

unit_5 Law

Getting prepared - academic exploration 1

  • translation from Chinese into English
    1. ethical (adj.1- relating to principles of what is right and wrong 关于伦理的;2 morally good or correct 合乎道德的;道德上正确的)
      • The technology lets scientists study early embryos thoroughly for the first time, opening doors that come with several ethical questions._ 该项技术首次让科学家可以仔细研究早期胚胎,但同时引发了一些伦理问题。
      • Being truly ethical in the workplace means striving to be more than just a rule follower, and employees should avoid actions that create suffering for others._ 在职场上做到真正有道德不仅仅意味着要尽力做一个守规矩的人,员工还应该避免给他人造成伤害的行为。
    • It’s legal, but is it ethical?Society judges right and wrong in many different ways. There are legal and ethical interpretations that are commonly used in many societies to decide between what is good and bad.
    • 合法,但是这道德吗?社会裁定是非曲直有许多不同方式。法律的和道德的阐释在许多社会中被广泛用来判断什么是好的,什么是不好的。
    1. illegal (adj. not allowed by the law 非法的,违法的)
      • This website faces heavy fines for failing to swiftly take down the hate speech and illegal content.该网站因没能迅速撤下仇恨言论和非法内容而面临巨额罚款。
    • However, clearly not all unethical behavior is illegal and not all legal behavior is ethical.
    • 但是,很显然并不是所有不道德的行为都违法,也不是所有合法的行为都符合道德规范。
    1. representative (n. [C] sb. who has been chosen to speak, vote, or make decisions for sb. else 代表,代理人)
      • The legal representative can only act within the scope and limits of their authority as designated by a court or other agreement._ 法定代理人只能在法院或其他协议限定的范围内行使职权。
    • The law is a set of written rules and regulations, usually created by a legal institute or their representatives, such as judges and the government.
    • 法律是一系列成文的条例和规定,通常由立法机关或他们的代理人比如法官或政府创立.
    1. maintain (v. to make sth. continue in the same way or at the same standard as before 保持;维持)
      • Security-guard companies are not only beneficial to the businesses which hire them, but play a significant role in maintaining order in the city as well._ 安保公司不仅对雇用他们的企业有益,而且对维护城市秩序也非常重要。
    • It is thought to be accepted by the whole of society and something that is recognized and maintained by powers such as the police.
    • 被认为是为全社会所接受,同时由执法机关如警察认可并维护。
    1. ultimately (adv. finally, after everything else has been done or considered 最后,最终)
      • A senior executive told the reporter that the company was confident it could ultimately win the case on appeal._ 一名高管告诉记者,公司有信心最终通过上诉赢得官司。
    • Tax is ultimately a way of redistributing money to make society fairer.
    • 税收归根到底是一种重新分配财富的方式,能够让社会更加公平。
    1. controversial (adj. causing a lot of disagreement, because many people have strong opinions about the subject being discussed 引起争论的,有争议的)
      • Controversial ethical issues are dilemmas without easy answers, dilemmas in which each side might have valid arguments._ 有争议的道德问题是无法轻易得出答案的两难问题,争议的双方可能都有理有据。
