



  TASK 1
  What do you think of homeschooling? Use details and examples to explain you opinion.
  TASK 2
  Why do you think the biggest challenge that people are not able to save money? How to solve the challenge?
  TASK 1
  Which of the following methods do you think is the best to motivate the employees?
  A. Extra money as a reward
  B. Organize a kind of contest to select who is the best one.
  C. To praise staff on the website
  Please use details and examples to explain why.
  TASK 2
  Do you agree or disagree that it is important to learn about the history of the city you stay in? Please give specific details to support your opinion.
  TASK 1
  Teachers prefer to give students group assignments instead of individual assignments. Give at least one advantage and one disadvantage about the statement.
  TASK 2
  When you have confronts with your family or your friends, do you wish to convince them or hold different opinions?
  TASK 1
  What do you think can improve your local community and make it a better place to live?
  TASK 2
  Some people like to make decision based on their own experience while other people prefer to ask others for help such as family and friends. Which do you prefer and why?
  TASK 1
  Describe something that you thought was negative the first time you went to school, but turned out to be positive. Please use details and examples in your response.
  TASK 2
  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is okay for professors to forbid students to record lectures.
  TASK 1
  Which one of the following group has the most influence on your opinion?
  A. Teachers
  B. Friends
  C. Family members
  Use details and examples to support your opinion.
  TASK 2
  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Students should be engaged in activities that they are interested in or they are talented in.
  TASK 1
  Your university is going to add a new section in the campus newspaper. Which of the following three do you think is the best choice?
  A. Film recommendation
  B. Tips about travelling for students
  C. Local restaurants review
  Use details and examples to support your opinion.
  TASK 2
  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The university should educate students about moral values such as honesty. Use details and examples to support your opinion.
  TASK 1
  One of your friends is going to visit your country. What kind of transportation do you recommend him or her to use? Explain with details and examples.
  TASK 2
  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It’s reasonable to build a factory that provides many job opportunities but pollutes the environment. Use details and examples to support your opinion.
  TASK 1
  Which function of the cellphones do you think is the most useful to students?
  A. Taking photos
  B. Listening to music
  C. Recording videos
  Use details and examples to support your opinion.
  TASK 2
  Some people prevent their kids from making mistakes, while others allow them to do so. Which type of parents do you think is better?
  TASK 1
  Things always change in an unexpected way. Please describe a thing you have recently done but ten years ago, you never imagined you would do.
  TASK 2
  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Children should listen to or watch news at a very young age. Use details and examples to support your opinion.
  TASK 1
  Talk about the advantage and disadvantage of universities located in small town or rural areas? Use details and examples to support your opinion.
  TASK 2
  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Children should have access to computer and other electronic devices as early as possible. Use details and examples to support your opinion.
  TASK 1
  Many professors ask their students to take exams during the classes, but some professors allow students to take exam papers home and hand in the next day. What are the advantages or disadvantages of asking students to do a home-take exam? Use details and examples to support your opinion.
  TASK 2
  In a group discussion, some students prefer to speak out their minds immediately, while the others prefer to speak out their opinions after listening to others' opinions. Which way do you prefer and why? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
  TASK 1
  One of your friends went straight to work after high school and skipped university. Now he decides to go to university after 10 years. Please talk about at least one challenge he will face when he goes to university at an elder age.
  TASK 2
  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It's never acceptable to interrupt other people when they are taking. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
  TASK 1
  Which of the following three after-school activities you are most interested in?
  A. Planting flowers
  B. Picking garbage and plastic in the campus
  C. Painting
  Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
  TASK 2
  Some people believe that business meetings should be only conducted face-to-face in person, while others think it’s okay to have business meetings online with the help of technology? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
  TASK 1
  Which of the following characteristics do you think would be the most important for a person who is going to start a small business?
  A. Being outgoing and friendly
  B. Being creative and imaginative
  C. Being well-organized
  Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
  TASK 2
  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parent should help kids to prevent from difficulties in their life so kids will not experience difficulties in their early ages. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
  TASK 1
  Some people choose not to use social media websites or apps. Talk about one advantage and one disadvantage of not using social media. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
  TASK 2
  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is acceptable to take advantage of those who have more influence to get a new job. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
  TASK 1
  One of your friends needs to take courses during the summer vacation in order to graduate one year earlier from the university. Talk about one advantage and one disadvantage of doing that. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
  TASK 2
  Some universities allow people from the local community to audit classes for free, but they will not receive feedbacks or grades on their papers. Do you think it’s a good program and explain why? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
  TASK 1
  Instead of printing books in paper version the university decides to release only online version of textbooks. Talk about at least one advantage and one disadvantage of this change.
  TASK 2
  Some professors prefer to answer students' questions at the end of the class, while others stop at different points to answer students’ questions. Which why do you think is better and why.
  TASK 1
  One of your friends is going to have a pet. What suggestions would you like to give him or her? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
  TASK 2
  Your university is going to lower the budget for some in-campus clubs. Which of the following three clubs’ budget do you think should be cut down?
  A. Sports club
  B. Academic club
  C. Skiing club
  Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
  TASK 1
  A friend of yours is planning to sign up for an exchange program to study abroad, however, he will graduate a year later from the university. What suggestions do you have for him and why?
  TASK 2
  Some people think, with the development of technology and Internet, libraries will disappear, while others think libraries are always necessary. Which opinion do you support? Please give specific details to support your opinion.
  TASK 1
