

1 If you were to choose a place to live, what kind of location would you prefer and why?  1. A place close to school 2. A place close to your family 3. A place close to a transportation hub (airport or bus terminal, etc.)

The three places are all good to live. But if i had to choose one, i would say , the palce close to university. Because I can be free of traffic problems. For example, Once I wanted to attend a lecture about computer science in my university .I had to get there at 8 o'clock. Usually , it would take 30 minuts by bus. When I got to  the bus station, there were so many people.  I took 30 minutes to wate for a bus. but even worse , I met a traffic jam. Guess what? When i arrived , the lecture was over.
2 Some people think the best way to study is to attend a lecture. Others say that it’s better to read by yourself. Which way do you prefer and why?

Form my persipective, I am convienced that studying alone is a better way . Because I can be free of traffic problems.

For example, Once I wanted to attend a lecture about computer science in my university .I had to get there at 8 o'clock. Usually , it would take 30 minuts by bus. When I got to  the bus station, there were so many people.  I took 30 minutes to wate for a bus. but even worse , I met a traffic jam. Guess what? When i arrived , the lecture was over.

1 Nowadays robots are widely used in the society. What are the benefits and risks of this? 

We know that robots have a great importance in our lives. However,  As a coin has 2 sides, robots also have benefits and risks. 

Robots can replace human to take some dangerous jobs . For example, if an earthquake happend,  a kind of  snake-shape robot could  enter the ruins to  find people who are still alive. 

In this situation, sending people to search survivals  are too dangeous.  On the other hand, using robots would increse the unemployment rate. Because if robots do more work, 

there would be less jobs for people. So we should rationally look at robots.

1 Talk about one of your family members who has similar traits as you. Describe those traits.

If I were asked which family member has similar traits as me, I definately would say, it's my brother. Because, we all love sports, especially the basketball.

On the weekend, I and my brother usually play three on three with other friends on the basketball court . As a point guard,  he  would organize every attack .  When he  foucused attention on getting  points,  it feels like there is nothing he cannot do. And I am a point guard too. sometimes I could  even get points from him. It couldn't be better that I can share the happiness with my brother.
Between the following two places, where would you choose to live? 1. Big and new place but far from your workplace and/or university 2. small and old place but near your workplace and/or university
Form my persipective, I definately choose the place that near my university.  Because I can be free of traffic problems.
Once I wanted to attend a lecture about computer science in my university. I had to get there at 8 o'clock. Usually , it would take 30 minuts by bus. When I got to  the bus station, there were so many people.  I took 30 minutes to wate for a bus. but even worse , I met a traffic jam. Guess what? When i arrived , the lecture was over.That's why  choose the place that near my university.
1 Which of the following three subjects would you choose to learn? Math, painting, science. Explain what you want to learn from this subject.

These three subjects are all interesting . But if I had to choose one, I would say, the painting. Because it can reduce one's pressure .

For example, I like painting very much. I am often exhausted for learning math, science and history at school. Painting has a magical power to relieve my pressure of studing . If I  had a bad mood, I would paint for an hour, which could make me feel better. I think that painting is a part of I life, and I really enjoy it .

Do you prefer to use e-mails to communicate with your friends and family members or do you prefer to use the telephone?

Form my persipective, I definately prefer to use the telephone . Becasuse it makes  me feel close to my family by direcyly talking to them.

For example, when i studyed in japan at the beginning, I felt so alone due to the language difficulties. My mother talked to me  every night. Thanks to the telephone, It  felt like we were talking face to face.  After  one month  , I  adapted to the new environment. If there were no cell phones, I would have a long tough time.

1 Talk about the benefits of talking to older family members (grandparents, uncles, aunts, etc.)
I get lots of benefits by talking with my grandpa.  But if i were asked to pick up one,  I would say , he tought me how to play chess.

I got a chess set from my grandpa on my 11 birthday. since then , I was fascinated by the ancient game. I challened my grandpa every night. we sat around the table and stared at the chessboard. Usually, my mom would take two cups of juice for us. Although i often lost my game, we could have an enjoyable time. It couldn't be better that I can share the happiness wiht him.

2 When things at home such as furniture or electrical appliances are broken, some people prefer to have them repaired in a shop, while others prefer to fix them at home. Which do you prefer and why?

Form my persipective, I definately prefer to have them repaired in a shop . Becasuse it can save my time.

Once my laptop had a blue screen. Although I spent  2 hours on repairing it , it still didn't work. Then I went  to the computer shop o ask for help. A very kind assistant checked the system and told me the problem. After just 20 minutes ,  my laptop worked properly. If I had know the assitant could fix it so quickly, I wouldn't repaire it by myself.

1 If you are asked by your teacher to do community service, which of the following would you choose? Explain why. 1.helping children with their homework 2. teaching adults to use the computer 3. cleaning city park

The three things are all interesting. But if I had to choose one , I would say , teaching adults to use computer. Because you can use computer to get enough imformation.

For example, when I was a senior student, i had to write my academic paper about computer secience. But i couln't find enough metarials in my university library. Then i opened  the Google scholar  to search the key word,  it showed me enormous articals.  I believe if adults learned how to use computer, they could get enough imformation to help them solve  problems.

2 Do you prefer to live in an area that is noisy but close to shops or public transportation, or an area that is quiet but far away from shops and public transportation?

Form my persipective, I definately choose the place that close to  public transportation.  Because it can save my time.
Once I wanted to attend a lecture about computer science in my university. I had to get there at 8 o'clock. Usually , it would take 30 minuts by bus. When I got to  the bus station, there were so many people.  I took 30 minutes to wate for a bus. but even worse , I met a traffic jam. Guess what? When i arrived , the lecture was over.That's why  choose the place that near the public transportation.

1 If you were to do a project, which of the following would you choose? 1. A recycle program 2. Teaching children about vegetable growing 3. Teaching children about healthy eating

The 3 projects are all interesting , But if I were asked to pick up one, I would say, teaching children about vetetable growing.  Because it can teach children to treasure food.

When I was a child, my teacher led us to a farm nearby our school.  The farm workers taught us how to put the seeds into the soil, and how to water the seeds. After we tried, the workers told us that we all did wrong. Because we compacted the soil and put too much water. It's really hard to control. Since then, I know I shouldn't waste any food. 

2 Which do you prefer? An interesting class but very strict with scoring, or a boring class that gives you high scores. 

Form my persipective, I definately prefer to have an interesting class. Because it can motivate students  to learn. 

For example, once I had a course about programing. It's so hard that many students withdrew the course. However, I think it's really cool that you can design a website . Then I spent a lot of time on learning it after class. Finally, I built a website by myself, which is very beautiful. And also, I got a good grades ,even though the course was strict.

1 Among the following professions, which do you think is the most important to a city? Police officer, building designer or transport worker.

The 3 professions are all improtant to our lives. But if I had to chose  one, I would say, the building designer. Because good building can protect us from the natural disasters. For example, when I lived in Japan, I experienced an earthquake. That was a night,  When I felt the ground was shaking,  I realized it was an earthquake. Then I rushed out of my room, and met the innkeeper. He told me don't warry about it. Because the building is quakeproof. As he said, this earthquake didn't cause any damage. That's why I think the building designer is improtant.
Nowadays many people find their social network on the Internet. Do you think it is a positive trend?
Form my persipective, I definately believe it's a positive trend.  Because we can find friends easily.
For example, when I first learned to program by myself , I met lots of problems. I asked help for the people on the BBS. Then a very kind person answered my questions and also he taught me how to debug.  His advices were very helpful, which improved my programing skill. After that, when I met problems, I would ask him directly. We also met each other offline and  had a pleasant talk. Finally, we became good friends.

1. Which of the following do you think is the most important for a good work environment: 1. good colleagues 2.flexible time 3.good leader

The three aspects are  all important for a good  work environment, but if i were asked which is the most important element, I would say ,the  flexible time.Because it can make me be free of traffic problems. 

For example, my company carry out the flexible time, but one day I had to go to  office at 8 o'clock. When I went to  the bus station, there were so many people.  I took 30 minutes to wate for a bus. but even worse , I met a traffic jam. When I arrived, it was already 10 o'clock.

2. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Cell phones have greatly improved people’s lives. Include reasons and details in your explanation.

Form my persipective, I am convienced that cell phones have improved our lives greatly.  Becasuse it makes me  feel close to my family by direcyly talking to them.

