


Unit Two

1. with reference to: 关于 2. business lines: 经营范围,从事行业(→ line: 行业;货色)

3. in compliance with: 按照(要求,愿望等),依从 4. item: n. 商品,产品;项目

have your name and address from„ 承蒙„„告知贵公司的名称和地址。

2. Commercial Counselor’s Office 商务参赞处,商赞处 3. specialize in: 专营

into trade / business relations with„:与„„建立业务关系

= establish business relations / make business contact

5. handle: v. 经营 (类似的表达法还有: deal in, trade in, be in the line of, be engaged in)

6. quotation: n. 报价; 后常跟介词for, 买方提及卖方的报价时用of

★ make ( send / give / cable ) sb. a quotation for sth. quotation sheet: 报价单

7. upon / on receipt of:一俟„„, 收到„„后

8. Commodity Inspection Bureau 商品检验局

9. in regard to = with regard to, as regards, regarding 关于

10. with much interest = with keen interest 殷切地

1. commission houses:提取佣金的商行 2. fluctuation: n. 波动 the liberty of: 冒昧地

4. with a view to = with the view of ( with a view of) 以„„为目的

5. for your information =for one’s reference: 供某人参考

6. financial standing = financial position 财务状况

to: vt. 咨询,提交,查阅,参阅,转给 vi. 谈到,谈谈,提到

8. furnish: vt. 供给,提供→ furnish sb. with sth. 或furnish sth. to sb. 向某人提供某物

9. status: n. 情况 status enquiry : 资信调查,资信征询,资信情况business status : 业务状况credit investigation: 信用调查

10. be only too glad / pleased to„: 十分乐于„

. Cotton Piece Goods: 棉布(匹头),在外贸业务中不用cloth。

2. item: n. 商品,产品;项目

3. by separate mail = under separate cover: 另封,另邮

airmail sth. under separate cover = send sth. by separate airmail 另空邮寄送

under cover 或 enclose: 指随函附上,附在信里

4. avail oneself of = take the opportunity to „ 利用(某种机会)

5. to fall (come, lie, be) within the scope of 属于„的范围

Unit Three(句子翻译次要,写作次要。)

1. status: n. 情况 status enquiry : 资信调查,资信征询,资信情况 credit investigation: 信用调查 status of funds: 资金状况 status opinion: 现状报告

2. trader: n. 商人 → sole trader:专卖商; in and out trader:证劵投资商;foreign trader:外贸商;

retail trader:零售商;wholesale trader:批发商.→ trade: v. trade customs: 贸易惯例; trade fair:交易会; trade mark:商标; trade sanction:贸易制裁.

3. financial: adj. 财政的,金融的 financial standing财务状况; financial book账本; financial

report财务报告; financial affairs department 财务处 financial crisis金融危机;financial

adviser/consultant 金融顾问;financial ability财力financial affairs 财务;financial centre 金融中心

4. confidential: adj. 的,机密的→ in confidence: 机密 → confidence: n. 信任,信赖

5. Information Service Dept.信息服务部→ Purchasing Dept.采购部; Business Dept.营业部;

Marketing Dept.市场部;Advertising Dept.广告部;Human Resources Dept.人力资源部;Personnel Dept.人事处; Accounting Dept.会计部;Quality Control Dept.质检部;Loss Dept. 理

赔部;Press Dept.新闻处;Communication Dept. 通信处;General (affairs) Dept. 总务处

6. on condition that : 在„„条件下;如果

7. standing credit : a credit of fixed amount 定额贷款 → credit: n. 信用,信誉;信贷,赊欠 → credit : vt. 记入贷方 → credit an amount to one’s account =credit one’s

account with an amount 将一笔金额贷记某人帐户

9. reference: n. 资信证明人 →☆ trade reference 商行备资

10. grant v. agree, give 答应,给予 e.g. They refused to grant us long-term credits.

