


Unit 7单元话题阅读理解专项练习

(2022·宁夏固原·八年级期末)What will the world of the future be like? There are plenty of people who are

happy to give their opinion of what we will be doing in 2050. Here are two predictions about the world of


When we dream about the future, many like to think of owning a personal flying car. It has many advantages.

We could fly at 480km per hour, avoiding traffic lights and busy roads. However, some people believe there will

be problems with traffic. If the cars become popular, there is likely to be an air traffic jam. What will happen if the

cars stop working? These are problems we must expect if flying cars become true.

Three-dimensional(3D) printing is another new technology. 3D printers are used to build an object. They

build the object until it is complete. Car companies already use 3D printers to make life-size models of car parts,

and medical companies use the technology to make man-made body parts. As we move into the future, 3D

printing will change the way we shop, the way we treat sick people. The disadvantage is that it will be very


So, in the future, we might be able to fly to work or print out new shoes. Although there are some problems

to solve before this will be possible, we can certainly dream of a world where technology makes life easier and

safer for millions of people.

1.The underlined word “avoiding” means ________ in Chinese.


2.A personal flying car in the future may have ________ problems.


3.________ build the object until it is complete.

A.Car companiesB.Flying carsC.Body partsD.3D printers

4.From the passage we can know that the writer ________ about the future life with technology.

A.doesn’t careB.feels hopefulC.feels unbelievableD.really worries





What will the schools be like in the future? Smart schools will be the schools of the 21st century. These

future schools are different from universities and colleges in the past. They use high technology(科技)to help

students learn more quickly and safely, as well as bring convenience(便利)to teachers.

The University of British Columbia has built Canada’s first 5G-powered smart school. The school worked

with a high-tech company to build a 5G network across the school.

At Staffordshire University in the UK, many students enjoy talking to Beacon and asking it questions.

Beacon is an AI robot that was made by the university. It is like a personal helper for students. They can ask it

questions, such as if one of their classes is over.

Amazon also has smart school things. Alexa, the company’s voice-activated(声控的)smart robot, can be

used to help teachers with their classes. For example, Alexa can remember what the teacher’s classroom is like,

such as how bright the lights should be, and change them right away.

“Cities are so big, and there are so many stakeholders(利益相关者), so it can be difficult. But universities

have their so they can become a living lab,” said Gemmy Ginty, a teacher who is working on

smart schools for the University of Glasgow.

5.From the passage, we can know __________ is NOT the advantage of the smart schools in the future.

A.helping kids learn faster

C.helping children study much more safely

6.The AI robot Beacon can __________.

A.teach students lessons

C.tell teachers to stop classes

B.answer students’ questions

D.remember students’ hobbies

B.bringing convenience to teachers

D.bringing newer information to teachers

7.The underlined word “bright” in Paragraph 4 means “__________” in Chinese.


8.Gemmy Ginty thinks people want to do some tests on smart technology in universities because __________.

A.they have real labs

C.they have many stakeholders

9.The passage mainly talks about __________.

A.5G network in the future technology in the future

B.personal robots in the future

D.high technology education in the future

B.they are not like real cities

D.they have all of their buildings


I am 15 years old. I am not sure what job I want to do when I am older, but I do know that I

want to go to university. I am going to study English, Italian and math in Grade 12 and then go to a

good university to study languages. Maybe I will become a famous writer.

I am 17 years old. I have a 16-year-old sister and her name is Lucy. I am going to be a doctor

when I am older. I love to study and will try to go to a medical (医学的) school when I am 20.

Before this, I am going to travel to Africa and volunteer (当志愿者) in hospitals. I know it will be

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