



数词(The Numeral)


Numerals)和序数词(Ordinal Numerals)。

基数词是表示数目多少的词。如:one, two, three等。

序数词是表示顺序的词。如:the first(第一), the second(第二), the third(第三)等。




1 one

2 two

3 three

4 four

5 five

6 six

7 seven

8 eight

9 nine

10 ten


11 eleven

12 twelve

13 thirteen

14 fourteen

15 fifteen

18 eighteen

20 twenty

30 thirty

40 forty

50 fifty


100 a hundred

1,000 a thousand

1,000,000 a million


a billion(美)

a thousand million(英)


a trillion(美)

a billion(英)

(以上的a 可以用one 代替)



特别注意:13 thirteen /’θ∂:’ti:n/、

15 fifteen /’fif’ti:n/、

18 eighteen /’ei’ti:n/这三个数与其它数的不同。

2. 20—90的整数十位数都以ty结尾;

特别注意:20 twenty /’twenti/、

30 thirty /’θ∂:ti /、

40 forty /’fכ:ti/、

50 fifty /’fifti/、 80 eighteen /’eiti /这五个数与其它数的不同。





154 one hundred and fifty-four

808 eight hundred and eight


3,001 three thousand and one

5,000 five thousand

15,678 fifteen thousand, six hundred and seventy-eight

123,456 a(one)hundred and twenty-three thousand, four

hundred and fifty-six

87,654,321 eighty-seven million, six hundred and fifty-four

thousand, three hundred and twenty-one

670,000,000 six hundred and seventy million

5,000,000,000 five billion(美)

five thousand million(英)

1,000,000,000,000 a(one)trillion(美)


(注意:hundred, thousand, million等前面如果有具体数字,要用其单数形式,但是如果他们后面有of,则要用其复数形式,与此同时,其前面不能再加具体数字。如:

three thousand,

hundreds of, 数以百计的,成百上千的

thousands of, 数以千计的,成千上万的 millions of, 数百万的

thousands and thousands of成千上万的)


1) 作定语:Two hundred students went to Beijing last


2) 作主语:The four helped the old Gramma last week.

There are seven of us in all.

3) 作宾语:How many do you want? Ten, please.

We have the population of over 1,000,000,000.

4) 作表语:One plus two is three.

5) 作同位语:This flowers are for us two.

6) 表示人的岁数:He began to learn English in his fifties.(指51—59岁)

7) 表示年代:a) 公元1999分两位来读(=nineteen ninety-nine);2000年,应读作two thousand。

b) 1990s 二十世纪九十年代

8) 表示时间:2:15应读作two fifteen或a quarter past two

3:20应读作three twenty或twenty past three

4:30 应读作four thirty或half past four

5:45应读作five forty-five或a quarter to six

12:58应读作twelve fifty-eight或two to two

9) 一些数学公式的读法:2+5=7 Two plus five is seven.

10-8=2 Ten minus eight is two.

4×5=20 Four times five is twenty.

8÷2=4 Eight divided by two is four.





1 one

序数词 基数词

first 1st 11 eleven



eleventh 11th 2 two

3 three

4 four

5 five

6 six

7 seven

8 eight

9 nine

10 ten


















12 twelve

13 thirteen

16 fourteen

17 fifteen

18 eighteen

20 twenty

30 thirty

41 forty-one

59 fifty-nine




















1. 以下的基数词变为序数词时有其个别特点:One—first, two—second, three—third, five—fifth, eight—eighth,

nine—ninth, twelve—twelfth。

2. 以-ty结尾的基数词,先把字母y变为字母i,再在其后加-eth。例如:twenty—twentieth, thirty—thirtieth, forty—fortieth

3. 若是几十几,前面为基数词后面为序数词,中间用连字符号连接。例如:ninety-first,eighty-second, seventy-third,



1. 在句子中,序数词主要用作定语,序数词的前面要加上定冠词。例如:We’ll have the second class.

