



A nominated bank acting on its nomination, a confirming bank, if any, and the issuing bank must examine a presentation to

determine, on the basis of the documents alone, whether or

not the documents appear on their face to constitute a complying presentation。按照指定行事的指定银行、保兑行(如有)以及开证行必须对提交的单据进行审核,并仅以单据本身为基础,确定单据其表面上看来是否构成相符交单.

Credit means any arrangement, however named or described, that

is irrevocable and thereby constitutes a definite undertaking of the issuing bank to honor a complying presentation.信用证意指一项约定,无论其如何命名或描述,该约定不可撤销并因此构成开证行对于相符提示予以兑付的确定承诺。

Credit is a written undertaking by a bank to the seller at the

request of, and in accordance with the instructions of the buyer

to effect payment to the seller, within a prescribed time limit

and against documents。


The credit will become operative provided that the samples are

obtained and acknowledgement from the supplier approving the

counter samples.等收到货物的样品并以函电确认后方能生效。

This L/C will be honored only if the necessary import license is obtained.信用证获得有关当局的进口许可证后方可生效。

A credit or amendment should not stipulate that the advising

to a beneficiary is conditional upon the receipt by the advising bank of its charges。信用证或其修改不应规定向受益人的通知以通知行收到其费用为条件。

The amendment shall be announced only one time。需要修改的内容应一次性通知开证申请人。

This credit is available with any bank in China by negotiation,

against presentation of beneficiary’s draft at 30 days after sight

drawn on us。凭受益人提交以我方为付款人的见票后30天付款的汇票在中国任一家银行议付有效.

Credit available by negotiation against presentation of documents

detailed here in and of beneficiary's drafts in duplicate at sight drawn on our bank。本信用证凭提交下列详细的单据和受益人提交,以我方银行为付款人的即期一式两份议付有效。

Credit is available for acceptance of your drafts at 90 days sight drawn on us.本信用证可以凭你方向我方开出的90天期票来承兑。

Beneficiary's draft is negotiation at sight by the negotiation bank.受票人的汇票由议付行即期议付。

Drawning against this credit are authorized only up to 97% of the

face amount of the invoice submitted。该信用证的支取金额应当为所提交发票票面价值的97%。

Draft for 50% invoice value payable at sight and for remaining 50%

payable at 30 days after sight free of interest。 Documents are

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to be released after full payment of invoice value.余下的50%见票后30天付款,不计利息,发票金额全部付清后才可方单。

Usance drafts are to be negotiated at sight basis and presented to Drawee bank for discount at buyer's account.(假)远期汇票即期议付,买房承担付款行的贴现费。

Drawee’s bank discount or interest charge are for the account

of the applicant and therefore the beneficiary is to receive

value for term draft as if drawn at sight。付款行的贴现费和利息费由开证申请人承担,因此受益人的远期汇票可以收到即期汇票的金额。

Although drafts are drawn at 90 days sight, they will receive

payment at sight on presentation of documents in full compliance

with L/C terms。尽管汇票是见票90天付款(90天期票)他们可以即期得到付款的,如果他们能提交与信用证条款完全相符的单据。

Signed commercial invoice in four copies stating the name and

address of the manufacturer。签署发票一式四份,注明生产厂家的名称和地址。

All the details are as per S/C No.98UNY and Indent No 704—CY

and Invoice should certify the same.所有细节根据第98号合同参考,并标明704-CY订单与发票是一致的.

Packing list in duplicate issued by beneficiary indicating quantity, gross weight, net weight and measurement of each package。 受益人出具的箱单一式两份标明每一件包装物的数量、毛净重和尺码信息。

Packing list in four copies showing the total gross weight, total net weight, numbers of packages。装箱单一式两份标明总毛重、总净重以及标明包装件数.

Detailed packing list in quadruplicate showing the contents

and quantity of each case.提交繁式箱单一式四份,标明每箱重量、内容.

Insurance effected by the seller for account of the buyer. We understand that the cost of insurance premium will be settled directly between buyer and seller outside the letter of credit.卖方代买方办保险。保费由买卖双方在信用证之外自行解决。

Negotiable insurance policy/certificate in duplicate by People’s Insurance Company of Chin incorporating their ocean marine

cargo clauses (all risks and war risk) from China to Singapore for110% of invoice value, plus 23% for duty, additional cost of insurance is for buyer’s account and to be drawn under this c2 / 3



Claim payable in Thailand covering FPA as per ocean marine cargo

clauses of the People’s Insurance Company of China dated Jan

1,1981, including TPND loss and 1or damage caused by heat, taint of order and breakage of packing.

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本文标签: 信用证提交标明付款单据