


8-11 Stinky Street

Written by Helena Pielichaty and illustrated by Mike Phillips

in has a problem

Houses are very different. Some are huge and have gold swimming pools. Pop stars live in those. Some are in rows with a

brick wall at one end and overlook a pie factory. Franklin Gates lives in one of those. Number three, Stanley Street, to be


Some people might think, “I want a house with a swimming pool. “But not Franklin.

He loved living on Stanley Street. Everyone was friendly. All his mates were there and the smells from the pie

<, delicious! There was just one problem. Franklin ’mum and dad wanted to move. His mum was expecting

twins and they needed another bedroom."

I don't mind sharing mine, “Franklin said."

Babies cry all night."

"I'll wear earplugs."

But his parents wouldn't listen."

This house is TOO small, “said his mum.

Next day, there was a “for Sale “sign stuck by Franklin's door.

Franklin and his best friend Josh stared at the words of doom.

"What am I going to do,Josh?"said Franklin.

Josh frowned. “Has your house got problems?Number forty's got problems and no one wants to buy it."

Franklin stared at number looked all right to him."What kind of problems?"he asked.

"Oh,mice and damp and really horrible wallpaper

Franklin sighed. His house was warm and friendly and it had just been painted,worse luck.

Mrs cox lived next door to Franklin in a little house that had once been the corner then,she called

out,"Hello, "

Before she could finish,her dog Zack leaped out of her house.

He jumped up at the boys,trying to lick their faces.

"Yuk!Down,Zack!"Josh giggled.

Mrs Cox told Zack to get down."He hasn't been out all day.I've been a bit wobbly,"she said,tapping her legs.

"No worries,"Franklin didn't mind taking Zack loved him to bits.

"I'm sorry you're moving,"Mrs. Cox said.

"So am I,"Franklin grumbled.

Mrs. Cox patted Franklin on the arm."Never house might take months to sell."

For a week,it looked as if Mrs Cox was a few people came to look at the house and none of them wanted to

buy in's mum stroked her growing tummy and looked fed up.

Upstairs,Franklin danced around with his underpants on his head in he was no one would

buy his house.

But a few days later_it must have been Thursday,because the smells from the pie factory were chicken and rhubarb Franklin came home from school to find a man in the name was Mr Bragg and was interested in buying the


Mr Bragg wasn't interested in glared at Franklin and trod on his toes, without saying sorry.

Franklin's heart sank when Mr Bragg said he wanted to come back for a second visit."

Saturday morning,ten o'clock sharp,"he said.

2 Franklin makes a plan

That night,Franklin had a bad Bragg was sniggering at him,"You wait and see,boy.I'm going to have your


Then Franklin woke up."No,you won't,you tatty toe-cruncher! “he said angrily.

At school,Franklin asked Josh what he was doing on Saturday.

Josh shrugged. “Nothing much."

"Does your big sister still work in the fish shop?"asked Franklin.

Josh nodded.

",I've got a job "

Franklin cupped his hand over Josh's ear and began whispering his plan.

When Josh heard what Franklin wanted,his mouth opened wide enough to swallow a dentist. "I can't do that!"he cried."I'll

get into trouble!"

"You have to!It's my only chance,"Franklin begged.

In the end,Josh wasn't happy,but he agreed to do what Franklin wanted.

3 Something is fishy

On Saturday morning,Franklin's mum was in a flap. "Something smells horrible and I don't know what it is,"she

looked around in a panic."Your dad's outside checking the drains."

Franklin smiled. He know what the smell was!

Mr. and Mrs. Gates were still outside when Mr. Bragg rang the doorbell. Franklin let him into the house

Mr Bragg stopped and sniffed the air."Ugh,what's that disgusting smell?"he asked.

"It's factory does fish pie on Saturdays,"Franklin said.

Mr Bragg frowned. “Isn’t the factory shut on Saturdays?"

" every 's why we call this Stinky Street.D'you want to see my bedroom?"

Upstairs,Franklin opened his bedroom Bragg pointed to a huge,dark patch on the wall."What's that?"he asked.

"Damp,"Franklin said."Mum made me cover it with a poster last time."

"Hmm,"Mr Bragg snorted."Mind the mouse poo,"Franklin grinned,pointing to a pile of brown lumps."It gets stuck in the


"Urgh!"Mr Bragg pulled a face.

"That's nothing,"smiled Franklin."Wait till you see what the rats do."

At that moment,his mum arrived,"Hello,"she smiled."How's it doing?"

"Your son was telling me about the rats,"Mr Bragg said,icily. "Rats?"

"Oh,no!"Franklin yelled,pointing out of the window.

"What is it?"asked Mr Bragg.

