





板体水湿 board stained by the moisture

板条破裂 boards and battens broken

板有钉眼 board with nail holes

包擦破 bags chafed

包已缝补 bags re-sewn/patched

包有货钩洞 bags holed by cargo hook

包有手钩洞 bags with hook holes

包装不牢固 insufficient packed

备用胎遗失 spare tire missing

标志不充分 marks insufficient

标志不可辨认 marks invisible/unrecognizable

铲车齿洞 holed by forklift hands

车右前挡板凹 car right front fender/mudguard dented

袋旧并沾污 bags covers old & stained

袋皮有脏渍 bags cover dirty

袋子漏损 bags leaking

挡泥板瘪 mudguard dented

反射镜遗失 reflector mirror missing

封条弄破后重修补 seals broken & repaired

封条失落 seals missing

缝口松脱 seams slack

钢管严重碰弯 steel pipes/tube badly bent

管子两端凹进pipe dented on both ends

管子弯曲 pipes bent

货物汗湿 cargo sweated

货物性质致货物撕裂 split due to nature/properties of cargo 货

物性质致色 discolored due to nature/properties of cargo 货物性质

致扎破 sticked due to nature/properties of cargo

箭头倒了 arrow mark down

浸湿且变坏 soaked and spoiled

末端板条裂开 case with end battens split

内货不详 content unknown

内货污染 stained by contents

内容物溶解 contents melting

旁板破裂 side boards broken

气味外溢 smelling out

全部铅封已开all seals open

散口灌包 bags loose & collected

受到撞损 damaged owing to collision

松捆 bundle loosed

铁定松动 nails started/slackened/loosed

桶板脱落 stave off

桶穿孔并渗漏 barrel punctured & leaking

外皮潮湿包 covers damp bags

箱板轻微破损 case boards slightly broken

箱板塌陷 plank dented

箱板有钉眼 cases with nail holes

箱边压坏 cases jammed at the side

箱封条脱落 case seals missing

箱箍断脱 bands broken

箱内容物有破碎声 carton contents rattling

箱子倒置 cases upside down

烟熏损坏 smoke damag e

已有锈渍 stained by rust

油布脱落 tarpaulin missing

油漆轻度擦损 paint slightly scratched

本文标签: 货物遗失管子箱板