For example, when i studyed in japan at the beginning, I felt so alone due to the language difficulties. My mother talked to me  every night. Thanks to the cell phone  It  felt like we were talking face to face.  After  one month  , I  adapted to the new environment. If there were no cell phones, I would have a long tough time.

1 Question:Describe an important day in your life. Explain why it is important.

I have lots of important days in my life. But if i were asked to pick up one,  I would say , it is my 11 birthday. becasue I got a precious gift on the day.

I got a chess set from my grandpa on my 11 birthday. since then , I was fascinated by the ancient game. I challened my grandpa every night. we sat around the table and stared at the chessboard.Usually, my mom would take two cups of juice for us. Although i often lost my game, we could have an enjoyable time. It couldn't be better that I can share the happiness wiht him.

2 Question:Watching TV is not a good use of time. Do you agree or disagree?

Form my persipective,  I am convienced that watching TV program is a good way of using time.Because I can get  inspiration  by watching some progarams.

For example, Kobe brayant , the NBA superstar. Once  I watched an  interview  of  his  coach  in high school.  He  said  that  Kobe  was  just  super diligent. He  was  always  the  first  person  that  arrived for the  training,  and  always  the  last  one  to  leave. He usually  stayed  for  another  2  hours  after  all his teammates  left  for  dinner.  So he gave me courage to realize my dream like he did.

1 Describe a person that you look up to as a role model. Explain how this person influenced your life. Include details and examples to support your response.

There  are  lots  of  people for whom I have huge admiration.  But  if  I  had  to  choose  one,  I would  say,  it's my father. because his diligence inspires me a lot.

My mom told me that my father was super diligent. He was always the first person arrived for wroking, and always the last one to leave. He usually stayed for another 2 hours after his colleagues left for dinner . so it's definitely his hard work that made him a successful businessman, and  his diligence inspires me to study hard. 

There  are  lots  of  people for whom I have huge admiration.  But  if  I  had  to  choose  one,  I would  say,   Kobe bryant,  the  NBA  superstar.  Because his diligence inspires me a lot.

Once  I  watched  an  interview  of  his  coach  in high school.  He  said  that  Kobe  was  just  super diligent. He  was  always  the  first  person   arrived for the  training,  and  always  the  last  one  to  leave. He usually  stayed  for  another  2  hours  after  his teammates  left  for  dinner. so his diligence inspireed me to work hard.

2 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Young children should learn to draw or paint. Include details and examples to support your answer.

Form my persipective, I'm convienced that young children should learn to paint or draw. Because it can reduce one's pressure .

For example, I like painting very much, since I am often exhausted for learning math, science and history at school. Painting has a magical power to relieve my pressure of studing . If I  had a bad mood, I would paint for an hour, which could make me feel better. So I think that painting is a part of I life, and I really enjoy it .

1 Talk about a recent event or celebration you went to. Do you think that everyone who went there had a good time?

 I attended my mom's birthday 2  weeks ago. Everyone had a good time. Because we hadn't see each other for a long time.

I study away from my home, and my parents often travel on business.So it's really hard for us to see each other. But on my mom 's birthday , we got togater at home, celebrating for my mom. Ususally,  we sat around the table and  I told them about my life in the university。 it couldn't be better that I can  share my happiness with them.  I'm sure  everyone had an enjoyable time.

2 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Sixteen-year-old people are not mature enough to drive.

Form my persipective,  i definately believe that sixteen-year-old people are too young to drive. Because they are careless when they dirve.

Once I watched a news about a car accident. The driver is  16 years old  boy , he hit a guy by the side of road. And he admitted that he didn't notice the  person , because he was joking with his friends at the time. Fortunately, the guy was only slightly injured.  But this accident pointed out that young people were not mature enough to drive.

1 What suggestions would you give to your friend who wants to improve his/her scores in class?

 I have lots of methods that can improve scores . But if i were asked to pick up one as the most important thing, i would  say, taking notes.  because it is a good way to review.

For example, I often forget the knowledge what I have learned in the class. So taking notes can hepl me remember old knowledge. If I forget , I can check the notes , recaling my memories.  And also ,  I could  write down the question I don't understand  and  ask teacher to figure it out, which can hepl me understand  well.

2 Some people play games for enjoyment. Others play games in order to win. Which do you prefer and why?

 I love palying basketball with my friends , but I paly it jus for enjoyment. Because it is really exciting.

On the weekend, I and my friends usually play three on three on the basketball court . As a point guard, I would organize every attack .  When I foucus attention on getting points, it feels like there are nothing I cannot do , which make me feel relax. I really enjoy the  moment that  the basketball drops into the net.  It couldn't be better that I can share the happiness with my friends

1. What kind of food do you recommend to add to the food menu of the campus cafeteria? Use Examples and details to support your response.

There are lots of foods that i want to add to the menu of the campus cafetrria. But if  I had to choose one, I would say, the fast food.

Because  it could save my money and time.

For example,  as a student , my budget is often tight, because I need to save money to buy a new  laptop. So the fast food is a good choose for me .moreover, I want to use time effeciently. Usually  eating fast food only need 10 minutes, which can save my time. That's why i choose the fast food. 

2. Some people like to buy new and expensive books while others prefer to buy old and cheap ones. Which would you prefer?

Form my persipective,  I prefer to buy old and cheap books. Because  it  can save my money and it is good for the environment.

  As  a student , my budget is often tight, because I need to save money to buy a new laptop. So buying  old books  is a good choose for me. moreover, recycling  the old books is good way to protect the environment . if more people use the old books , the less trees would be felled. That's why i prefer to buy old books.

1 Which form of transportation is more enjoyable? Train, automobile or plane?
交朋友 The​ three transprotations are all enjoable. But if I were asked to pick up one, I would say, the plain. Because it is so fast that , which can save my time. For example, I took a flight 2 weeks ago, because I had to attend my mom's birthday.  My unniversity is far away from my hometown,  If I had taken a train , I would not get home before my mom's birthday . On the other hand, taking a plane juse spend 3 hours.  the speed, which is so 
2 Do you think that people will read fewer books in the future?


1 If a high school is planning to organize an after-school activity for its students, what kind of activity would you recommend and why? (康)

There are lots of acivities I want to recommend, but if I were asked to pick up one, I would say, the basketball. Because it 's really exciting. 
I like playing ……

Some people like to spend their spare time with friends, some people like to spend it alone. Which do you prefer? (康)
From my perspective, I definately prefer to spend my time with my friends. Because It can reduce my pressures.
On the weekend, I and my friends usually play ……  

1 If you were to become a volunteer at the school or in the community, what kind of volunteer work would you do and why? (康)

If I were asked what kind of volunteer work  would I do , I would say, teaching children about vetetable growing.  Because it can teach children to treasure food.

When I was a child, my teacher led us to a farm nearby our school.  The farm workers taught us how to put the seeds into the soil, and how to water the seeds. After we tried, the workers told us that we all did wrong. Because we compacted the soil and put too much water. It's really hard to control. Since then, I know I shouldn't waste any food. 

Some people prefer to work in the office, while others prefer to work from home. Which do you prefer and why? (康)
From my perspective, I definately prefer to work at home. Because It can make me free of traffic problems.
1 What quality do you think is the most important for a university student? Self-motivation, hard-working, or intelligence? 

The three qualities are all important for a university student, but if I were asked to pick up one, I would say, the selfmotivation. Because it can make me learn something actively.
For example, once I had a course about programing. It's so hard that many students withdrew the course. However, I think it's really cool that you can design a website . Then I spent a lot of time on learning it after class. Finally, I built a website by myself, which is very beautiful. And also, I got a good grades ,even though the course was strict.

2 Do you agree or disagree with the statement: artists and musicians are important to our society.

1 你想学什么技能、你喜欢什么课程

There are lots of subjects that I like. But if I were asked to pick up one as my favorite, I would say, the computer science.

I chose it because programming is so useful that you can  make a web site by yourself.

For example, when I was a student in the university, I learned how to program. Then I designed a website for myself. On the home page, you can see some pictures taken by me and some articles about my life. If someone wants to know about me, he can just see my website. And if I apply for a job as a coder, I can show HR my web site .

2  小组学习有什么好处

Actually,I am a big fan of group study.

because It improves my presentation skills.I used to be a very shy person. But by means of studying with others, gradually, I become more confident to express my opinion.

