



  1. 被动句–>推荐写在作文的第一段的最后一句话,引出文章中心时使用或者第三段第一句话文章总结时使用。

    1. 只要在作文中见到人们、大家、许多人、越来越多的人等人称代词作主语时都可以考虑写成被动。
    2. 例子:
      1. Partents should be respected/supported by us.

        1. parents–>supreiors /the elderly / senior citizens
        2. should–>be suppoesd to/ought to/be obliged to(法律责任)
        3. us/we/people–>human beings /private individuals /the folks /masses(mass +es)
        4. 在这个句子中us最好换为更准确的词:offspring kids/ descendants(后代)
        5. youngsters and teenagers(年轻人)/youngerster on campus/undergraduates
        6. 许多人都应该关注环境污染:experts and professors
        7. 各行各业的男男女女:men and women in all works
        8. 我们应该更有自信:all children and adults
        9. 我们应该支持国货:customers
      2. 我们不应该盲目追星:

        1. Celebrities suppose not to be pursued blindly by teenagers and youngsters.
        2. not -->Never /hardly /by no means /under no circumstances /fail to
      3. 污染很严重:

        1. pollution is thought very serious by an increasing number of experts and professors.
          1. Think–>presume /contend(v.竞争 斗争 奋斗 主张)/maintain /cling to the perspective that 认为
          2. very–>enormously /remarkably /exceedingly /extraordinarily
          3. serious–>fatal /grave(n.墓穴 庄严的 严肃的 严重的) /fearful(可怕的 担心的 严重的) /severe(严厉的 剧烈的 苛刻的)
  2. There be句型(倒装)–>第二段第一句话

    1. There are a lot of reasons to explain my point.
      1. many–>a sea of /an ocean of /an army of /a multitude of
      2. reason–>causes /factors /elements
      3. explain–>give rise to(引起 使发生 导致) /account for
      4. idea–>argument /viewpoint /perspective /outlook(n.展望 态度 观点 景色)
  3. 比较结构

    1. as…as.(比喻)
      1. 作文中出现形容词副词的地方都可以考虑使用as…as,但是推荐写在文章中心句(第一段的最后一句话,第三段的第一句话)引出文章中心时使用.
      2. 举例:
        1. liu is very beautiful–>liu proves as gorgeous as a white lily,which manages to catch the eyes of an ocean of teenagers and youngsters.

          1. be:现在进行时的be不可以替换
            1. look /smell /taste /feel /sound
            2. seem /appear /prove
            3. become /get
            4. keep /remain
          2. beutiful–>gorgeous /attractive
        2. 自信很重要:

          1. Confident seems as important/imperative as water,which plays a key role in the normal growth of all creatures in the world.
  4. the+adverb/adjective, the+adverb/adjective–>推荐写在第二段表原因时使用

    1. The farther one climbs,the higher he will see.
      1. farther表示实际距离的远,further表示内心这种虚构的远
    2. 若主句与从句的动作都没发生过,主句用一般将来时从句用一般现在时表将来
    3. 越努力越幸运:The harder youngsters on campus remain,the more fortunate they will become.
    4. 交流文化的越频繁,经济发展越迅速:The more frequently clutures are exchanged,the more rapidly economy will advance.


  1. And But

    1. and 与but的替换
      1. 推荐写在作文的第一段描述一幅图两个主体两个动作 /两幅图
      2. and–>simultaneously /in the mean while /at the same time
      3. but–>nevertheless /by contrast /on the contrary
    2. in the picture,the goal-keeper is imgaing himself as small as ant,on the contrary,the soccer player is visualizing his outstandingly giant.
    3. 描述图画作文时不写定语与状语显得生硬。
    4. picture–>photograph /caricature(n.漫画 adj.滑稽的 v.用漫画表现或夸张描述 ) /drawing
  2. Not only…But also–# 推荐写在作文的第二段,分析原因时使用 #

    1. Rasing pets can not only cultivate the loving heart of kids but also can reduce the loneliness of senior citizens.
      2.为什么要孝敬父母: Respecting the elderly proves the resonsibility of their offerspring but also keeps a chinese traditional(conventional) virtue.
    2. 为什么不能盲目追星:Pursing celebrities blindly not only exerts great influence on study of youngsters on campus but also provesa waste ofvigour.


