

HTTP 404 (Not Found) is an HTTP status code in order to express the requested resource can not be found on the server. This is generally returned by the webserver when the provided URL does not exist. HTTP status codes are used to express the request result to the client in a structured way.

HTTP 404(未找到)是一种HTTP状态代码,用于表示在服务器上找不到请求的资源。 当提供的URL不存在时,通常由Web服务器返回。 HTTP状态代码用于以结构化的方式向客户端表达请求结果。

HTTP 404 (Not Found) Error Code
HTTP 404(未找到)错误代码

找不到HTTP 404的表达(Expression Of HTTP 404 Not Found)

HTTP 404 is common error which occurs on the web servers whne the requested URL can not be found. This error also expressed with different terms and warnings like below.

HTTP 404是常见错误,发生在Web服务器上,找不到请求的URL。 此错误还用不同的术语和警告表示,如下所示。

  • HTTP 404

    HTTP 404
  • 404 Not Found

  • 404

  • 404 Error

  • Error 404 Not Found

  • 404 File or Directory Not Found

  • HTTP 404 Not Found

    找不到HTTP 404
  • 404 Page Not Found

  • Page Not Found

  • Server Not Found

  • Error 404

  • The requested URL was not found on the server

  • HTTP Error 404

  • Error 404: page not found


是什么原因导致HTTP 404“未找到”错误?(What Causes How HTTP 404 “Not Found” Error?)

“HTTP 404 Not Found” error can be triggered in different ways and causes. As the web servers are complex and serves a lot of different resources the cause of the error can be very different from situation to situation. Lets list some of the common “HTTP 404 Not Found” error causes.

可以通过不同的方式和原因触发“找不到HTTP 404”错误。 由于Web服务器复杂且服务于许多不同的资源,因此错误的原因因情况而异。 让我们列出一些常见的“找不到HTTP 404”错误原因。

  • The URL or the content is deleted or moved where the resource can not be processed by the web server software. For example an image can be moved into different directory which can not be found with its old URL.

    URL或内容被删除或移动到Web服务器软件无法处理资源的地方。 例如,可以将图像移动到其他目录,而该目录无法通过其旧网址找到。
  • URL provided by the user which is generally types into the address box of the browser is in correct or do not exist. This is a user side cause for the HTTP 404 error.

    用户提供的URL,通常在浏览器的地址栏中输入的URL正确或不存在。 这是HTTP 404错误的用户侧原因。
  • The responsible web server do not running given web site or domain name which will cause this error.

  • A DNS resolution problem like domain name can not be converted into an IP may cause the “HTTP 404 Not Found” error.

    无法将DNS解析问题(例如域名)转换为IP,可能会导致“找不到HTTP 404”错误。

HTTP 404找不到子状态错误 (HTTP 404 Not Found Substatus Errors)

HTTP 4XX status codes are used for the server-side errors. The HTTP 404 Not Found error specifies that the requested resources can not be found. Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) returns som sub-status codes in order to provide more detailed and precise information about the error. IIS provides these sub-status codes in 4XX.XX format like below. These sub-status error codes are supported from the IIS version 7.0. Keep in mind that these sub-status codes are not supported officially and not returned by non-Microsoft web servers like Nginx, Apache etc.

HTTP 4XX状态代码用于服务器端错误。 HTTP 404 Not Found错误表明找不到请求的资源。 Microsoft Internet信息服务(IIS)返回som子状态代码,以提供有关该错误的更详细和精确的信息。 IIS以4XX.XX格式提供这些子状态代码,如下所示。 IIS 7.0版支持这些子状态错误代码。 请记住,这些子状态代码不受正式支持,并且非Microsoft Web服务器(例如Nginx,Apache等)也不会返回。

  • 404.0 – Not found.

    404.0 –找不到。
  • 404.1 – Site Not Found.

    404.1 –找不到站点。
  • 404.2 – ISAPI or CGI restriction.

    404.2 – ISAPI或CGI限制。
  • 404.3 – MIME type restriction.

    404.3 – MIME类型限制。
  • 404.4 – No handler configured.

