



1、形容词在句中作定语, 表语, 宾语补足语。

Paris is a beautiful city.(作定语)

The fish went bad. (作表语)

I feel happy. (作表语)

It sounds great.(作表语)


状态系动词: be

(am, is, are, was, were)

感官系动词: feel, smell, sound, taste

表像系动词: seem, appear, look

持续系动词: keep, remain, stay,

变化系动词: become, grow, turn, fall,

get, go, come, run,

We keep our classroom clean and tidy.(作宾语补足语)

2、表示情感变化或心理感受方面的及物动词,在后面加上“-ed ” 或 “ -ing ” 后都可以构成形容词,但这两种不同形式的形容词在用法上有明显的区别。

① interested, excited, bored, amazed, surprised, embarrassed, frightened,

pleased, terrified, tired等一般用在“人”作主语时,他们跟在be动词或系动


The girl is __________ (terrify) of being alone at home.

I’m _________ (please) with the football match. We did quite well this time.

The boy felt so ___________ to hear the ___________ news. (excite)

② interesting, exciting, boring, amazing, surprising, tiring, moving, thrilling, embarrassing等一般用在“ 物 ”作主语时,他们跟在be动词或系动词后作表语;另外他们也可以放在表示物的形容词前作定语,表示所修饰、陈述的物能令人有某种感觉,译为“令人(感到)......的”。

The football match is very _____________ (interest).

Our English teacher can always make her lessons ____________ (interest).

The girl said that she had never seen such a ____________ (bore) movie.

Some of the jokes that they played on each other were ______(embarrass).

③ 常见带有-ed, -ing的形容词的变化形式及其固定短语搭配。


ed形式及常见短语 ing形式

be excited about exciting





surprise(使惊讶,使吃惊) be surprised at

be amazed at

ed形式及常见短语 ing形式






be embarrassed in


encourage(使受鼓舞,鼓励) be encouraged at/by

frustrate(使失望,使沮丧)be frustrated of

interest(使感兴趣) be interested in

be thrilled at thrill(使激动/ 紧张)


satisfy (使满意)












be terrified at/of/with

be satisfied with

be tired of

please (使高兴,使满意) be pleased with

frighten (使害怕,使惊惧) be frightened at/of

be bored with


relaxed (无固定搭配)

be fascinated by fascinate(使着迷)





be annoyed with

be moved by

be worried about






confuse(使糊涂,使困惑) be confused about


3、有一些词再加上以下后缀后,多表示形容词:-able/ible, -al/ical, -ful, -less,

-ous, -tive/sive, -y, -en, -ern等。

① -able/ible

knowledge___ 有丰富知识的 comfort___ 舒服的 enjoy___ 愉快的

suit___ 合适的;适宜的 drink___ 可以喝的

② -al/ical

usu__ 通常的 person__ 私人的 internation__ 国际的 education__ 教育的

mus___ 音乐的 techn___ 技术的 histor___ 史学的 med___ 医学的

③ -ful

care___小心的;仔细的 help___有帮助的 use___有用的 hope___有希望的 thank___ 感谢的


wonder___ 极好的;精彩的 success___ 成功的

power___ 强大的 pain___ 痛苦的 peace___ 和平的

④ –less

care___ 粗心的 help___ 没有帮助的 use___ 无用的 hope___ 没有希望的

home___ 无家可归的 price___ 无价的 end___ 无止境的 job___ 失业的

sleep___ 失眠的 wire___ 无线的

⑤ -ous

fam___ 著名的 danger___ 危险的 anxi___ 焦急的 nerv___紧张不安的

seri___ 严肃的 humor___ 幽默的 preci___ 宝贵的;珍贵的

⑥ –tive/sive

ac___积极的 crea___有创造力的 attrac___有吸引力的 sensi___敏感的

expen___ 昂贵的

⑦ -y

sunn__晴朗的 wind__刮风的 cloud__多云的 rain__下雨的 snow__下雪的

sleep__想睡觉的 hair__多毛的 milk__牛奶的;乳状的;乳白色的 spic__辛辣的

⑧ -en

wood__ 木制的 gold__ 金色的 wool__ 羊毛质的

⑨ -ern

east___ 东方的 south___ 南方的 west___ 西方的 north___ 北方的


① 表示时间的加ly的形容词;