他们拒绝答应远期信用证。→ grantable adj. 可同意的, 可授予的

11. assure: vt. 保证,使确信 → assure sb. of sth. 或 assure sb. That…向某人保证„„

assured: adj. 感到放心的,感到有把握的 → rest / be assured of sth. 或 rest / be

assured that„放心某事(某人)会„„

12. on one’s part / on the part of :在„„方面,就„„而言

13. duly (adv. at the right time) 适当地; 及时地

→ in due course : in good time, at proper time, in due time 在适当的时候,如期地(sometimes use duly)

14. overtrading: adj. 过额贸易 view of : 考虑到,鉴于

2. turnover n. 营业额,成交额;周转→ annual turnover: 年销售量,年营业额

Unit Four

1. enquiry n. 询盘,询价

→ make (or: send, give, fax) sb. an enquiry for sth. 向某人询购某种商品, 向某人询问某种商品价格

→ enquire (或inquire)v. 询购,询问 enquire for sth. 询购某种商品

2. a promising market = a good market: 良好的市场; 畅销,好销路

→ market n. 行情; 市场

The market is strengthening ( rising, advancing, declining). 行情在上涨 / 下跌。

The market is firm (strong, weak, easy, active/brisk, stagnant). 行情坚挺(疲软, 活跃, 呆滞)。

prevailing / ruling / current market (price) 现价,时价

3. terms of payment: 付款条件 4. discount: n. 折扣;贴现→ allow(or: grant, give, offer)

sb. a discount of „ % on sth. 对于某物给予某人百分之几的折扣

→ at a discount of„ 打„折扣

e.g. That store often disposes of old-fashioned goods at different discounts from 5% to 50%.

5. illustrated catalogue: 带插图的目录

6. by separate post = under separate cover 另邮,另寄

7. both excellent in quality and reasonable in price = good quality and low price: 物美价廉

8. irrevocable L/C at sight: 不可撤销的即期信用证

9. meet: vt. 满足(需要等);适应;负担(费用等);履行(义务等)

meet the current demand /meet the brisk sales /meet all expenses/ meet their obligations

10. demand: n. 需求(表示对某物的要求,用介词for)

→ demand: v. 要求 动词demand 不可用被要求的人作宾语,而需在那个词前加of

Right: The buyer demands of the seller to ship the goods within a week.

11. invite one’s attention to„: 提醒某人注意„„

☆ draw / invite / call / direct / attract one’s attention to + noun.

☆ draw sb’s attention to + the fact + the clause

1. in the market for: 想要购买 e.g. We are in the market for Groundnuts.

→ in the market: 要买或卖e.g. Please advise us when you are in the market.

Will you buy a fountain pen this coming Sunday?

We would like to inform you that a number of our clients are in the market for Chinese


2. be in the position to„: 能够(指处于能做某事的地位)

★ be in a position to 通常不宜与条件从句连用,下面的句子用can 或shall be able to 较好。

e.g. If you can reduce the price by 5%, we shall be able to order 200 pieces

If you open L/C immediately, we shall be able to ship the goods this month.

Unit Five(句子翻译次要,书信翻译次要,写作次要。)

1. as requested : 按照要求 / 请求

★商业信函按对方要求办某事后在通知对方时, 常用as requested 于句首.在语法上可理解为as it is requested 的省略(as 是从属连词),也可理解为as is requested 的省略(as 是关系代词).

→ on / upon request : 一经要求就„„, 承索即寄„„

→ at the request of / at sb.’s request : 应某人的要求, 相当于 as requested, 或in compliance

with your request,或complying with your request 等。

request 作名词时, 后接for或以that 引起的同位语从句(虚拟语气)

2. herewith: 随函附上e.g. We are sending you herewith a price list.

→ hereby: 特此 e.g. It is hereby certified that„ 特此证明 It is hereby noticed that„ 特此通知

3. in quadruplicate 一式四份 → in duplicate:一式两份; in triplicate :一式三份;

→ 一式四份及其以上也常说:in four copies, in five copies,„或in four folds, in five folds

4. unreaserved acceptance: 毫无保留地接受

→ absolute acceptance ;conditional acceptance ;unconditional acceptance

5. import licence: 进口许可证

6. dispatch/ despatch: v 发送;迅速办理

→ despatch: n. 发送,迅速; despatch money 速遣费

7. expire: v.(指某事经过一段时间)期满,到期;终止→ expiry / expiration : n. 终止;期满,届期;→ expiration date:到期日;expiration notice:到期通知

8. execute: v. 执行→ execute an order / a contract执行订单/合同→ execution: n. 执行

9. fall within the scope of our business activities = lie /come/ be within/under the scope of our

business activities = be within / lie within / fall within our business scope属于我们的经营范围

10. plate: v. cover thinly with another metal, esp. gold, silver, or tin 镀,电镀

: n. (single.) 供应,供给; (pl.) 供应物,供给物

e.g. Supply now exceeds demand in our market.

