



英语的人称代词(Personal Pronoun)有三种不同的人称形式:第一人称(First

Person)指说话人自己;第二人称(Second Person)指说话的对象;第三人称(Third



在上列人称代词的不同形式中,还包含了主格(Subjective Case)、宾格(Objective










主 格 宾 格 形容词性物主代词 名词性物主代词
















me my
























John waited a while but eventually he went home.


John hoped the passenger would be Mary and indeed it was she.




When he arrived, John went straight to the bank.




I saw her with them, at least, I thought it was her.

我看到她和他们在一起,至少我认为是她。(her做宾 语,them做介词宾语,


a. -- Who broke the vase? --谁打碎了花瓶?

b. -- Me. --我。(me做主语补语= It's me.)




1) 宾格代替主格

a.在简短对话中,当人称代词单独使用或在not 后,多用宾语。

---- I like English. --我喜欢英语。

---- Me too. --我也喜欢。

---- Have more wine? --再来点酒喝吗?

---- Not me. --我可不要了。

b.在表示比较的非正式的文体中,常用宾格代替主格。 但如果比较状语的谓语


He is taller than I/me.

He is taller than I am.

2) 主格代替宾格

a. 在介词but,except 后,有时可用主格代替宾格。

b. 在电话用语中常用主格。

---- I wish to speak to Mary. --我想和玛丽通话。

---- This is she. --我就是玛丽。

注意:在动词be 或to be 后的人称代词视其前面的名词或代词而定。

I thought it was she. 我以为是她。 (主格----主格)

I thought it to be her. (宾格----宾格)

I was taken to be she. 我被当成了她。 (主格----主格)

They took me to be her. 他们把我当成了她。 (宾格----宾格)



以分为形容词性和名词性两种。形容词性物主代词一定要后接名词(如:This is

my book. 这是我的书。),名词性物主代词可以独立使用,无需后接名词(如:

This book is mine. 这本书是我的。)。



John had cut his finger; apparently there was a broken glass on his desk.


名词性的物主代词在用法上相当于省略了中心名词的 --'s属格结构,例如:

Jack's cap 意为 The cap is Jack's.

His cap 意为 The cap is his.



My name is John Green. 我叫约翰·格林。

Excuse me, is this your car? 对不起,这是您的车吗?

His parents are in England. 他的父母在英国。

They wash their faces every day. 他们每天都洗脸。(本句中的their无须译出)


a. 作主语,例如:

May I use your pen? Yours works better.

我可以用一用你的钢笔吗? 你的比我的好用。

b. 作宾语,例如:

I love my motherland as much as you love yours.


c. 作介词宾语,例如:

Your should interpret what I said in my sense of the word, not in yours.


d. 作主语补语,例如:

The life I have is yours. It's yours. It's yours. 我的生命属于你,属于你,


4. 名词性物主代词=形容词性物主代词+名词



例:My bag is yellow, her bag is red, his bag is blue and your bag is pink.

为避免重复使用bag,可写成My bag is yellow, hers is red, his is blue and

yours is pink.



I-_____ _____ you-_____ _____ she-_____ _____ it-_____


he-_____ _____


_____ (I) help ____ (you).

_____ (we) go.

3.(I) _____ are students.

4.I can't find _____ (they).

____ (he) the book.


1.________are in the same class.

and me and l and her D.l and she

is a seat for________.

us both us D.B and C

3.-Do you like these computers?

-No,I don't like_______.

them all ng

found_______interesting to clinmb hills.


tercher think_______are right.


6.______have been inveted to the Party.

,I and you B.I, you and he ,I and he ,he and I


(1)Are these ________(you)pencils?

Yes, they are ________(our).

(2)—Whose is this pencil?

—It’s ________(I).

(3)I love ________(they)very much.

(4)She is________(I)classmate.