2. 序数词的前面可加上一个不定冠词来表示“再一,又一”之意。例如:He cast his net a second time.(他又一次撒了网。)

3. 在谈论编了号的事物时,我们既可以用基数词表达,又可以用序数词表达,但较长的数字应避免使用序数词。例如:

Lesson 9—the ninth lesson;

Class 6—the sixth class;

Part One—the first part;

Page 2345 (读作:page two three four five)

Room 405 (读作:room four oh five)

4. 小数的读法: 6.6 --- six point six

0.3 --- zero point three

0.005 --- zero point zero zero five

13.987 --- one three point nine eight seven



¼ one-fourth ⅔ two-thirds ¾ three-fourths

⅝ five-eighths ⅞ seven-eighths


½ one (a) half

¼ one (a) quarter

1½ one and a half

2¼ two and a quarter


23/19 twenty-three over nineteen

234/235 two hundred and thirty-four over two hundred and



37% 读作 thirty-seven percent。


1. There are ___ minuts in an hour.

A. sixty B. sixtieth C. sixteen D. six

2. This road is ___ kilometres long.

A. three hundred and ninety two B. three hundreds and

ninety two

C. three hundred and ninety-two D. three hundreds and


3. “How many teachers are there in your university?” “___.”

A. Two hundreds and forty-three B. Two hundred and forty-third

C. Two hundreds and forty-third D. Two hundred and forty-three

4. There are ___ English books for us students in the

school library.

A. four hundreds and five B. four hundreds five

C. four hundred and five D. four hundred five

5. “456” must be read and written in English as ___.

A. four, five and six B. four hundred and fifty six

C. four hundreds and fifty-six D. four hundred and fifty-six

6. There are ___ students in their school.

A. three hundreds and forty-five B. three hundreds of forty-five

C. three hundred and forty-five D. three hundreds and


7. We have learned ___ English words since last April.

A. two hundreds and forty-five B. two hundred and forty five

C. two hundred forty-five D. two hundred and forty-five

8. May 23 reads ___.

A. May the twenty-third B. the twenty-third May

C. May the twenty-three D. the twenty-three of May

9. By the end of 1993, the peasants had planted ___ trees

in their village.

A. two hundreds of B. hundred of

C. two hundreds D. hundreds of

10. If you go out at night, you’ll be able to see ___ stars.

A. thousand of B. thousands of

C. thousand D. thousands 11. The number of the students in that school ___ less than

eight ___.

A. is; hundreds B. are; hundreds

C. is; hundred D. are; hundred

12. ___ is Teachers’ Day in China.

A. Tenth September B. September the tenth

C. The of September D. The september tenth

13. Her daughter was born ___.

A. on May 8, on 1986 B. on May 8, 1986

C. in May 8, in 1986 D. in May 8, 1986

14. I am in ___.

A. Grade 1, Class 3 B. Class 3, Grade 1

C. 3 Class, 1 Grade D. Class 3 Grade 1

15. When he was ___, he went to the United States and

became a worker.

A. in his twenties B. over twenties C. in the twenties D. in


16. ___ children watched the monkey playing with each

other in the zoo.

A. About two hundreds B. Hundreds of

C. About two hundred of D. Hundred of

17. There are nearly two ___ students in our school now.

A. thousands B. thousands of C. thousand D. thousand of

18. It’s ___ from my home to the cinema.

A. ten minutes’ walk B. ten minutes’ walks

C. ten minute’s walk D. ten minutes walk

19. Now computers can work ___ times faster.

A. a million of B. millions of C. million D. millions

20. There are about ___ soldiers on the playground.

A. two hundreds of B. two hundred C. two hundreds D. two hundred of

21. Tom lives on ___ floor. He doesn’t have a lift to go up

and down.

A. nine B. the ninth C. ninth D. a ninth

22. 4509 is read as ___.

A. four thousand and five hundred nine

B. four thousand, five hundred and nine

C. four thousand, five hundred nine

D. four thousands and five hundred and nine

23. When Christ was born nearly two ___ years ago, people

gave him presents.

A. thousands B. thousand C. thousands of D. thousand of

24. There are ___ days in a week and Monday is ___ day of

the week.

