






名词 藏书; 图书馆,藏书楼; 书屋,书斋; 图书出租处

英 [labrri] 美 [labreri]


1. 程序库:MemTurbo的工作原理分三部分:首先是重组(Defragment)物理内存,以提高其存取效率;其次是从操作系统和应用程序中腾出不必要但被占用的内存;以及将不常用甚至没用的DLL文件程序库(Library)从内存中移走.

2. 图书室:而图书室(Library)原用作早餐室,是整个城堡最古老的部分,室内陈设保留了1760年以来的原始模样. 康沃尔半岛植被茂盛,列车进入半岛腹地,就像驶入了一个漫漫绿色长廊,窗外的青枝绿叶几乎触手可及,眺望远处慢坡,满眼碧绿.

3. library:libr; 库,程序库


1. (公共)图书馆

A public library is a building where things such as books,

newspapers, videos, and music are kept for people to read, use,

or borrow.

e.g. ...the


e.g. She issued them library cards.


2. (私人)收藏的图书(或唱片等)

A private library is a collection of things such as books or

music, that is normally only used with the permission of the


e.g. My thanks go to the British School of Osteopathy, for the

use of their library.


3. 书房;书斋

In some large houses the library is the room where most of

the books are kept.

e.g. Guests were rarely entertained in the library.



1. Ronald Reagan Presidential Library that he was

overwhelmed by the duties of his job.

2. It is a cafe library and book shop all in one, with walls of

towering shelves stuffed with books both in English and Chinese.

3. Garcia Marquez and his wife toured the town in a horse

and carriage, passing by the library and the home where he was


4. All the imported films will be put into the Youku premium

content library, charging subscribers 15 yuan per month or 5

yuan per view for random visitors.

5. A public library that will enable rail commuters to check

out books before getting on their train will be launched April 22.

6. Only on those conditions, can a true digital library come


7. It is common for many students to share a single set of

experiment equipment and many have difficulty finding a seat in

library reading rooms.

8. News of the growing online compilation already has

prompted some families to donate private records to the library.

9. The Company boasts a complete technology platform for

the development of small nucleic acid drugs, including library

synthesis of small nucleic acids.

10. Her computer literacy started three years ago when she

found a free training program in computer skills at the Beijing

Xicheng District Library.


本文标签: 英语单词部分图书半岛