  1. 主语从句–可以写在作文中任何一句话前,用来拉长句子,但是推荐写在第一段第一句用来引出图表/图画
    1. that you never fail to fascinate me is obvious.
      1. 这句话就是主语从句,但是这样显得头大,把that提到后边加it为形式主语
      2. it…that:it is universally(普遍的)that…
      3. 显而易见的
        1. it is universally acknowledged that…
        2. it seems beyond disput that…
        3. it keeps my perspective that…
      4. 更好的主语从句的变体是:把it变成what,在that前加is。
        1. what has been widely accepted is that…
        2. what proves common knowledge is that…
        3. 这个变化其实就是把形式主语it变成what引导的主语从句+系动词+表语从句。
  2. 同位语和同位语从句
    1. 名词作同位语(同位语前后加逗号)
      1. A boy,a crazy football fan,is writing the name,an important(imperative)symbol of someone,of beckham,a worlfwide famous star,on his face,some part of the body.
    2. 同位语从句
      1. 她长着一副大眼睛,这个事实证明了他是一个美女:The evidence that she wears a pir of big eyes manifests(v.证明 表名 adj.明白的 显然的 n.货单 旅客名单)taht she looks like a beauty.
      2. 为什么说污染很严重:The evidencethat a heaven of satrs and pure moonlights fail to be detected by urban kids manifests that pollution becomes increasingly fearful in our contemporary society.
      3. 为什么城市化加强农村人减少:The evidence that rural(乡下的 农村的) migrant workers enable their children to enjoy better education there manifests that more of them tend to swarm(v.挤满 云集 n.一大群) into cities and towns.
        1. swarm into 涌入=pour in 大量涌入 蜂拥而来
        2. swarm with 充满
  3. 定语和定语从句
    1. 定语在写作中的使用
      1. 只要见到名词都可以有意识的加一个定语的成分,但是在第一段描述图画时见到名词通常都加定语,使图画更生动。
      2. A boy is rushing to the destination.
      3. A boy young as well as energetic is rushing to the destination which becomes a new start.
        1. as well as 是连词相当于and 可以从名词前放到名词后,a young as well as energetic boy.
      4. The eldest son looking rather cruel as well as ugly is kicking out his father who trembles on the ground like a fallen leaf in autum.
        1. tremble v.战栗 发抖
        2. rather adv.相当 +adj 相当于very
      5. 描述图画万能定语
        1. 好的:
          1. graceful /elegent /young /cute /lovely /little
          2. confident /energetic /enthusiastic /passionate
          3. aggressive /ambition /persistant
          4. who looks distinctly impressive to readers 给读者留下深刻印象的
        2. 坏的:
          1. uncourteous/discourtenous 无礼的 粗鲁的 /cruel ugly
          2. negative /gloomy pessimistic
          3. short-sighted 目光短浅的 /double-faced
          4. contemptible 卑鄙的 /contempt n.轻视 耻辱
          5. hot-tempered 坏脾气的
          6. terrible /disgusting /
          7. disgraceful 可耻的 丢脸的 不光彩的
          8. who looks rather less impressive to readers.不能给读者留下深刻印象的
        3. 定语从句满分表达
          1. which引导的非限制性定语从句,可以修饰前后整句话,which翻译成“这”
          2. 他是一个色狼,是显而易见的:He proves a lady-killer which is obvious/apparent.
          3. which has provoked the widespread concern among people.
          4. 本句型推荐写在作文中的任何一段话后边,对前边的内容补充说明,但是推荐写在第二段某个比较短的原因后
  4. 状语和状语从句
    1. 只要在句子中加以下的内容就一定是状语:adverb /time /site /if /reason /让步状语(although) /方式(by)/伴随状语(with)/目的状语 /比较状语(as…as)
    2. 状语在作文中的应用:作文中任何一句话的旁边都可以加一个状语来拉长句子。
    3. 在描述图标与图画时一定要加状语,使其描述更完整。
    4. 描述图画的万能状语:In the center of the vivid picture.
    5. 分析原因的万能状语:
      1. in our contemporary society=nowadays
      2. in the general routine of everyday living 在我们日常生活中.
      3. although an army of experts and professors fail to pay attention to the issue.
      4. in the light of 根据 当作 in light of 根据 从…观点
      5. pay attention to–>place great empahsis on /attach great importance to /shed light on(阐明 弄清楚)
      6. problem–>phenomenon /current situation /subject
    6. 状语从句的满分表达
      1. although-- 作文中任何一句话的旁边都可加如although引导的让步状语,对这句话的意思若转折,但是推荐写在第二段分析原因时使用。
        1. 为什么网络不好:surfing the internet exerts great influence on the study and work of teenagers and youngster although it definitely makes our daily life more convenient.
        2. 为什么农名工涌入城市:they,in big cities,not only find more job opportunites but also enbale their offspring to enjoy equal education like their peers in urban areas,although they might lead a though life there.
      2. so…that…结果状语从句
        1. 有adj都可以写成so…that…但是推荐写在第一段最后一句话引出文章中心时使用或者第三段第一句话文章总结时使用。
        2. supporting the elderly keeps so crucial that time is supported to be spared to accompany them.
        3. sth proves so significant /fearful that (it should have been brought into the limelight under modern conditions)括号内容自己写 举例: Loving your boyfriend proves so significant that you should never fail to cheer him up.
      3. 分词作状语放在句子的主谓之间做插入语
        1. 作文中的使用:–本句型推荐写在作文第一段(一幅图 一个主题 两个动作时使用)
          1. An american girl ① smiling ②,is wearing chinese costume ③.
            1. young as well as elegant
            2. sweetly on her face
            3. which is popoular in the southest of china.
        2. 模板:sb(定),doing sth1(次要)+定语/状语,is doing sth2(主要)+定语/状语
          1. the hot pot ①,smoking ②,is filled with culture ③.
            1. not only delicious but also healthy
            2. in the center of the vivid caricature.
            3. from chia and forgign nations.


