





1.My sister and I like skating. ________ often go skating in winter.

A.I B.We C.They D.You

2.— Where do you usually do your homework?

— ________ school.

A.Of B.On C.At D.To

3.— What’s that noise, Sam?

— My little brother ________ with his toy car now.

A.plays B.played C.will play playing

4.The teacher is glad to see that Tony is ________ than before.



5.Get up early, ________ you can’t catch the first bus.

A.and C.or D.but

B.more careful C.most careful D.the most

6.—________ you give me a hand? I can't move the box by myself.

—No problem.

A.Could B.Should C.Must D.Need

7.— ________ is the boy over there?

— He is my brother.

A.Where B.When C.What D.Who

8.—Lily, what do you usually do after school?

—I ________ exercise with my friends. B.did C.will do D.was doing

9.I ___________ on the computer when Frank called me last night. B.will work C.was working working

10.He used to be quite shy, but he ________ a lot since he joined the acting club.

A.changes B.will change C.has changed D.was changing

11.The Beijing-Zhangjiakou high-speed railway ________ in 2019.

A.builds built C.was built D.built

12.—Do you know________ ?


—Next Sunday morning.

A.when will he visit us

C.when he will visit us



Little Brother, Big Help

B.when did he visit us

D.when he visited us

Jared’s mom asked him to bring his little brother, Max, to the basketball court where

Jared planned to meet his friends. Jared didn’t want to bring Max, but he had no choice.

To Jared’s relief, a few of his friends had brought their little brothers and sisters too, so

at least Max would have some kids to play with during the ___13___. Then, Jared noticed the

gate to the basketball court was locked.

For a few minutes, everyone waited ___14___, trying to find out what to do. Then, from

around the corner came Mr. Giles. He ran to the boys quickly and said apologetically. “Sorry,

I’m behind schedule today, guys. I had a flat tire.” He took out a bunch of keys from his belt

and reached over to ___15___ the gate. But instead, Mr. Giles accidentally dropped the keys

on the other side of the fence.

There was a long silence. Then Max said, “I can get them.” No one noticed him until he

___16___ himself, this time more loudly.

When he finally heard Max, Jared asked, “How can you possibly help?”

Max simply answered, “Watch what I can do.” He ___17___ to the ground and squirmed

(来回扭动) under the gate. Within a minute, he was on the ___18___ side. He grabbed the

keys and passed them through to Jared, who returned them to Mr. Giles. In seconds, Mr. Giles

had the gate unlocked. The boys ran to the basketball court, calling out their ___19___ to Mr.

Giles as they moved quickly toward the net.

Mr. Giles responded, “Don’t thank me. Max is the one who ___20___ the day. He was the

only one small enough to squeeze under that gate.” After that, Jared never again thinks of his


brother as an inconvenience.








Cool Technologies at Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics

Driverless minibus

Walk inside Shougang Industrial Park, you can see different kinds

of driverless cars. When you feel tired, you can get in a driverless

minibus. When you feel hungry, you can buy food from a

driverless car store.

Inspection robot

The robot can recognize people within five meters. It will

automatically walk over to a person who is not wearing a mask and

advise him or her to wear one. Also, the robot has a contactless

hand disinfection device on its head.

Smart Band-Aid

People can wear this thermometer(体温计)on their arms. It

looks like a bandage. Users can check their body temperature

through an app on their smart phones. If someone gets a fever, the

thermometer will report it.

Disinfection robot

In Wukesong Sports Center, there is a robot named Xiaobai. While

working, the robot sprays a fog of disinfectant(消毒剂)through

its head fan. One robot can cover 1,000 square meters and work for
























four to five hours on a single battery charge.

21.________ can advise people to wear their masks.A.Driverless minibus

C.Smart Band-Aid

B.Inspection robot

D.Disinfection robot

22.How can people check their body temperature?

A.Through an app on the phones.

C.Through a battery in the robot.

23.What can Disinfection robot do?

A.Recognize people who get a high fever.

B.Buy food for workers in Wukesong Sports Center.

C.Spray a fog of disinfectant through its head fan.

D.Sweep 1000 square meters a day in Shougang Park.

B.By getting in a driverless minibus.

D.By wearing a bandage on their arms.

I couldn’t wait to show my new sneakers to my friends at the rehearsal(排练)for the

fourth-grade play. I had cleaned yards for three weeks to save the money to buy them, and I

was really proud of them.

When practice started, our director, Mrs. Rodriguez, asked us to remove our shoes first.

So I put my sneakers carefully in my red backpack and zipped it up before joining the group.

After rehearsal, I unzipped my backpack and found my sneakers were gone! I dashed

across the stage.

“Mrs. Rodriguez!” I shouted. “Someone stole my sneakers! I put them right in my

backpack when you told us to take off our shoes, and now they’re gone!”

Mrs. Rodriguez raised her voice so everyone could hear. She asked the students to look

around for my missing sneakers.

