


Lesson Nine --- word study

1. Astound

v. to astonish and bewilder 震惊,极为惊讶和迷惑不解

He was astounded when he heard his son had taken drugs.


总结关于吃惊的单词:如surprised, amazed, astonished startled, shocked, frightened,

dumfounded, flabbergasted, taken aback,

【Derivation】Astounding adj.令人惊骇的

astoundment n.震惊, 惊讶

2. barbarian: n.

1) a person who is primitive or uncivilized原始人

2) A fierce, brutal, or cruel person凶暴、粗野或残酷的人

3) An insensitive, uncultured person; a boor没有文化的人;乡巴佬

【Derivation】barbaric/barbarous adj.

barbarism n.野蛮,未开化

barbarity n.残暴的行为,


barbarianize v.使野蛮化,


barbarization n.野蛮化

【Synonyms】brutal, uncivilized, primitive, savage

3. bosom

n. The chest of a human being 胸部

He held the sleepy child to his bosom.


strain sb. to one's bosom [breast, heart] 把某人紧抱在怀里

in the bosom of one's family一家团聚, 享天伦之乐

adj. Beloved; intimate心爱的;亲密的:

a bosom friend 一个亲密的朋友

A bosom friend afar brings a distant land near.


v. 怀抱,隐匿

She bosomed her letter. 她把信揣在怀里。

4. Bound

n.跃进, 跳, 范围, 限度(pl.)

beyond the bounds of reason 超出理性的范围

out of bounds超越限度;禁止入内

This area is out of bounds to persons not concerned.



Lesson Nine --- word study

He made progress in maths by leaps and bounds.


He cleared the hedge at one bound.


adj.正要启程的, 开往...去的(for);被束缚的;肯定的;装订的

This train is bound for Shanghai.


be bound to one's job

Just wars are bound to triumph over wars of aggression.


The marriage on the basis of money is bound to break up.


v.跳跃, 限制;以…为界;在规定范围内

The young animals were bounding about the field.


His heart bounded with excitement.


The US is bounded on the north by Canada and on the south by Mexico.


5. decorate:

vt. to put things in a room or house to make it more beautiful,

e.g. We decorated the Christmas tree with lights.

Be decorated with

【Derivation】decorator n. 油漆工

decorative adj.


decoration n.



【synonyms】adorn; ornament; beautify; trim

6. Egoist n. One devoted to one's own interests and advancement; an egocentric person


Synonym: ; egocentric adj.自我中心的, 利己主义的n.利己主义者

Antonym: Altruist n.利他主义者, 爱他主义者

Egoism n.自我主义, 利己主义

Egotism n.自我中心, 自尊自大

Egoistic adj.自我中心的, 自私自利的

egotistic]adj.自我本位的, 任性的, 自高自大的

7. Exasperate v.


Lesson Nine --- word study

1) To make very angry or impatient; annoy greatly 激怒;令人恼怒

The teachers were exasperated at / by Bob's cheat in the examination.


2) To increase the gravity or intensity of 使加剧;增加严重性或紧张程度

Synonym: aggravate- anger- annoy- infuriate- irritate- madden-vex

8. grimace

n. an ugly twisted expression on the face to cause laughter or to show pain面部的歪扭, 鬼脸

Bernie gave a grimace of disgust and left the room.

make grimaces作怪相

vi To make a sharp contortion of the face扮鬼脸, 作苦相 ~ (at sb/sth)

She grimaced in/with distaste at the thought of it.

The clown grimaced at the children.


9. haunt v.

1) To inhabit, visit, or appear to in the form of a ghost or other supernatural being.


The old castle is said to be haunted.


A haunted house闹鬼的房子

2) To visit often; frequent 经常拜访;常去

haunt the movie theaters经常去电影院

3) To come to mind continually; obsess时常萦绕心头;使困窘:

a riddle that haunted me all morning一个困扰我整个上午的谜语

I was haunted by his last words to me.


10. infuriate:

vt. To make sb extremely angry

I was infuriated at their constant criticism. 对...极为愤怒

It infuriated me to think of the money we’ve wasted.

infuriating adj. infuriation n.激昂, 激怒

11. loathe:

v. hate sth very much厌恶, 憎恶

I loathe washing dishes. 我讨厌洗盘子。

Loathsome adj. 令人讨厌的;令人厌恶的

Synonyms: dislike; abhor; abominate; detest

Antonym: adore


Lesson Nine --- word study

12. luxury

n. sth that is expensive and enjoyable, but not essential,

e.g. a luxury hotel/flat; live in luxury; live/lead a life of luxury

luxurious adj.

cf. extravagance

13. maniac n.

(1) mad person; wild and foolish person

(2) (derog) person with extreme liking (for sth)

e.g. She’s a football maniac.

maniacal adj : violently mad; extremely enthusiastic

e.g. maniacal behavior, a maniacal expression on his face

14. melancholy:

adj. very sad, causing sadness

A funeral is a melancholy occasion.

n. Sadness or depression of the spirits; gloom忧郁;忧郁症

A profound melancholy seized her.一阵极度的凄伤袭上她的心头。

15. peel

v. 剥…的皮;脱皮;脱落

to peel an apple/a banana

The wallpaper is peeling off.


These potatoes peel easily.



to peel potatoes去土豆皮

to husk the rice除大米的稻壳

to shell the peas剥豆荚

to weed the garden除去花园内的杂草

to skin a cat, to gut the fish给猫剥皮,取鱼的内脏

to dust the tables除去桌上的灰尘


Pare: To remove the outer covering or skin of with a knife or similar instrument

pare an apple

Skin: To remove skin from剥掉动物的毛皮

skin and gut the rabbit剥掉兔子的皮并取出它的内脏



Lesson Nine --- word study

16. prick v.

1) To puncture lightly轻刺

The thorns of roses prick rather badly.

2) To affect with a mental or emotional pang, as of sorrow or remorse


Her conscience began to prick her.她受良心的谴责

3) To cause to stand erect or point upward使站直或坚起

prick up竖起

The spires of churches prick up through the greenery.


His voice pricked up in surprise.


The dogs pricked their ears.

狗竖起了耳朵 (专注地听;以极大的兴趣听)

kick against the pricks以卵击石; 做无用的抱怨

17. scrape v.

1) To remove an outer layer from a surface by forceful strokes of an edged or rough instrument


Scrape the mud off your shoes with this knife.


2) To injure the surface of by rubbing against something rough or sharp


scrape my knee on the sidewalk我的膝盖在人行道上刮破了

He scraped the side of his car. 他刮坏了汽车一侧。

3) To succeed or manage with difficulty 勉强通过; 艰难地获胜或通过

scrape through by a narrow margin勉强过关

scrape the bottom of the barrel退而求其次

18. slumber v. / n.

1)To sleep睡觉

The baby slumbered in his cradle.婴儿安睡在摇篮中。

slumber away one's time 以睡眠度过时光

fall into slumber 入睡

2)To be dormant or quiescent处于静止或休眠;(火山)不活跃;沉睡


Sleep; rest休息; doze / drowse / snooze瞌睡; nap打盹,小睡;

19. unfold vt. / vi.


Lesson Nine --- word study

1) 展开, 打开, 铺开(折叠物)

unfold a map 摊开地图

unfold one's arms张开双臂

Spring flowers unfolded everywhere. 春天的花四处绽放(vi.)

2) 显露; 表明

Unfold one's intentions表明意向

The solution to the problem unfolded as they spoke.


The landscape unfolded before me.



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