    404.4 –未配置处理程序。
  • 404.5 – Denied by request filtering configuration.

    404.5 –被请求过滤配置拒绝。
  • 404.6 – Verb denied.

    404.6 –动词被拒绝。
  • 404.7 – File extension denied.

    404.7 –文件扩展名被拒绝。
  • 404.8 – Hidden namespace.

    404.8 –隐藏的名称空间。
  • 404.9 – File attribute hidden.

    404.9 –文件属性隐藏。
  • 404.10 – Request header too long.

    404.10 –请求标头太长。
  • 404.11 – Request contains double escape sequence.

    404.11 –请求包含双重转义序列。
  • 404.12 – Request contains high-bit characters.

    404.12 –请求包含高位字符。
  • 404.13 – Content length too large.

    404.13 –内容长度太大。
  • 404.14 – Request URL too long.

    404.14 –请求网址太长。
  • 404.15 – Query string too long.

    404.15 –查询字符串太长。
  • 404.16 – DAV request sent to the static file handler.

    404.16 – DAV请求发送到静态文件处理程序。
  • 404.17 – Dynamic content mapped to the static file handler via a wildcard MIME mapping.

    404.17 –通过通配符MIME映射将动态内容映射到静态文件处理程序。
  • 404.18 – Query string sequence denied.

    404.18 –查询字符串序列被拒绝。
  • 404.19 – Denied by filtering rule.

    404.19 –被过滤规则拒绝。
  • 404.20 – Too Many URL Segments.

    404.20 – URL段过多。

自定义HTTP 404错误页面 (Custom HTTP 404 Error Page)

The HTTP 404 “Not Found” status code is provided by the web server in a raw and standard way. This can lower the user experience and there is a way to improve the HTTP 404 Not Found error to show more user-friendly way. We can customize the HTTP 404 by creating a specific error page to server when this error occurs. Also Different CMS software provides user friendly error page to show users.

Web服务器以原始和标准的方式提供HTTP 404“未找到”状态代码。 这会降低用户体验,并且有一种方法可以改善“ HTTP 404未找到”错误,以显示更加用户友好的方法。 我们可以通过在发生此错误时为服务器创建一个特定的错误页面来自定义HTTP 404。 另外,不同的CMS软件还提供了用户友好的错误页面来显示用户。

Custom HTTP 404 Error Page
自定义HTTP 404错误页面

If you are not using CMS like WordPress, Drupal etc. you can create custom HTTP 404 Not Found error pages. Just create an error page like “404error.html” or “404error.php” and put the content you want to shown in the case of “HTTP 404 Not Found” error. Put the following configuration into the Apache web server configuration file.

如果您未使用WordPress,Drupal等CMS,则可以创建自定义HTTP 404未找到错误页面。 只需创建一个错误页面(如“ 404error.html”或“ 404error.php”),然后将要显示的内容放在“ HTTP 404 Not Found”错误的情况下即可。 将以下配置放入Apache Web服务器配置文件。

ErrorDocument 404 /404error.html

Using customizes HTTP 404 error pages will provides some benefits against the standard 404 error pages.

与标准404错误页面相比,使用自定义HTTP 404错误页面将提供一些好处。

  • Customized HTTP 404 page can provide help about the case to the user. This can putting a search box or redirect another page or provide some information to follow.

    定制的HTTP 404页面可以为用户提供有关案例的帮助。 这可以放置一个搜索框或重定向另一个页面,或提供一些后续信息。
  • Custom HTTP 404 page will make your brand more powerful by using the web site colors, styles and images for the error page.

    通过使用错误页面的网站颜色,样式和图像,自定义HTTP 404页面将使您的品牌更强大。
  • Custom HTTP 404 page may provide some fun by using comic images or icons to the user.

    自定义HTTP 404页面可以通过使用漫画图像或图标向用户提供一些乐趣。

HTTP 404错误页面示例 (HTTP 404 Error Page Examples)

HTTP 404检测工具(HTTP 404 Detection Tools )

HTTP 404 error can be detected in different ways. Even finding error by checking hand is possible it is not a smart way to detect HTTP 404 Not Found errors. There are some tools which can help us to find HTTP 404 errors by checking links. Some of the most popular tools to find HTTP 404 error is like below.

