



Today I will introduce hip-hop,that is street dance, a cool, popular exercise

And it consists of Hip-hop , popping, locking , breaking , jazz and so on.

This is hiphop

This is locking , The most basic action like this-------

This is popping

This is breaking ,the boy who danced breaking called b-boy, and girl called b-

girl, b-boy not is bad boy, so is b-girl .

This is my best love--new jazz

HIP - HOP, also known as the black STREET dance, it comes from, so that's

another way of saying FUNK. Hip-hop because its flop relaxed and optional, free

individuality and rebel spirit and the like by young people rightly

街舞,也称HIP-HOP,它来自黑人街头舞蹈,所以,另一种叫法是STREET FUNK.街舞因



Hip hop has a large extent and simple steps,

and it able to display a complicated dance feeling. Because of easy study,

jumped up and also quite good-looking,

so it is very popularity.




Locking is body do some quick action, and then move in a stop, a Locking

action to describe the best explanation is that you have played that small gear

toys? n. 齿轮;传动装置;装置,工具

When you wind上发条it let him move, he really moving

quickly, but clockwork loose, he suddenly stopped immediately, go back to

the original state

Pop is a kind of your different parts of the body vibration 震动

movement, this is to rely on you shake your muscles to achieve. This is very

need metrical有韵律的sense, and Popping style needs

to cooperate on music, you can straighten your hand shaft拍杆;

轴;箭杆;杆状物;vt. 利用;to do Popping, you can also will shoulder uplift上升;提

高;升起to do, and Popping other body parts are staying upright垂直的,直立的;笔

直的;合乎正道的Also some called poppin is

mechanical dance, just As like a robot

BREAKIN refers to a kind of street dance, also is often say "break", is a more

difficult in the street dance , on the ground with head and body rotation旋转;循

环,轮流, or through the limbs四

肢made difficult handstand such action. They stressed the Crew crazy

footwork to display the dancer's personal style.

JAZZ has a lot of kinds: for instance举...为例, POWER JAZZ, SEXY

JAZZ, and so on

JAZZ MODEN evolved by ballet芭蕾舞剧;芭蕾舞乐曲, is a kind of very

gentleman is very elegant . 高雅的,优雅的;讲究的kinds of dancing. Is

the basis of JAZZ dance other one of dances

Sexy JAZZ is based on the evolution of strength body,but more sexy

POWER JAZZ is a kind of jazz, very the attention points and force the

outbreak, jumped up and control knead

FUNKY JAZZ more like one of JAZZ is POWER, POWER attention points but it

is the process of combining with apply, jumped up similar to the HIPHOP FUNKY


本文标签: 表现精神受到装置传动装置