    • A more controversial area is when unethical behavior is thought to affect the wider society.
    • 一个更具争议的情形存在于不道德的行为被认为影响整个社会之时。
    1. provision (n. [C, usu. sing.] when you provide sth. that sb. needs now or in the future 提供,供给;预备)
      • Decisions about the provision of public goods are made by governments and not at the individual level._ 关于提供公共产品的决定是由政府做出的,这不是个人层面的决定。
    • It allows the provision of services such as schools and hospitals.
    • 为社会提供服务,如学校教育和医疗资源。
    1. evasion (n. [U] when you deliberately avoid doing sth. that you should do, or paying an amount of money that you should pay 回避;逃避)
      • The central bank’s oversight of digital payment could give governments a powerful new tool against crime, money-laundering and tax evasion._ 中央银行对电子支付的监管可以成为政府打击犯罪、洗钱和逃税的有力新武器。
    • However, there is an important distinction between tax avoidance and tax evasion.
    • 但是,避税和逃税之间有显著的区别。
  • words in use (fill the blank with appropriate words)
    1. The government has introduced an initiative to fight against tax avoidance.
    2. Corporate organizations should be responsible for the behavior of their employees.
    3. This institute aims to improve business ethics and encourage high standards of business behavior based on ethics, but it has no control over how companies actually behave.
    4. In an ideal situation, no one would do anything illegal. They would all follow the law.
    5. Ultimately, it is up to the individual to decide what is right and wrong.
    6. This report discusses the policies developed at the national level to improve the provision of childcare facilities.
    7. The curbs on big companies suggest governments are beginning to rein in (约束) giants, and their evasion of responsibility may be coming to an end.
    8. Generally, a parent or guardian of a minor child (未成年子女) is regarded as the “personal representative” of the minor child.
  • translation from English into Chinese
    1. Regulations are made after taking into consideration the whole public at large, and so they must be followed by them. Violation of any regulation may cause severe punishment.法规是在考虑大众整体的基础上制定的,所以必须为全体大众所遵守。违反任何法规的行为都可能受到严厉惩罚。
    2. Management defines the framework for how organizational culture affects employees, customers and how an organization deals with ethical issues. 公司管理在总体上决定了公司文化如何影响员工和客户,以及一个公司如何处理伦理问题。
    3. Nowadays, multidimensional peacekeeping operations are called upon to maintain international peace and security.当下,需要多维度的维和行动来维持国际和平与安全。
    4. While we are mindlessly posting our lives online, our data is shared, traded, and used by tech companies, which creates growing controversial issues concerning the ethics of digital data collection.当我们毫不在意地将个人生活发布在网络上时,我们的个人数据为科技公司所共享、交易和使用,这在数据收集的伦理问题上引发了越来越多的争议。