A. seven; two B. seven; second

C. seven; the second D. seventh; the second

25. We’re going to study ___ today.

A. Five Unit B. Unit Five C. Unit Fifth D. Unit the Fifth

26. Mary spent ___ dallars on the coat.

A. four hundred sixty eight B. four hundred sixty-eight

C. four hundred and sixty eight D. four hundred and sixty-eight

27. About ___ people joined the fight.

A. one thousand one hundred B. one thousand and one


C. a thousand a hundred D. a thousand and a hundred

28. ___ trees are planted on the hill.

A. Thousand B. Thousands C. Thousand of D. Thousands of

29. ___ class begins at eight in the morning.

A. One B. The one C. First D. The first 30. They usually have supper at ___ in the evening.

A. twenty to eight B. twenty-eight C. twenty eight D. eight-


31. Mike and Bill are both in ___.

A. 3 Grades B. 3 Grade C. grade 3 D. Grade 3

32. Your seat is in ___.

A. Row nine B. the nine row C. the ninth row D. the nineth


33. There’re ___ students in our school.

A. one thousand, seven hundred and fifty-four

B. one thousand and seven hundred and fifty-four

C. one thousand ,seven hundred fifty-four

D. one thousand , seven hundred and fifty four

34. The accident happened on ___.

A. five day of May B. the five day of May

C. five days of May D. the fifth of May

35. It took him ___ hours to finish the work.

A. one and a half B. one and half C. half past one D. a half

and one

36. We’re going to learn ___ today.

A. Eleventh Lesson B. Lesson Eleventh

C. Lesson Eleven D. the Lesson Eleven

37. The girl won the ___ race.

A. 100-metres B. 100-metre C. 100 metres D. 100 metre

38. Jo will take ___ in the village.

A. four day holidays B. four day holiday

C. four days’ holiday D. four day’s holidays数词(The



Numerals)和序数词(Ordinal Numerals)。 基数词是表示数目多少的词。如:one, two, three等。

序数词是表示顺序的词。如:the first(第一), the second(第二), the third(第三)等。




1 one

2 two

3 three

4 four

5 five

6 six

7 seven

8 eight

9 nine

10 ten


11 eleven

12 twelve

13 thirteen

14 fourteen

15 fifteen

18 eighteen

20 twenty

30 thirty

40 forty

50 fifty


100 a hundred

1,000 a thousand

1,000,000 a million


a billion(美)

a thousand million(英)


a trillion(美)

a billion(英)

(以上的a 可以用one 代替)



特别注意:13 thirteen /’θ∂:’ti:n/、

15 fifteen /’fif’ti:n/、

18 eighteen /’ei’ti:n/这三个数与其它数的不同。

2. 20—90的整数十位数都以ty结尾;

特别注意:20 twenty /’twenti/、

30 thirty /’θ∂:ti /、

40 forty /’fכ:ti/、

50 fifty /’fifti/、

80 eighteen /’eiti /这五个数与其它数的不同。



ninety-eight。 4.101—999先说“几百”,再加and,再加末两位数(或末位数);如:

154 one hundred and fifty-four

808 eight hundred and eight


3,001 three thousand and one

5,000 five thousand

15,678 fifteen thousand, six hundred and seventy-eight

123,456 a(one)hundred and twenty-three thousand, four

hundred and fifty-six

87,654,321 eighty-seven million, six hundred and fifty-four

thousand, three hundred and twenty-one

670,000,000 six hundred and seventy million

5,000,000,000 five billion(美)

five thousand million(英)

1,000,000,000,000 a(one)trillion(美)


(注意:hundred, thousand, million等前面如果有具体数字,要用其单数形式,但是如果他们后面有of,则要用其复数形式,与此同时,其前面不能再加具体数字。如:

three thousand,

hundreds of, 数以百计的,成百上千的

thousands of, 数以千计的,成千上万的

millions of, 数百万的

thousands and thousands of成千上万的)


1) 作定语:Two hundred students went to Beijing last

month. 2) 作主语:The four helped the old Gramma last week.