The goods you enquire for are in short ( scarce, free, sufficient) supply. 所询商品目前供应短缺(敞开, 充足).

Owing to the shortage of raw materials, the goods are out of supply at present. 由于原料短缺,此货目前已脱销.

The goods are out of supply /in short supply /in light supply /in free supply.该货现已短缺(供应不足,供应充足) → supplier: n. 供货商,供应商

Unit seven

1. offer: n. / v. 报盘

→ 名词报盘与动词make, send, give, cable 等连用,后接介词 for, on 或of, 接for最普遍,接on较少见。买方提及卖方的报盘时,接 of为好。动词offer可以作及物动词,也可以作


2. firm offer 实盘或确盘。

★ 实盘主要特点是:对发盘人具有约束力,在实盘规定的有效期内,发盘人不得随意撤回或修改实盘的内容。实盘一经受盘人在有效期内无条件地接受,即无须再经过发盘人的确认,就可以达成交易,构成对双方都有约束力的合同。都有时间的限制,即有效期。

→ non-firm offer /offer without engagement 虚盘



→ subject to change without notice 如有变更,不做预先通知

subject to our final confirmation 以我方最后确认为条件

subject to goods being unsold/ free 以货物未售出为条件

subject to prior sale 以先售为条件

without engagement 无约束力

→ a combined offer 联合报盘,有两种或两种以上的商品同时报盘

a conditional offer 附有条件的报盘。(如以对方销给我方某种货物为我方报盘的条件)

a free offer 自由报盘 = a non-firm offer (随时可撤回)

an offer subject to market fluctuation 随市场价格变动的报盘 (non-firm offer)

an offer without engagement 无约束性的报盘 ( =a non-firm offer)

an offer without obligation 无约束性的报盘 (=a non-firm offer)

3. competitive: adj.竞争的,有竞争力的→ competition: n. 竞争→ compete: vi. 竞争→

competitor: n.竞争者

ed = provided that 倘若;假若

1) We can sell a lot of men’s shirts, provided (if)your price is highly competitive.

2) We shall cancel the contract if you fail to open the relative L/C before the end of this year.

5. stress: v. 着重强调→stress + that clause /stress + n. → stress: n. 重点

6. repeat order: 续订订单,续订的货物pl.: repeats = repeat orders = further orders

★ repeat order:指除交货期外,数量、价格等未必与原订单相同的订单

duplicate order: 指除交货期外,其余条件同原订单完全一样的订单

7. as follows = as what follows : (习语),“as”是关系代词,不论句子的主语是单数还是复数,只可用as follows, 不可用as follow. Our prices are as follows: / Our price is as follows:

8. net: adj. 净的

→◇ net price 净价(不含佣金和折扣)◇ net weight 净重(不含皮重)◇ net profit 净利(不含成本)

9. subject to: 以„„为条件, 以„„为准

→◇ subject to our final confirmation 以我方最后确认为准

◇subject to your replay reaching here before March 28 以你方答复于3月28日前到达这里为准 (复到为准)subject to your immediate acceptance 以你方立即接受为条件

10. booklet / pamphlet小册子 ◇literature文字说明,印刷的商品资料(商品文字宣传品的统称)◇price list 价格表,价目单 ◇brochure 小册◇ manual 产品手册 ◇eaflet 单张说明书,广告单◇folder 折叠式印刷品 ◇bulletin 产品)简报 ◇data (产品)数据表

11. on the high / low side : (价格等)偏高 / 偏低

★ Similar expressions:

◇ Your price is a bit high. 你方价格有点高。 ◇ Your price is too high. 你方价格太高。

◇Your price is excessive. 你方价格过高。◇ Your price is prohibitive. 你方价格令人望而却步

★ out of line with the market (与市场不一致), unreasonable (不合理), unworkable (不可行),

impracticable (行不通), infeasible ( 行不通), unrealistic (不现实)等可以指价格偏高,也可指价格偏低(on the low side), 需视情况而定,一般来说,出自卖方之口,往往指价格偏低。