daily每天的 weekly每周的 monthly每月的 yearly每年的

② 表示人的加ly的形容词;

manly男子气的 womanly女人气的

③ 表示人的外貌、特征、性格、心理的加ly的形容词。

friendly有好的 lovely可爱的;令人愉快的 lively活波的;生动的;真实的



reason___ 合理的

print___ 可印刷的 poss___/imposs___可能的/不可能的 terr___可怕的

warm-hearted 热心的 bad-tempered坏脾气的 left-handed左撇子的

man-made人造的 hand-made手工的 second-hand二手的;旧的

hard-working勤劳的;勤奋的 cold-blooded冷血的 100-meter一百米的

two-year-old两岁的 part-time业余的 full-time专职的;全日制的



He studies very hard. (作状语)

Life here is full of joy. (作定语)

When will you be back? (作表语)

副词是表示行为特征, 动作方式以及性质特征等方面的一类词。如slowly, well,

too, carefully, quite等。副词可以修饰动词,形容词,其他的副词以及表示时



① 一般形容词加上后缀 “ ly ” 转变成副词。

useful-__________ main-__________ strong-_________

② 一般“辅音字母 + y”结尾的形容词,去掉y变为 “ ily ”。

noisy-___________ lucky-__________ heavy-__________

happy-__________ easy-__________

③ 一般以le结尾的形容词,去 “e” 变成 “y”。

terrible-__________ probable-_________ comfortable-_________

④ 以“辅音字母 + e”结尾的形容词,直接 + ly。

wide-__________ fortunate-__________

以“元音字母 + e”结尾的形容词,要去掉e再加ly。

true-__________ 真实地;真诚地

3、方式副词一般都是回答 “怎样的?” 这类问题的,常见的方式副词有:bravely,

calmly, carefully, proudly, happily, rapidly, widely, slowly, warmly, angrily, suddenly, successfully,

well, fast, slow, quick, hard, alone, high, straight等。

* The old man walked home slowly.

* Please listen to the teacher carefully.

* The birds are flying high.

* He runs very fast.











Judy is a ________ worker. She works ________. (slow)

Paul is a ________ driver. He drives his car ________. (careful)

The test was very ________. I solved it ________. (easy)

The answer was ______. She answered all the questions _______.(correct)

They are very ________. They live _________. (happy)

He made a __________ move. He stopped __________. (sudden)

Sam is a ________ person. He always speaks _________. (quiet)

David is an ________ person. He behaves _________. (honest)

The children played _________. The children were ________. (noise)


10. She studies ________ (hard). Her schoolwork is very ________ (well).

11. It was a ________ rain. It also rained _________ yesterday. (heavy)

12. His handwriting is very _________. He writes very _________. (clear)

13. Nadia dances __________. She is also a __________ dancer. (beautiful)

14. They gave a ________ reply. They replied ________. (rude)

15. She types ________. Her typing speed is ________. (fast)

16. My sister’s English is _______. Can you speak English ________? (fluent)

17. Mrs. White shouted at the boys ______. She was very _______. (angry)

18. He buys ___________ things. He lives very ___________. (expensive)

19. “The weather is __________ (wonderful).” He said _________ (loud).

