



The creators of ancient Egyptian civilization are widely

proven to have been formed by the fusion of indigenous North

African and West Asian immigrants, but the time of integration

is unknown, and it can only be said that it may have evolved

over a long period of time. The geographical position of the

ancient Egyptian state, the Libyan desert to the west, the

Arabian desert to the east, the Nubian desert and the Great

Falls to the south, and the coast to the north, these natural

conditions made the ancient Egyptian state surrounded and

protected from foreign enemies.

According to the traditional dynastic chronology, the

history of ancient Egypt consists of 31 dynasties, and the

history of ancient Egypt can be organized chronologically into

the following periods: the Baidari culture (about 5000 BC - 4000

BC), the Amra culture (about 4000 BC - 3500 BC, also known as

Negada I), the Gelse culture (3500 BC - 3100 BC, also known as

Negada II), the period of dynasties and the intermediate period

of inter-dynastic the Gelsey culture, the earliest

state of ancient Egypt, called "Nom", was already emerging,

similar to the later States of Egypt, and the Egyptian script

appeared in the same period. In the early dynastic period (3100

BC), ancient Egypt established a state under the leadership of

the rulers and unified the other tribes of ancient Egypt at that

time, in other words, the unified state of ancient Egypt

appeared in 3100 BC, which is currently the earliest unified

state in human civilization with evidence.

In the ancient Egyptian state, the supreme ruler was called

the pharaoh, who was regarded as the son of the sun god and had

supreme power and status. Under the pharaoh there was the "prime

minister", that is, in the Arabic word Vasir, in addition to

the ministers, who were in charge of state affairs, but the

decision-making power was vested in the pharaoh.




本文标签: 古埃及国家沙漠时期法老