






Welcome to “Cash Poor Points Rich”, a new travel blog dedicated to sharing experiences with credit

card points and miles to help you get big travel, but for small the right planning and

maximization of available resources, traveling as a college student may be easier than you think.


If visiting a place with happy locals is a priority for you, there’s no better city to hit than Chengdu. It

is home to pandas and spicy things. Moreover, the city’s abundance of cultural and historical sights,

together with its laid back lifestyle, make Chengdu one of the most attractive and livable large cities

too. Past travelers have spent, on average,¥157 on meals and ¥43 on local transportation for one day.

Con Dao Island, Vietnam

Tourism is picking up in Vietnam lately, where you can travel for about ¥100 per day if you play

your cards right. Con Dao Island Nation Park, a group of dramatic tiny islands off the southern coast,

is a great destination to see sea turtles and other wildlife while exploring the area on foot. Its thick

jungle will give you a good chance to uncover a paradise(


) of your own.

Zakynthos Island, Greece

If you’re looking for an affordable European summer beach vacation, consider Zakynthos Island.

Food is cheap and mouthwatering. There are plenty of free things to do, although the favorite is

spending time on the beautiful beaches edged by electric blue water. There are countless options for

swimming in the appealing sea, along with charming villages and museums to explore.

New Orleans,U.S.

New Orleans is an incredibly unique place in the U.S., full of fascinating history, absorbing culture,

delicious food, and a constantly buzzing nightlife scene. There are actually a couple of hostels in and

near the French Quarter that offer reasonable accommodation rates for students.

1. How much on average might be spent on meals and transportation in Chengdu per day?


¥43. B

¥100. C

¥157. D


2. What do Con Dao and Zakynthos Islands have in common?


Abundant cultures.


Impressive sea views.

3. What is the advantage of the French Quarter?


The price of hostels is reasonable.


It offers unique service for students.


Hostels there are clean and modern.


It has the longest history in New Orleans.


Free tourist attractions.


Large museums.

During the 20th century, an estimated 3 million great whales were hunted to provide humans with

oil, meat and rose fertiliser. Roger Payne, a biologist and environmentalist, spurred (


) a

worldwide environmental conservation movement with his discovery that whales could sing.

This discovery was made in 1967 during his research trip to Bermuda (


) when a navy

engineer provided him with a recording of curious underwater sounds documented. Payne identified

the tones as songs whales sing to one another and he was conscious from the start that whale song

was to get the public interested in protecting an animal previously considered little more than a

resource, curiosity or nuisance.

Payne saw the discovery of whale song as a chance to spur interest in saving the giant animals, who

were disappearing from the planet. In 1970, Payne released the album Songs of the Humpback

Whale. The record, a surprise hit, fueled a global movement to end the practice of commercial whale

hunting and save the whales from extinction. It remains the bestselling environmental album in


The impact of the whale song discovery on the early environmental movement was immense. Many

antiwar protesters of the day took on saving animals and the environment as a new cause. The

humpback whale became the icon of a new environmental awareness. And the whales entered pop

culture, no longer the fearsome beasts. In 1977, the whale calls were loaded on to the Voyager

probes and sent into outer space.

Payne, graduating from Harvard University and Cornell University with a doctor’s degree, authored

or co authored dozens of scientific papers, gave hundreds of lectures, made countless television

programmes and films, and led 100 oceanic expeditions. Payne had started an ambitious new project:

CETI, a combination of scientists using new technology to interpret what whales might be “saying”.

4. What caused the decline of the whale population in the 20




Habitat loss.


Uncontrolled hunting.


The climate change.


The ocean pollution.

5. What was the purpose of releasing the album of whale songs?


To boost interest in protecting whales.


To achieve great commercial success.


To satisfy people’s curiosity about sea.


To earn a reputation as a researcher.

6. Which of the following can best describe Roger Payne?





7. What is the text mainly about?


The conservation of ocean environment.


Efforts to awake public ocean awareness.


A high-tech way to document whale tones.






A whale protection campaign by a biologist.

You’re passed over for a job. Your back aches. Faced with difficulties large and small,you wonder if

you’re an unlucky person. We turned to experts to understand why we believe in luck and how we

can have that belief to make changes in our attitude towards life.

Richard Wiseman, a psychology professor, doesn’t believe there’s anything magical about luck—it

won’t help you or hurt you.“On the other hand, considering yourself lucky or unlucky is a way of

seeing yourself, which has an impact on how you behave and how you think, and becomes a self-

fulfilling anticipation,”he says.“So, in a sense, it absolutely does exist.”

The sociology lecturer Vik Loveday interviewed academic employees who were on temporary

contracts, an uncertain situation that caused anxiety. In general, when one of these academics

learned about good news concerning their careers, such as getting a permanent job, they would

attribute it to luck. Because they felt they had so little control,a move in a positive direction

happened almost by accident, rather than as the result of hard work.

In a 2021 study, Professor Woolley has looked at this idea in children and example,

basketball player Michael Jordan would wear his college practice shorts under his National

Basketball Association uniform for good/luck.“Obviously, it’s that the superstitious (



gives him confidence and then he plays better,”Woolley says.