Another benifit is that if you meet some problems, you can directly ask others. Once I met a difficult math question, which bothered me two days. Finally, I figured it out by asking others.

3 邻居应有的特点

there are lots of impportant characyerristics of a good neighborhood.But if i had to choose one , it probably would be the  kindnees.

because it can establish a good relationship.

Once when I got home, I found that I left my key in  the universiy labratory, I called my friend and let he gave me the key. My neighborhood is an engineer, when he saw my situation, he invited me to his house wating for my friend. We had an enjoyable conversation and also we became good friends.

4 老师的特点


1 参与运动,看别人运动

Watching others play is a easier way for most people. But personally I like playing basketball with my frineds on the court.

Because it has more fun than watching.

On the weekend, we usually play three on three with another team. As a point guard, I have to organize every attack to get the point. Only good cooperation can we win the game.If you just watch, you won't experience the exciting moment when the basketball into the net.I really enjoy the cheers when people see my performance.



2 你喜欢一个人还是小组学习

Actually,I am a big fan of group study.

because It improves my presentation skills.I used to be a very shy person. But by means of studying with others, gradually, I become more confident to express my opinion.

Another benifit is that if you meet some problems, you can directly ask others. Once I met a difficult math question, which bothered me two days. Finally, I figured it out by asking others.



As a busy man , I definately prefer shopping on the internet.

Because it's so convenient that you needn'd go out.

For example, if i want to buy an iphone , I can open the homepage of apple store and watch the price ant other details. All I need to do is clicking the bottom at the wab site. After few days, I can get my new telephone. On the other hand, if i go to the shop , i have to spent lots of time in the road.

The University decides to set a cooking module for students to let them have better understanding of nutrients and health. Do you think it is a reasonable decision or not?
I think seting a cooking class for students is  a good idea. because  the cooking class can make students have a heathy life. As a collage student, my major is the software engineering , which makes me very busy. because some courses are really difficult, like Java, Python, C language and data structure. So I usually eat the fast food, which is bad for my health. But this cooking class could teach me some cooking skills, making me eat better.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Children can learn better from teachers who are kind (amiable) and friendly
Form my perspective, I definitely believe that children can learn better from kind teachers. Because it can reduce one's pressure. When I was a child, I have a lot of  pressure because I have to learn some courses , which are  really difficult, like piano, dancing,  playing  chess. So it's really important for children  to reduce their pressure, which is good for their growth.  If they had a kind teacher, they  would not  stress out.  ( In addition, children like to talk with a kind teacher, which could expand their horizons.)

Your friend wants to improve his grade in a class. What is some advice you would give to help him improve his grade? (done)

Some people play games for fun while other people play games to win. Which do you prefer? Give details and examples to support your response.(done)

1Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: The internet plays an important role in your life. Use specific examples and details to support your answer.(done)

2Are the living standards of people today better than the past? Give details and examples to support your response.
form my perspective, I definitely believe that the living standards of people today better than the past. Because we can use the internet to reduce our pressure. As a collage student, my major is the software engineering , which makes me very busy. because some courses are really difficult, like Java, Python, C language and data structure. I want to be refreshed sometimes. Usually, I like watching  a movie on  the internet, which makes me relax.  (So when I go back to study,  I can do a better job.)

1. Do you think students should be able to evaluate their professors at the end of the semester?
I would like to say to evaluate their professor at the end of the semester is not a good idea.  because some students don't have time. As a collage student, my major is the software engineering , which makes me very busy. because some courses are really difficult, like Java, Python, C language and data structure.  So I don't have time to evaluate professors priciously, which is not fair for the professors.So it is not a good way to evaluate them.

2. Which do you prefer: a handmade present or a store bought present? 
From my perspective, I definitely prefer a handmade present. Because it can sive my money.  As a collage student, I like to buy some good computer equipment  like the keyboard, mouse, CUP . So a handmade present is cheap choice for me. And also, a handmand present can make my frideds feel I really care about them.  Once I made a chocolate for my sister, she told me she really loves it. So ......

1. What is the one thing foreign tourist need to pay attention to before they visit your country? Explain why? Include details and examples in your explanation.
Frankly speaking,   I get a stuck with my mind. But I gusse I might suggest that  they  can use the google or wikipedia  to search some key words like   china, visiting, notice, etc.Because you can always find perfect idea  on these websites. You know they say two heads are better than one. When I first  went to the Great Wall, I used the google to search ' what time  can i see the the sun rises ' , it showed me 6 o'clock, which helped me a lot.

2. Some students prefer a grade that is based on many short assignments,while others prefer a grade based one or two long assignments. Which one do you prefer?
Form my perspective, I definitely believe that one or two long assignments is better.  Because it can sive my time.
As a collage student, my major is software engineering , which makes me very busy. Because some courses are really really difficult, like the Java , C language and data structure.  I want to be refreshed sometimes. So If I finish the long assighments, I could do Some other things that can make me relax like playing basketball with my buddies, watching a new movie at IMAX with my close frieds.

1. Which of the following jobs would you like to choose, lawyer, veterinarian or restaurant owner?
The three jobs are all interesting. But If I were asked to pick up one, I would say, the restaurant owner. Because I can meet many different people and make friends with them. Once I met a programmer in a rstaurant, who is a CTO of a internet company. We talked about the progranming language , like Java, Python and C language. He also suggested  that if I want to learn a progranming language, I should learn the Python first, because it's easy for the freshman. I really learned a lot by this conversation. 

2. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It's impolite to make phone calls or send text messages at the meeting.
Form my perspective, I definitely believe that It's impolite to make phone calls or send text messages at the meeting. Becasue it will distract our attention.
As a collage student, my major is software engineering , which require me to listen carefully. Because some courses are really really difficult, like the Java , C language and data structure.  if I make a phone call on the class, I would not concentrate on the lecture. It will be a disaster that you find you don't understand what is the professor saying.

1. Talk about a thing you always wanted to do but didn’t have time to yet. Explain why you want to do it, give examples and details in your explanation.
打篮球, reduce my pressure. when I was a high school student,  I and my friends usually play three on three on the basketball court .  When I foucus attention on getting points, it feels like there are nothing I cannot do , which make me feel relax. But as a collage student, I don't have time to play basketball. Because some required courses are really difficult, like the programing language.
2. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is better to live at a place where the climate stays the same all year round.
Because I can attend some outdoor activeties and make some new friends. Once I met a software engineer at a party  who is a CTO of an internet company. We talked about the progranming language , like Java, Python and C language. He also suggested  that if I want to learn a progranming language, I should learn the Python first, because it's easy for the freshman. I really learned a lot by this conversation. 

1. Which one do you think is the most effective way to learn? Taking notes, discussing with classmates, repeating and reciting.(done)

2. Do you prefer to sit in the front of a class or at the back of the classroom?  
Because it can make me learn well. when i sit in the front, i could concentrate my attention on the lecture, which make me study efficiently. And it  is easy for me to ask the professor some  I  could leave  a good impression to the professor, which can make me have a good grades.  On the other hand, if I sit at the back of the classroom, it's not easy for me to hear the professor clearly.

1. Talk about a positive experience you recently had working with another person. Explain why this experience was important to you.
I had attended lots of activeties last week, if I were asked to pick up one, I would say, I play basketball will my fridends. Because it could reduce my pressure.

2. Some people prefer to plan what to do in their free time ahead of time, others prefer to not having such plans. Which do you prefer? Explain why.
Form my perspective, it depends on what kind of things you do?  for example, when I study, I usually make a plan. my major is software engineering and  some courses are really difficult, like the Java , C language . So a plan can help me make a balance among there course. On the other hand, when I hang out , I don't make a plan. because I can make new friends  by chance. Once I met a programmer in a coffee shop, we had a enjoyable talk about programming. Finally, we became good friends.

1. Talk about the one thing government can do to improve the educational system in your country. Give details and examples in your answer.
 I think the government could build more gyms.because it can reduce people's pressure.As a collage student, my major is software engineering , which gives me a lot of pressure. Because some courses are really really difficult, like the Java , C language and data structure.  Doing some exercise can relieve mu pressure. So when I go back to study,  I can do a better job. And also, I can make some friends in the gyms, which could expand my horizons. Once I met a programmer in a gym, we had a enjoyable talk about programming. Finally, we became good friends.

2. Some people prefer to own cars; others prefer to mainly use public transportation. Which do you agree with? Explain why.
自己的车, 因为可以躲开拥堵 if I use my car, I could change the route to avoid the traffic jam.