20. Are you __________ in basketball? (interest)

21. I enjoyed the football match. It was quite _________. (excite)

22. The house hadn´t been cleaned for ages. It was really ___________. (disgust). I can’t stand it any


23. It was a really ___________ experience. (terrify)

24. I will be very __________ if he does well in his test. (surprise)

25. Did you hear the __________ news about the accident? (shock)

26. Do you easily get __________? (embarrass)

27. I was not ___________ to be kept waiting so long. (amuse)

28. These instructions are extremely __________. (confuse)

29. It was very ___________ that he couldn’t go hiking with us. (disappoint).

30. The wet weather is so __________. I feel really __________ (depress)

31. She´s such a ________ girl. She never wants to go out with us. That makes us really ________


32. I´m a little __________. I thought your birthday was next Wednesday. (confuse)

33. Don´t be too __________. Everything will be OK. (depress)

34. Have you heard the _________ news about Ann? She won first prize in the cooking competition last

week. (surprise)


( ) 1. I had a hard time with math and I wasn’t ______to get the bad report

from my math teacher.

A. sure


B. surprised

C. excited


D. proud

( ) 2. Tom is not good at math. He always feels _______ before her takes a

math test.

A. interested B. comfortable C. nervous

( ) 3. --I’m going to a job interview. I feel a little_______.

--Take it easy. Listening to music can help you relax. (2010山西)

A. comfortable B. nervous

C. excited

(2010武汉) ( ) 4. --Are you scared of the flight?

-- No, just a little ________.

A. angry B. serious

C. anxious D. calm

(2010武汉) ( ) 5. -- Waiter, $ 20 for dinner, right?

-- I’m afraid $25, sir, for drinks are ________.

A. extra B. free C. high D. spare

( ) 6. -- Peter has good grades in all his subjects, but he never shows off.

--I agree. He is very _________. (2010南京)

A. easy-going


A. open

A. excited

B. opens

B. frightened

C. opened

C. satisfied

D. opening

D. interested


( ) 8. My dog is gentle and never bites. So you needn’t be_____. (2010上海)

( ) 9. -- Our teacher wants us to be _____ when we talk with the foreigners.

--Yes, we should believe in ourselves.

A. comfortable


D. energetic


B. confident C. unusual

B. imaginative C. modest D. generous

( ) 7. You can’t sneeze and keep your eyes _______ at the same time.

( ) 10. -- I'm ______, mum. Can I have something to drink?

-- OK. Here's some cola.

A. full B. heavy C. hungry D. thirsty

(2010福建福州) ( ) 11. -- Lin Tao ,why are you so________?

A. excited B. angry

--Because Wang Meng got three gold medals at the Winter Olympics.

C. disappointed


D. expensive

(2010 湖北襄樊)

D. proud of

(2010 湖北荆门)

( ) 12. -- What do you think of the sweater?

A. nice B. lovely

-- It’s too _________, and I don’t have enough money to buy it.

C. popular

( ) 13. -- Why are you unhappy, Ben?

A. friendly to

-- I was late for class again, I’m afraid Miss Li will be _______ me.

B. angry with C. busy with

( ) 14. He was so _____ when he heard the _____ news that he got the

first prize in the contest.

A. exciting, exciting

C. excited, excited

B. exciting, excited

D. excited, exciting


( ) 15. --What do you think of the entertainment show you saw last night?

--It’s so _______that I want to see it again.

A. exciting B. boring C. tiring

( ) 16. -- Andy, you were the only person that was late for the meeting, why?

-- Sorry, sir. But I really had a ______ time finding the meeting hall.

(2010 湖北宜昌)

A. enjoyable B. funny C. difficult D. pleasant

( ) 17. -- Health is money.

-- But I think it is money. (2010 湖北咸宁)

A. as important as B. more important than

C. so important than D. the same as

( ) 18. Mr. Brown always makes his class _________ and keeps his students

_________ in class.

A. alive; interesting

C. alive; interested

(2010 江苏镇江)

B. lively; interesting

D. lively; interested

(2010 江苏镇江)

( ) 19. That film was so ________ that most of the audience kept screaming

in fear while watching it last night.

A. exciting B. frightening C. boring D. amazing

( ) 20. -- Congratulations! Your teacher told me you got an A this time.

--Thank you. She is very .

A. impressed

(2010 湖北咸宁)

B. embarrassed C. terrified D. frustrated

( ) 21. -- How can I get well along with others, father? (2010 湖北宜昌)

--Try to smile to others, boy. That will make _____ much _____.

