



英 语

一. 考试目标





(一)词汇 参照上海教育考试院的《高考英语词汇手册》


1. 词法

a. 名词



eg. pupil-----pupils, box-----boxes, bus-----buses, dish-----dishes watch-----watches,

factory-----factories, wolf-----wolves piano-----pianos, tomato-----tomatoes etc.


eg. man-----men, child-----children, fish-----fish, foot-----feet, ox-----oxen etc.


eg. Alan, the United Nations, the Philippines etc.


eg. paper, ink, cotton, cloth etc.


eg. a piece of chalk/paper/furniture

a glass of water/beer

a cup of coffee/tea

two pounds of sugar etc.


eg. the teachers’ office , Jane’s brother, a friend of mine

b. 代词

人称代词(主格和宾格):I /you/he/she/it/we/they/me/him/her/them etc.


名词性的物主代词mine/yours/his/hers/its/ours/theirs etc.

指示代词 this/that/these/those etc.

疑问代词 what/which/who/whose etc.

不定代词 some/any/other/another/each/all


nobody, nothing, none




little/a little/few/a few

many/much/a lot etc.

反身代词 myself/yourself/himself/herself/itself


关系代词 who/that/which/whom/whose/as etc.

连接代词 that/what etc.

it 的用法 作代词“它”





c. 冠词 (a/an/the基本用法)

d. 数词




e. 形容词和副词



as…as/not as…as/not so…as



f. 介词


g. 连词


并列连词: and, both…and, not only…but also, as well as, either…or, neither…nor…,

but, yet, however, otherwise, nevertheless etc.

从属连词: that, whether, if, when, since, unless, after, before, until, once, as soon as,

whoever, where, wherever, why, as if etc.

h. 动词


时态: 一般现在时、一般将来时、一般过去时、将来进行式、将来完成式、现在完成时、现在完成进行时、现在进行时、过去将来时、过去完成时、过去完成进行时、过去进行时


语态: 主动语态



(作定语、表语、宾语补足语、状语; 否定式、完成式、被动式)

eg. The sleeping baby is in its mum’s arm. (作定语)

America is a developed country. (作定语)

The story sounds interesting. (作表语)

The boy felt excited when hearing the news. (作表语)


a. 句子种类





b. 句子类型


I heard someone singing the song in the next room.


I saw the cat beaten by its owner. (作宾语补足语)

Hearing the cry for help, he jumped into the water to save the

drowning boy. (作状语)

Seen from a distance, the mountain looks like a tortoise. (作状语)


eg. Seeing(作主语)is believing(作表语).

It is no good jogging right after the meal. (作主语)

I don’t like riding the bike on a rainy day. (作宾语)

No one is allowed to speak loud in the reading room. (作定语)

不定式 (作主语、宾语、表语、宾语补足语、定语、状语;否定式、完成式、被动式、与疑问词连用)

eg. To have an apple a day is good for health. (作主语)

It’s good for health to have an apple a day.(作主语)

It began to snow. (作宾语)

His aim is to become a surgeon one day. (作表语)

The doctor advised him to give up smoking.


I want something to eat. (作定语)

She went to see the film with her boy friend yesterday evening.


He didn’t know how to start the engine.












三. 考试题型及分值


I. Grammar and Vocabulary(40%)

Section A (30%)


Section B (10%)


II. Cloze (40%)




III. Reading Comprehension (40%)




IV. Writing (30%)





I. Grammar and Vocabulary (40%)

Section A (30%)

Directions: Choose the best answer from the four choices given.

1. Electricity flows through a wire _______ water flows through a pipe.

A. while B. just as C. much as D. whenever

2. The faster the circulation of the blood is, _______ can be removed from the body.

A. the more poisonous substances B. more poisonous substances

C. the more poisonous the substances D. the more the substances poisonous

3. On his birthday, his wife gave him a(n) ______ tie as a gift.

A. green silk Austrian expensive B. expensive green Austrian silk

C. silk Austrian expensive green D. Austrian expensive silk green

4. He stretched his arms and legs ______ he should fall asleep.

A. unless B. so that C. if only D. in case

5. ---Why did he write to the mayor’s office?

---_____ about the poor taxi service of the city.