Getting prepared - academic exploration 2

  • translation from Chinese into English
    1. credit (n. [U] approval or praise that you give to sb. for sth. they have done赞扬;赞许)
      • The fact that he paid the least effort while still took credit for those new ideas really irritated his colleagues.他对这些新的点子贡献最少却把功劳归于自己,这着实惹怒了他的同事们。
    • This behavior can be very simple things such as from taking a short cut to complete a task to taking credit for completing someone else’s work.
    • 举例来说,像是“走捷径”完成某项任务,或是靠着完成别人的任务而获得荣誉,这些很平常的事情都是不道德的。
    1. misdemeanor (n. [C] (fml.) a bad or unacceptable action that is not very serious不当行为,不检点行为)
      • According to the survey, misdemeanors or unacceptable behaviors are the main reasons for the dismissal of employees in this company.据调查,不妥当或是不可接受的行为是导致员工在该公司被解雇的主要原因。
    • While unethical behavior may frequently occur, there are a number of things companies can do to limit how often or serious these misdemeanors are.
    • 虽然不道德行为在职场时有发生,但公司可以通过一系列措施来降低这些行为发生的频率,减弱其负面影响。
    1. issue (v. if an organization or sb. in an official position issues sth. such as documents or equipment, they give these things to people who need them (组织或官员) 发给,分发(文件、设备等所需之物))
      • The company would issue notices to employees who are absent from important events without any strong reason.公司会给无故缺席重大活动的员工发出提醒通知。
    • This document outlines how employees are expected to behave and is frequently issued when new employees start in a company.
    • 该准则概述了员工应遵循的行事方式,新员工入职时往往都会收到这份文件。
    1. motivator (n. [C] sth. or sb. that makes you want to do or achieve sth.起激励作用的事(人),促进因素;动力)
      • According to researchers, peer pressure can act as a motivator to promote continuous progress of employees.研究人员认为,同伴压力可作为一种激励因素用来促进员工不断进步。
    • Not only is praise a good motivator, but it will also lead to employee loyalty.
    • 赞扬不仅能够起到激励作用,还能够提高员工的忠诚度。
    1. declare (v. to state on an official government form how much money you have earned, what property you own, etc.申报(收入、财产等))
      • According to applicable laws, he must declare this income for tax purposes.根据相关适用法律,他必须为纳税而申报这笔收入。
    • The company’s ethics policy includes a clause that states that employees must declare all gifts over the value of $50.
    • 该公司的员工道德规范有一项条款规定,员工必须申报其收到的价值超过50美元的礼物。
    1. perfume (n. [C, U] a liquid with a strong pleasant smell, usu. made from oils taken from flowers or spices and often used on the skin or clothing香水)
      • The court deemed that the advantage arising from selling“smell-alike perfumes”is taken unfairly, and the act of Company A has been contrary to fair competition and therefore illegal.法院认定,出售“类似气味的香水”所产生的利益是不正当的,A公司的行为违反了公平竞争原则,是不合法的。
    • When the employee awards a new contract to a supplier, he is given flowers, chocolates, and perfume as a gift.
    • 每次该员工和某供应商完成签约后,他都会收到鲜花、巧克力以及香水等礼物。
    1. closet (n.[C]壁橱)
      • The company was sued by the purchaser for the poor quality of the clothes closet it produced.该公司因生产劣质衣橱被采购方起诉。
    • From the supply closet, she also often took pens, pencils, and paper for her children to use at home.
    • Y时常会从公司的办公用品柜拿一些钢笔、铅笔以及纸张带回家给自己的孩子们用。
    1. evade (v. to avoid paying money that you ought to pay, for example tax规避,逃避(纳税等))
      • It deserves to be punished by taking advantage of legal loopholes to evade taxes.利用法律上的漏洞逃避税款的行为应当受到惩罚。
    • After an inspection, it was decided that they are not evading tax illegally, but they are avoiding paying the maximum amount possible by using this policy.
    • 经过调查,X公司的行为未被认定为非法逃税,但他们实际上的确利用了政策漏洞,免于缴纳最高额的税款。
  • words in use (fill the blank with appropriate words)
    1. When companies recruit new employees, they should not only take the candidates’ professional capacities into account, but also evaluate their personal character.
    2. A company normally would update the employee handbook annually in order to better regulate employee behavior and conduct at work.
    3. Even if in some cases an employee’s intentions are good, his or her behavior can still be recognized as unethical.
    4. The company will issue an identity card to every new employee at the very first working day.
    5. The company might run the risk of being sued (起诉) as they have failed to correctly calculate and declare the amount of tax according to the applicable law.
    6. One of the clauses in the contract says that employees are strictly forbidden to reveal any information about the clients.
    7. Despite the fact that companies would usually state the relevant rules publicly and clearly, there are still occasional violations.
  • translation from English into Chinese
    1. What might hinder a company’s development are not necessarily those illegal acts of company employees, but misdemeanors sometimes happening without being noticed. .
      1. 阻碍一家公司发展的不一定是职员的违法行径,而是一些有时甚至不为人所注意的不端行为。
    2. Individuals or entities being convicted (判定…有罪) of evading taxes could be punished with substantial penalties which might include fines and a sentence of months or even up to years.
      1. 被判偷税罪的个人或实体会受到包括罚款以及数月甚至数年监禁在内的重大处罚。
    3. Scholars have defined a corporate moral code as a set of standards used to guide the behavior of both employees and company.
      1. 学者们将企业道德规范定义为一-整套用来指导员工和公司行为的准则。
    4. Some people treat rewards as the most powerful motivators that help in regulating one s behavior and emotions in the workplace.
      1. 一些人将奖励看作最强有力的激励因素,能够帮助规范个体在职场的行为和情绪。

本文标签: finalmaterialretrospectiveEnglishLaw