Task 1: One of afterschool activity you recommend (康)
There are lots of acivities I want to recommend, but if I were asked to pick up one, I would say, the basketball game. Because it can reduce one's pressure.   for example, .....
Task 2: stay with friends or family or stay alone?(康)
From my perspective, I definitely prefer to  stay with my friends. Because it makes me relax. As a collage student, my major is software engineering , which gives me a lot of pressure. Because some courses are really really difficult, like the Java , C language and data structure.  I want to be refreshed sometimes. So  I like  playing basketball with my buddies, or watching a  new movie  with my close frieds. then when I go back to study,  I can do a better job.
1. Students would like take part in some free volunteer work,what kind of volunteer work do you prefer? explain why it is important?(done)(康)

2. Some one prefer the traditional way of working, like going to the office setting, others prefer to work at home? Which one do you prefer?(done)(康)

1. Describe a special friend of you in your childhood.(done)(康)
There are lots of friends in my childhood, but if I were asked to pick up one, I would say, it my grandpa. Because he taugh me how to play chess.
2. People’s personality will change as they grow up or remain the same as the time goes by.(康)
 From my perspective, I definitely believe that People’s personality will change as they grow up. When I was a child ,  I was afraid of takling with others, especiallyt strengers. Becuase it made me nevours. But when I gruw up, I learned  how to play basketball, then I made lots of friends on the basketball court . gradually, I am not afraid of talking with others any more. Once I met a programmer in a coffee shop , we had a enjoyable talk about programming. Finally, we became good friends.

1. What quality do you think is the most important for students and why? Self-motivation, hard-working or intelligence.
The three qualities are all important for a university student, but if I were asked to pick up one, I would say, the selfmotivation. Because it can make me learn something actively.
For example, once I had a course about programing. It's so hard that many students withdrew the course. However, I think it's really cool that you can design a website by using the programming language . Then I spent a lot of time on learning it after class. Finally, I built a website by myself, which is very beautiful. And also, I got a good grades ,even though the course was strict.
2. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement, artists and musicians are important to our society. 
1 减压 because their work could reduce our pressure. As a collage student, my major is software engineering , which gives me a lot of pressure. Because some courses are really really difficult, like the Java , C language and data structure.  I want to be refreshed sometimes.  That's why I like listening pop music ,which has a maigic power to relax me. so when i go back to study , i could do better job.
1涉及到小孩的 because they are too young to discriminate between good and bad. For example, my cousin is a 10 -year-old boy. He often asks his parents to buy the things that he sees on television. But he  don't know these things has bad influence on his health.
2关于group project的段子 Because It can improve the management skill.

For example,my major is software engineering . Once I was a leader of a team,  we have to make a mobile application about  calculation. But I don't know how to allocate  tasks to team members, so we waste lots of time. After this experience, I learned how to distribute the human resource. 
Which of the following jobs or careers do you think would be most rewarding? University professor,  Environmental scientist,  Newspaper journalist Choose one career and explain why you think it would be most rewarding. Use details and examples to support your answer.
( 理由不好  because  a good environment is improtant for people to have a healthy life. My major is software engineering, which makes me very busy. because some courses are really difficult, like xxxxxxxxxxxx. Sometimes I want to be refreshed. that's why I like walkiing on the path in the woods and the green color could calm down me. The  Environmental scientist could provide us with good surrounding  )
2 一个人学习的段子 Some people like to study in public places where there are other people around. Others prefer to study in places where there are few or no people around. Which kind of place do you prefer? Explain why.

because a noisy place will distract me and make me less productive. for example, my major is software engineering, once I had to make a mobile application about clasulation. when I wrote code in the classroom, I could not concentrate my attention on my work, because some students were practicing the presentation. As a result, I took 2 hours to wrote 10 lines of code. 
tpo 20  1 Choose a quality you think makes someone a valuable member of a team. Explain why you think it is an important quality for a team or group member to have.
I think the the honesty is the most important quality, because it can improve others. my major is software engineering. once I had to make an application about caculating with my friend, jack.  But he found that I made some minor mistakes in my code and these mistakes would not affect the programe.  He still told me honestly even though I might feel unhappy. Thanks to his honest opinion, I could improve my programming skill.
2  Some people prefer to learn about current events from watching television news programs. Others prefer to read about current events in newspapers or on the Internet. Which do you think is better: watching the news or reading the news? Explain why.
because watching the news can provide us with more details.  for example, if there is a forest fire, I could see how large the  fire is and how firemen are fight with the fire. also, if the reporter ask a person some questions, I could not only  hear the voice but also see the facial expression. so I could know what is the  feeling when the person is asked. S1: Describe a present you have given to others. Explain why you think it is important.

I had given many presents to others, but if i were asked to pick up one, I definately would say, I gave my brother a basketball.  Because  we all love sports,  especially the basketball.

On the weekend, I and my brother usually play three on three with other friends on the basketball court . As a point guard,  he  would organize every attack .  When he  foucuses attention on getting  points,  it feels like there is nothing he cannot do. And I am a point guard too. sometimes I could    even  get points from him. It couldn't be better that I can share the happiness with my brother. so this basketball is the witness of our firiendship.
S1: What do you think is ONE of the most important characteristics that a teacher should have?
……………… , I would say, making their lessons fun.   because it can motivate students to learn .   When I was a child, my teacher led us to a mountain nearby our school. Then he taught us how to put the sapling into the soil, and how to water it. After we tried, he told us that we all did wrong. Because we compacted the soil and put too much water. It was really hard to control but it  was also interesting. We did have an enjoyable time. 

S2: Do you always make friends who have different interests from you? Why?

……………………………… because  it  can expand my horizon. Once I met a programer on campus, who was google engineer,  I really loved google's   products, like gmail , google glass, especially  google schoolar , which helped me a lot to accomplish my acdemic paper.  He suggested  that if I want to learn a progranming language, I should learn the Python first, because it was easy for the freshman. I really learned a lot.

S2: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Students should do part-time jobs before going to college.

T…… because I can meet defferent people, which expands my horizon. once When I took a prat-time job in a restaurant  I met a programmer ,  who is a google engineer .  I really liked google's   products, like gmail , google glass, especially  google schoolar , which helped me a lot to accomplish my assignments.  He suggested  that if I want to learn a progranming language, I should learn the Python first, because it's easy for the freshman. I really learned a lot.

1 Choose ONE form of technology in the list and tells why it has had a great impact on people’s lives in your country. a) The airplane b) The computer c) The Television

The three technologies are all improtant to our lives , but if i were aked to pick up one, i would say , the computer.

Becaus I can use computer to get enough imformation.

For example, when I was a senior student, i had to write my academic paper about CS.  But i couln't find enough metarials in my university library. Then I accepted my friend's suggestion to use  computer. When I used computer to  open  the Google scholar and  search the key word,  it showed me enormous articals. Finally, I accomlished my paper with the help of computer.

2 Some people believe that it is better for small children to grow up in a small town. Others, however, believe that it’s better for them to grow up in a big city. Which do you think is better?

Form my persipective, I'm convienced that it's better for children to grow up in a big city . Because there are more  opputunaties  for them to learn knowledge in different ways. 

For example, my cousin lives in beijing.  He likes the history very much. So he usually goes to the history museum on the weekend. He can see the history relics  with his own eyes rather than the pictures in the text book. It's a good way to learn the histary .  If he lives in a small town, there would  no chances for him to see the remains.

S1: Talk about an experience of learning something new. What difficulties do you have to overcome in order to learn it?
I have lots of experiences of learning something new , but if I were asked to pick up one, I would say, learing programing. it was really difficult becuase I learned  it by myself at the beginning
when I first learned programing alone , I met lots of problems. But the biggest problem was that I could not figure some questions out by myself.  So I asked help for the people on a BBS. Then a very kind person answered my questions and he taught me how to debug.  His advices were very helpful, which improved my programing skill. After that, when I met problems, I would ask him directly. (We also met each other offline and  had an enjoyable talk.) Finally, we became good friends.
S1: University students often feel home sick when they are away from home. What do you often do to deal with home sickness?

…………………………talking with family on the phone .  Becasuse it makes  me feel close to my family by direcyly talking to them.

For example, when i studyed in japan at the beginning, I felt so alone due to the language difficulties. My mother talked to me  every night. Thanks to the cell phones, It  felt like we were talking face to face.  After  one month  , I  adapted to the new environment. If there were no cell phones, I would have a long tough time.

