







Our lives are woven together. As much as I enjoy my own

____1____, I no longer imagine I can get through a single day

completely ____2____ my own. Even if I am on ____3____ in the

mountains, I am eating food someone else has grown, living in a

house someone else has built, using electricity someone else is

____4____ to my house. Evidence of ____5____ is everywhere.

As I was growing up, I remember ____6____ carefully taught

that independence not interde- pendence was ____7____. When I

was face-to-face with ____8____ of some action, my mother’s

favorite remark was “ ____9____ you’ve made your bed, lie on


Total independence is a dominant thing in our culture. I

imagine ____10____ my parents were trying to teach me was to

take responsibilities ____11____ my actions and my choices. And I

grew up ____12____ that I was supposed to be totally independent

and consequently became very ____13____ to ask for help. I would

do almost anything not to be a ____14____, and not require any

help from anybody.

When I became ill my illusions of total independence

____15____ in an instant. All of a ____16____ I had to face the fact

that I could do nothing, not even sit up, ____17____ someone

else’s intervention.

I began to realize that not asking for help is, in fact, ____18____.

I love to help people. If I don’t let them help me back, I am not

allowing them the ____19____ satisfaction I enjoy. Learning this

lesson has allowed me once and for all to see that my life really

is a part of a larger ____20____.

1. A. company B. companion C. fellowship D. friendship

2. A. by B. of C. On D. with

3. A. holiday B. vacation C. festival D. rest

4. A. transmitting B. allocating C. distributing D. circulating

5. A. relationship B. companionship C. independence D.


6. A. be B. to be C. being D. to have been

7. A. something B. anything C. everything D. nothing

8. A. seriousness B. consequences C. prominence D. signifi


9. A. now that B. in case C. on condition that D. for fear that

10. A. which B. as C. that D. what

11. A. of B. with C. In D. for

12. A. believing B. suspecting C. forgetting D. remembering

13. A. eager B. dependent C. reluctant D. opposed

14. A. load B. block C. embarrassment D. burden

15. A. reinforced B. vanished C. abandoned D. reversed

16. A. while B. time C. sudden D. change

17. A. with B. without C. instead of D. in place of

18. A. weak B. shameful C. humble D. selfi sh

19. A. same B. such C. much D. past

20. A. life B. world C. existence D. whole


虽然现代社会人们 的生活互相交织,互相依赖 ,然而作者的父母

从小就教育他要学会独立自主,应该为自己的行为承担相应 的责任 ,

因此他养成 了不愿依靠他人的习惯。然而一场大病却改变了他的想法,

使他认识到不愿得到他人帮助实际上是自私的表现 ,因为帮助他人也



1. A

名词辨析题。company :不可数名词 ,陪伴 ;companion :可

数名词 ,朋友 ,伙伴 ;fellowship :友谊 ,伙伴关系 ;friendship :

友谊。根据句意,作者喜欢 自己独处 ,因而是enj oy my own


2. C

介词搭配题。on one s own :独自。

3. B

固定搭配题 。on vacation :度假 。

4. C

动词辨析题 。distribute :分发 ,分配 ,散步 ;tran smit :传输

(信号 );allocate:分配 ;circulate :循环。根据句意 ,我用的电是由



逻辑关 系题 。根据前文 ,作者想要表达 的意义是人们之 间的依

赖无法避免 ,因此是interdependence (互相依赖 )。


分词用法题 。动词remember后面可以是to do sth.,也可以是

doing sth., 前者表示“记得将要做某事” ,后者表示 “记得 已经做

了某事”。该句 中作者 回忆自己小时候曾经发生的事情 ,因此是

remember doing sth.。


不定代词辨析 。everything在此表示最重要的`人或事物 ,如 :

Money isn’t everything. 金钱不是万能的。


语义衔接题 。根据后一句母亲的话可以得知,作者的母亲要求他

勇于承担自己行为所带来 的后果 ,因此应选consequence:结果,

后果。seriousness :严肃性 ;prominence :突出;significance :重

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