


And 与 but 的用法




1.表示并列,译为“和;与;以及;并”。如:Sit where you can see and hear well./ He felt

cold and hungry.

2.表示连贯,可译成“就;可是;然后;后来”等。如:The two women lay down and soon fell

asleep./ He studied technology in his spare time and became a lawyer.

3.表示递进,可表示“并且;而且;甚至”等意思。如:She works quickly and accurately./ The

Chinese workers have the ability to do what others can do and what others can not do.

4.表示转折或对比,可表示“而;但;却”等意思,相当于yet或but。如:I gave her $10 and yet

she was not satisfied./ He is lazy and his brother is diligent.

5.表示因果、结果,意为“所以;因此;因而;以致”。如:He took some medicine and was sick./

He was sick and he took some medicine.

6.表示目的。如:I'll go and fetch some water./ Run and tell him to come here at once.

二、but 的用法

but 一词既可作连词、介词、副词用,又有一些习惯搭配和固定用法,现对其用法作以下归纳。


1). 用作等立连词,使其前后的词、短语、分句相互对照,作“但是,然而,可是”解。例如:

She is young but very experienced. 她虽然年轻但经验丰富。

2). 用于表示歉意的话语之后,表示谢绝或不赞成。例如:

I'm sorry, but I disagree with you. 对不起,我不同意你的意见。

3). 用于两个并列的分句之间,与前面的否定词形成对比,作“无……而不……”解。如:

It never rains but it pours. 不雨则已,一雨倾盆。

I never go past that house but I think of my miserable life in the old society.



1). 与 no , nobody , nothing , none , who 等词连用,作“除……之外”解,用来排除同类中


Nobody knew her but me. 除我以外,没有人认识她。

Nothing but disaster would come from such a plan. 这个计划只能带来灾难,别无益处。

2). but 前面有 do 的某种形式时, but 后面的动词不定式要省略 to ;其前没有 do 的某种形式时,

but 后面的不定式要带 to 。例如:

We had no choice but to wait. 除了等待,我们别无选择。

He did nothing all day long but watch TV. 一整天,他除了看电视,别无他事可做。

3). 与 last , next 及 one , two 等连用,作“倒数第二、第三”等解。例如:


Jack was the last but one to arrive. 杰克是倒数第二个到达的。


1). 意思上相当于 only ,后面跟名词或动词。例如:

Tom is but a child. 汤姆只是个孩子。

We can but try now. 我们现在只有尝试一遍。

2). but 出现在 too … to …结构前面时,不定式含肯定意义。例如:

I'm but too glad to go there with you. 我非常高兴和你一起去那里。

4、含 but 的习惯用语

1). but for = without ,意为“要不是;如果没有”,意思上相当于一个虚拟条件句。例如:

But for the rain (If it hadn't rained), we would have had a pleasant journey.


But for your help, we couldn't have carried out the plan.


2). but that = except that ,意为“若非;要不是”,引导虚拟条件状语从句。例如:

He would have helped me but that he was short of money at that time.


3). but then = on the other hand ,意为“不过;在另一方面”。例如:

London is a noisy place, but then it's also a place where you get the best entertainment. 伦


4). nothing but = only ,意为“只;不过是”。例如:

We could see nothing but water. 我们只能看见水。

5). not … but …意为“不是……而是……”,连接两个并列的名词、形容词、副词、短语或分句等。


My bag is not black but red. 我的书包不是黑色的而是红色的。

He failed not because he isn't clever but because he didn't work hard.


6). no … but 意为“没有……不……”。例如:

No child but likes Old Li in our village. 没有孩子不喜欢我们村里的老李。

7). not only … but also … 意为“不但……而且……;既……又……”,连接两个并列成分。例如:

Not only you but also she has to attend the meeting. 不但你而且她也得参加这次会议。

He not only teaches us English but also does other things for us.


8). not that … but that …意为“不是因为……而是因为……”。例如:

Not that the car is out of order, but that I've not learned to drive.


9). can't help but do … 意为“不能不……;忍不住……”。例如:


I can't help but cry. 我忍不住哭了。

10). all but 意为“除……外全都,几乎”。例如:

All but mother in my family can speak English. 除母亲外,我的一家人都会说英语。

His theory is all but correct. 他的理论几乎是正确的。

11). anything but 意为“不见得,决不”。例如:

He is anything but a good headmaster. 他不见得是个好校长。

This car is anything but beautiful. 这辆小汽车根本不漂亮。

12). but now 意为“刚刚,适才”。例如:

I saw him in the office but now. 我刚刚看见他在办公室。

I heard the commander talk about you but now. 适才听得司令讲到您。

13). can (or could) but 意为“只能,只好”。例如:

His father can but know a few letters. 他的父亲只能认几个字母。

The old lady could but walk slowly with a stick. 那个老太太只能拄着拐杖慢慢地朝前走。

14). can (or could) not but 意为“不得不,忍不住”。例如:

I could not but tell him about it. 我不得不告诉他这件事。

Seeing her husband's funny face, she could not but laugh.看见丈夫的滑稽面孔,她忍不住大笑


15). cannot (or could not) choose but 意为“不得不,必须”。例如:

They could not choose but obey. 他们除了服从外别无选择。

16). never … but 意为“每当……就……”。例如:

He never sees Miss Wang but he thinks of his friend, Xiao Ya.


Her brother never comes, but he asks her for money. 她兄弟来时,总是向她要钱。

17). next but one 意为“再下一个”。例如:

They used to live in the next house but one to me. 他们住在我隔壁的隔壁。

18). no one but 意为“除了……外,谁也不”。例如:

No one but a madman would say such words. 除了疯子,谁也不会说这样的话。

19). not so … (such a … ) but (that) …意为“没有到(不能……)”。例如:

His English is not so bad but he can make himself understood.


I'm not so foolish (not such a fool) but (that) I can see what he really meant.



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