Everyone searched for the sneakers, but they weren’t anywhere. Then, I noticed Sasha

James opening up her backpack and looking inside. There, right on the top, were my



“Those are my sneakers, Sasha! Why did you steal them?” I said angrily.

“I didn’t! I promise! I don’t know how they got in my backpack,” said Sasha.

All of a sudden, my face turned red as I realized what had happened. Sasha’s backpack

was exactly the same color as mine. I had put my sneakers in her backpack by mistake.

“I’m really sorry, Sasha. I put my sneakers in your backpack by accident. I must not

have been paying attention. I shouldn’t have accused(指责)you of stealing.”

“It’s okay.” Sasha said, “They’re really amazing sneakers. If they were mine, I would be

upset about losing them, too.”

That’s the last time I’ll ever say something about someone without checking first!

24.How did the writer get the money to buy the sneakers?

A.By acting in the fourth-grade play.

B.By practicing at the rehearsal.

C.By stealing from Mrs. Rodriguez.

D.By cleaning yards for three weeks.

25.Why did the writer’s face turn red?

A.Because Sasha’s backpack was the same color as hers.

B.Because Sasha broke her promise and stole her backpack.

C.Because she put her sneakers in Sasha’s backpack by mistake.

D.Because she took Sasha’s backpack home after the rehearsal.

26.What lesson does the writer learn from the story?

A.Always take care of your backpack when you go out.

B.Don’t say things about people until you check them.

C.Don’t bring your sneakers to school when you practice.

D.Other kids will take your things if you leave them around.

What’s the Secret of Our Height?

Have you ever wanted to be taller? Perhaps we all have wished for this, whether we’re

trying to see over a crowd of people or dreaming of becoming a basketball player. Height is

mainly a result of genetics (遗传), though other factors like nutrition and healthcare can also


influence our height.

According to World Data, the average height for Chinese men is 1.71 meters, while for

women it’s 1.59 meters. But what stops us from growing to three meters or even taller? The

answer is evolution (进化), according to a study from Harvard University.

“Height is not just about height. It’s about the biological growth of an organism,”

biologist Terence D.Capellini from Harvard University told Popular Science. Over millions

of years, natural selection has influenced the way our organs (器官) grow and therefore the

way our bodies grow too. In general, the genes that are responsible for organ growth are quite

active in infants (婴儿), causing them to grow rapidly. But as children get older, the genes

slacken. Eventually, as they enter late adolescence, the genes turn off and teenagers reach

their adult height.

According to the study, about 70 to 80 percent of our height is mainly determined by the

growth genes. The other factors are some environmental factors like proper nutrition and

modern healthcare. An example of an environmental factor is when a child doesn’t get the

nutrition he or she needs, the child is less likely to reach the average height.

Many people would like to be taller than they are, but is that necessarily good for them?

Robert Wadlow from the US was the tallest man in history. He was 2.71 meters tall. But

he suffered from several related health problems. For example, he needed leg braces (支架) to

help him walk. He died at the age of 22 from an infection that was caused by a brace that

didn’t fit him properly. Being very tall can cause high blood pressure in the legs. It can also

put too much stress on the heart, according to The Guardian.

It seems that beyond having tall parents, the only way to increase your height is to eat a

healthy and balanced diet, according to Forbes.

27.According to the passage, ________ stops humans from growing. B.nutrition D.evolution

28.The word “slacken” in Paragraph 3 probably means “________”.

A.turn off B.slow down C.give off D.break down

29.The writer probably agrees that ________.

A.reaching the average height may put less stress on our heart

B.humans’ organs grow much more slowly than their height

C.we have to become stronger if we want to grow much taller

D.our height is also influenced by our daily food besides genes


Micro-habits are small habits which require the smallest motivation or effort to

complete. The idea is that micro-habit will slowly build on top of itself and result in

something great over time.

My middle school gym teacher introduced me to micro-habit in the form of weight

lifting. He said, “Imagine weightlifting as stacking up pieces of paper. Every day you lift

weights, just pretend like you're adding a piece of paper to a pile. On the first day, you start

with one single piece of paper. After a month of weight lifting, you could have as many as 30

sheets of paper stacked up. After several years of keeping up with weight lifting, you are

going to have a serious pile of paper!”

The idea has stuck with me ever since, and I have tried to develop a number of micro-habits. These micro-habits have shaped the way I live and have helped me do things I

wouldn't have been able to do otherwise.

The first habit I started with was reading. I have never been a big reader but decided I

wanted to start reading more to learn new things. At first, I began reading one page a night

before bed. Just one page, that’s it! Anyone can read a single page of a book. No matter what,

I would read before bed every single night. What I found was reading the page of the book

wasn’t what was important, but rather forming the habit. It’s nearly impossible to make an

excuse not to take a minute for reading a page of a book. Thus, the habit begins to form.

Sometimes it is a struggle, but remember — it’s only one page. Finally, by adding only five

minutes at a time, I am able to increase the total amount of reading from five minutes to

forty-five minutes per night.

