kHz 开关频率为…
be presented in detail …被详细介绍;
be presented to ;
demonstrate the feasibility of 论证;
validate 验证;


Fig.2 shows;
as seen in Fig. 3.
is illustrated in Fig. 4
(see Section IV);
is shown in Fig. 6.
is depicted in Fig. 19
shown in Fig. 10. 做后置定语;
in Fig. 10.
Fig. 8 presents
are labeled IA1 and IA2
as the corresponding waveforms depict 如相应的波形所示;


can be determined as follows:可以由如下确定;
can be calculated in the case of the interleaved Vienna-type rectifier asfollows:
It is expressed as
can be calculated as
is calculated as
could be calculated using Steimetz equation as


are detailed in Table I

This is mainly due to the fact that the vendors provide the components to their production lines in large scales, where prices are too much different than retail prices available for individuals. However, all the necessary details are carefully provided in this paper for performing such comparison based on any input pricing.


Several phase-leg implementations for Vienna-type rectifiers have been proposed and discussed attaining different key features [4]–[6]

本文标签: 词汇英文写作