S2: Some people like to collect old things such as newspapers. Others throw things away after they have used them. Which do you prefer and why?
……………………………………. such as chess. because everytime I see the chess, I will remember my grandpa.  I got a chess set from my grandpa on my 11 birthday. since then , I was fascinated by the ancient game. I challened my grandpa every night. we sat around the table and stared at the chessboard. Usually, my mom would take two cups of juice for us. Although i often lost my game, we could have an enjoyable time. It couldn't be better that I can share the happiness with my grandpa.

1 Which of the following do you think is the most important for maintaining good health? Doing exercises, eating healthy food, or going to bed early?
………………………………. Because it can reduce one's pressure.  As a college student ,  my major is  software engineering , which gives me a lot of pressure . because some courses are really difficult, like Java, Python, C language and data structure. sometimes I want to be refreshed. If I have a bad mood, I would go to the gym and exercise for an hour, which can make me relax. so when I go back to study, I can do a better job

S2: Which do you prefer? A job in a distant city with a high salary, or a job in your current city with a low salary.

fomr my perspective, I definately would choose the job with a high salary. because money is really important for my family. My famialy is not rich, so the tuition fee is really a big cost for us. In order to ensure that I could get a better education,  my parents worked very hard and borrowed a large amount of money from banks. If I could get a job with high salary, I could lighten their finatial burden and repay banks. Also,  I want to use my money to let my preants have a good life . That's why
S2: Should the government spend money on projects which can encourage its citizens to lead a healthier lifestyle?

………………………………like building more gyms.  Because it can reduce people's pressure.  As a college student ,  my major is  software engineering , which gives me a lot of pressure . because some courses are really difficult, like Java, Python, C language and data structure. sometimes I want to be refreshed. If I have a bad mood, I would go to the gym and exercise for an hour, which can make me relax. so when I go back to study, I can do a better job

2 Should employees be required to wear suits in the workplace, or should they wear casual clothes?

Form my persipective, I definitely believe that employees  should wear casual clothes. Becuse it's comfortable for them to work. 

For example, my  father's company requires employees to wear suits. But in summer, there is a big problem. The weather is too hot.  If you wear a suit, you will get sunstroke. By the way, the company doesn't equip air conditioners. so employees couldn't concentrate their attention on work. I'm sure that If they  wear casual clothes,  they can work  efficiently.

1 What quality do you think is the most important for a university student? Self-motivation, hard-working, or intelligence? 

The three qualities are all important for a university student, but if I were asked to pick up one, I would say, the selfmotivation. Because it can make students learn knowledge actively.
once I had a course called  programing language . It was  so hard that many students dropt out. However, I thought it was really cool that you could  design a website by using programing language . Then I spent a lot of time on it ater class . Finally, I built a website by myself.. And also, I got a good grades ,even though the course was strict.

Do you agree or disagree with the statement: artists and musicians are important to our society.
F....................... because their art work could let people release pressure. …………Sometimes I want to be refreshed.  If I have a bad mood, I would listen to rock'n'roll  for an hour, which makes me relax. so when I go back to study
S1: What type of music do you enjoy most? Explain why you enjoy this type of music. Include reasons and details in you explanation.
there are a lot of music types that I enjoy, but if I were asked to pick up one, I would say, Rock 'n' roll. Because it can make me relax. major xxx, …… sometimes…………。  If I have a bad mood, I would listen to rock'n'roll  for an hour, which makes me relax. so when I go back to study, I can do a better job
S1:Traffic congestion is becoming worse in many cities. What can the government do to decrease the number of cars and other vehicles? Use details and examples in your response.
 it is true that traffic congestion is becoming worse in many cities, I think that government should build more subway lines. Because the subway is more convenient than a bus. Once I wanted to attend a lecture about computer science in my university .  Usually , it would take 30 minuts by bus. When I went to  the bus station, there were so many people.  I took 30 minutes to wate for a bus. but even worse , I met a traffic jam.  When i arrived , the lecture was already over. If i had taken a subway, I would not worry about the traffic problems. 

S2:Some people think that the government should take responsibility and invest money in protecting endangered species of animals, but other people say private citizens should take responsibility. Who do you think should take the responsibility, and why?
Fxxxx, ……………………。because governments have resources and  manpower to do such thing.
for example,, once a wild  panda was found  in my hometown,  which created a great sensation in local . Then the local government  sent experts to investigate the situation of this panda, and provided enough  food for him . With the help of experts, this lost panda wenk back to the forest eventually. To the contrary, ordinary people can not do the same.
S1: Your university is planning to allow students to watch TV in theirs dormitories. What is your opinion? What are the advantages and disadvantages of watching TV in dormitories? Include reasons and examples to support your response.
I think …………………………。 because  it's a good way to relax.
my major xxx, …… sometimes…………。 Having a TV in dorm room, i could watch some TV programs to relax, like a nba game.  On the other hand, watching TV  might disturb those students who were studying or reading  in the doritories So we should rationally look at it.    ( But overall,   students can benefit a lot from having a TV in their dorm.)
S2: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Yong people today know more about world events than their parents did before
Fxxx, ……………………。 because young people could use internet to get a lot of imformation. for example, recently the biggest new was the IPO of Alibaba, which created one of the biggest companies in the world. I read this news on google news, and watched  some videos about jack ma on Youtube, who is the chairman of abibaba.  But  my parents can not do the same, because there is no internet in the past. 59.  130112CN=120526NAS1+110319NAS2 S1:What is one style of clothing that the students in your school tend to wear? Why do you like this style of clothing?
There are lots of style of clothing that students, but the most popular style is the casual  clothes  Because it 's  easy for students to wash  this kind of  clothes , which could save time. as xx,xx busy , so I want to spend  more time on my study. Usually, it only needs  20 minutes to wash all of my clothes.   That's why I like casual  style.    S2:What kind of job will you choose? A job through which you can get a lot of money or a job through which you can get great personal satisfaction
fomr my perspective, I definately would choose the job with a high salary. because money is really important for my family.
My famialy is not rich, so the tuition fee is really a big cost for us. In order to ensure that I could get a better education,  my parents worked very hard and borrowed a large amount of money from banks. If I could get a job with high salary, I could lighten their finatial burden and repay banks. Also,  I want to use my money to make my preants have a good life . That's why  
62.  111217NA S1: Describe one way to improve the system of education in your country. Use specific details and examples to support your opinion.
there are lots of ways that could improve the education system in my country. but If i were asked to pick up one as the most important thing, I would say, improving the basic equipments  at school. 
when I was a  high school student, my school did not have the computer and the projector equipments. So  My math teacher had to write on the blackboard again and again.   Writing  would spend 20 minutes , but one lesson only had 40 minutes  . If  my school has the  equipments , teachers could use the slides to teach,  which can save s lot of  time. 
S2: Some people like to reading paper books while other like to listen to audio books. Which do you prefer and why?

Fxxx, I definately prefer to listen to audio books. Because It's more convenient than peoper book.   My major is  xxx, so I don't have  a lot of time to read.    if I read paper book, I have to stop my work.  But I could listhen to autio books while I was studying, which won't occupy my study time. 
75.  121208NA S1: Describe a person in your family whose personality or behavior is very different from yours.
If I were asked which family member's personality  is different from me, I definitely would say, it's my brother. because  I like staying with my friends,but my brother prefer to stay alone. on weekend,  I like playing 3 on 3 with my friends on the basketball court. As a point guard, I  will organize every attack. I really enjoy the  moment that  the basketball drops into the net.   it couldn't be better that i  can share  the happiness with my firends. However, my brother doesn't like haning out  with friends. his favorite is  reading in the library.  
S2: Some schools require students to bring their own computers to the classroom. Do you agree or disagree with the policy? 

I totally disagree with this policy. because many students don't have enough money to buy a computer. My famialy is not rich, so the tuition fee is really a big cost for us. In order to ensure that I could get a better education,  my parents worked very hard and borrowed a large amount of money form banks. if I buy a computer, it would increse the fanicial burden of my parents. I want use the money on more improtant things, like tuition, rent,  food, rather than a computer.