A. 写出各个代词的对应项。

I — _________ — my — ________ — myself

You — _________ — ­­­­­________ — yours —­­­­


______ — him — ________ — ________ — _________

______ — __________ — ________ — ________ — herself

______ — it — ________ — ________ — _________

______ — us — ________ — ________ — _________

______ — ___________ — ________ — yours — _________

______ — ___________ — their — ________ — _________

B. 用代词的适当形式填空。

1. Miss Gao teaches ____ English at school, and I teach ________ at home.

2. I need a new schoolbag, so I would buy one for __________.

3. This is not my coat. _______ is newer than this one. Maybe ____ is

______. (she)

4. Here are some cookies. Help _________. (you)

5. Jim held a party last night. All _____ friends came and ______ enjoyed


6. Lucy fell off _____ bike. _____ hurt _________ badly.

7. The girl is too young. ______ can’t dress _________, so ______ mother

dresses _______ every morning.

8. -----Who cooks for ____ when ______ mother is out?

-----Nobody. ______ cook(s) ________.

9. Bob’s grandpa hurt _______. ______parents took _____ to the hospital.

They left Bob by ________, so _____ had to look after _________.

10. This is not _____ bike. ______ is broken. Nobody can help ____ to

mend it, so ______ must mend it all by ________.


Exercise 3

this dictionary?

a. you b. yours c. your d. hers

’s a bird. name is Happy.

a. It’s b. It c. Its d. His

color is your cat? Is it a white ? a. cat’s b. that c.

one d. it

give the key to . a. his b. he c. him d.


5. house is yours ? a. whose b. where c. How d.


6.- whose room is that? - it’s .

a. my brothers b. them c. of my brother d. theirs

7.I’ve been expecting letters the whole morning, but there aren’t

for me.

a. some ,one b. many ,a few c. some ,any d. a few,


are hungry? Why don’t you have bread?

a .little b. any c. some d. few

and his brother went on holiday with a nephew of .

a. theirs b. their c. his d. him

children can take care of now.

a. their b. themself c. themselves d. them

11. is that bike? Is it Tom’s?

a. which b. whose c. who’s d. what

a. her and me b. she and me c. she and I d. I and


parents love better than .

a. my brother and my sister, I b. my brother and my sister’s,


c. my brother and my sister, mine d. my brother and my sister,


’t you think the thief to be ?

a. him b. his c. man d. he


Shall ________(we) go to the zoo by bus or by bike?

Ms Ding teaches _______(we) maths.

Bob loves _______(he) mother very much.

Do they know ________ (they) new teacher?

________(we) new model plane can fly very high.

I have a lovely cat, ______ (it) name is Carl.

Jim is a very good boy. We all like ______(he).

The boy under the tree is Henry. This is _______ (he) bike.

She doesn’t like _______(she) new dress at all. Who bought (买) it for


Who is the man over there? ________ is _______ (we) headmaster.

Is this red coat yours? No, _________ is yellow.


1. Where are 我的______ shoes? 2. Are those 你的________ shoes? 3.

他______ looks up at 她_______. 4. Could you come and play with 我

________? 5. I can help 他_______ with 他的________ English. 6. Do

you like 她________?

7. 我们的_________ teacher asks 我们_______ to study hard.

8. Why do you make 他们______ sit there quiet? 9. 谁的________ car is

this? It’s 她的 ____________. 10. This car is for you, it’s ______


九、改错, 判断下列句子中的代词是否有错误,如果有请改正。

1.I like he. 2. This cheese is your. call they lions. 4.

Those toy planes are my.

5. Can me help you? 6. What is her doing? 7. She is reading a book

for they. 8. It isn’t her, it’s mine.


It yours us her his me hers it them mine you our him

ours her you my your his their theirs its

主格 宾格 形容词性物主代词 名词性物主代词

I me我 my我的 mine

You你 you你 your你的 yours

He him他 his他的 his

She her她 her她的 hers

It it它 its它的 its

We us我们 our我们的 ours

You 你们 you你们 your你们的 yours

They them她(他,它)们 their她(他,它)们的 theirs


Shall _we_(we) go to the zoo by bus or by bike?