  Your university plans to cancel long vacations and have several short breaks in one year instead. Do you think it’s a good idea and why. Please give specific details to support your opinion.
  TASK 2
  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The best decisions are made by groups rather than made by individuals. Please give specific details to support your opinion.
  TASK 1
  A museum is going to add a new area for kids. Which of the following theme will be the most attractive to kids?
  A. Robot technology
  B. Deep sea animals
  C. Solar system
  Use details and examples to support your opinion.
  TASK 2
  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? We should be completely honest and open to friends. Use details and examples to support your opinion.
  TASK 1
  Which of the following should the government fund?
  A. Health care
  B. Education system
  C. Space problem
  Use details and examples to support your opinion.
  TASK 2
  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents should discourage their kids to choose the majors that might be very competitive to find jobs in the future, like artists and singers. Use details and examples to support your opinion.
  TASK 1
  What do you think is the most common mistakes that parents make in the process of raising their kids?
  TASK 2
  When giving feedbacks to students, some professors would like to talk to their students in person, while others would give written comments to students. Which do you prefer and why?
  TASK 1
  Talk about the advantage and disadvantage of giving children financial reward when they do well in school.
  TASK 2
  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It’s never too late to get a degree in university.
  TASK 1
  Describe something that once you are scared of but you overcame it in the end, and explain how you overcome it.
  TASK 2
  Is library a place for quiet reading or for face-to-face discussion?
  TASK 1
  Talk about the advantage and disadvantage of having pre-courses before starting university.
  TASK 2
  Some people prefer to work regularly, while others prefer to work as a freelancer. Which one do you prefer and why.
  TASK 1
  If universities are given financial support to develop researches, which one do you think would receive more benefits?
  A. To predict weather more accurately
  B. To clean rivers and ocean
  C. To deal with out space.
  Use details and examples to support your opinion.
  TASK 2
  Do you prefer to make friends with those who of your own age or those who are in different age group with you?
  TASK 1
  One of your friends plans to learn cooking. What suggestion would you give to your friend?
  TASK 2
  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People should always keep in touch with their friends and family and inform them of their whereabouts during a trip.
  TASK 1
  Which of the following is most important for recruitment of new employees?
  A. Academic background
  B. Work experience
  C. Interview performance
  Use details and examples to support your opinion.
  TASK 2
  Do you like to decorate your room with objects like paintings and pictures or leave the wall blank and simple?
  TASK 1
  What are you supposed to do when one classmate of yours want you to help him or her review but at the same time you also have loads to prepare for the exam?
  TASK 2
  Which do you prefer? Hiking club or debate club. Use specific details and examples to support your opinion.
  TASK 1
  If your professor cancels the night class, but there is an upcoming test tomorrow. What would you do tonight, go hang out with your friends or prepare for the test?
  TASK 2
  Which one do you prefer, homeschooling or sending kids to the public school? Use specific details and examples to support your opinion.
  TASK 1同20180303
  Which of the following do you think is the most useful when the campus newspaper wants to offer information for their students? Use details and examples to support your opinion.
  A. Film recommendation
  B. Local Restaurants recommendation
  C. Tips for travelling
  Use specific details and examples to support your opinion.
  TASK 2
  Which do you think is more important when facing difficulties, humor or a serious attitude? Use details and examples to support your opinion.
  TASK 1
  Talk about the advantage and the disadvantage of starting business within the same family. Use details and examples to support your opinion.
  TASK 2
  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Children should take part in sports team to be more socially developed. Use details and examples to support your opinion.
  TASK 1
  What would you do to celebrate your friend’s achievement? Use details and examples to support your opinion.
  TASK 2
  Your university is going to shut down the computer room since many students have laptops. What do you think of this idea?
  TASK 1
  Which of the following three courses do you think can help students the best?
  A. Public speaking class
  B. Photography class
  C. Business class
  Use details and examples to support your opinion.
  TASK 2
  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents should help their kids to solve the problems.
  TASK 1同20181020
  What would you do to celebrate your friend’s achievement? Use details and examples to support your opinion.
  TASK 2
  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Calculators can be allowed during the math classes or tests.
  TASK 1
  Your university receives an amount of funds from the graduates. Which of the following infrastructure should the university put money on?
  A. Stadium
  B. Theater
  C. Game center
  Use specific examples and details to support your opinion.
  TASK 2
  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is better to be an adult than to be a kid?
  TASK 1
  If one of your friends complains that he couldn’t fall asleep before an important event, what advice would you like to offer to help him relax and go to sleep?
  TASK 2
  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Employees shouldn’t send personal text or emails during working hours. Explain why.
  TASK 1
  Talk about the disadvantages of moving to a new place to live.
  TASK 2
  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Children should listen to or read news at an early age.
  TASK 1
  One of your friends used to ride bicycles to school, but now he wants to earn money from part-time job and buy a new car. What would you suggest your friend to do?
  TASK 2同之前一题
  Your university plans to allow people from the community to audit classes for free without grading their papers and assignment. Do you think it’s a good idea?
  TASK 1
  What do you think is better way for a freshman to get familiar with the campus? Guide them around the campus or set up a Q & A center for them?
  TASK 2
  The company you want to interview is located in a distant place. Would you do the phone interview or do the in-person interview?
  TASK 1
  Which of the following factors do you think is the most important when you rent an apartment?
  A. Friendly roommates
  B. Close to the stores and restaurants
  C. Close to the public transportation
  Use details and examples to support your opinion.
  TASK 2
  Which way do you think is more effective to teach the senior citizen from the community to use the computers? One-to-one class at each person’s home or teach them all together in an instruction center?
  TASK 1
  What would you do to run a small business company with your friends?
  TASK 2
  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Teachers should encourage competition among students.
  TASK 1
  Talk about at least one advantage and one disadvantage of charging people money for plastic bags.
  TASK 2
  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People shouldn’t be allowed to take photos in the museums. Please use specific details and examples to support your opinion.


