



(一) 短语和词组

line up 排列 a long tail 一条长尾巴 than you taller 比你高 how heavy 多重

how long多长 how big 多大 have a fever 发 烧 have the flu 患流感

a big nose 一个大鼻子 have a headache 头痛 go to the park 去公园

watch TV看电视 at night 在夜晚 play the piano 弹钢琴 play football 踢足球

listen to music听音乐 go swimming 去游泳 wash clothes 洗衣服 feel tired 感觉劳累

take some medicine 吃药 worry about 焦急,担心 have a sore throat 喉咙疼

have a toothache 牙痛 laugh at 因…而发笑 eat good food 品尝美食 buy present 买礼物

take pictures 照相 learn Chinese 学汉语 folk dance 民族舞 folk clothes 民族服装

this weekend 这个周末 by plane (by air)乘飞机 a taxi driver 出租车司机 go skiing去滑雪

far from 离….远 farewell party欢送会 last day of the holiday 假期的最后一天

good luck 好运 at the museum/airport 在博物馆/飞机场 in the future 在将来

the end of the school 学年末 carrot juice 胡萝卜汁 a book of stamps 一本邮册

just a minute 等一会 Stone forest 石林 Spring city 春城 on the moon 在月球

funny tongue twisters 有趣的绕口令 a few days 几天 the deep cold water 在寒冷的深水

a pair of 一双 theme park 主题公园 read a magazine 阅读杂志 comic book 漫画书

fruit stand 水果摊 shoe store鞋店 pet shop 宠物商店

go to the cinema 去看电影 go away 离开 go back to school 返回学校 go hiking 远足

go on a big trip 进行一次长途旅行

answer the door 开门 answer the phone 接电话 answer----answering(现在分词)

take off 脱下 take a trip 去旅行 take---took (过去式) taking(现在分词) takes(单三)

do the dishes洗碗碟 do morning exercises 晨练 do an experiment 做实验 did(过去式)

do housework 做家务 do homework 做作业 do—does (单三) doing (现在分词)

write a report 写报告 write a letter 写信 write an e-mail 写电子邮件 write a poem 写诗

write (writes 单三) (writing现在分词)(wrote 过去式)

make a snowman 堆雪人 make a kite(make kites) 制作风筝 make the bed 整理床铺

collect insects 收集昆虫 collect stamps 收集邮票 collect leaves 收集树叶 make sure 确认

cook the meals 做饭 cook noodles 煮面条

catch the ball 接球 catch butterflies 捉蝴蝶 catch—caught(过去式) catches(单三)


stop at a red light 红灯停 wait a yellow light 黄灯等 go at a green light 绿灯行

by bike 骑自行车 on foot 步行 by car(take the car)/by subway/ by ship

crosswalk人行穿越道 No entry禁止通行 No bikes自行车禁行 One way单行道

Turn right 右转 No turn left 禁止左转


write soon尽快给我回信

take care保重 have a trip 旅途愉快 keep up touch 保持联系

see you later 一会见

(二 )词的用法


例:book---books watch—watches baby---babies knife---knives roof--roofs

foot---feet man—men goose—geese ox--oxen child—children mouse---mice

tomato—tomatoes fish—fish deer—deer Chinese –Chinese


woman doctor-----women doctors


例:a worker a pen an hour an apple an orange the picture


例:I(主格)---me(宾格) my(形容词物主代词)-----mine(名词性物主代词)

You ----you your ---- yours

He -----him his ------ his

She ----her her ------hers

We ---us our ------ours

You ---you your ------yours

They -- them their -------theirs(

注:This is my jacket.(同义句) This jacket is mine.


基数词 one two three four …..

序数词first second third fourth fifth eighth ninth twentieth thirty—first(第三十一)



例:tall—taller big---bigger heavy—heavier late—later beautiful—more beautiful

good/well---better---best(最高级) many/much---more---most(最高级)

ill/bad----worse-----worst(最高级) little-------less---------least(最高级)

old---older/elder—oldest/eldest(最高级) far—farther/further—farthest/furthest(最高级)

例句:I am taller than your brother. He is shorter than me.



(always usually often sometimes never every day …..这些词出现体现一般现在时)

例1.)He always helps others. 他总是帮助别人。

Does he always [ help] others?(一般疑问句) Yes,he does. No,he doesn’t.

2.)We do(实义动词) homework after school.我们放学后做作业。

Do(助动词) you(你我互换) do homework after school? Yes,we do. No,we don’t.

3.)They are men—teachers.他们是男教师。

Are they men—teachers?(一般疑问句) Yes,they are. No,they aren’t.

4.)Mike is an American. 迈克是美国人。

Is Mike an American? Yes, he is. No, he isn’t.