There are seven of us in all.

3) 作宾语:How many do you want? Ten, please.

We have the population of over 1,000,000,000.

4) 作表语:One plus two is three.

5) 作同位语:This flowers are for us two.

6) 表示人的岁数:He began to learn English in his fifties.(指51—59岁)

7) 表示年代:a) 公元1999分两位来读(=nineteen ninety-nine);2000年,应读作two thousand。

b) 1990s 二十世纪九十年代

8) 表示时间:2:15应读作two fifteen或a quarter past two

3:20应读作three twenty或twenty past three

4:30 应读作four thirty或half past four

5:45应读作five forty-five或a quarter to six

12:58应读作twelve fifty-eight或two to two

9) 一些数学公式的读法:2+5=7 Two plus five is seven.

10-8=2 Ten minus eight is two.

4×5=20 Four times five is twenty.

8÷2=4 Eight divided by two is four.





1 one

2 two

3 three

4 four

5 five

6 six

7 seven

8 eight

9 nine


first 1st















11 eleven

12 twelve

13 thirteen

16 fourteen

17 fifteen

18 eighteen

20 twenty

30 thirty

41 forty-序数词

eleventh 11th

twelfth 12th

thirteenth 13th

fourteenth 14th

fifteenth 15th

eighteenth 18th

twentieth 20th

thirtieth 30th

forty-first 41st 10 ten tenth

10th one

59 fifty-nine

fifty-ninth 59th


1. 以下的基数词变为序数词时有其个别特点:One—first, two—second, three—third, five—fifth, eight—eighth,

nine—ninth, twelve—twelfth。

2. 以-ty结尾的基数词,先把字母y变为字母i,再在其后加-eth。例如:twenty—twentieth, thirty—thirtieth, forty—fortieth

3. 若是几十几,前面为基数词后面为序数词,中间用连字符号连接。例如:ninety-first,eighty-second, seventy-third,



1. 在句子中,序数词主要用作定语,序数词的前面要加上定冠词。例如:We’ll have the second class.

2. 序数词的前面可加上一个不定冠词来表示“再一,又一”之意。例如:He cast his net a second time.(他又一次撒了网。)

3. 在谈论编了号的事物时,我们既可以用基数词表达,又可以用序数词表达,但较长的数字应避免使用序数词。例如:

Lesson 9—the ninth lesson;

Class 6—the sixth class;

Part One—the first part;

Page 2345 (读作:page two three four five)

Room 405 (读作:room four oh five)

4. 小数的读法:

6.6 --- six point six

0.3 --- zero point three

0.005 --- zero point zero zero five

13.987 --- one three point nine eight seven 分数的表达方法:


¼ one-fourth ⅔ two-thirds ¾ three-fourths

⅝ five-eighths ⅞ seven-eighths


½ one (a) half

¼ one (a) quarter

1½ one and a half

2¼ two and a quarter


23/19 twenty-three over nineteen

234/235 two hundred and thirty-four over two hundred and



37% 读作 thirty-seven percent。


1. There are ___ minuts in an hour.

A. sixty B. sixtieth C. sixteen D. six

2. This road is ___ kilometres long.

A. three hundred and ninety two B. three hundreds and

ninety two

C. three hundred and ninety-two D. three hundreds and


3. “How many teachers are there in your university?”


A. Two hundreds and forty-three B. Two hundred and forty-third

C. Two hundreds and forty-third D. Two hundred and forty-three

4. There are ___ English books for us students in the

school library.

A. four hundreds and five B. four hundreds five

C. four hundred and five D. four hundred five

5. “456” must be read and written in English as ___.

A. four, five and six B. four hundred and fifty six

C. four hundreds and fifty-six D. four hundred and fifty-six

6. There are ___ students in their school.

A. three hundreds and forty-five B. three hundreds of forty-five

C. three hundred and forty-five D. three hundreds and


7. We have learned ___ English words since last April.

A. two hundreds and forty-five B. two hundred and forty five

C. two hundred forty-five D. two hundred and forty-five

8. May 23 reads ___.

A. May the twenty-third B. the twenty-third May

C. May the twenty-three D. the twenty-three of May

9. By the end of 1993, the peasants had planted ___ trees

in their village.