  TASK 1
  独立题Task 1中,我们可以看见ETS已经抛弃过去常见的纯描述类的话题,而偏重于抽象事物以及事件类题型。题型分布基本和去年持平,但是“建议类”的话题数量大幅增加。


  话题分布主要分为“课后活动”(16次),“教育”(12次),“社会事件”(11次), “个人成长”(6次)等话题。


  20180106下午场 公司话题
  Which of the following methods do you think is the best to motivate the employees?
  A. Extra money as a reward
  B. Organize a kind of contest to select who is the best one.
  C. To praise staff on the website
  20180204 个人成长话题
  Which one of the following group has the most influence on your opinion?
  A. Teachers
  B. Friends
  C. Family members
  20180303 课后活动话题
  Your university is going to add a new section in the campus newspaper. Which of the following three do you think is the best choice?
  A. Film recommendation
  B. Tips about travelling for students
  C. Local restaurants review
  20180311 课后活动话题
  Which function of the cellphones do you think is the most useful to students?
  A. Taking photos
  B. Listening to music
  C. Recording videos
  20180506 课后活动话题
  Which of the following three after-school activities you are most interested in?
  A. Planting flowers
  B. Picking garbage and plastic in the campus
  C. Painting
  20181104 课后活动话题
  Your university receives an amount of funds from the graduates. Which of the following infrastructure should the university put money on?
  A. Stadium
  B. Theater
  C. Game center
  20181125 租房类话题
  Which of the following factors do you think is the most important when you rent an apartment?
  A. Friendly roommates
  B. Close to the stores and restaurants
  C. Close to the public transportation
  20180310 旅游类话题
  One of your friends is going to visit your country. What kind of transportation do you recommend him or her to use? Explain with details and examples.
  20180610 课后活动类(宠物)话题
  One of your friends is going to have a pet. What suggestions would you like to give him or her? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
  20180908 课后活动类话题
  One of your friends plans to learn cooking. What suggestion would you give to your friend?
  20181020同20181028S1 课后活动类话题
  What would you do to celebrate your friend’s achievement? Use details and examples to support your opinion.
  20181117 生活类话题
  One of your friends used to ride bicycles to school, but now he wants to earn money from part-time job and buy a new car. What would you suggest your friend to do?
  20181201 公司类话题
  What would you do to run a small business company with your friends?
  占比第三的是优缺点类题型(Advantages and Disadvantages),一共出现10次
  20180113 教育类话题
  Teachers prefer to give students group assignments instead of individual assignments. Give at least one advantage and one disadvantage about the statement.
  20180331 教育类话题
  Talk about the advantage and disadvantage of universities located in small town or rural areas? Use details and examples to support your opinion.
  20180415 教育类话题
  Many professors ask their students to take exams during the classes, but some professors allow students to take exam papers home and hand in the next day. What are the advantages or disadvantages of asking students to do a home-take exam? Use details and examples to support your opinion.
  20180602 教育类话题
  Instead of printing books in paper version the university decides to release only online version of textbooks. Talk about at least one advantage and one disadvantage of this change.
  20180714 个人成长类话题
  Talk about the advantage and disadvantage of giving children financial reward when they do well in school.
  20181111 租房类话题
  Talk about the disadvantages of moving to a new place to live.
  20180128 个人成长类话题
  Describe something that you thought was negative the first time you went to school, but turned out to be positive. Please use details and examples in your response.
  20180324 个人成长类话题
  Things always change in an unexpected way. Please describe a thing you have recently done but ten years ago, you never imagined you would do.
  20180708 教育类话题
  Describe the most common mistakes that parents make in the process of raising their kids.
  20180825 个人成长类话题
  Describe something that once you are scared of but you overcame it in the end, and explain how you overcome it.
  TASK 2
  TASK 2题型问法还是最经典的
  “Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?”以及
  “Some people prefer A…Others prefer B…Which do you prefer?”这两种。