A. them, easier B. them, more easy C. it, easy

-- Cheer up. I believe you can be successful.

D. it, easier

( ) 22. -- Mum, I’m really ________ about the result of the exam.

(2010 江苏连云港)

A. patient B. satisfied C. unhappy D. pleased

( ) 23. We will have a field trip this afternoon. The news makes everyone


(2010 天津)

D. luckily A. excited B. frightened C. happily

( ) 24. The shop _____ at 8: and it _____ for ten hours every day.


A. opens; is open

B. is opened; opens

D. opened; opens


C. is open; has opened

speak too quickly.

( ) 25. He finds watching English movies frustrating because the people

A. boring B. difficult C. disappointing

( ) 26. I often laugh when I see my grandma learning pop songs But she says, “One is never ______

old to learn’’. (2010河南)

A. too B. so C. very D. quite

( ) 27. -- Do you think yesterday’s math problem was difficult?

-- Yes. I could ______ work it out.

A. hardly B. easily

-- Thanks a lot.


C. finally

D. nearly



( ) 28. -- Don’t mother will look after your baby _______.

A. careful enough B. enough careful


A. easy

B. easily

C. hard D. hardly

( ) 30. They clapped and shouted ______ when they saw Yao Ming appear on the playground.


C. excitedly D. angrily A. hardly


A. ever

B. quietly

C. carefully enough

( ) 29. The Internet is very useful for us. We can _____ find information.

( ) 31. Mr. White said that he had ______ visited the Great Wall before. It’s his first time to come to


C. Once B. never

( ) 32. As we all know, smoking is bad for us, ______ for children.


A. especially


A. everywhere

A. heavy

B. nowhere C. anywhere

B. heavily C. strong

D. somewhere

D. strongly

( ) 34. Sometimes it rains ________in Xi’an in summer. (2010陕西)

B. recently C. probably D. Nearly

( ) 33. I can’t find my watch, but it must be _____ in this room.

( ) 35. -- Mr Smith ,would you please speak a little more ________?

-- Sorry! I thought you would follow me. (2010湖北十堰)

A. slowly B. politely C. seriously D. clearly

( ) 36. Look , your clothes are wet through. It must be raining _________.


A. loudly B. heavily C. clearly D. normally

( ) 37. -- Does Antonia always finish his homework on time? (2010湖北荆门)

-- Yes, of course. He ______ leaves today’s work for tomorrow.

A. also B. hardly

C. only

D. usually

( ) 38. -- Can I help you?

the same.

A. so B. much

C. very

D. too

( ) 39. -- Where would you like to go on your summer holiday, Mike?

-- I’d like to go ______. (2010甘肃兰州)

B. interesting anywhere A. nowhere interesting


-- Well, I’m afraid the box is ______ heavy for you, but thank you all

C. somewhere interesting D. interesting somewhere

( ) 40. -- What do you think of the lecture of Li Yang’s Crazy English?

-- I think it’s ______ , but someone thinks it’s much too ______.


A. wonderful enough; bored

C. wonderful enough; boring

B. enough wonderful; boring

D. enough wonderful; bored

( ) 41. Don’t blame your friends. Actually they don’t know the truth, either. (2010四川巴中)

A. In all B. In fact C. In general

( ) 42. -- Would you like some coffee? (2010四川)

-- No, thanks. I _____ drink coffee. Coffee is bad for my stomach.

A. almost B. already C. hardly D. still

( ) 43. I can ________ be a nurse. I’m not a very patient person.


A. seldom B. ever C. never D. always

( ) 44. Sandy: How was your vacation in America?

A. even B. least


D. then

Linda: It couldn’t be worse! I don’t _____ want to talk about it!

C. never

( ) 45. Billy: I’ve been fixing the computer for over three hours, but it still doesn’t work.

Nana: Why don’t you take a rest and try _______? Maybe you’ll do better then.