A. two hundreds of B. hundred of

C. two hundreds D. hundreds of

10. If you go out at night, you’ll be able to see ___ stars.

A. thousand of B. thousands of

C. thousand D. thousands

11. The number of the students in that school ___ less than

eight ___.

A. is; hundreds B. are; hundreds

C. is; hundred D. are; hundred 12. ___ is Teachers’ Day in China.

A. Tenth September B. September the tenth

C. The of September D. The september tenth

13. Her daughter was born ___.

A. on May 8, on 1986 B. on May 8, 1986

C. in May 8, in 1986 D. in May 8, 1986

14. I am in ___.

A. Grade 1, Class 3 B. Class 3, Grade 1

C. 3 Class, 1 Grade D. Class 3 Grade 1

15. When he was ___, he went to the United States and

became a worker.

A. in his twenties B. over twenties C. in the twenties D. in


16. ___ children watched the monkey playing with each

other in the zoo.

A. About two hundreds B. Hundreds of

C. About two hundred of D. Hundred of

17. There are nearly two ___ students in our school now.

A. thousands B. thousands of C. thousand D. thousand of

18. It’s ___ from my home to the cinema.

A. ten minutes’ walk B. ten minutes’ walks

C. ten minute’s walk D. ten minutes walk

19. Now computers can work ___ times faster.

A. a million of B. millions of C. million D. millions

20. There are about ___ soldiers on the playground.

A. two hundreds of B. two hundred C. two hundreds D. two

hundred of

21. Tom lives on ___ floor. He doesn’t have a lift to go up

and down.

A. nine B. the ninth C. ninth D. a ninth 22. 4509 is read as ___.

A. four thousand and five hundred nine

B. four thousand, five hundred and nine

C. four thousand, five hundred nine

D. four thousands and five hundred and nine

23. When Christ was born nearly two ___ years ago, people

gave him presents.

A. thousands B. thousand C. thousands of D. thousand of

24. There are ___ days in a week and Monday is ___ day of

the week.

A. seven; two B. seven; second

C. seven; the second D. seventh; the second

25. We’re going to study ___ today.

A. Five Unit B. Unit Five C. Unit Fifth D. Unit the Fifth

26. Mary spent ___ dallars on the coat.

A. four hundred sixty eight B. four hundred sixty-eight

C. four hundred and sixty eight D. four hundred and sixty-eight

27. About ___ people joined the fight.

A. one thousand one hundred B. one thousand and one


C. a thousand a hundred D. a thousand and a hundred

28. ___ trees are planted on the hill.

A. Thousand B. Thousands C. Thousand of D. Thousands of

29. ___ class begins at eight in the morning.

A. One B. The one C. First D. The first

30. They usually have supper at ___ in the evening.

A. twenty to eight B. twenty-eight C. twenty eight D. eight-


31. Mike and Bill are both in ___. A. 3 Grades B. 3 Grade C. grade 3 D. Grade 3

32. Your seat is in ___.

A. Row nine B. the nine row C. the ninth row D. the nineth


33. There’re ___ students in our school.

A. one thousand, seven hundred and fifty-four

B. one thousand and seven hundred and fifty-four

C. one thousand ,seven hundred fifty-four

D. one thousand , seven hundred and fifty four

34. The accident happened on ___.

A. five day of May B. the five day of May

C. five days of May D. the fifth of May

35. It took him ___ hours to finish the work.

A. one and a half B. one and half C. half past one D. a half

and one

36. We’re going to learn ___ today.

A. Eleventh Lesson B. Lesson Eleventh

C. Lesson Eleven D. the Lesson Eleven

37. The girl won the ___ race.

A. 100-metres B. 100-metre C. 100 metres D. 100 metre

38. Jo will take ___ in the village.

A. four day holidays B. four day holiday

C. four days’ holiday D. four day’s holidays

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