 76.  121214NA S1: An environmental group is planning to organize an activity to help protect the environment. What activity do you suggest and why?
There are lots of activities that are good for environment. But  If I were asked to pick up one , I would say, learning to plant  trees.  Because it's (more) interesting (than what people have  thought. ) When I was a child, my teacher led us to a mountain nearby our school. Then a man taught us how to put the sapling into the soil, and how to water the it. After we tried, the man told us that we all did wrong. Because we compacted the soil and put too much water. It's really hard to control but it's also interesting. We did have an enjoyable time. 
S2: When you give gifts to others, do you prefer gifts that are fun or gifts that can be used?

fomr my perspective, I definitely prefer gifts that can be used.   because people are more likely to keep a gift that is practical.  once I got a gift from my best friend, liangxu , which is a basketball. He knew that I liked playing basketball very much. So he chose this gift for me.  everytime I play basketball, I will rememeber him. Until now , I still keep this gift in my room. So if I want my friends to keep my gift, I would choose a practical thing, as the witness of our friendship.  
77.  130112NA  S1: Which of the following do your friends like you about the most? Cheerfulness, kindness, intelligence
I think it might be the kindness. Becuase i offten help my friends solve progaming questions.   once I had a course called  programing language . It was  so hard that many students dropt out. However, I thought it was really cool that you could  design a website by using programing language . Then I spent a lot of time on it . Finally, I built a website by myself.  After my friends saw my work, they asked me how to write the code. I was very glad to help them solve questions that I had met, which let me know more friends.

S2. If you were to choose a class to study for fun, which one would you choose? An art class or a science class? 

Fxxxxx,   Because  painting can make me relax  my major is  software engineering , which gives me a lot of pressure . because some courses are really difficult, like Java, Python, C language and data structure. so sometimes I want to be refreshed.  Painting has a magical power to relieve my pressure . If I  have a bad mood, I would paint for an hour, which could make me feel relax. So when I go back to study, I could do a better job.
78.  130118NA S1: What are the most important qualities that a successful leader should have?
there are xxxx,………………say, the managent ability. because it can make a team work efficiently.  For example, my major is  software engineering and  I have lots of group assighments . Once I was a leader of a team,  we had to make a application about  calculation. But I  didn't  know how to  assign works to team members, so we wasted a  lot of time.  After this experience, I learned how to manage a team. that't why …… ,

S2: Do you agree or disagree? People should always tell the truth. 

F……, i am convinced that xxxxxxx, because it can help people make  progress. my major is software engineering. once I had to make a program  with my friend, liang xu, who is a talented programer.  He found that I made some minor mistakes in my code but these mistakes would not affect the programe.  He still told me honestly even though I might feel unhappy.  Thanks to his honest opinion, I could improve my programming skill.
79.  130125NA S1: Which of the following extracurricular activities would you recommend children to take? Plying sports, playing music, or visiting art galleries? Explain why
because it's really exciting. ……………………

S2: Which do you prefer? A job with a high salary but a lot of business trips, or a job with a low salary but no business trips.

fomr my perspective, I definately would choose the job with a high salary. because money is really important for my family.
My famialy is not rich, so the tuition fee is really a big cost for us. In order to ensure that I could get a better education,  my parents worked very hard and borrowed a large amount of money from banks. If I could get a job with high salary, I could lighten their finatial burden and repay banks. Also,  I want to use my money to let my preants have a good life . That's why  
80.  130202NA S1: Which of the following activities do you think bring the most benefits to children and teenagers? 1. Reading books 2. Talking with elderly members of the community 3. Travelling to other countries
T…… because I can meet defferent people, which expands my horizon. When I first went to  beijing,   I met a programmer in a coffee shop, who is a google engineer .  I really liked google's   products, like gmail , google glass, especially  google schoolar , which helped me a lot to accomplish my acdemic paper.  He suggested  that if I want to learn a progranming language, I should learn the Python first, because it's easy for the freshman. I really learned a lot  

S2: In some cities there is a law against making noises at night such as loud music or TV. Some people support this while others do not. What is your opinion?
F……, because I need a good rest at night. my major xxx, …… So I want a good rest at night, when i go back to study , I can do a better job. but if someone make noisea at night, it would be a nightmare for me. because next day i would not concentrate my attention on study. 
S1: Among the following three activities, which do you think has the most benefits for students? 1. A field trip 2. A home tutoring session 3. A presentation given by a local leader
the three things are xxxxx, ……,  a field trip.  because i can met different people ,    which can expand my horizon.
once I met a proogramer on a field trip, who is google  engineer . I really liked google's   products, like gmail , google glass, especially  google schoolar , which helped me a lot to accomplish my acdemic paper.  He suggested  that if I want to learn a progranming language, I should learn the Python first, because it's easy for the freshman. I really learned a lot
S2: Some people consider going to the gym a priority in their life, while others go to the gym only when they have time. Which do you think is better and why?
Fxxx, I definitely consider  going  to the gym a priority in my life. Because it can reduce my pressure.  As a college student ,  my major is  software engineering , which gives me a lot of pressure . because some courses are really difficult, like Java, Python, C language and data structure. sometimes I want to be refreshed. If I have a bad mood, I would go to the gym and exercise for an hour, which can make me relax. so when I go back to study, I can do a better job.
S1: What are the advantages and disadvantages of eating in a fast-food restaurant?
As a coin has 2 sides, fast-food has advantages and disadvantages Eating fast food could save money and time. As a collage student,   my budget is often tight, because I need to save money to buy a laptop. So the fast food is a good choose for me . In addition,  eating fast food only needs 10 minutes, which can save my time. On the other hand, we know that eating  fast-food is bad for our health in a long term. So we should rationally look at fast-food.  
S2: Which do you prefer? Card game or computer game? Explain why.

Fxxxx, …… 。 because I could know different people, which expand my horizon.  once I met a programer on an online game called worldcraft, who is a google engineer.xxxxx
Which of the following makes yo u the happiest? 1. Spending time with friends and family 2 .Stud ying by yourself 3.Exercising
spending time xxx.   because I can share the hapiness with my friends. at weekends, xxxx
S2: Do you prefer to have classes in the morning or in the after noon? Explain why.

afternoon. be free of traffic problems in the moring. Once I wanted to attend a lecture about computer science in my university .I had to get there at 8 o'clock. Usually , it would take 30 minuts by bus. When I went to  the bus station, there were so many people.  I took 30 minutes to wate for a bus. but even worse , I met a traffic jam. Guess what? When i arrived , the lecture was over.

S1: Your friend studies in a b usiness school now, but he likes playing musical instr ument. Wo uld suggestio n would yo u give to your friend? To keep stud ying b usiness, or to learn to play music?
Playing musical instrument is a good hooby, I don't think he should give up. So he should make a good balance between  studying business and playing music. for example. I like painting very much, but my major is  software engineering , which makes me very busy . because some courses are really difficult, like Java, Python, C language and data structure. however,  I know how to arrange time properly.  If I finish my  work early ,  I would paint for an hour, which could release my pressure . So when I go back to study, I can do a better job. 

S2: Some people choose to go to a school which is close to home so they can keep their old friends. However, other people like to stud y far away fro m ho me so they can make new friends. Which do yo u prefer and why?
Fxx, because I can met different people, which expand my horizon.  My university is far away form my home. once  I met a programer on campus,  who was  a google engineer . I really liked google's   products, like gmail , google glass, especially  google schoolar , which helped me a lot to accomplish my acdemic paper.  He suggested  that if I want to learn a progranming language, I should learn the Python first, because it's easy for the freshman. I really learned a lot.
S1 Describe a tool or object that you rely  on often in your daily life. Explain why it is important to yo u. Include reasons and examples to support your response.
……………… Google scholar  。Becaus I can use  it  to get a lot of /acdemic articles .   For example, when I was a senior student, i had to write my academic paper .But i couln't find enough metarials in my university library. Then I accepted my friend's suggestion to use  Google scholar  . When i opened  it  to search the key word,  it showed me enormous articals. Finally, I accomlished my paper with the help of Google scholar .
S2: Some people prefer to solve a challenge all by themselves. Others prefer to depend on other people's help. Which do you prefer and why? Include details and examples in yo ur explanatio n.
…………………… I definitely prefer to ask help,  Because I  can make new friends by this way.  For example, when I first learned to program by myself , I met lots of problems.Then I asked help for the people on a BBS. A very kind person answered my questions and  he also taught me how to debug.  His advices were very helpful, which improved my programing skill. After that, when I met problems, I would ask him directly. We also met each other offline and  had a pleasant talk. Finally, we became good friends.
S1: If you were to study a new form of art, which would you choose? Wood sculpture, portrait painting, or pho to graphy?
the three things are xxxxxx,…………. because painting can make me relax. my major is  software engineering , which gives me a lot of pressure . because some courses are really difficult, like Java, Python, C language and data structure. so sometimes I want to be refreshed.  Painting has a magical power to relieve my pressure . If I  have a bad mood, I would paint for an hour, which could make me feel relax. So when I go back to study, I could do a better job.

