



1.Specialized vocabulary

饲料经销商:the feed distributor 获利:working for his own gain

劳工技能:the skill and labor 制造塑料:manufacturing the plastic

私人交易:private transaction 包装并定价:wrapped and priced

无形之手:the invisible hand 绝对优势:absolute advantage

反垄断案例:antitrust case 信息不对称:asymmetric information

商品,货物:merchandise 垄断:monopoly

比较优势:comparative advantage 自由贸易:free trade

机会成本:opportunity cost 信号理论:signaling theory

自由企业机制:free enterprise system 经济体制:economic system

开发产品服务:develop products and services 市场力量:market force

财政机构:financial institution 深度衰退:deep recession

破产:go out of business 利益最大化:profit maximization

金融体制:financial system 公司座右铭:corporate motto

假账:accounting fraud 商业道德:business ethics

资产:assets 股东:stockholder

经济利益:economic interest 道德准则:ethics codes

道德官:ethics officer 政府监管:government regulation

资方态度:management attitudes 所有者经理人:owner-manager

公众意识:public awareness 销售代表:sales representative

社会经济模式:socioeconomic model 股票价格:stock price

充满敬畏和感激:overflow with awe and gratitude 陷入绝望:sink into despair

容易抑郁:be prone to depression 恢复体能:regainenergy

界定性特征:defining characteristics 暂时的挫折:a temporary setback

不因挫败而慌乱:be unfazed by defeat 竞选职务:run for office

吹一曲欢快的调子:whistle a happy tune 天资:aptitude



实证检验:empirical test 第一印象:first impression

外貌:physical appearance 成功的潜力:potential for success

基于理论的实践:theory-based test 绿色环保运动:green movement

受保护区域:protected areas 生产清洁能源:make clean power

节约资源:save resources 生物多样性:nurture biodiversity

控制污染:regulate pollution 防止破坏生态系统:prevent damage to ecosystems

扩展清洁工业:expand clean industries 集体世界观:collective worldview

生态经济:ecological economy 环境分析:environmental analysis


心灵主义者:mentalist 行为主义者:behaviorist

知识学家:epistemologist 现象学家:phenomenogist

环境科学:environmental science 分析哲学:analytical philosophy

应用伦理学:applied ethics 大陆哲学:continental philosophy

关怀伦理:ethics of care 女性主义哲学:feminist philosophy

形式逻辑:formal logic 哲学心理学:philosophical psychology

生态哲学:philosophy of ecology 科学哲学:philosophy of science



实用主义者:pragmatist 量子理论:quantum theory

数学化:mathematization计算机辅助设计CAD:computer aided design

基因组学:genomics 运筹学:operations research

优化组合:optimization 模糊性:algorithm

应用数学:applied mathematics 生物物理模型:biophysical model

微积分:calculus 计算机辅助制造CAM:computer aided manufacture

线性代数:linear algebra 多变量微积分:multi-variable calculus

悖论:paradox 固体力学:solid mechanics

三角形:trigonometry 激励措施:incentive

生活满意度:life satisfaction 安全保障:safety net

社会焦虑症:social anxiety disorder 社会动机:social motivation

主观幸福感:subjective well-being 工作定位:work orientation

崇高的使命:high calling 达到目的的手段:a means to an end

实现目标:procure objects 文化传统:cultural tradition

社会稳定:social stability 鲜明特色:distinct identity

边缘效应:edge effect 有机进化:organic evolution

相互尊重:mutual respect 政治正确性:political correctness

货币危机:currency crisis 全球化:globalization

劳工立法:labor legislation 贫穷率:poverty rate

竞次:race to the buttom替代医学:alternative medicine

医患关系:doctor-patient relationship 分子医学:molecular medicine

固定剂量药物:fixed-dose combination drug 一体化健康:one health

多宿主病原体:multi-host pathogen 纳米诊断技术:nano-diagnostics

个人化诊断书:personalized diagnostics 随机临床试验:randomized clinical trail


Innumerable:very many transaction:buying or selling

An array of:a large group of more immerse:more huge

Plagued:troubled comprehend:understand

Insight:view subscribe to:agree with

Imposes:force adverse:bad/negative side

Mission:purpose philanthropic:charitable

Donated:contribution/given famed:well-known/famous

Overflow with:full of perks on:is alert and energetic

Ruminate about:keep thinking about prone to:likely suffer from

Unfazed:not easily disturbed rigorously validated:officially approved

Sunk into despair:been deeply involved in a sense of hopelessness

Mouthing platitudes:murmuring about commonplace remarks

Static:unchangeable escalating:increasing

Regulate:control endeavor:effort

Philanthropic:charitable nicety:pleasant detail

Sophisticated:complicated align:change

Altering:changing momentous:important

Resides:exist encompassed:included



本文标签: 哲学理论经济医学主义者