"That horrible Josh Barratt's coming!Quick!Hide!'yelled Franklin."

Hide from Josh?Don't be silly,"Franklin's mum Franklin ducked behind his curtains.

"Josh is a lovely boy!"Franklin's mum said, amazed.

But Josh banged on the front shouted football even burped through the letterbox.

"Why "Mr. Bragg gasped as Josh ran off.

"Er...would you like to see the bathroom?"Mrs Gates asked,but Mr Bragg shocked his head.

"You're joking.I'm not staying here another minute."

He ran downstairs and out of the door.

4 Mrs Cox joins in

Mr and Mrs Gates were very angry.

"You'd better explain what’s going on!"they told Franklin.


Just then,there was a loud banging.

"It's coming from Mrs. Cox's house,"Franklin’s mum said, glaring at her son."Fancy getting an old lady mixed up in


"I didn't,"Franklin cried."I really didn't!"

The banging grew louder and Zack started ing was very wrong.

Mr. abd Mrs. Gates and Franklin dashed into Mrs. Cox's house.

She was lying by her stairs,where she had in helped his dad lift her carefully onto a Gates wanted

to take her to hospital but Mrs. Cox wouuldn't go.

"I'm not leaving Zack," she they rang her son Eric,and he came to help her.

Mrs Cox was still in big ran back home and took the fish out of the back of the radiator.(Josh's sister had

given it to him.)

He vacuumed up the chocolate drops on the carpet in his bedroom.

Then he dried the lemonade on his bedroom said sorry to Josh for getting him into trouble, last,he said

sorry to his mum and mum was very upset.

"We know you love Stanley all do-"

"-But there won't be space for all of us,when the twins arrive,"his dad said firmly."We have got to move to a bigger


"I know,"Franklin said,sadly.

Weeks passed but no one came to look at the was coming and Franklin began to feel

wanted to move in winter,did they?

But one day,Franklin came home from school to find creepy Mr Bragg in the kitchen 'd found out about Franklin's tricks and he still wanted their house.

"Those Gates have got to move,"Mr Bragg said to himself."I'll get their house cheap!"He smiled slyly and gave

Franklin's mum a piece of paper with a price on was a very low price.

"Let me know tomorrow if I can buy it,"Mr Bragg smirked."Make up your one else wants it."

"We'll think about it,"Mrs Gates said,going pale.

"Do we have to sell to HIM?"Franklin cried as soon as he'd gone.

"I expect so,"said his mum.

Franklin was could his mum and dad sell to Mr Bragg?

Even the delicious smell of lamb and bananas coming from the pie factory didn't help."I'm going to take Zack for a

run,"Franklin said."A long Scotland."

"Oh,dear."said his mum.

Mrs Cox took ages to answer the was even slower on her feet since her fall.

‘I was coming round to your house!”Mre Cox beamed.’Is your mum in? I’ve got something to ask her.’

‘Yes,’ said Franklin. He was

Trying to stop being licked to bits by Zack.

‘Bring him back by tea time ,’. Mrs Cox called as he set off with the dog.

‘ I will ‘ Franklin said.

‘I was talking to Zack’,Mrs Cox joked.

When Franklin came back, Mrs Cox was just leaving his house. ‘How was Scotland? ‘she joked.

"Cold, “said Franklin, crossly.

Mrs Cox laughed as if he'd cracked the funniest joke ever."You'd better get inside and warm up,then,"she told


Franklin felt grumpy."I don't know why Mrs Cox thinks moving house is "He mum was dancing

round the room with-yes-underpants on her head!"What's going on?"he asked.

"Wait and see!"she laughted.

It was Christmas time in Stanley was no "For Sale"sign outside Franklin's d,there were piles of

bricks and cement from the builders.

"That was a great idea of Mrs Cox's,"Josh said."You bought her house and knocked both of your houses together-"

"-So we had one big house,"grinned Franklin.

"Then the old corner shop downstairs was made into a little flat for Mrs Cox and you get lots of bedrooms


"...and Mrs Cox and Zack get a safe place downstairs."

"So everybody's happy."

"Except Mr. Bragg, “Franklin grinned. “He’s bought number forty!"

8-11臭街 Stinky Street 翻译

1. 富兰克林有一个问题

这儿的房子都各不相同。有的是带金色游泳池的大房子。明星住在这儿。还有一排排厚厚砖墙的房子,俯瞰着下边的馅饼厂。富兰克林住这里,确切地说,是Stanley 街的三号。








































3. 腥味的东西










“哼”Bragg哼了一下。“小心老鼠”富兰克林呲着牙笑,指着棕色的一团。“它卡在地毯里了” “呃”Bragg先生脸一拉。









































本文标签: 妈妈房子女士馅饼