A. He complained B. To complain

C. Complaining D. For complaining

6. With nothing left _______, the fire became weak and finally died out.

A. to burn B. burning C. burnt D. burn

7. I can imagine you are satisfied with your students, _____?

A. are you B. can’t I C. aren’t you D. don’t I

8._____ in the open air, the long table was soon covered with dust.

A. Having left B. Leave it g it

9. This is one of the most beautiful places _____ I have ever seen.

A. which B. that C. where D. of which

new suspension bridge _____ by the end of last month.

A. has been designed B. had been designed

C. was designed D. would be designed


11. It was last summer _____ he graduated from the college.

A. which B. when C. that D. in that

12. A moderate decrease in house prices _____ expected in the next few years.

A. is B. are C. is being D. had been

13. The new swimming pool is _____the old one.

A. the two thirds size of B. two thirds the size of

C. two thirds as much D. as two thirds big as

14. There will be a special price for _____buys things in large numbers here.

A. who B. whom C. whoever D. whomever

15. The exit door _____ blocked. Fortunately, the firemen broke it by force, and saved

the people in the hall.

A. ought not to be B. could not have been

C. mustn’t have been D. should not have been

16. Are there any tickets _____ for tomorrow’s performance?

A. accessible B. possible C. considerable D. available

17. It is said that dogs will keep you _____for as long as you want when you are

feeling lonely.

A. safety B. company C. house D. friend

18. Finding information in today’s world is easy. The _____is how you can tell if the

information you get is useful or not.

A. ability B. competition C. challenge D. knowledge

19. Jogging increases the strength of heart and lungs, thus _____ blood pressure and

the risk of heart attack.

A. reducing B. preventing C. spreading D. curing

20. You have been sitting on my hat and now it is badly out of _____.

A. date B. shape C. order D. balance

21. For all these years I have been working for others. I’m hoping I’ll ____my own

business some day.

A. turn up B. fix up C. set up D. make up

22. Dinner will be ready _____ but we have time for a drink before that.

A. currently B. lately C. presently D. suddenly

23. Last night I suffered a lot from sleeplessness. I was _____ awake while all my


family were _____ asleep.

A. very; very B. wide; sound C. fast; wide D. much; much

24. When online games ______ too much with your study, it is better for you to give

them up at once.

A. interfere B. distract C. interrupt D. bother

25. This disease has been very _____ among _____ aged people in this area since the


A. common; usual B. usual; ordinary

C. common; ordinary D. ordinary; usual

26. I’d like to have your _____ as to how I can improve my essay writing.

A. experience B. suggestion C. teaching D. information

27. One of the most effective ways to attract the customers is to make a good _____

on the consumers.

A. expression B. impression C. depression D. emotion

28. The _____ voice coming from the cave somewhere attracted the rescue team.

A. terrific B. nervous C. slight D. faint

29. A sports commentator is a person who makes comments on a certain sports

competition which is broadcast _____.

A. live B. alive C. lively D. living

30. The headmaster has got promoted for two weeks, but this position is still _____.

A. blank B. bare C. hollow D. vacant

Section B (10%)

Directions: Fill in the blanks with one word to make the passage coherent and

grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the

proper form of the given word.

ACT, Inc., is an independent, not-for-profit organization that provides more than

a hundred assessment, research, information, and program management services in

the broad areas of educational planning, career planning, and workforce 31) ________


The concept for the American College Testing Program emerged in the 1950s, and

the organization itself was 32) _______ in 1959. At this time, U. S. political and

demographic (人口的) developments were inspiring major changes in attitudes about,

and approaches to, higher education.

33) ______ 1959, there was only one nationwide college-entrance testing program,

which focused 34)______ identifying the very best students for 35) ________ (admit)

to the nation’s elite universities. The remainder of college students were often


admitted on the 36) ________ of family ties or entrance exams offered by individual

institutions. In the late 1950s, large numbers of 37) _______ were approaching

college age and wanted to attend college. 38) ________ (finance) aid to students was

increasing, and most colleges wanted to grow. That was the atmosphere in 39)

_______ACT’s founders established the American College Testing Program.

As the nation’s view of education has evolved to one embracing lifelong learning,

ACT’s programs have grown and evolved in the same direction, helping people plan

for and assess learning throughout their lives 40) ______ college through graduate

school and also in the workplace.