Ms Ding teaches us (we) maths.

Bob loves his (he) mother very much.

Do they know their (they) new teacher?

Our (we) new model plane can fly very high.

I have a lovely cat, its (it) name is Carl.

Jim is a very good boy. We all like him (he).

The boy under the tree is Henry. This is his (he) bike.

She doesn’t like her (she) new dress at all. Who bought (买) it for

her (she)?

Who is the man over there? He is our (we) headmaster.

Is this red coat yours? No, mine is yellow.


1. This is not _____ desk. My desk is over there.

2. -Can you spell _____ name, Harry? -Sorry.

3. Tom and Jack are brothers. This is _____ room.

4. We are in the same class. _____ classroom is very nice.

5. Mrs Green is my teacher. I’m _____ student.

6. That’s a cat. _____ name is Mimi.

7. Tom is in the room. This is _____ pencil-box.

8. Sam and Peter, look at _____ hands. They are so dirty.

9. -Mike, is this _____ picture? -Yes, it is.

10. -Can we put _____ coats here? -Yes, you can.

11. Mum, they are _____ classmates Rose and _____brother David.

12. Jack, where are _____ socks?




1. Where are 我的 my shoes? 2. Are those 你的 your shoes? 3. 他

He looks up at 她her . 4. Could you come and play with 我 me ? 5.

I can help 他 him with 他的 his English. 6. Do you like 她 her ?

7. 我们的 Our teacher asks 我们 us to study hard.

8. Why do you make 他们 them sit there quiet? 9. 谁的 Whose car is

this? It’s 她的 hers . 10. This car is for you, it’s yours now.

改错. 判断下列句子中的代词是否有错误,如果有请改正。

1.I like him. 2. This cheese is yours. call them lions. 4.

Those toy planes are mine. 5. Can I help you? 6. What is she doing?

7. She is reading a book for them. 8. It isn’t hers, it’s mine.


(1)Are these ________(you)pencils?

Yes, they are ________(our).

(2)—Whose is this pencil?

—It’s ________(I).

(3)I love ________(they)very much.

(4)She is________(I)classmate.

(5)Miss Li often looks after________(she)brother.

(6)—Are these ________(they)bags ?

—No, they aren’t ________(their). They are ________(we).


1. your ours 2. mine 3. them 4. my 5. her 6. their,

theirs, ours


( )1. Which of _____ textbooks is yours?

A. this B. that C. these

( )2. _____ is mine. _____ is hers.

A. It B. This C. Those D. That

( )3. The area of Shanghai is larger than _____ of Suzhou.

A. this B. those C. that

( )4. The bicycles made in Tianjin are much better than _____ made in


A. that B. these C. those

( )5. _____ will spend the summer vacation in Qingdao.

A. He, you and I B. You, he and I C. I, you and he

( )6. —Who is singing there? —_____ is Li Ming's sister.

A. She B. This C. It

( )7. She is an old classmate of _____.

A. me B. my C. mine

( )8. Take care of _____.

A. myself B. you C. yourself

( )9. My brother knows just very _____ English.

A. few B. a little C. little

( )10. The weather is very wet, because there had been _____ rain this


A. many B. much C. a few

( )11. The radio is almost the same as _____.

A. She's B. her C. hers

( )12. How _____ English phrases do you think you have learned this term?

A. much B. many C. any

( )13. Dr. Bethune worked devotedly for the Chinese revolution, but

he never thought of _____. A. his B. his own

C. himself

( )14. The commune members built the big dam ____.


( )15. Practice in _____ is learning.

A. himself B. itself C. herself

( )16. The Yugoslav people deeply mourned _____ great leader Tito.

A. theirs B. they C. their

( )17. One should do _____ bit on the new Long March.

A. oneself B. one's C. ones

( )18. _____ task will be completed soon.