A. early


C. later D. once B. finally


1、形容词在句中作定语, 表语, 宾语补足语。


状态系动词: be

(am, is, are, was, were)

感官系动词: feel, smell, sound, taste

表像系动词: seem, appear, look

持续系动词: keep, remain, stay,

变化系动词: become, grow, turn, fall,

get, go, come, run,

Paris is a beautiful city.(作定语)

The fish went bad.(作表语)

I feel happy.(作表语)

It sounds great.(作表语)

We keep our classroom clean and tidy.(作宾语补足语)

2、表示情感变化或心理感受方面的及物动词,在后面加上“-ed ” 或 “ -ing ” 后都可以构成形容词,但这两种不同形式的形容词在用法上有明显的区别。

① interested, excited, bored, amazed, surprised, embarrassed, frightened,

pleased, terrified, tired等一般用在“人”作主语时,他们跟在be动词或系动


The girl is terrified of being alone at home.

I’m pleased with the football match. We did quite well this time.

The boy felt so excited to hear the exciting news.

② interesting, exciting, boring, amazing, surprising, tiring, moving, thrilling, embarrassing等一般用在“ 物 ”作主语时,他们跟在be动词或系动词后作表语;另外他们也可以放在表示物的形容词前作定语,表示所修饰、陈述的物能令人有某种感觉,译为“令人(感到)......的”。

The football match is very interesting.

Our English teacher can always make her lessons interesting.

The girl said that she had never seen such a boring movie.

Some of the jokes that they played on each other were embarrassing.

③ 常见带有-ed, -ing的形容词的变化形式及其固定短语搭配。


ed形式及常见短语 ing形式

be excited about exciting





surprise(使惊讶,使吃惊) be surprised at

be amazed at

ed形式及常见短语 ing形式






be embarrassed in


encourage(使受鼓舞,鼓励) be encouraged at/by

frustrate(使失望,使沮丧)be frustrated of

interest(使感兴趣) be interested in

be thrilled at thrill(使激动/ 紧张)


satisfy (使满意)

















be terrified at/of/with

be satisfied with

be tired of

please (使高兴,使满意) be pleased with

frighten (使害怕,使惊惧) be frightened at/of

be bored with


relaxed (无固定搭配)

be fascinated by

be annoyed with

be moved by

be worried about






confuse(使糊涂,使困惑) be confused about


3、有一些词再加上以下后缀后,多表示形容词:-able/ible, -al/ical, -ful, -less,

-ous, -tive/sive, -y, -en, -ern等。

① -able/ible

knowledgeable 有丰富知识的 comfortable 舒服的 enjoyable 愉快的

suitable 合适的;适宜的 drinkable 可以喝的 reasonable 合理的

printable 可印刷的 possible/impossible可能的/不可能的 terrible 可怕的

② -al/ical

usual 通常的 personal 私人的 international 国际的 educational 教育的

musical 音乐的 technical 技术的 historical 史学的 medical 医学的

③ -ful

careful 小心的;仔细的 helpful 有帮助的 useful有用的 hopeful 有希望的 thankful 感谢的


wonderful极好的;精彩的 successful成功的

powerful强大的 painful痛苦的 peaceful和平的

④ –less

careless粗心的 helpless没有帮助的 useless无用的 hopeless没有希望的

homeless无家可归的 priceless无价的 endless无止境的 jobless失业的

sleepless失眠的 wireless无线的

⑤ -ous

famous著名的 dangerous危险的 anxious 焦急的 nervous紧张不安的

serious严肃的 humorous幽默的 precious宝贵的;珍贵的

⑥ –tive/sive

active积极的 creative有创造力的 attractive有吸引力的 sensitive敏感的


⑦ -y

sunny阳光明媚的 windy刮风的 cloudy多云的 rainy下雨的 snowy下雪的

sleepy想睡觉的 hairy多毛的 milky牛奶的;乳状的;乳白色的 spicy辛辣的

⑧ -en

wooden木制的 golden金色的 woolen羊毛质的

⑨ -ern

eastern东方的 southern南方的 western西方的 northern北方的


① 表示时间的加ly的形容词;

