




JSP Splitting for Improving Execution



Splitting a JSP (Java Server Pages) page into fragments can improve the

execution performance of JSP pages when the Web application server can separately

cache the Web page fragments obtained by executing the JSP fragments. If a JSP

page is split into fragments according to the update frequency of each portion of the

Web page obtained by executing the JSP page, all of the split JSP fragments do not

need to be executed again when only a single cached part of a Web page expires. In

addition, the fragments of a JSP page can be reused by other JSP pages. In both

cases, the execution results of all of the JSP fragments split from the JSP page must

be the same as from the JSP page before it was split. In this paper, we propose JSP

splitting, which is a method of splitting a JSP page into fragments maintaining the

data and control dependences existing in the original JSP page. JSP splitting

automatically detects the portions needed to maintain the data and control

dependences of a JSP page for the portions that developers want to split from the

JSP page. We implemented JSP splitting with a GUI tool, and confirmed that the

split JSP fragments were executed in the same as the way as the JSP page before the

split. Experimental results show that the response time to access a Web page can be

reduced by splitting a JSP page into fragments and setting different caching periods

for the Web page fragments obtained by executing the JSP fragments.

1. Introduction

Splitting a JSP (Java Server Pages) page into fragments can improve the

execution performance of some JSP pages when the Web application server can

separately cache the Web page fragments obtained by executing the fragments of

the JSP page. The period of caching dynamic Web pages generated by a JSP engine

is limited due to the dynamic nature of the content. When the cached content of a

Web page generated by a JSP engine is updated, the entire JSP page must be

executed again on the application server, even though the change of the Web page

might be small. Since frequent updates of cached Web pages increase the load on an

application server, it is reasonable to split a JSP page into fragments and set

different caching periods for the Web page fragments obtained by executing the JSP

fragments. Of course, the Web page fragments must be merged into a final Web

page correctly. The Dynacache technology of IBM WebSphere Application Server

allows Web page fragments to have different caching periods. Cache tag libraries

provided by the Apache Jakarta Project also support different caching periods for

the JSP fragments. In addition, ESI (Edge Side Includes) technology provides a

mechanism to cache Web page fragments with different caching periods, and to

merge them into a final Web page on an edge server.

The application offload technology of IBM WebSphere Edge Server is another

approach to improve the execution performance of JSP pages. This technology

allows one or more JSP fragments to be cached and executed on edge servers. The

remaining JSP fragments are deployed on the application server and are called by

the JSP fragments executed on the edge server. Thus, some of the execution of a JSP

page is offloaded to the edge server.

Splitting a JSP page facilitates the reuse of JSP fragments. When a Web

application consists of many JSP pages, the same portions tend to exist in many JSP

pages. Examples are the frames, the banners, the headers, and etc.

When a JSP page is split into fragments, the total execution result of all of the

fragments must be the same as the JSP page before it was split. In addition, when

the fragments of a JSP page are executed in different servers, each fragment needs

to be executed without the other fragments. In order to satisfy these conditions, we

propose JSP splitting, which is the method of splitting a JSP page into fragments

described in this paper. Since it is very difficult to automatically find the best way to

split a JSP page into fragments for some particular purpose, we assume that the

developers will select the portions that they want to split into fragments. In order to

execute all of the divided JSP pages correctly, JSP splitting automatically detects

any portions that must be moved or copied into a fragment with the selected

portions. The detection is done based on the analysis of the data and control

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