12. appreciate: v. 感谢, 感激

→ 为表客气,还可用虚拟式句子It would be appreciated if you would = We should appreciate it

if you would… = We shall appreciate your sending us…

13. counter-offer: n. 还盘,还价 → counter-offer: vt. & vi. 还盘,还价

14. available: adj. 可供应的;可利用的;可得到的

commodities available for export 可供出口的商品 →avail: n. 效用;帮助;利益

availability: n. 利用(供应、得到)的可能性, availabilities: (pl.) n. 可供应的货

15. in no case: 绝不,无论如何不 16. avail oneself of „: 利用

Unit Nine

1. order n. 订单,订购;所订货物(后面一般接介词for, 或接of)

△ order 是中间商因受买方委托代购货物而开出的订单,与indent (买方直接开给卖方的订单)稍有不同。现二词一般通用,但用order 较普遍。

→ to place an order with sb. for sth. 向某人订购某物

order: vt. 订购 → order sth. from sb. 向某人订购某物

★ some useful expressions:

initial order 首次订单◇ fresh / new order 新订单; ◇ repeat order 续订单◇ duplicate

order重复订单◇ trial order 试订单 ◇ outstanding/ pending order 未完成的订单

◇ to accept / close / confirm / take on an order 接受订单 ◇ to carry out / execute / fill / fulfill

an order 执行订单◇ to decline (谢绝) / refuse / turn down an order拒接订单◇ entertain an

order 考虑并接受订单 ◇ to cancel(取消) / withdraw (撤回)/ revoke / rescind an order

取消、撤回订单◇ to hold up / suspend an order 暂停执行订单

2. cash against documents = CAD 凭单付款

CAD凭单付款(买方称)= D/P 付款交单(卖方称)都是货款与单据同时交割的支付方式。前者是出口商凭货运单证直接向进口商收款,后者是开出汇票通过银行向进口商收款,又称付款交单的托收方式。

3. Sales Confirmation: 销售确认书 → Sales Contract:销售合同,售货合同◇Purchase

confirmation: 订购确认书 ◇ Purchase Contract: 购货合同,订购合同

4. acknowledgement:n. 回执,表示收到的通知;感谢→ acknowledge: vt. 告知收到;感谢 →We acknowledge / acknowledge receipt of your letter of June 18. 收到你方…月…日来信

5. presentation: n. 提示

e.g. According to the terms agreed upon, we have drawn on you at sight against this shipment

through Bank of China here. We ask you to honor / meet / protect the draft upon presentation.

根据双方同意的条款,我们已开具了这批船货的即期汇票,通过此处中国银行转去,请见票即付。 → present v. 提示

6. in the affirmative: 同意的/ 地,肯定的/地

7. exceptional value 比一般的好 = better than average; unusual

e.g. exceptional treatment 破格的待遇 exceptional offer 特殊(优惠)的报盘

8. enclosed please find: 随附请查

9. for one’s file: 供某人存档 (also : for one’s records)

10. in sb.’s favor / in favor of : 以„„为受益人, 以„„为抬头

11. stipulation: n. 规定,条款(适合于合同、规定、信用证等)

→ stipulate: v. 规定→◇ as stipulated: 按照规定

☆ 作vi. 时与for 连用;以payment, shipment, quality 等n.或that 引起的从句作宾语时,不用for;另外that 从句用虚拟语气。

12. relevant = covering = relative : 有关的;相关的

13. conform: vt. 使一致,使符合 (宾语后接介词to)vi. 一致,符合

conformity: n. 符合,一致→ in conformity with / to : 和„„一致,依照

14. subsequent:adj. 以后的 → subsequent to : 在„„以后

15. Much as we would like to „这是一个让步状语从句,正常的语序为:

16. commitment: n. 所承诺的事;所承担的责任

We have too many commitments to allow us to take on new orders.= Heavy commitments

prevent us from accepting new orders. 由于承约过多,不容我们接受新订货

→ commit:vt. 承诺,约束;使负有责任(商业上常指订货)