可以通过不同方式检测HTTP 404错误。 即使通过检查手来发现错误,也可能不是检测HTTP 404 Not Found错误的明智方法。 有一些工具可以通过检查链接来帮助我们查找HTTP 404错误。 以下是一些查找HTTP 404错误的最受欢迎的工具。

Google Search Console is a tool which is provided by Google to the site owners or manager to track their web sites for different metrics and errors for Google Search engine. Google Search Console is related with the Google Search Engine and provides very useful and meaningful information about HTTP 404 error.

Google Search Console是Google提供给网站所有者或管理者的工具,用于跟踪其网站以了解Google搜索引擎的不同指标和错误。 Google Search Console与Google Search Engine相关,并提供有关HTTP 404错误的非常有用和有意义的信息。

Google Search Console Coverage
Google Search Console的覆盖范围
Google Search Console HTTP 404 Not Found Errors
找不到Google Search Console HTTP 404错误

Dead Link Checker is an online tools used to make checks for web sites for dead links. It can be used to check single or multiple links for HTTP 404 Not Found error check.

Dead Link Checker是一种在线工具,用于检查网站是否存在死链接。 它可用于检查单个或多个链接以进行HTTP 404 Not Found错误检查。



Dead Link Checker

如何修复HTTP 404找不到错误?(How To Fix HTTP 404 Not Found Error?)

HTTP 404 error may have different causes where different problem sources requires different solutions or fixes. Problem can be related with server software, disk, web server, network, cloud provider, user etc. Lets list some common fixing ways for the “HTTP 404 Not Found” error. We will categorize the solutions according to the problem and related solutions part.

HTTP 404错误可能有不同的原因,其中不同的问题源需要不同的解决方案或解决方案。 问题可能与服务器软件,磁盘,Web服务器,网络,云提供商,用户等有关。让我们列出“ HTTP 404 Not Found”错误的一些常见修复方法。 我们将根据问题和相关解决方案部分对解决方案进行分类。

客户端解决方案 (Client Side Solutions)

  • The first option to solve HTTP 404 error is reloading the page by using “F5” keyboard shortcut or refresh button of the web browser. In rare situations the web servers can not operate properly where the HTTP 404 error can be returned. So we will refresh the request to fulfill it properly.

    解决HTTP 404错误的第一个选项是使用Web浏览器的“ F5”键盘快捷键或刷新按钮重新加载页面。 在极少数情况下,Web服务器无法正常运行,并可能返回HTTP 404错误。 因此,我们将刷新请求以正确执行它。
  • Servers provide the resources or web pages by using URLs. Generally providing wrong non-existing URLs will return HTTP 404 Not Found error. So we can fix this error by checking URL generally some mistyped characters can cause this type of error. Also if the URL is copied and pasted some characters and terms can be encoded wrong too.

    服务器通过使用URL提供资源或网页。 通常,提供错误的不存在的URL将返回HTTP 404 Not Found错误。 因此,我们通常可以通过检查URL来解决此错误,某些错误键入的字符可能会导致此类错误。 同样,如果复制并粘贴了URL,则某些字符和术语也可能被错误编码。
  • URL can also contains multiple directory levels to access. If the URL provides multiple directory levels like “https://www.poftut/a/b/c/test.html” the best way is checking the upper-level directories for existence like browsing “https://www.poftut/a” and then “https://www.poftut/a/b” so on.

    URL还可以包含多个要访问的目录级别。 如果URL提供多个目录级别(例如“ https://www.poftut/a/b/c/test.html”),则最好的方法是检查上级目录是否存在,例如浏览“ https:// www。 poftut/a”,然后“ https://www.poftut/a/b”,依此类推。
  • Even after checking the previous solutions, we get HTTP 404 error we can use the search box for the given site which can provide some information about the URL or web page.