5.)Mr. Black likes (math.) (对括号部分提问)

What does like ?


work---works like—likes wash—washes guess—guesses do—does

watch—watches(观看) carry—carries study—studies have----has

B. 一般过去时(谓语动词要求写成一般过去式形式,即一般情况下词尾加ed)

例:1.)She went to Beijing yestoday. 她昨天去了北京.

Did she go to Beijing yestoday ? (有实义动词的一般疑问句) Yes, she did. No, she didn’t.

2.)She was a nurse in 1999. 她在1999年是一名护士。

Was she a nurse in 1999 ?(有be动词的一般疑问句) Yes, she was. No,she wasn’t.

3.)We (flew kites) last Sunday.(对括号部分提问)

What did you do last Sunday?


例:borrow—borrowed play-played look—looked live—lived like—liked dance-danced

study—studied carry—carried stop—stopped cancel—cancelled (取消)


swim—swam fly—flew run—ran eat---ate have/has---had do—did

take---took buy—bought draw—drew teach---taught go---went sing---sang

come—came make—made wear—wore can—could get---got write—wrote

drink—drank meet---met say---said find—found catch—caught wake—woke

see—saw leave—left tell—told may—might am/is—was are---were

read—read set—set put—put cut---cut

C.现在进行时【结构为: 主语+be(is/am/are)+现在分词+其他】

(Look! Listen! 等不及物动词,独立成句时,体现的时态是现在进行时。now也是)

Eg. Look! Those children are singing.

例:1.)I am reading now. 我正在阅读。

Are you reading now? (一般疑问句) Yes,I am. No, I’m not.

2.)Lily is watching TV. 莉莉在看电视。

Is Lily watching TV? (一般疑问句) Yes, she is. No, she isn’t.

3.)They are (flying kites).他们在放风筝。(对括号内提问)

What are they doing?

4.)(He )is playing football.(对括号内提问) Who is playing football?


look—looking study—studying go—going take—taking write---writing

sit---sitting begin---beginning stop—stopping run—running hope—hoping


句型结构【主语+be(is/am/are)+going to +动词原形+其他】

同义句结构【主语 +will /shall+动词原形+其他】

例:1.)She is going to visit her grandmother tomorrow.(同义句)

She will visit her grandmother tomorrow.

Is she going to visit her grandmother tomorrow? Yes, she is. No,she isn’t.

Will she visit her grandmother tomorrow? Yes,she will. No,she won’t.

2.)You are going to go to the cinema.你们要去电影院。

Are we going to go to the cinema?

3.)I am going to (climb the mountain )next holiday.(对括号内部分提问)

What are you going to do next holiday.?


1.I’m 160 cm .You are 4 cm taller than me. 我160cm,你比我高4cm。

2.I’m one year older than you. 我比你大一岁

up from younger to older. 从年龄小的到年龄大的排队。

4.I’m bigger and stronger than you. 我比你长得又大又壮。

’s the matter?/What’s wrong? 你怎么了?

are you feeling now?/How do you feel? 你感觉怎么样?

might have the flu. 你可能得了感冒。

in bed for a few days.在床上休息几天。

8.I failed my Chinese test. 我语文考试没及格。

is Sunday today.今天周日。

10.I am better now.我现在好多了。

big are your hands? 你的手多大?

did you do last weekend? 上周你做什么了?

washed his clothes and cleaned his room. 他洗衣服和打扫房间了。

ly my kite flew into the lake.突然我的风筝掉入湖里。

15.I was very grateful to him.我非常感谢它。

ow I will be back home .明天我要回家。

relaxed and prepared to go back to work or school.我们放松了下准备回去工作学习.

are you going on your holiday? 你假期要去哪里?

are you going with? 你将和谁去?

is your family going to get there ? 你们全家怎么去那里?

is the weather like there? 那里的天气怎么样?

.It’s usually sunny and warm. 经常是阳光充足而又温暖的。

you help me with the backpack,please?你能帮我拿背包吗?

you like to perform at the party?你愿意在宴会上表演吗?

,who’s that ? Hello,this is Liu Yun speaking.

25. Drivers drive on the side of the road. 司机在马路的右侧行驶。

must know the traffic rules. 你必须了解交通规则。

home is near.我的家在附近。

and find the differences. 观察并找出不同点。

traffic lights are the same in every country.交通灯在每个国家都是相同的。

you all for coming. 很感谢你们的到来.

31.I want to be a science teacher one day. 我想有一天我会成为一名科学教师。

is your father? What is your father’s job?

What does your father do? 你父亲是从事什么职业的?

does the rain come from? 雨从哪里来?

It comes from the clouds. 它来自云。

can the water become vapour ?水怎样能变成水蒸气?

The sun shines and the water become vapour. 阳光照射水就变成了蒸气。

35.I’m going to plant flower seeds in the soil. 我要在土壤里种花。

本文标签: 动词收集变成谓语主语