daily每天的 weekly每周的 monthly每月的 yearly每年的

② 表示人的加ly的形容词;

manly男子气的 womanly女人气的

③ 表示人的外貌、特征、性格、心理的加ly的形容词。

Friendly友好的 lovely可爱的;令人愉快的 lively活波的;生动的;真实的



warm-hearted 热心的 bad-tempered坏脾气的 left-handed左撇子的

man-made人造的 hand-made手工的 second-hand二手的,旧的

hard-working勤劳的;勤奋的 cold-blooded冷血的 100-meter一百米的

two-year-old两岁的 part-time业余的 full-time专职的;全日制的



He studies very hard. (作状语)

Life here is full of joy. (作定语)

When will you be back? (作表语)

副词是表示行为特征, 动作方式以及性质特征等方面的一类词。如slowly, well,

too, carefully, quite等。副词可以修饰动词,形容词,其他的副词以及表示时



① 一般形容词加上后缀 “ ly ” 转变成副词。

useful—usefully有用地 main--mainly 主要地 strong—strongly强有力地;

② 一般“辅音字母 + y”结尾的形容词,去掉y变为 “ ily ”。

noisy—noisily吵闹地 lucky—luckily幸运地 heavy—heavily沉重地

happy—happily快乐地;幸福地 easy—easily容易地;简单地

③ 一般以le结尾的形容词,去 “e” 变成 “y”。

terrible—terribly可怕地 probable—probably可能;大概;也许


④ 以“辅音字母 + e”结尾的形容词,直接 + ly。

wide—widely广泛地 fortunate—fortunately 幸运地

以“元音字母 + e”结尾的形容词,要去掉e再加ly。


3、方式副词一般都是回答 “怎样的?” 这类问题的,常见的方式副词有:bravely,

calmly, carefully, proudly, happily, rapidly, widely, slowly, warmly, angrily, suddenly, successfully,

well, fast, slow, quick, hard, alone, high, straight等。

* The old man walked home slowly.

* Please listen to the teacher carefully.

* The birds are flying high. * He runs very fast.


35. Judy is a slow worker. She works slowly. (slow)

36. Paul is a careful driver. He drives his car carefully. (careful)

37. The test was very easy. I solved it easily. (easy)

38. The answer was correct. She answered all the questions correctly. (correct)

39. They are very happy. They live happily. (happy)

40. He made a sudden move. He stopped suddenly. (sudden)

41. Sam is a quiet person. He always speaks quietly. (quiet)

42. David is an honest person. He behaves honestly. (honest)

43. The children played noisily. The children were noisy. (noise)

44. She studies hard (hard). Her schoolwork is very good (well).

45. It was a heavy rain. It also rained heavily yesterday. (heavy)

46. His handwriting is very clear. He writes very clearly. (clear)

47. Nadia dances beautifully. She is also a beautiful dancer. (beautiful)

48. They gave a rude reply. They replied rudely. (rude)

49. She types fast. Her typing speed is fast. (fast)

50. My sister’s English is fluent. Can you speak English fluently? (fluent)


51. Mrs. White shouted at the boys angrily. She was very angry. (angry)

52. He buys expensive things. He lives very expensively. (expensive)

53. “The weather is wonderful (wonderful).” He said loudly (loud).

54. Are you interested in basketball? (interest)

55. I enjoyed the football match. It was quite exciting. (excite)

56. The house hadn´t been cleaned for ages. It was really disgusting. (disgust). I can’t stand it any


57. It was a really terrifying experience. (terrify)

58. I will be very surprised if he does well in his test. (surprise)

59. Did you hear the shocking news about the accident? (shock)

60. Do you easily get embarrassed? (embarrass)

61. I was not amused(有趣的)to be kept waiting so long. (amuse)

62. These instructions are extremely confusing. (confuse)

63. It was very disappointing that he couldn’t go hiking with us. (disappoint).

64. The wet weather is so depressing. I feel really depressed (depress)

65. She´s such a boring girl. She never wants to go out with us. That makes us

really bored (boring).