  1. 插入语(可插在任何一句话的主谓之间)

    1. 常见副词:frankly
    2. 常见的adj及短语:needless to say(显而易见)
    3. 常见的介词短语:in mine judgement=in my opinion
    4. 常见的现在分词短语:honestly speaking
    5. 常见的动词不定式:to tell the truth /to be honest
    6. 插入语:as i see it=in my opinion /as we all konw
      1. important–>fundamental /indispensible
      2. pay a key role in sth
  2. 双重否定

    1. never fail to 没有意思 表强调 强调谓语
  3. 强调句型

    1. it is …that…
    2. i met my old flame in the street yesterday
      1. it was yesterday that i met my old flame–强调yesterday
      2. it was i that met old flame in the street yesterday.–强调我

  4. 以上三个句型分别推荐写在第一段最后一句、第二段第一句、第三段第一句

  5. 倒装–把一句话写成一般疑问句的形式,也就是给一句话提一个助动词或是be放在句首

    1. 否定词放句首用倒装
      1. not only …but also—主 not only does…(倒装)
      2. he not only looks poor but also in fact keeps poor in his mind.
        1. Not only does he looks poor,but also in fact keeps poor in his mind.
      3. so…that 倒装 把so引导的句子放在句首
        1. my mom is so kind that she will never kill an ant
        2. so kind is my mom that she will never kill an ant
        3. sth keeps so significant/fearful that…
        4. so fearful does sth keep that…
  6. 虚拟语气

    1. if虚拟语气
      1. if you travel to the next restort(n.旅游圣地),i will close all my windows.
      2. 把条件状语从句变为虚拟语气,只需要把已写好的句子时态变为过去式
      3. 如果每个大学生都沉溺于网络–虚拟语气中be动词过去式只有were
        1. if every youngsters on campus were indulged in surfing on the internet,he would achieve nothing until to the end of their life.
      4. it seems urgent that chinese citizens/undergraduates should…
        1. ** 本句型推荐写在作文第二段,具体措施时使用。**
        2. 写措施时不能再写government这种了,要写得更具体
          1. parents should educate their kids
          2. teachers in primary school or universities should educate undergraduateds.
          3. communities should encourage residents.
          4. 写措施时要有个人:we(写得更具体) cannot have failed to do…
  7. 修辞

    1. 比喻

      1. confidence is to youngsters as water is to fish.
        1. as the foundation is to high skyscrapers
        2. as the infinate blue sky is to little larks(云雀 百灵鸟)
        3. as sunshine in spring is to all creatures on the earth
        4. 自己写:as socialist road with chinese characteristics is to the development of chinese economy.
      2. sth is serious
        1. sth seems to 人+as pollution is to all the human beings
          1. as intensive pain is to the terminally ill patients
          2. as grave national disasters are to powerless natives
          3. 自己写:as the struggle between two countries is to ordinary citizen.
    2. 排比

      1. 段落写作原则–大作文第二段
        1. 定义和解释
          1. 什么是追星:pursing stars is a popular trend among youngsters which means that we bug their cds,we take part in their concerts and we learn to singing their songs when we are still young
          2. 什么是孝敬父母:respecting the elderly is a traditional vitue which means that we but gifts for them we wash cloths for them and we walk with them when we are still have time to do those things.
        2. 定义和解释的模板
          1. sth1 is sth2 which means that +三个主语一致的简单句 +when引导的时间状语从句
            1. sth2:a severe global issue
            2. a chinese conventional virtue
            3. a social pervasive trend
            4. a active/negative mentality
            5. a hot social subject.
          2. 什么是乐观:optimism is an indispensible character which means that we face everying with smile,we don’t scare probles and we have faith in ourself when life is still going on.
          3. 这个原因分析一定要用在第一个原因分析时使用。
    3. 举例

      1. 如果是大栗子就写两个原因
      2. 注意:
        1. 一般用一般过去时
        2. 一定要用拿得准的单词和语法
        3. 在单词语法正确的基础上用法正确
        4. 注意逻辑关系词的正确使用

本文标签: 考研英语