A. Ours B. Ourselves C. Our

( )19. You had better ask the mother _____ about _____ good deeds.

A. hers B. her C. oneself D. herself

( )20. We should be strict with ____ in study.

A. myself B. our own C. ourselves

( )21. During the examination no one is allowed to ask _____ questions.

A. some B. any C. each D. all

( )22. How _____ did the coat cost you?

A. many B. much C. money D. much yuan

( )23. I bought a nice skirt for _____.

A. she B. her C. herself

( )24. Mr. Zhang praised _____ for _____ progress in studies.

A. he B. him C. his

( )25. Do you need _____ coffee?

A. some B. any C. many

( )26. Will you have _____ sweets?

A. any B. some C. much

( )27. _____ of us want to go swimming in _____ a cold day.

A. no B. none C. so D. such

( )28. Some like physics, _____ like chemistry.

A. the other B. others C. the others

( )29. There are four dictionaries on the bookshelf. One is French,

_____ are English.

A. the other B. another C. the others

( )30. The children don't like this story. Please tell them _____.

A. the other B. another C. the other's

( )31. My parents are _____ cadres.

A. all B. both C. either

( )32. These cups are ours. Those are _____.

A. others B. others' C. other's

( )33. The Beijing Library is larger than _____ library in China.

A. any B. any other C. the other

( )34. China is larger than _____ country in Europe.

A. any B. any other C. all

( )35. —Do you have any books on atomic physics? —Yes, I have


A. a few B. few C. a little


1、These are pens and ________ are pencils. (that, this, those)

2、Tom was sick yesterday. ________ is why he missed school. ( That,

Those, These)

3、Which of ______ shirts are Tom's ( These, this, that)

4、This desk is mine, ______ is hers. ( those, this, that)

5、The map of Beijing is better than ________ of Tianjing. (this, that,


6、_______ (He, Her, His ) mane is Jack. . _______ (She, He, His) is a


7、_______ (I,My,Mine)aunt is a nurse. ______ (She, He. Her) works very


8、Please show _______ (me, I, mine ) the way.

9、The books aren't ( my, mine, I ). ________ (They , It, Its ) may be

_______(her, hers, your)

10、Let ______(I, me, mine) tell _______(her, she, hers ) how to do it.

11、Help _____ (you, your, yourself ) to some fish, please.

12、Don't tell _______ (he, him, his ) the answer. _____ (I,Me,Us )believe

that _____ (he, him, his ) can work out the problem ______ (he, himself,


13、It's going to snow," the old woman sai to _______. (her, herself, hers)

14、The lady under the tree is _______(mine, my, me) aunt. _______(She,

Her, Herself) often sings English songs with _______( her, hers, she )


15、A friend of _____( me, my, mine) came to help _______ (I, me, mine)

with _____(mine, my, I ) homework yesterday afternoon.

16、Be careful not to make ___________ (you, your, yourself) dirty.


1、Everyone should do ______ best.

A. its B. ones C. his D. their

2. ______ is a close friend of _______.

A. She, mine B. Her, mine, C. She, my D. Hers, my

3. You can not finish the work ________. Let ______ help you.

A. youself, me B. yourself, mine C. yourselves, me D. yourself, me

4. _______ work is heavy, but ___________ is heavier than _________.

A. Our, their, our B. Our, theirs, ours C. Ours, theirs, our D. Our,

their, ours

5. Please take good care of ________.

A. you B. youself C. yourself D. myself

6. Our teacher asked us to enjoy _________ during the summer holidays.

A. us B. ours C. we D. ourselves

7. He always thinks of others and never thinks of _________.

A. him B. us C. his D. himself

8. Music makes ______ relaxing.

A. us B. ours C. we D. he

9. What's Tom's phone number _____ phone number is 81826753.

A. He's B. His C. He D. Her

10. Where is your homework I can't find _______ anywhere.

B. your C. yours D. yourself

本文标签: 代词物主代词人称名词形式