S2: Do you prefer to participate in activities alone, or with a team or gro up?

Fxxxx, …………, because you can share the happinees with your friends.. ……………………which makes me excited.
S1: A school is planning to organize its students to visit the workplace. Which place do you recommend the students to visit? 1. A science lab2. A business office 3. A TV studio
…………………… the business office. Because I could met professional officer, which can expand my horizon. Once I met a programer when I visited a Internet company, who was google engineer,  I really loved google's   products, like gmail , google glass, especially  google schoolar , which helped me a lot to accomplish my acdemic paper.  He suggested  that if I want to learn a progranming language, I should learn the Python first, because it was easy for the freshman. I really learned a lot.
S2: Some students prefer to work on their course paper one or two days before its due date. Others like to work on the paper bit by bit every day. Which do you prefer and why?
Fxxx. …………, because  I need a lot of time to polish my articles.
when I was a senior student, i had to write my academic paper about machine learning. But i couln't find enough metarials in my university library. Then i opened  the Google scholar  to search the key word,  it showed me enormous articals.  I took a week to arrange information and  two weeks to edit my paper.  Finally, i got a good grades.  That's why 
S1: Which of the following volunteer work would you choose and why? 1. Working as a home tutor 2. Helping adults 3. Helping old people
……………… helping old people learn how to  utilize internet. Because they can use internet to solve practical problems.  
For example, when I was a senior student, i had to write my academic paper about computer secience. But i couln't find enough metarials in my university library. Then i opened  the Google scholar  to search the key word,  it showed me enormous articals.  I believe by using internet, old people  could get enough imformation to help them solve  problems.

S2: If yo u have time, wo uld yo u choose to learn to play a new musical instrument or learn to play a new sport? 

………………because playing sports is exciting. i like playing xxxx………… 
S1: Some schools require students to take part in community service activities after school. Which of the following do you think is the best activity for students? 1. planting flowers in the community 2.doing clean-ups in the garden 3. recycling waste
…………………………Because it's really interesting. ………………after this experience, I learned how to plant flowers.

S2: Do you agree or disagree with the statement? Teachers should make their lessons fun.

F………………。 because it can motivate students to learn actively. once I had a course called  programing language . It was  so difficult that many students dropt out. However, the teacher was very  humorous and he mede us believe that it was really cool that you could  design a website by using programing language . Then I spent a lot of time on learning it after class. Finally, I built a website by myself. And also, I got a good grades ,even though this course was difficult.

85.  130406NA S1: Which is the most challenging place to work? Museum, hospital, business office.
…………………… the business office. Because I could meet defferent people , which can expand my horizon. Once I met a programer when I visited a Internet company, who was google engineer,  I really loved google's   products, like gmail , google glass, especially  google schoolar , which helped me a lot to accomplish my acdemic paper.  He tole me that he was very proud of his work, which was really challenging.  Since google  provides service  to countless  people . it couldn't be more exciting that you could make people have a better life.
S2: Which do yo u prefer? Taking a course taught  by a teacher, or study by yourself?

Fxxxx, …………。 because studying by myself at home could make me be free of  traffic problem. ………………
12.  100710CN=090515NA S1: Describe a time when you tried to do something that you have never done. Explain what you did and why you did it.
I have tried many things that i have never done. but if I were asked to pick up one, I would say,  playing chess. because it's really interesting.  I got ………………
S2: Some people prefer to do one job or project at one time. Other people prefer to do several jobs or projects at the same time. Which do yo u prefer and why?
Fxxx, ………………。because I can   work productively by this way.
my major is  software engineering , which makes me very busy. because some courses are really difficult, like Java, Python, C language data structure.  when I learned the programing language, I just learned Python at first  and spent a lot of time on it. So I could matered this language. However, If I learn several languages at a time, I will get distracted. 

S2: Do yo u agree or disagree with the following s tatement? Students should do part-time jobs before attending college.

Fxxx, ………… because student can meet different people, which expands their horizon. 
S1: Among the following three types o f boo ks, which do yo u like the least? Mystery novel, science fiction, biography.
The three types of books are all interesting.  But  if  I were asked to pick up  one,  I would  say,  the biography .  because I can learn a lot from others' exprience.    Once I read a biography about jack Ma , who is the chairman of Alibaba, which is one of the biggest company in the world. The book said that he   was super diligent. When starting the business, He was always the first person arrived for wroking, and always the last one to leave. He usually stayed for another 2 hours after his colleagues went home. so his diligence inspired me to study hard.
S2: Do you like to travel alone or travel with your family members? Explain why

Fxxx, ………… because when I travel alone, I am more likely to talk with strangers, which expands my horizon.
once i met a programer when I first went to beijing alone. ……………………
33.  110828CN=100522NA S1:  What kind of music do you like the least? Give reasons why yo u do not like this kind of music.
there are a lot of music types that I don't like, but if I were asked to pick up one, I would say Rock 'n' roll. Because it's really loud. my major xxx, …… That's why  I want a good rest at night, so  when i go back to study , I can do a better job. but my neighbor often play rock'n'roll at night. So I could not get a good sleep. and  next day i would have a low efficiency.

S2: Some college students like to spend their free time studying another course or doing schoolwork. Others like to join a club and enjoy club activities. Which do yo u think is better and why?
Fxxx, …………  because student can meet different people, which expands their horizon. ……………………
34.  110925CN=101106NA S1: Do yo u agree or disagree with the following s tatement? University students'  should learn how to manage their time more  efficiently.
I think ………………。because students can study productively by this way.
my major is  software engineering , which makes me very busy. because some courses are really difficult, like Java, Python, C language data structure.  when I learned the programing language, I just learned Python at first  and spent a lot of time on it. So I could matere this language. However, If I learn several languages at a time, I will get distracted.   

S2: Some people think it is better for students to study in a classroom building. Others think that it is better for students to study  on the Internet. Which do you think is better and why?
Fxxx, ………………。 Because I can  be free of traffic problems in the moring. Once I wanted to attend a lecture about computer science in my university .I had to get there at 8 o'clock. Usually , it would take 30 minuts by bus. When I went to  the bus station, there were so many people.  I took 30 minutes to wate for a bus. but even worse , I met a traffic jam. Guess what? When i arrived , the lecture was over.

S1: Which challenge in the list do you think is the most difficult for university students? Being far away from families, finding  time to relax, making new friends.
the three things are all fifficult for university students, but if I were asked to pick up one, I would say, being far away from families. because people often feel alone when they are far away from families.
For example, when i studyed in japan at the beginning, I felt so alone due to the language difficulties. My mother talked to me  every night. Thanks to the cell phone  It  felt like we were talking face to face.  After  one month  , I  adapted to the new environment. If there were no cell phones, I would have a long tough time.

S2: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? In order to be successful, a person should study in the university

Fxxx, ……………………。Because we can meet different people , whicn expand our horizons. …………………………
31.  110813CN=100723NA S1: Our society is now facing very serious environment problems. Choose one approach that you believe to be useful to save our  planet.
There are lots of activities that are good for environment. But  If I were asked to pick up one , I would say, teaching children to plant  trees.  Because it can clean the air and it's interesting for children. 
When I was a child, my teacher led us to a mountain nearby our school. Then a man taught us how to put the sapling into the soil, and how to water the it. After we tried, the man told us that we all did wrong. Because we compacted the soil and put too much water. It's really hard to control but it's also interesting. We did have an enjoyable time. 
S2: Are you willing to carefully choose the gift which your friends like or choose whatever you like?

fomr my perspective, I definitely prefer to a  gift  that my friends like.   because people are more likely to keep a gift that they like.  once  my best friend, liangxu, gave me   a present , which is a basketball. He knew that I liked playing basketball very much. So he chose this gift for me.  everytime I play basketball, I will rememeber him. Until now , I still keep this gift in my room. So if I want my friends to keep my gift, I would choose a gift that they like, as the witness of our friendship.  
28.  110625CN=091017NA S1: Describe a piece of news or a story that you are interested in recently. Explain why you think it was interesting. Include  reasons and details in your response.
there are lots of news that I am interested in recently. But If I were asked to pick up one, I would say, the IPO of alibaba, which is one of the largest companies in the world. I really learn a lot from Jack Ma, who is the chairman of alibaba.
 He was super diligent. when starting the business, h e was always the first person arrived for wroking, and always the last one to leave. He usually stayed for another 2 hours after his colleagues left for dinner. so his diligence inspired me to study hard.