II. Cloze (40%)

Section A(20%)

Directions: In this part, there is a short passage with ten blanks. Choose the best

answer from the choices given below.


Florence Nightingale earned the nickname "The Lady with the Lamp" for her

41 nursing of British soldiers during the Crimean War. Nightingale was born to

wealthy English parents and proved to be a 42 and independent child. In 1837

she felt she heard a 43 from God, though the nature of the calling was unclear. She

became interested in nursing and, 44 opposition from her parents, trained as a

nurse and began work in a London clinic. When the Crimean War broke 45 in

1854, she led a group of three dozen nurses to Constantinople to serve in British

military hospitals there. (This was controversial: female nurses had not served in such

wartime field hospitals before.) No shrinking violet, she persuaded army46 to

change terrible conditions in the hospitals, thus 47the gratitude of soldiers and a

measure of public fame. When the war ended in 1856 she returned to London and

continued her reform campaign there. Her outspoken Notes on Matters Affecting the

Health, Efficiency and Hospital Administration of the British Army (1857) and Notes

on Hospitals (1859) helped create changes in hygiene and overall treatment of

patients. She also founded the groundbreaking Nightingale Training School for nurses,

and in 48 years published dozens of books and pamphlets 49 public health.

Nightingale was awarded the Royal Red Cross by Queen Victoria in 1883, and in

1907 became the first woman to 50 the Order of Merit.

41. A. tiring B. tired C. tiresome D. tireless

42. A. quick-witted B. quick-wit C. quick-witting D. quick-wittedly

43. A. phone B. call C. voice D. sound

44. A. instead of B. despite C. however D. contrary to

45. A. up B. through C. out D. down

46. A. officials B. soldiers C. managers D. executives

47. A. earned B. having earned C. earning D. to earn

48. A. latest B. late C. latter D. later

49. A. on B. for C. at D. in

50. A. deliver B. receive C. give D. assemble


Section B(20%)

Directions: Choose from the words given in the following box to fill in the blanks.

Each word can only be used once.


Sometimes people come into your life and you know right away that they were

meant to be there, to 51 some sort of purpose, teach you a lesson, or to help you figure

52 who you are or who you want to become. You never know who these people

may be - a roommate, a neighbor, a professor, a friend, a lover, or even a 53 stranger -

but when you lock eyes with them, you know at that very moment they will 54

your life in some profound way.

Sometimes things happen to you that may seem horrible, painful, and unfair at

first, but in reflection you find that without overcoming those 55 you would

have never realized your potential, strength, 56, or heart. Illness, injury, love, lost

moments of true greatness, and sheer stupidity all occur to test the limits of your soul.

Without these small tests, whatever they may be, life would be like a 57

paved straight flat road to nowhere. It would be safe and comfortable, but dull and

utterly 58.

The people you meet who affect your life, and the success and downfalls you

experience, help to 59 who you are and who you become. Even the bad

experiences can be learned from. In fact, they are sometimes the most important ones.

If someone loves you, give love back to them in 60 way you can, not only because

they love you, but because in a way, they are teaching you to love and how to open

your heart and eyes to things.

A. create B. complete C. pointless D. affect E. willpower

F. whatever G. obstacles H. out I. serve J. smoothly

III. Reading (40%)

Section A(30%)

Directions: In this part, there are three passages followed by five questions or

unfinished statements. Choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C

and D.


In a good cartoon, the artist can tell in a few lines as much as writer can tell in

half a dozen paragraphs. The cartoonist not only tells a story but he also tries to

persuade the reader to his way of thinking. He has great influence on public. He plays

an important role in politics. Different opinions in Congress or at the meetings of the

United Nations may keep the cartoonist well-supplied with current materials.

A clever cartoonist may cause laughter because he often uses humor in his drawings.

If he is drawing a famous person, he takes a prominent(突出的) feature and

exaggerates it. Cartoonists, for instance, like to lengthen an already long nose and to

widen an already broad grin. This exaggeration of a person’s appearance is called


caricature. The artists use such exaggeration to put his message across.