    即使检查了先前的解决方案后,我们仍然收到HTTP 404错误,我们可以使用给定站点的搜索框,该搜索框可以提供有关URL或网页的一些信息。
  • Alternatively we can use a general internet search engine like Google in order to search the given URL or web page. “site:poftut myexamplepage” term can be used for the target web site.

    或者,我们可以使用通用的互联网搜索引擎(如Google)来搜索给定的URL或网页。 “ site:poftut myexamplepage”一词可用于目标网站。
  • Deleting the browser cache and cookies can be a way for the solution. This can be related to the cached files and requests may have improper parameters. Deleting the cache will clear all past configurations.

    删除浏览器缓存和cookie可能是该解决方案的一种方法。 这可能与缓存的文件有关,并且请求的参数可能不正确。 删除缓存将清除所有过去的配置。

服务器/提供商端解决方案 (Server/Provider Side Solutions)

  • Deleted pages can be reviewed where the request for a deleted page will create HTTP 404 Not Found error. Deleted page can be review by using search engines and cached page list of the search results.

    可以检查已删除的页面,其中对已删除页面的请求将产生HTTP 404 Not Found错误。 可以使用搜索引擎和搜索结果的缓存页面列表来查看已删除的页面。
  • Web servers uses regular or script files in order to serve pages. Regular and script files have permission for access on the operating system. If the web server do not have the access permission for the file it will return HTTP 404 error. The required access permission should be given properly.

    Web服务器使用常规文件或脚本文件来提供页面。 常规文件和脚本文件具有访问操作系统的权限。 如果Web服务器没有文件访问权限,它将返回HTTP 404错误。 所需的访问权限应正确给予。
  • Memory Limit is another case where new content can not be stored in the memory and can not be served properly which will throw an 404 error. The memory of the system and web server can be checked.

    内存限制是另一种情况,其中新内容无法存储在内存中且无法正确提供,这将引发404错误。 可以检查系统和Web服务器的内存。
  • “.htaccess” files are used to set folder specific configuration and permission for a web server. Wrong “.htaccess” configuration may cause HTTP 404 where the .htaccess file should be checked.

    “ .htaccess”文件用于为Web服务器设置文件夹特定的配置和权限。 错误的“ .htaccess”配置可能导致HTTP 404,应在其中检查.htaccess文件。
  • Apache web server uses the “mod_rewrite” module in order to reavaluate URLs which is used for customize URLs. Check if “mod_rewrite” is enable and configured properly.

    Apache Web服务器使用“ mod_rewrite”模块来重新评估用于自定义URL的URL。 检查“ mod_rewrite”是否启用并正确配置。

找不到不同的HTTP 404错误页面 (Different HTTP 404 Not Found Error Pages)

Different web servers and web sites provide different HTTP 404 Not Found error. Below we will list some of the popular web sites and CMS HTTP 404 error pages.

不同的Web服务器和网站提供不同的HTTP 404 Not Found错误。 下面我们将列出一些受欢迎的网站和CMS HTTP 404错误页面。

Google Search


Google Search HTTP 404 Not Found Error Page
Google搜索HTTP 404找不到错误页面

WordPress Search HTTP 404 Not Found Error Page

WordPress搜索HTTP 404找不到错误页面

WordPress Search HTTP 404 Not Found Error Page
WordPress搜索HTTP 404找不到错误页面

Apache HTTP 404 Not Found Error Page

找不到Apache HTTP 404错误页面

Apache HTTP 404 Not Found Error Page
找不到Apache HTTP 404错误页面

Nginx HTTP 404 Not Found Error Page

找不到Nginx HTTP 404错误页面

Nginx HTTP 404 Not Found Error Page
找不到Nginx HTTP 404错误页面

Joomla HTTP 404 Not Found Page

找不到Joomla HTTP 404页面

Joomla HTTP 404 Not Found Page
找不到Joomla HTTP 404页面

找不到类似于HTTP 404的错误(Errors Similar To HTTP 404 Not Found )

翻译自: https://www.poftut/http-404-not-found-error-code-and-solutions/

本文标签: 找不到错误代码解决方案http