

2021 ICLR

Decoupling Global and Local Representations via Invertible Generative Flows

Property Controllable Variational Autoencoder via Invertible Mutual Dependence


2019 ICLR

Analyzing Inverse Problems with Invertible Neural Networks 


2020 NeurIPS

Network-to-Network Translation with Conditional Invertible Neural Networks

Coupling-based Invertible Neural Networks Are Universal Diffeomorphism Approximators

Invertible Gaussian Reparameterization: Revisiting the Gumbel-Softmax

Understanding Anomaly Detection with Deep Invertible Networks through Hierarchies of Distributions and Features


2019 NeurIPS

Residual Flows for Invertible Generative Modeling

MintNet: Building Invertible Neural Networks with Masked Convolutions

Invertible Convolutional Flow

Discrete Flows: Invertible Generative Models of Discrete Data


2018 NeurIPS

Deep, complex, invertible networks for inversion of transmission effects in multimode optical fibres

Glow: Generative Flow with Invertible 1x1 Convolutions


2021 ICML

Multiscale Invertible Generative Networks for High-Dimensional Bayesian Inference

[abs][Download PDF][Supplementary PDF]


2021 ICCV

Diverse Image Style Transfer via Invertible Cross-Space Mapping

[pdf] [supp] 

Personalized and Invertible Face De-Identification by Disentangled Identity Information Manipulation


HiNet: Deep Image Hiding by Invertible Network



2019 ICCV

Hiding Video in Audio via Reversible Generative Models



2021 CVPR

ArtFlow: Unbiased Image Style Transfer via Reversible Neural Flows

[pdf] [supp] [arXiv] 

Invertible Denoising Network: A Light Solution for Real Noise Removal

[pdf] [arXiv] 

iVPF: Numerical Invertible Volume Preserving Flow for Efficient Lossless Compression

[pdf] [supp] [arXiv] 

Invertible Image Signal Processing

[pdf] [supp] [arXiv] 

Large-Capacity Image Steganography Based on Invertible Neural Networks

[pdf] [supp] 

Quality-Agnostic Image Recognition via Invertible Decoder

[pdf] [supp] 

Neural Parts: Learning Expressive 3D Shape Abstractions With Invertible Neural Networks

[pdf] [supp] [arXiv] 


2020 CVPR

LT-Net: Label Transfer by Learning Reversible Voxel-Wise Correspondence for One-Shot Medical Image Segmentation

[pdf] [supp] [video] 

A Disentangling Invertible Interpretation Network for Explaining Latent Representations

[pdf] [supp] [arXiv] [video] 


2019 CVPR

Low-Rank Tensor Completion With a New Tensor Nuclear Norm Induced by Invertible Linear Transforms


Reversible GANs for Memory-Efficient Image-To-Image Translation

[pdf] [supp] 

BeautyGlow: On-Demand Makeup Transfer Framework With Reversible Generative Network



2021 AAAI

HINT: Hierarchical Invertible Neural Transport for Density Estimation and Bayesian Inference



2020 AAAI

Two Birds with One Stone: Investigating Invertible Neural Networks for Inverse Problems in Morphology



2021 IJCAI

PointLIE: Locally Invertible Embedding for Point Cloud Sampling and Recovery

(PDF | Details)

Likelihood-free Out-of-Distribution Detection with Invertible Generative Models

(PDF | Details)


2021 ACM MM

Enhanced Invertible Encoding for Learned Image Compression


DehazeFlow: Multi-scale Conditional Flow Network for Single Image Dehazing



2020 ECCV

Invertible Image Rescaling

[pdf] [supplementary material] 

Invertible Zero-Shot Recognition Flows

[pdf] [supplementary material] 

本文标签: 神经网络会议论文