Is it possible to change your attitude towards luck to get better outcomes? Wiseman believes some

steps can improve your luck. He has found”lucky people not only maximize opportunities and know

where they’re heading, but often they change course depending on how the wind is going“. Lucky

people can also transform bad experiences to good. Specifically, you can shift your focus towards

the positive by keeping a ”luck diary“. Also don’t be a creature of habit. Watch a different TV

program, speak to different people—even small shifts can be effective.

8. What does Wiseman say about luck in paragraph 2?


It might be wise to try one’s luck.


Luck is a magical force to control us.


The belief in luck influences our behavior.


People’s well-being is determined by luck.

9. What is the example of Jordan’s lucky shorts used for?


Confirming Loveday’s study.


Showing luck exists in real life.


Disapproving Woolley’s research.


Comparing different lucks in sports.

10. How can we improve our luck according to the last paragraph?


Getting into a routine.


Sticking to a goal firmly.


Setting down terrible things.

11. What can be a suitable title for the text?


Less Anxiety, More Luck


Good or Bad Luck? Up to You


One Can Stay Lucky Through Life


Genius—the Mother of Good Luck

The steam engine, electric lighting, refrigeration. If you’re wondering what these things have in

common, they’re examples of transformative technologies that lifted worker productivity. Does

generative AI belong on that list?

Hardly a day passes without some news of the great things that so-called large language models

(LLMs) can do — from writing academic papers to designing buildings — along with projections on

how many jobs will be wiped out as companies figure out ways to apply the new technology. But

economists are divided on whether the likes of OpenAI’s ChatGPT or Google’s Bard have the

potential to jump-start productivity growth worldwide.

Researchers in a consulting firm project AI will deliver $4.4 trillion in economic benefits annually to

the global economy, equal to 4.4% of global output in 2022 Harvard professor Neeley likens the

birth of generative AI to the arrival of the Internet. “It is exactly that moment we are facing again —

that vital moment that forever changes how we work, how we interact with one another, how we

think, how we produce. We are at that moment again.”

There are plenty of reasons to be skeptical, though. Robert Gordon, a professor at Northwestern

University and author of The Rise and Fall of American Growth, argues that the Internet and AI

haven’t been as revolutionary as what economists call general-purpose technologies, such as


Worries about AI replacing workers have been at the center of a labor dispute in Hollywood writers

and actors. A survey by Microsoft found that 49% of the people say they’re worried AI will replace

their jobs.

On the flip side, blue collar workers could benefit. “It won’t change blue-collar work, but it will

change who can get out of blue collar work and get into better jobs,” an economic historian at

Cornell University says. “We are living through one of those turning points in human history.”

12. Why does the author mention OpenAI’s ChatGPT and Google’s Bard?


To introduce a debate.


To make a prediction.


To define a concept.


To explain a technology.


Making changes flexibly.

13. What does the underlined word “likens” mean in paragraph 3?


Contributes. B

Attaches. C

Compares. D


14. What can we know about Robert Gordon?


He is in favor of AI.


He is an economist and author.


He acts as an electricity professor.


He suspects AI’s revolutionary role.

15. What does the economic historian think about blue collar work in the AI-era?



In order to survive in the world with challenges, we need to be wise. 16 Let me tell you this,

wisdom provides us with perspective when we need it and it calms us down in terrible situations.

Here are some strategies that we can use to get wiser.

17 This will open up new pathways for us. Never base your perspective on the most popular

opinion or which is the most comfortable for you. Train your mind to be a judgment-free space for

ideas. If you are humble, then you will always get to experience something new.

You must be the kind of person who learns something new every day. Take new classes, read books

and the list goes on and on. 18 All of these activities will help you to tackle problems from

different angles, making everything easier.

You obviously want to grow and do better in life, right? The best way is to have wise people as your

mentors (


), like teachers, colleagues and even special friends. Prior to making them a mentor,

find out what makes them wiser, then engage in useful dialogue with them. 19

If you have accumulated a lot of knowledge, then why not share it with others too? 20 In today’s

world, it is very easy to become wise but it isn’t easy to help others. So keep things balanced and

never let go of your passions and values. This will pave the path to success.


Why do we communicate with wise people?


Why is wisdom crucial in this modern world?


Change your routine and see where life takes you.


Surf the Internet and clear out your problems that confuse you.


Sometimes we ourselves need to be open to diverse perspectives.


The more time is spent with them, the more transfer of knowledge there will be.


Communicating with others and helping them out will also increase your wisdom.

Two big characters stand firmly on the cover of the book Xiangxin, with a phrase—”Even in failure,

never ______“. That is how Cai Lei, former vice-president of a business giant, faces ALS,a terminal

illness. The book tells vividly the story of his unique _______ with it.

In 2019, the muscle on his left arm had been in pain and he visited Fan Dongsheng, a leading ALS

expert. The doctor______his two hands about 20 centimeters from each other,saying,”This was

your______life expectancy.“Then his left hand quickly moved to wardsthe right one,


Promising. C

Fascinating. D


本文标签: 学业质量联合检测山东省