66. I´m a little confused. I thought your birthday was next Wednesday. (confuse)

67. Don´t be too depressed. Everything will be OK. (depress)

68. Have you heard the surprising news about Ann? She won first prize in the cooking competition last

week. (surprise)


( B ) 1. I had a hard time with math and I wasn’t ______to get the bad report

from my math teacher.

A. sure


B. surprised

C. excited


( C ) 2. Tom is not good at math. He always feels _______ before her takes a

math test.

A. interested B. comfortable C. nervous D. proud

( B ) 3. --I’m going to a job interview. I feel a little_______.

--Take it easy. Listening to music can help you relax. (2010山西)

A. comfortable B. nervous

C. excited

(2010武汉) ( C ) 4. --Are you scared of the flight?

-- No, just a little ________.

A. angry B. serious

C. anxious D. calm

(2010武汉) ( A ) 5. -- Waiter, $ 20 for dinner, right?

-- I’m afraid $25, sir, for drinks are ________.

A. extra B. free C. high D. spare

( C ) 6. -- Peter has good grades in all his subjects, but he never shows off.

--I agree. He is very _________.

A. easy-going


A. open B. opens C. opened D. opening


( B ) 8. My dog is gentle and never bites. So you needn’t be______. (2010上海)


D. generous B. imaginative C. modest

( A ) 7. You can’t sneeze and keep your eyes _______ at the same time.

A. excited B. frightened C. satisfied

D. interested

( B ) 9. -- Our teacher wants us to be _____ when we talk with the foreigners.

--Yes, we should believe in ourselves.

A. comfortable


D. energetic


B. confident C. unusual

( D ) 10. -- I'm ______, mum. Can I have something to drink?

-- OK. Here's some cola.

A. full B. heavy C. hungry D. thirsty

(2010福建福州) ( A ) 11. -- Lin Tao ,why are you so________?

A. excited B. angry

--Because Wang Meng got three gold medals at the Winter Olympics.

C. disappointed


D. expensive

(2010 湖北襄樊)

D. proud of

(2010 湖北荆门)

( D ) 12. -- What do you think of the sweater?

A. nice B. lovely

-- It’s too _________, and I don’t have enough money to buy it.

C. popular

( B ) 13. -- Why are you unhappy, Ben?

A. friendly to

-- I was late for class again, I’m afraid Miss Li will be _______ me.

B. angry with C. busy with

( D ) 14. He was so _____ when he heard the _____ news that he got the

first prize in the contest.

A. exciting, exciting

C. excited, excited

B. exciting, excited

D. excited, exciting


( A ) 15. --What do you think of the entertainment show you saw last night?

--It’s so _______that I want to see it again.

A. exciting B. boring C. tiring

( C ) 16. -- Andy, you were the only person that was late for the meeting, why?

-- Sorry, sir. But I really had a ______ time finding the meeting hall.

(2010 湖北宜昌)

A. enjoyable B. funny C. difficult D. pleasant

( B ) 17. -- Health is money.

-- But I think it is money. (2010 湖北咸宁)

A. as important as B. more important than

C. so important than D. the same as

( D ) 18. Mr. Brown always makes his class _________ and keeps his students

_________ in class.

A. alive; interesting

C. alive; interested

(2010 江苏镇江)

B. lively; interesting

D. lively; interested

(2010 江苏镇江)

( B ) 19. That film was so ________ that most of the audience kept screaming

in fear while watching it last night.

A. exciting B. frightening C. boring D. amazing

( A ) 20. -- Congratulations! Your teacher told me you got an A this time.

--Thank you. She is very .

A. impressed

(2010 湖北咸宁)

B. embarrassed C. terrified D. frustrated

( D ) 21. -- How can I get well along with others, father? (2010 湖北宜昌)

--Try to smile to others, boy. That will make _____ much _____.