61. According to the passage, a good cartoon is like _______________.

A. a fine painting B. a picture of scenery

C. a written story D. an old drawing

62. Cartoonists influence people through _____________.

A. skills B. feelings C. lectures D. humor

63. What is the best title of this passage?

A. The Cartoonists’ Exaggeration B. The Art of the Cartoonist

C. The Cartoonist and Congress D. The Importance of the Cartoonist

64. Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A. Different opinions in Congress or at the meetings of the United Nations may

supply the cartoonist with a lot of current materials.

B. The cartoonist has a great impact on both the public and the politics.

C. A cartoonist can express his points of view as well as telling a story.

D. The cartoonist can tell in a few lines much more than the writer does in half a

dozen paragraphs.

65. What does the word “exaggerate” in the last paragraph mean?

A. Add something else to create a new effect.

B. Bring humor to something.

C. Make something seem larger , better, or worse than it really is.

D. Change something completely in form, appearance, or nature


In 1990, Vivian and Jim Swiger were parents with young infant daughters. Today,

they are the proud parents of high school graduates. About 17 years ago, it was

predicted that the cost of college tuition, room/board, and books for their twin

2-year-olds, Carleigh and Sarah, would be $91,000 for each girl. In order to afford

sending their daughters to college, the Swigers would have to save $200 each month

per child for 16 years.

Now, those twins are preparing to start at two Virginia state colleges. Carleigh

will be attending George Mason University, one of the colleges profiled 17 years ago.

Sarah is going to Christopher Newport University in Newport News, Va.

The Swiger's living room has been filled with all the dorm room necessities for a

college-bound kid, times two, and now with two additional children, the family of six

will surely feel the impact of two college tuitions. The question is, did the parents

plan properly and meet their college costs goal? "I think it was on target," said Jim

Swiger, the twins' father.


Recent projections show the cost of a college education continuing to skyrocket.

Fourteen years from now, it could cost over $32,000 a year in tuition for state schools

and about $70,000 for private schools.

The Swigers said it's already too expensive, and said they consider themselves

lucky that they can afford it. "It is staggering," Jim Swiger said. "Who would have

thought educating your kids could cost so much."

66. What is the main idea of the passage?

A. Future of high school graduates.

B. High expense of raising kids in the family.

C. Rising cost of high education in recent decades.

D. Preparation for high school graduates for college education.

67. How many children do the Swingers have?

A. Two.

B. Four.

C. Five.

D. Six.

68. What does the father think about their plan of the college tuition for the twins?

A. He is worried about the rising cost.

B. He still has to save more.

C. The plan doesn’t work.

D. The plan can meet the goal set in advance.

69. The word “staggering” in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to


A. astonishing

B. skyrocketing

C. stumbling

D. declining

70. What can we infer from the passage?

A. The Swigers might not afford the children’s education in the future.

B. The cost of high education will be expected to decline.

C. Nobody can tell the prospect of college tuition in the years to come.

D. The tuition for high education will continue to rise.


A survey ranking journalist as the fifth-worst job to have in 2012 has been getting

a lot of attention for the last few days, in case you haven’t noticed. The report, by

Career Cast, says being a reporter at a newspaper, magazine or TV show is worse than

waiting tables and only a tiny bit less lousy than working on an oil rig. Blame the


combination of high stress and scarce career opportunities.

None of that changes the core fact here. For those who are cut out for it — and

that’s definitely not everyone — journalism is a uniquely rewarding, wonderful career.

Here are just a few of the reasons why.

You’re always learning. Your brain got a workout. You could feel yourself getting

smarter. Journalism is like that. You’re always building new mental muscles.

You get paid to read a ton. Pretty much every journalist I know starts his day the

same way: with a big cup of coffee and The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal,

The New York Post and a dozen or so blogs. I’m sure a lot of people with real jobs

start their days the same way, but most of them have to do it before they get to work.

You get to meet celebrities. It’s nice for your mom to have something to brag

about to her friends, since she probably won’t be bragging about (炫耀)how much

money you make.

Maybe you even get to enjoy a little celebrity. Like meeting celebrities, going on

TV can be fun and exciting, or it can be terrible.