Unit ten

Open Account 赊帐,记帐交易


Mail Transfer ( M/T ) 信汇Telegraphic Transfer ( T/T ) 电汇Demand Draft ( D/D ) 票汇


clean collection / documentary collection ▲documents against payment ( D/P )▲documents

against acceptance ( D/A )

Letter of Credit ( L/C )

sight L/C usance L/C time L/C term L/C

Time of payment

Payment in advance 预付货款▲Payment at sight 现付▲Deferred payment 延期付款

1. payment: n. 支付;支付的款项 → make / effect payment 付款

→ terms of payment 或payment terms支付条款 payment on deferred terms 迟期(延期)付款 installment payment 分期付款

→ 付某种费用的款,如发票, 费用,佣金等,常用“in payment of”

→ 付某种具体事物的款,如商品,广告,样品等,常用“in payment for”

→ pay: vt. & vi. 付(款项,费用等)◇ pay in advance 预付 ;pay by installments分期付款 ; pay on delivery货到付款 ▲ payable: adj.可付的,应付的 →bills payable应付票据→a

cheque payable at sight 见票即付的支票→amount payable 应付金额

2. L/C = letter of credit: 信用证

→ ★ 即期信用证的几种说法:

1) letter of credit available by draft at sight

2) letter of credit payable against draft at sight

3) letter of credit available by sight draft

4) letter of credit payable against sight draft

★ 远期信用证的说法:Usance L/C; time L/C; term L/C


1) L/C available by draft at 30 days after sight

2) (usance / time / term) L/C at 30 days after sight

3) (usance / time / term) L/C at 30 days

4) 30 days (usance / time / term) L/C

→ ★ 有关信用证的常用词组:

sight L/C即期信用证 ◇time / usance / term L/C远期信用证◇confirmed L/C 保兑信用证

◇irrevocable L/C不可撤销的信用证◇ documentary L/C 跟单信用证 ◇transferable and

divisible L/C 可转让与可分割的信用证◇ to open / establish / issue an L/C开证 ◇ to

amend an L/C 改证 ◇ to extend an L/C展证

3. correspondent: 代理行,往来行

4. authorize: vt. 授权,委托;批准,许可,准许;核定

→ the authorized bank授权银行;authorized person 授权人;authorized representative 授权代表

→ authority: n. 权力,管理权;当局,官方

5. draw: vt. & vi开出(汇票). 指开立票据时,及物动词draw作”开立”解,不及物动词draw作“开立票据” 解,

1) draw (a draft ) on sb. for sth. 开出向某人索取„„的汇票, 开具汇票向某取„

2) draw on sb. against sth. 表示开出汇票向某人索取某笔款项.

3) to draw on sb. at 60 days sight ◇ to draw at 30 days D/A ◇to draw at 60 days D/P

4) to draw D/A (or D/P ) against your purchase 对于你方这笔购货按付款交单(或承兑交单)方式收款

→ drawings n. 用汇票支取的金额

E.g. Your letter of credit is allowed 5% more or less in drawings. 你方信用证应准许在收款时5%的上下幅度. → drawer n. 出票人, 发票人 drawee n. 受票人, (汇票) 付款人

6. for an/ the amount of : 总金额计„, 总金额达„

7. a full set of clean shipped Bill of Lading: 全套清洁已装船提单

full set of clean on board Bills of Lading: 全套清洁海运提单

8. Insurance Policy / Certificate: 保险单/ 凭证

9. warehouse: n. 仓库;

→ warehouse certificate仓库栈单 ◇warehouse receitpt仓库收据◇warehouse to warehouse

clause仓至仓条款 ◇ex warehouse仓库交货价格条款◇warehouse entry入库单

warehouse charges储仓费 → warehouse: v. 把„„存放在仓库里

10. negotiation: n. 谈判,商议;议付,磋商 → negotiate: vt. 议付;磋商

→ negotiable: adj. 可谈判的;(票据等)可议付的,可转让的,可流通的

11. freight: n. 运费

◇ Freight Prepaid:运费预付 ; Freight Paid:运费已付 Freight Collect: 运费下付

12. as per: 按照 e.g. as per usual照常, 一如往常

13. partial shipment 分批装运

14. the Uniform Customs & Practice for Documentary Credits = UCP跟单信用证统一惯例

15. see (to it) that: 注意(使),务必(使)