A. them, easier B. them, more easy C. it, easy D. it, easier

( C ) 22. -- Mum, I’m really ________ about the result of the exam.

-- Cheer up. I believe you can be successful. (2010 江苏连云港)

A. patient B. satisfied C. unhappy D. pleased

( A ) 23. We will have a field trip this afternoon. The news makes everyone


(2010 天津)

D. luckily A. excited B. frightened C. happily

( A ) 24. The shop _____ at 8: and it _____ for ten hours every day.


A. opens; is open

B. is opened; opens

D. opened; opens


C. is open; has opened

too quickly.

( C ) 25. He finds watching English movies frustrating because the people speak

A. boring B. difficult C. disappointing

( A ) 26. I often laugh when I see my grandma learning pop songs But she says, “One is never ______

old to learn’’. (2010河南)

A. too B. so C. very D. quite

( A ) 27. -- Do you think yesterday’s math problem was difficult?

-- Yes. I could ______ work it out.

A. hardly B. easily

-- Thanks a lot.


C. finally

D. nearly



( C ) 28. -- Don’t mother will look after your baby _______.

A. careful enough B. enough careful


A. easy

B. easily

C. hard D. hardly

( C ) 30. They clapped and shouted _______ when they saw Yao Ming appear on the playground.


C. excitedly D. angrily A. hardly


A. ever

B. quietly

C. carefully enough

( B ) 29. The Internet is very useful for us. We can _____ find information.

( B ) 31. Mr. White said that he had ______ visited the Great Wall before. It’s his first time to come to


C. once B. never

( A ) 32. As we all know, smoking is bad for us, ______ for children.


A. especially


A. everywhere

A. heavy

B. nowhere C. anywhere

B. heavily C. strong

D. somewhere

D. strongly

( B ) 34. Sometimes it rains ________in Xi’an in summer. (2010陕西)

( A ) 35. -- Mr Smith ,would you please speak a little more ________?

-- Sorry! I thought you would follow me. (2010湖北十堰)

A. slowly B. politely C. seriously D. clearly

( B ) 36. Look , your clothes are wet through. It must be raining _________.


B. recently C. probably D. nearly

( D ) 33. I can’t find my watch, but it must be _____ in this room.

A. loudly B. heavily C. clearly D. normally

( B ) 37. -- Does Antonia always finish his homework on time? (2010湖北荆门)

-- Yes, of course. He ______ leaves today’s work for tomorrow.

A. also B. hardly C. only D. usually

( D ) 38. -- Can I help you? (2010青海宁夏)

-- Well, I’m afraid the box is ______ heavy for you, but thank you all

the same.

A. so B. much

C. very

D. too

( C ) 39. -- Where would you like to go on your summer holiday, Mike?

-- I’d like to go ______. (2010甘肃兰州)

B. interesting anywhere A. nowhere interesting

C. somewhere interesting D. interesting somewhere

( C ) 40. -- What do you think of the lecture of Li Yang’s Crazy English?

-- I think it’s ______ , but someone thinks it’s much too ______.


A. wonderful enough; bored

C. wonderful enough; boring

B. enough wonderful; boring

D. enough wonderful; bored

( B ) 41. Don’t blame your friends. Actually they don’t know the truth, either. (2010四川巴中)

A. In all B. In fact C. In general

( C ) 42. -- Would you like some coffee? (2010四川)

-- No, thanks. I _____ drink coffee. Coffee is bad for my stomach.

A. almost B. already C. hardly D. still

( C ) 43. I can ________ be a nurse. I’m not a very patient person.


A. seldom B. ever C. never D. always

( A ) 44. Sandy: How was your vacation in America?

A. even B. least


D. then

Linda: It couldn’t be worse! I don’t _____ want to talk about it!

C. never

( C ) 45. Billy: I’ve been fixing the computer for over three hours, but it still doesn’t work.

Nana: Why don’t you take a rest and try _______? Maybe you’ll do better then.

A. early


C. later D. once B. finally


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