The beauty of micro-habits is that they’re so simple, you can’t say no to them or make

any excuse not to follow through with them. As humans, we often overvalue what we think

we can complete, but then we give up the moment reality. Micro-habits are all about

preventing you from giving up due to something being too ‘hard’. When practicing

consistently, you can do something without even having to think about it. Micro-habits you

probably already fixed into your daily life include brushing your teeth, taking a shower,

making a morning cup of coffee, etc.

Pick something you want to do and improve on. Then find out the micro-habits you can

start today to help you reach your goal, and eventually achieve your dream.

30.Why does the writer talk about weight lifting in Paragraph 2?

A.To state the necessity of micro-habits.


B.To state the importance of weightlifting.

C.To further explain what micro-habits are.

D.To further explain how to keep weight lifting.

31.What can you learn from the passage?

A.Micro-habits gave the writer an excuse to read.

B.With great efforts, people can form micro-habits.

C.With smallest motivation, people can go to the top.

D.Micro-habits helped the writer form the reading habits.

32.The fifth paragraph is mainly about ________.

A.why micro-habits worked

B.why micro-habits are beautified the writer used micro-habits the writer began his micro-habits

33.Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?

A.Micro-habits Can Make Great Progress

B.To Achieve Your Goal, Change Your Micro-habits

C.Micro-habits Can Make a Big Difference

D.To Develop More Skills, Build Your Micro-habits



When you take notes in your classes, are you confident that you’ll actually go back and

look over them? Or do you just write out your notes in class and then completely forget all of

the information you wrote down? A useful note-taking method can not only save you precious

time and energy, but also help you better understand what you learn.

This well-known note-taking method is called the Cornell Note-taking System. It was

first developed in the 1940s by education professor Walter Pauk at Cornell University to help

students learn. According to Cornell Notes, each page is divided into three sections: the note-试卷第8页,共11页

taking column, the cue column

(提示栏) and summary space. It’s very easy. You just

need to draw two lines on your note page, leaving a 2.5-inch margin on the left and a 2-inch

margin on the bottom.

The note-taking column, which is the biggest space is used to write down notes while

you are in class or reading an article. The key point is that you don’t write down what you

hear word by word. It requires you to be very brief, using short phrases, symbols or keywords

to replace long sentences.

To help with future review, you can write some related questions on the left. The next

step is to cover the note-taking column with a sheet of paper or your hand. Then, by only

looking at the questions for key words, try to repeat the content in your own words.

The summary space is designed to help you reflect on what you’ve learned. Questions

may also be useful. For example, what’s the significance of these facts? What principles are

they based on? What’s beyond them? You can also write down your own ideas and personal

feelings. Don’t forget to review from time to time so that you will remember the information

more easily.

Practice makes perfect. After a few months of using this handy note-taking method, you

are sure to become the note-taking star of your class. And even better, you’ll finally be able to

remember what you have learned.

34.Who first developed the Cornell Note-taking System?


35.What is the biggest space used to do?


36.How can you use the cue column?


37.Why is the summary space designed?


38.Would you like to use this note-taking method? Why or why not?



39.实践类作业 (project-based homework)




提示词语:poster, survey report, draw, interview, interesting, helpful


● What’s your favorite project-based homework?

Please describe it.

● Why do you like it?

Dear Ms. Zhang,

There are different kinds of project-based homework.



Li Hua




提示词语:decide, keep, succeed, proud


● What did you do?

● How did you feel?







































34.Walter Pauk./It was Walter Pauk.

35.It is used to write down notes./The biggest space is used to write down notes.

36.Write down some related questions on the left column, cover the note-taking column and then

repeat the content in your own words.

37.The summary space is designed to help you reflect on what you’ve learned./To help you

reflect on what you’ve learned.

38.Yes, I would like to use it. Because this method can save my precious time and energy, help

me better understand what I’ve learned and enable me to remember what I’ve learned.


Dear Ms. Zhang:

There are different kinds of project-based homework. My favorite project-based homework is

a survey about lucky money. Last winter holiday, I interviewed my friends online about how they

spent their lucky money. I found half of them used it to buy books or gave away to the poor

children while some of them bought snacks or played online games. From then on, I learned to

make good use of my lucky money.

I love that homework because it can help us find out the problems and solutions by ourselves

instead of copying or repeating something boring.


Li Hua


I used to be very shy and afraid to give a speech in public. So I decided to start from talking

to myself in front of a mirror every day when I came back from school. Besides, I took every

chance to talk in public at school, such as sharing my opinions and answer questions in class.

Sometimes, I made mistakes, but it didn’t matter. I still kept trying. What’s more, I tried to

increase my confidence in different daily situations, such as buying ticket, ordering food and

asking for directions.


Gradually, I wasn’t shy anymore, and I became more confident. Now giving a speech in

public is a piece of cake for me. I’m really proud of myself.


本文标签: 短文实践拼搏作业见证