  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is okay for professors to forbid students to record lectures.
  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The university should educate students about moral values such as honesty.
  Some professors prefer to answer students' questions at the end of the class, while others stop at different points to answer students’ questions. Which why do you think is better and why.
  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents should discourage their kids to choose the majors that might be very competitive to find jobs in the future, like artists and singers.
  Which one do you prefer, homeschooling or sending kids to the public school? Use specific details and examples to support your opinion.


  When you have confronts with your family or your friends, do you wish to convince them or hold different opinions?
  Some people prevent their kids from making mistakes, while others allow them to do so. Which type of parents do you think is better?
  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parent should help kids to prevent from difficulties in their life so kids will not experience difficulties in their early ages.
  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? We should be completely honest and open to friends. Use details and examples to support your opinion.


  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Children should have access to computer and other electronic devices as early as possible.
  Some people believe that business meetings should be only conducted face-to-face in person, while others think it’s okay to have business meetings online with the help of technology?
  Some people think, with the development of technology and Internet, libraries will disappear, while others think libraries are always necessary. Which opinion do you support?
  Your university is going to shut down the computer room since many students have laptops. What do you think of this idea?
  Which way do you think is more effective to teach the senior citizen from the community to use the computers? One-to-one class at each person’s home or teach them all together in an instruction center?


  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It’s reasonable to build a factory that provides many job opportunities but pollutes the environment.
  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People shouldn’t be allowed to take photos in the museums.
  在今年这45场考试之中,独立题TASK 1-2的考题,完全一样的题目重复出现了4次。所以每一次的独立题的真题题目都很宝贵和具有参考价值。
  TASK 3


  题目多涉及设施的改善,场所的营业时间,寝室,咖啡厅修建等话题,学业相关的题目在分类上,着重考察学术氛围的营造和学习方法的探究,比如common room需不需要开放,学术论文的修改和计划等等。
  TASK 4


  另外,第四题答题特别需要注意时态的使用,比如教授出现personal experience或者controlled experiment这些需要过去时答题,但是如果是动植物的universal rules则需要一般现在时答题。学生往往忽略这个问题,凭自己想象和喜好来答。
  TASK 5


  明年这些题型应该还是大头,特别是时间冲突类题型。通常需要在自身利益和人际关系、课程之间进行选择。比如男生答应替女生晚上去dining hall cover the shift,但是忘记自己晚上同时还要参加band rehearsal。或者女生去给奶奶接机和生物复习课冲突等等。
  TASK 6


  生物普遍占主导优势。生物分为动物学zoology和植物学botany两种。常考动植物如何觅食prey,如何防御天敌predators,如何适应环境adapt to the environment,因需求而发展出各种各样的special body features或者adaptation。
  在此类话题中,经常涉及比较专业的动植物名字,比如豪猪porcupine,管鼻藿fulmar,车矢菊star thistle,臭鼬skunk,螨mite,蚜虫aphid等等。同学们遇到此类词汇,也完全不需要惊慌失措,因为老外他们自己也不知道这个是什么,就比如中文中“管鼻藿”我们也完全不知道是什么东西。所以在听力的过程中,按照发音简单记录下这个词,只要大致知道的分类是鸟,鱼,花,草即可。此时同学们再加深发音就好。
  当然了, 学有余力的同学可以多接触BBC纪录片,欧美的各种脱口秀节目,听原版小说的有声读物,做配音练习和模仿都是可以提高口语语感,语音语调和分数的不错的方法哦。


本文标签: 情分托福口语年度