Journalists get around. I’m not even talking about traveling, although most

journalists get to do that every once in a while. On a day-to-day level, what matters

more is that reporting is rife with (充满)chances to get up from your desk, get out of

the office and stretch your legs. Don’t like staring at a glowing screen all day? Meet a

few sources for coffee, do some man-on-the-street interviews or go cover a trade show.

It’s often when you’re playing semi-hooky(半逃学) from the office that you’ll get

your best stuff.

71. According to the survey by Career Cast, being a journalist is

________________ .

A. expected to be the worst job in 2012

B. less desirable than waiting tables

C. a little worse than working on an oil rig

D. the most stressful job

72. The word “workout” in paragraph 3 means ________________ in this sentence.

A. exercises to improve fitness

B. stimulation for activity

C. input of new ideas

D. burden of working

73. In terms of reading, journalists ________________ .

A. do it the same way as all the other people

B. are paid more than other people

C. do it before starting to work

D. can enjoy it at work

74. A journalist can have the opportunity to _______________ .

A. become somewhat well-known


B. travel every day

C. brag about their incomes

D. become a TV star

75. At work, a journalist _______________ .

A. can travel on a day-to-day level

B. often gets the best sources by traveling

C. enjoys the flexibility of working sites

D. has to stare at the computer screen all day

Section B(10%)

Directions: After reading the passage, answer the following questions or fill in the

blanks with the fewest words possible (no more than 10 words).


Ask someone what they have done to help the environment recently and they

will almost certainly mention recycling. Recycling in the home is very important of

course. However, being forced to recycle often means we already have more material

than we need. We are dealing with the results of that over-consumption in the

greenest way possible, but it would be far better if we did not bring so much material

home in the first place.

The total amount of packaging has increased by 12%. It now makes up a third of

a typical household’s waste in the UK. In many supermarkets nowadays food items

are packaged twice with plastic and cardboard.

Too much packaging is doing serious damage to the environment. The UK, for

example, is running out of it for burying this unnecessary waste. If such package is

burnt, it gives off greenhouse gases which go on to cause the greenhouse effect.

Recycling helps, but the process itself uses energy. The solution is not to produce such

items in the first place. Food waste is a serious problem, too. Too many supermarkets

encourage customers to buy more than they need. However, few of them are coming

round to the idea that this cannot continue, encouraging customers to reuse their

plastic bags, for example.

But this is not just about supermarkets. It is about all of us. We have learned to

associate packaging with quality. We have learned to think that something unpackaged

is of poor quality. This is especially true of food. But it is also applied to a wide range

of consumer products, which often have far more packaging than necessary.

There are signs of hope. As more of us recycle, we are beginning to realize just

how much unnecessary materials are collected. We need to face the wastefulness of

our consumer culture, but we have a mountain to climb.

76. The phrase “that over-consumption” in Paragraph 1 means


77. What does the pronoun “it” in Paragraph 3 refers to?


78. According to the text, the important solution to the environment damage caused

by too much packaging is ____________________.

79. The reason for over packaging is that ___________________.

80. What can we learn from the last paragraph?

IV. Writing (30%)

Directions: For this part, you are required to write a composition in no less than 120

words on the title College Study Overseas based on the outline given below.

1. My reasons to study overseas;

2. The problems I might encounter;

3. How I will overcome those problems.



I Grammar and Vocabulary40%

Section A 30%

1-5 BABDB 6-10 BCDBB 11-15 CABCD

16-20 DBCAB 21-25 CCBAC 26-30 BBDAD

Section B 10%

31 development 32 founded 33 Before 34 on

36 basis 37 students 38 Financial 39 which

II Cloze 40%

Section A 20%

41-45 DABBC 46-50 ACDAB

Section B 20%

51-55 IHBDG 56-60 EJCAF

III Reading 40%

Section A 30%

61-65 CDBDC 66-70 CBDAD 71-75 BADAC

Section B 10%

76. using too much packaging

77. Environment (for burying unnecessary packaging waste).

78. not to produce many packaging items

79. we associate it high quality goods

80. Fighting wastefulness is difficult.

IV Writing 30%


35 admission

40 from

本文标签: 考生要求意思短文代词