16. put sb. to (too much) trouble: 使某人陷入困境 → to be put to : 被置于某种境况

17. exceptional: adj. 例外的,特殊的◇as an exceptional case 破例地,例外地

exception: n. 例外◇make an exception 破例

forth: 规定; 阐明, 宣布, 提出, 陈列, 出发

question: being talked about 上述的,正被讨论的 3. accordingly: adv. 因此;相应地

4. abide by: vt. 坚持, 遵守e.g. Abide by laws 遵守法律; To abide by the contract遵守合同;

abide by one’s promise .遵守诺言

5. violation: n. 违背,违反 in violation of 违反, 违背

e.g. administrative violation 行政违法 ◇The copyright violation will be reported. 侵害版权将会被告发。

volate: v. e.g. violate a law 犯法 violate the international agreement. 违反国际惯例。

6. rescind: v. 废除,取消 extension: n. 延长,展期

→★ extension of an L/C: 信用证的展期。 → extend: vt. 延长,使展期;扩展;给予

◇ extend„to„ : 将„„延长到„„(日期) extend sth. to sb. : 向某人致以或给予„„

2. go through: 办理

IV. Translate the following Chinese passages into English: Part III

1. 你方4567号信用证条款中,我们发现有下列两点与合同条款不符:(1) „„„

(2) „„„货已备妥待运,请即电报修改你方信用证。

Among the clauses specified in your Credit No.4567, we find that the following two points do

not conform to the contract stipulations:

(1) ……… (2) ………

As the goods are now ready for shipment, you are requested to amend the L/C by cable as soon as


Unit eleven(句子翻译次要,书信翻译次要,写作次要。)

2. some expressions in regard to the mode of packing:

1) in„ 用某种容器包装

Walnuts are packed in double gunny bags. 核桃用双层麻袋包装。

2) in„of„each„用某种容器包装,每件若干数量

Men’s Shirts are packed in wooden cases of 10 dozen each. 男式衬衫用木箱装,每箱十打。

3) in„each containing„用某种容器包装,每件内装若干

Nylon Socks are packed in wooden cases, each containing 50 dozen.



Folding Chairs are packed 2 pieces to a carton. 折叠椅两把装一个纸板箱。

5) each… in…and…to…


Each pair of Nylon Socks is packed in a polybag and 12 pairs to a box.




Pens are packed 12 pieces to a box and 200 boxes to a wooden case.


3. package: 包装;整批;一揽子的e.g. subpackage 分包装

package deal = packaging deal 一揽子交易,整套交易;一揽子协议

package investment 一揽子投资,(综合)整体工程

package price 组合价格,混合价格

4. shipping marks 唛头

6. cargo: n. 货物

fragile cargo易碎品 explosive cargo易爆品 nude cargo裸装货品 corrosive cargo易腐蚀品 dangerous cargo危险品 prisonous cargo有毒物品 inflammable cargo易燃物品

7. in the open e.g. sleep in the open; Camping in the open. 露天宿营

under the open sky; in the open; 露天

8. proof: adj.防„„的, 抗„„的, 耐„„的

e.g. breakage-proof 防破损的 water-proof防水的

shake-proof防震的 sound-proof 防噪的,隔音的

9. susceptible: adj. 易受„„影响的(后接to),可被„„的(后接of)

10. seaworthy: adj. (货物等)适于海运的

seaworthy packing 适合海运的包装、eaworthy trim clause 适航平衡的条款

Unit twelve(写作次要。)

1. insurance: n. 保险

→ more expressions:

insurance rider / endorsement 保险批单 insurance declaration 保险声明书,保险通知单

marine insurance水险,海运险 ocean marine cargo insurance 海洋运输保险

overland (transportation ) insurance 陆运保险 parcel post insurance 邮包保险

air transportation insurance航空运输保险 insurance agents保险代理人

insurance amount 保(险)额 insurance broker保险经纪人

insurance certificate保险凭证 insurance coverage保险范围 insurance premium保险费

→ 在表示“投保”,“办理保险”时,常与insurance 搭配动词或动词词组有:

cover / arrange / effect / provide / take out / attend to insurance

→ 说明保险情况时,insurance 后接介词的一般用法:

☆ 表示投保的货物,后接on

e.g. cover insrance on the 500 cases of Electronic Toys

☆ 表示保险金额,后接for

e.g. cover insurance for 110% of the invoice value

☆ 表示投保的险别,后接against

e.g. cover insurance against all risks

☆ 表示保险费或保险费率,后接at

e.g. cover insurance at a slightly higher premium or cover insurance at the rate of 5%


☆ 表示向保险公司投保,后接with

e.g. cover insurance with the People’s Insurance Company of China

2. insure: v. 保险

1) to insure + goods + against a risk 2) to insure + a risk

3) to insure + against a risk (这时insure是不及物动词)

3. for 110% of the invoice value: 发票金额的110%

→ 常见的投保金额表达:

◇ for 10% above the invoice value

◇ for an amount of 10% above the invoice value

◇ for the invoice value plus 10%

4. debit note ( D/N): 借方通知单,索款通知,借项清单,帐单;保险费通知单

→issue a debit note签发借方通知单; receive a debit note收到借方通知单 ;send a debit note发出借方通知单

5. 平安险(F.P.A.)和水渍险(W.P.A.)两个险别,在表示投保时,前面不再用介词against。

E.g. Please insure against all risks. 请投保一切险。

E.g. Please insure F.P.A.(or W.P.A.). 请投保平安险或水渍险。

6. cover n. (保险业)保险

eg. Please take out cover on all our goods against Fresh and / or Rain Water Damage Risks.


→ cover v. (保险业)投保

1) to cover +goods + against a risk

eg. We shall cover the goods against Shortage. 我们将此货物投保短量险。

2) to cover + a risk

E.g. We shall cover all risks and war risk.

3) to cover + insurance

E.g. We shall cover insurance on the captioned goods.我们将标题项下的商品投保。

4) to cover + sb. + against a risk

E.g. The insurance policy covers us against Taint of Odor Risk . 保险单给我们保串味险。

→ ☆ cover insurance (against) „ (a risk) for „(an amount) on „(sth.) with„(an insurance

company) 为某物向保险公司按多大金额投保„„险

e.g. Insurance is to be covered by the Seller against FPA and Breakage Risk for 110% of the

invoice value as per Ocean Marine Cargo Clauses of the PICC dated January 1, 1981.


→ coverage: n. 保险范围;承保险别(总称);投保金额;保险

7. policy: n. 保险单 →insurance policy保险单

◇ open policy预约保单,船名未确定保单 floating policy流动保单

◇ voyage policy 航程保单 specific policy单独保单,船名确定保单

8. premium: n. 保险费;较高价格

9. 中国人民保险公司修订的中国保险条款(China Insurance Clauses,缩写为 C.I.C或CIC)中的海洋运输货物保险条款(Ocean Marine Cargo Clauses)。“协会货物条款”(Institute Cargo

Clauses — I.C.C)

☆ 一般附加险有11种:

TPND (Theft, Pilferage & Non-Delivery Risks) (简称) 偷窃、提货不着险

Fresh and /or Rain Water Damage Risks 淡水雨淋险

Shortage Risk or Risk of Shortage 短量险

Intermixture & Contamination Risks 混杂、玷污险

Leakage Risk or Risk of Leakage 渗漏险

Clash & Breakage Clause or Clash & Breakage Risks 碰损及破碎险

Taint of Odour Clause / Risk 串味险

Sweating & Heating Clause / Risks or Sweating & Heating Damage 受潮受热险

Hook Damage Clause / Risk 钩损险

Rust Clause/ Risk or Risk of Rust 锈损险

Breakage of Packing Clause / Risk 包装破裂险

☆ 特殊附加险(Special Additional Risk)是承保由于特殊风险所造成的全部或部分损失

S.R.C.C. 或 SRCC (Strikes, Riots and Civil Commotions) 罢工、暴动、民变险

Strike Risk 罢工险 War Risk 战争险 Import Duty Risk 进口关税险

On Deck Risk 舱面险 Rejection Risk拒收险 Failure to Deliver Risk交货不到险

Aflatoxin Risk黄曲霉素险 Survey in Customs Risk海关检验条款险

Survey at Jetty Risk码头检验条款险

Unit thirteen

1. irrespective of: regardless of; without respect or regard to 不管„的

2. concerned: involved 有关的 e.g. the authorities concerned; 有关当局

persons concerned; 有关人员 he department concerned有关部门

3. shipping advice: 装运通知

→ ★ 指卖方发货后向买方发出的通知,内容通常包括合同和/或信用证号码、货物的名称、装船总数量、金额、载货船名和开航日期等。

→ shipping instruction: 装运须知

→ ★货物装运前,买方向卖方提出要求,内容包括包装要求、装运时间、货物数量等。在货物未装船时,买方通知卖方。

4. self-explanatory: (understandable without explanation ) 不言自明的

5. protection: n. getting money ready for payment of (draft, bill, etc.) 备款以支付

6. in light of: 按照,根据

e.g. in the light of present situation 就目前情况看来

in the light of actual conditions 按照实际情况

In the light of this experience we therefore 根据这个经验,我们得出...的结论

Unit fifteen(句子翻译次要,书信翻译次要。)

1. complain: v. 抱怨,不满

e.g. The buyers complain about the excessive moisture of the minerals. = The buyers complain

that the minerals contain too much moisture. = The buyers complained to the sellers of the

excessive moisture contained in the minerals. 买方对矿石中含水量过多表示不满。

2. claim: n. 索赔,赔偿要求

→claim 后的介词搭配

表示索赔的原因,接for claim for damage

表示索赔的金额,接for claim for US$1000

表示对某批货物索赔,接on claim on the goods

表示向某人索赔,接against claim against the underwriter

→ 为某事向某人提出索赔: lodge a claim against sth.

“提出”索赔常用动词: raise, file, put in , make ,issue, lay, register, render, enter, bring up, set

up → claim: v. 索赔,要求赔偿

为某事向某人索赔若干金额: claim ( a compensation of ) „ from sb. for sth.


◇ to claim US$20,000 索赔美元两万元

◇ to claim a compensation of US$20,000要求赔偿美元两万元

◇ to claim US$20,000 for damage 因损坏赔偿美元两万元

◇ to claim US$20,000 on the goods 对该货索赔美元两万元

◇ to claim US$20,000 from the underwriter向保险公司索赔美元两万元

3. appear : v. 似乎,看来,显得;在外贸书信中有时用作委婉的表达方法。

4. in perfect condition: 状况良好

→ ◇in „condition :处于„„状态◇in (a)good (or: perfect) condition:状况良好◇in (a)

satisfactory condition: 状况令人满意◇in (a) bad condition:状况不好◇in (a) damaged

condition:有所损坏 ◇ in sound condition: 完好无损

5. presume: vt . 推测,认为

→ ★ presume作“推测,认为”解时与assume(v. 设想,假定)意思相近。但presume含有相信的意思,而assume只是假设;此外,以that 从句为宾语时,presume后面的that 往往省略,而assume后面的that 则不能省略

We did not make you any offer because we assumed that you were not interested .


Since you did not reply to our cable ,we presume you are not interested.


6. replacement: n. 替代,替换物

→ ◇ replacement cost 更新成本 replacement investment 更换投资 replacement of goods更换货物

→ replace : v. 替换 Replace B with (or:by ) A : 用A 替换B

7. disposal : n. 处理;出售

→at one’s disposal: 由某人处理→ dispose: v. 使有意于,使倾向于→ dispose of 卖掉;处理掉 → be (or: feel) disposed to do sth. 愿意做某事,倾向做某事

8. go into: 调查,探究;讨论,详述;进入(某种状态);从事(某一行业)

9. bare cost: ( cost only, not including freight or any other charges ) 净成本

10. drop sb a line:

e.g. I’ll drop you a line next week to tell you the latest details of our plan.


11. on the part of sb. = on sb.’s part: 在„„方面,就„„而言

12. clean slate: a record of nothing but good conduct, without any errors 清白记录 e.g. clean

the slate 勾销往事

本文标签: 货物商品投保信用证保险