



.(Application Number)申请号 .(Serisl Number)申请书,登记号 .3

(International Patent Classification,3 rd Edition)国际专利分类表(第三版) Abstract of the

disclosure发明摘要 Preferred embodiments最佳实施方案 Cross-Sheet 5 第5页(图共5页)

Sheet 3 of 4第3页(图共4页)

二、常用的句子 nce is made to our copending application No.25838/78 filed 31 st

May 1978.请参阅我们在1978年5月31日登记的与此有关的申请书,其申请号为25838/78。

说明:make reference to:参考,提及。Copending:与此有关的,尚待批准的。 present

application is a continuation-in-part of applications .626245, filed Mar.27,

1967,now abandoned and .767046,filed Sept.26,1968, now patent No.3619220.本专利申请书是下列两件美国专利申请书的继续。其中第一件于1967年3月27日提出申请,申请号626245,现已放弃。第二件于1968年9月26日提出申请,申请号767046,专利号3619220。

说明:continuation-in-part:指的是接续专利。.:流水号,档案号,申请号 ,登记号。申请专利时,专利局进行登记,编一个流水号,习惯称为申请号。经审查批准后,再编一个专利号。 invention described herein may be manufactured, used, and licensed by or for

the Government for governmental purposes without the payment to us of any royalty thereon.本发明若为政府公务需要而由政府或为政府制造、使用、并发给执照,均可不支付专利使用费。

说明:by or for the Government: the Government 为介词by和for两者共同的宾语。royalty: 专利使用费。Thereon(=on that)关于该发明。 embodiments of the invention to be

described permit the production of capacitors of good electrical characteristics, without the need

for using noble metal electrodes.本发明所描述的介质材料能够生产电性能良好的电容器,而无需要使用贵金属电极。 is 本专利权项范围是„„ 说明:What is claimed:主句从句。申请人提出专利权范围的句型还有:What I(we), I(等,都可译为"本专利权项范围是„„"。 6. We, TEXAS INSTRUMENTS INCORPORATED, a

corporation organized according to the laws of the State of Delaware, United States of America, of

13500 North Central Expressway, Dallas, United States of America, do herby declare the

invention, for which we pray that a patent may be granted to us, and the method by which it is to

be performed, to be particularly described in and by the following statement:...得克萨斯仪器公司(地址:美国,得克萨斯州,达拉斯,北中心高速公路13500号)是依照美国特拉华州法律成立的一所公司。本公司郑重公布本发明及实施本发明的方法。恳请贵专利局授予我们专利权。有关发明的细节详见下文:„„ 说明:13500 North Central Expressway, Dallas, Texas,

United States of America: 公司的地址,也可以照抄,不译出 。do declare: 谓语动词,主语为We, do在这里起加强语气的作用。and the method: 与the invention并列,作declare的宾语。to be particularly described in and by the following statement: 动词不定式短语作declare的宾语补足语。 专利翻译中的常用的英语词汇(最新收集) 最近收集了一部分专利翻译中的常用的英语词汇,仅供参考 abandonment of a patent application 放弃专利申请

abandonment of a patent 放弃专利权 abridgment 文摘 abstract 文摘(摘要) abuse of patent 滥用专利权 action for infringement of patent 专利侵权诉讼 action of a patent 专利诉讼

additional features don't work to resolve question 附加的特征也不能解决问题 address for

service 文件送达地址 affidavit 誓书 allowance 准许

to be fulfill the requirment of clarity 满足清晰的要求 to delimite (defined) the scope of

protection 限定了保护范围 to enlarge the scope of protection 扩大了保护范围 to narrow

the scope of protection 缩小了保护范围 to optimize our protection for the application

使对申请的保护合理 vague generalized discussion in D1 含混的,泛泛的讨论 was granted

3 years and 6 months, 7 years and 6 months, 3年零6个月,7年零6个月 Would you please

advise how we can process in this question 请指示我们怎样处理该问 一些常见关键词的翻译 [此帖已被设为精华] 这个也不是标准答案,大家参考一下: in that 由于,在于

Broadly 宽泛地讲 process 方法,过程,工艺 advantageous 有利的 as balance 余量 in

turn 则,反过来,而 disclose 公开 see particularly 具体参见 column XX, line XX XX栏,XX行 contemplated 预期的,涉及,考虑范围内 Also 并且 cross-sectional views 截面图 instead of 代替 portions 一部分 analogous to 类似 particular example 具体例子 result in 导致 but alternatively 或 corresponded to 一致 still somewhat 在某种程度上 about 约 to 至 Accordingly 因此 in principle 原则上 literature 文献 in reality

事实上 cautiously 小心地 After characterization 表征之后 disadvantage for 不利于

term 术语 impart 赋予 subjected to 经过~,易于~,进行~ employ 使用 handling

操作 overview 综述 owing to 由于 Nevertheless 然而 superior to 优于

Surprisingly 出人意料地 mentioned 描述 assume 采用 per se 本身 1980's 1980年代

suitable 合适的 suitably 相称地 Similarly 同样地 confer 提供 give rise to 得到

give 显示出 delivering 提供 regardless of 而不论 benefits 益处 performance 性能

seeking to 试图 convenience 便利性 so also 因此 so forth 等 at times 有时

absolutely imperative 绝对必要 alternatively 或者 substantially 基本上 together with

以及~ exerts 表现出 develop 开发 also 同样 also covers 还包括 likewise 同样

conventional method 常规方法 so that 因此,所以,以便 followed by 然后,随后 vice

verse 反之亦然 particularly 特别是,尤其 in particular 特别是 in particular with 特别是

more particularly 更特别地,更具体地 especially 特别是 specifically 具体地 desirable

希望 is desirable to 希望 if desired 若需要,必要时 desired 预期 undesired 不希望 if

so desired 如果需要 when desired 如果需要 in addition 此外 additionally 此外

moreover 此外 furthermore 此外,更进一步 further 此外 perferably 优选 more

perferably 更优选 most preferably 最优选 still more perferably 再优选 particularly

preferred 特别优选 preference is given 优选 less preferred 次优选 example 实施例,实例 specific examples 具体实例 embodiment 实施方案 therewith 随后 thereby 从而,以 whereby 其中 wherein 其中 thereto 其中 applications 装置 is applicable 使用 is applicable to 适用 typically 通常 frequently 通常 conventionally 通常

among others 除了别的之外,其中 among other properties 除其它性质之外 in addition to

除了~之外,还 except that XX 除了XX besides 除了~之外,还 cost effective 更加经济 commercial XX 商品XX commercial scale 商用规模 are commercially available as XX

其在市场上的商品是XX commercially available 商购 commercial formulatios 商用制剂

marked as medicaments 作为药物上市 optionally 任选地,选择性地,或者 if appropriate

任选地,如果有的话 if necessary 任选地 if present 如果存在

本文标签: 专利专利权范围