S2: Some students prefer to take an essay question where they must write an essay to a question. Other students prefer to take a  test with objective questions. Which type of exam question do you prefer? Give reasons and examples in your explanation
Fxxx, ………………。 because it can make me have a comprehensive understanding of CS. once  i had to write my an essay  about  the history  of computer science. But i couln't find enough metarials in my university library. Then i opened  the Google scholar  to search the key word,  it showed me enormous articals.  I took a week to arrange information and  two weeks to edit my paper. Thanks to these works, I had a comprehensive understanding of computer science.   That's why 

S2: Some people like to watch or listen to news every day while others do that occasionally. Which do you prefer and why? Use specific reasons and examples to illustrate your point.
F…………, because I don't have much free time.
My major is  xxx, …………so I don't have much time on watching. even if I have leisure time, I erfer to  play basketball with my friends, which could make me relax. that's why xxx

S2: Do you like to prepare for something in the beginning or wait just before the due date?
Fxxx. …………, because  I need a lot of time to polish my articles.
when I was a senior student, i had to write my academic paper about machine learning. But i couln't find enough metarials in my university library. Then i opened  the Google scholar  to search the key word,  it showed me enormous articals.   I took a week to arrange information and spent two weeks on editing my paper. Finally, i got a good grades.  That's why 
S2: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Students nowadays work harder in their study than students in the past
From ................................................Becuase many jobs are so difficult that students have to work hard to improve themselves. As a collage student, my major is the software engineering , which makes me very busy. because some courses are really difficult, like Java, Python, C language and data structure. In oreder to get a good job in the future, I have to  master these programming skills, and it's really a tough job. 
S1: Describe a historical event that you’re interested in most. Explain why you are interested in it and want to know more about it.  Include reasons and examples to support your response.
there are ..........................................I want to know how the antient people built the Great Wall.   because it was really difficult. 
When I was a child, my teacher led us to the great wall  on a weekend. He told us that this great architecture was a treasure of our country, which reflected the diligence of ancient peopel.      I could  feel the history by directly seeing it instead of looking  some pictures in textbooks. because There were no any machines in the past,  no one could imagine that how the antient people built the great wall.  that's why...............
S2: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? What a person wears can show his or her personality.

Fxxx,  I definitly disagree that a person wears can shou his or her personality. because many people are not willing to waste their time on wearing.
My major is xxxx, ………………。 so we really don't have much time on wearing. my best frined, liang xu ,likes wearing casual clothing but he   is a talented programer. So we should  not judge people by their cloth 1 Which form of transportation is more enjoyable? Train, automobile or plane?   交朋友 The​ three transprotations are all enjoable. But if I were asked to pick up one, I would say, the train. Because  I can meet many different people .  Once I met a programmer on a train when I returned home. It was amazing that he was an engineer at Google.  I really liked google's   products, like gmail , google glass, and  google schoolar , which helped me a lot to accomplish my acdemic paper.  He also suggested  that if I want to learn a progranming language, I should learn the Python first, because it's easy for the freshman. I really learned a lot .   2 Do you think that people will read fewer books in the future?   From my persipective, I definately belive that people will read more books in the future. Becuase many jobs are so difficult that people  have to read more books to improve themselves. As a collage student, my major is the software engineering , which requires a lot of reading. because some courses are really difficult, like Java, Python, C language and data structure. In oreder to master these programming skills, I have to read many books, which can make me be a  good programmer.

Task 1: If a high school is planning to organize an after-school activity for its students, what kind of activity would you recommend and why?    There are lots of acivities I want to recommend, but if I were asked to pick up one, I would suggest that the school should have a basketball game for their students. Because it's really interesting.   for example, .....    Task 2: stay with friends or family or stay alone?   From my perspective, I definitely prefer to  stay with my friends. Because it makes me relax. As a collage student, my major is software engineering , which gives me a lot of pressure. Because some courses are really really difficult, like the Java , C language and data structure.  I want to be refreshed sometimes. So  I like  playing basketball with my buddies, or watching a  new movie  with my close frieds. then when I go back to study,  I can do a better job
1 If you were to become a volunteer at the school or in the community, what kind of volunteer work would you do and why?    There are lots of volunteer works that I want to do , but if I were asked to choose one,  I would say, teaching children about vetetable growing.  Because it can make them learn to treasure food.   When I was a child, my teacher led us to a farm nearby our school.  The farm workers taught us how to put the seeds into the soil, and how to water the seeds. After we tried, the workers told us that we all did wrong. Because we compacted the soil and put too much water. It's really hard to control. Since then, I know I shouldn't waste any food.     2 Some people prefer to work in the office, while others prefer to work from home. Which do you prefer and why?    From my perspective, I definately prefer to work at home. Because It can make me free of traffic problems. ………………

1 Talk about one activity you will do in the near future. Explain why you want to do this activity.  

There are lots of things I want to do in the near future. but if i were asked to pick up one, I would say, playing basketball , because it's really exciting.
Usually ,  I play three on three with  ……………… 

Some people prefer to be a leader in a group project, while others prefer to be a supporting member in a group project. Which do you prefer and why? Use examples and details in your explanation.  
From my perspective, I definately prefer to be a leader in a group project. Because It is a good chance to improve my management skill.   For example, my major is  software engineering and  I have lots of group assighments . Once I was a leader of a team,  we had to make a application about  calculation. But I  didn't  know how to  assign works to team members, so we wasted a  lot of time.  After this experience, I learned how to manage a team. that't why …… 
Talk about a person you want to know more about. Explain what you would like to know about this person and why. father. because he alway looks tired. my mother told me that …………………………………………

Do you agree or disagree that students should be required to go to school before they are 16.

…………………………because they should meet different people to expand theri herizon before going to school.

S1:  Talk about an activity you enjoyed doing with your family when you were a child.

There are lots of activities I like doing with my family, But if I were asked to pick up one, I would say, playing chess with my grandpa. because it's really interesting.

S2:  While traveling, some people prefer to go to new places, but others prefer to visit familiar places. Which do you think is better? Explain why.
From my perspective, I definately prefer to go to new places.   Because I can meet different people , which expand my horizon. When i first visited to beijing, I met a programer in an unfamiliar coffee shop . He is a google engineer. So we talked about the progranming language , like Java, Python and C language. He also suggested  that if I want to learn a progranming language, I should learn the Python first, because it's easy for the freshman. I really learned a lot .

S2  Some students prefer to work on difficult assignments early in the morning. Others  prefer to do this type of work in the evening. Which do you prefer and why?
Fxxx ………………in the evening. Because I like reviewing in the morning. my major ……………………………… so I like reviewing these courses in the moring , which help me make a good understanding for the knowledge that I have learned. So when I do the difficult assignments in the evening, I can do a better job. 
49.  S1 One of your friends is going to study math as his major. What suggestions would you give to this friend? Please include examples and details in your answer.
take notes
S2  Some people would borrow money to buy things they need. Others would save up
money until they can afford it. Which do you prefer and why? Please include examples and details in your answer.
............................................because  when I do  part-time jobs to make money,  I can meet different people, which expand my horizon. ...................................

61.  S1  Among the following three types of professions, which do you think makes the most important contribution to society? Primary school teacher, nurse, artist. 
reduce pressure
S2  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People who are 18 years old are not mature enough to vote. 
too busy to know about the candidate.  major, I don't have time to relize the candidate. If spare ... , prefer ,  exercise

     1 What is your favorite outdoor place to do exercise in a nice day?
S2: Some people like to have a break or get a job during summer vacation. Others think it is better to take a class. Which do you prefer and why?
get a job.  Because I can meet many different people and make friends with them. Once I met a programmer in a rstaurant, where I took a part time job. He is a CTO of an internet company. So we talked about the progranming language , like Java, Python and C language. He also suggested  that if I want to learn a progranming language, I should learn the Python first, because it's easy for the freshman. I really learned a lot .

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