


泥浆heavy mud 重泥浆lightweight mud 轻泥浆thick mud 稠泥浆thin mud 稀泥浆high viscosity mud 高粘度泥浆low viscosity mud 低粘度泥浆oil base mud 油基泥浆add barite to….. 加重晶石到….add loss circulation material to… 加堵漏材料到…add lost circulation additive to… 加堵漏剂到...add lubricant to… 加润滑剂到…add mud 加泥浆材料到…add defoamer to… 加除泡剂到…add lime to….. 加石灰到…add sea water to… 加海水到…conditon mud (treatment mud) 调整(处理)泥浆weight up mud 加重泥浆pump plug back mud 泵堵漏泥浆mixing mud 配泥浆replace(displace)mud to hole 替泥浆到井眼displace sea water with mud 用泥浆替换海水transfer mud from…to… 从…倒泥浆到...pump sweeps (slug) 打重泥浆pump high viscosity mud 打高粘度泥浆mud loss over shaker 振动筛跑泥浆mud decrease inform driller & supervisor 泥浆减少通知司钻/监督mud gain inform driller & supervisor 泥浆增加通知司钻/监督flow over on shaker 泥浆从振动筛溢出dump mud to sea from shaker 从振动筛放泥浆下海dumpsand trap 放空沉砂池start / stop desander 开/停 除砂器start / stop desilter 开/停除泥器start / stopcentrifuge 开/停离心机add base oil to pit4# 加白油到4#池地质.取芯.固井geological circulation 地质循环circulation observation 循环观察break circulation 恢复循环back circulation 反循环cycle period 循环周期core bit 取芯钻头electric logselectric logging toolR/U lcc sheavescement bond logwire logside well corecement jobspud (date)pull out off hole (pooh)run in hole (rih)end drillingshort trip (out / ip)

continue run in holeslidingdrilling aheadresume drillingP/U 5" DP & M/U STD综合录井drop carbide for check degassercarbide gas upchange gas lineinject gas analysestart / stop degasserbackground gasconnection gasblow gas linesample introdutionaftereffect (trip gas)calibration FCPreset cum cntr….stkschange calcium chloidesimulate connectioncatch sample gascheck……sensorpower off / cut / interreuption日常用语开钻(日期)起钻下钻完钻短起/下钻继续下钻滑动钻进向前钻进恢复钻进接5"钻杆和组合立柱组合16"BHA和36"开启工具下钻接2根5"钻杆接1根5"钻杆卸下5"短钻杆用12-1/4"钻头组合钻具接一根单根地质.取芯.固井电测作业测井工具测井滚子固井质量测井电测井壁取芯固井作业接固井头和管线剂水泥水泥塞钻水泥塞侯疑回压钻水泥塞炸药投电石检查脱气器电石器出来换气管线注气样分析开 / 停 脱气器背景气单根气通气管线进样后效刻度.调效色谱仪泵冲数…….回零换氯化钙模似接单根取气样检查…….传感气停电M/U 16" BHA &36" opener RIHP/U 2 joints of 5" DPP/U 1 single of 5" DPL/D 5" short DPM/U BHA with 12-1/4" bitmake up a jointcore barrel 取芯筒core tool 取芯工具drop ball for coring 投球取芯core footage is….m 取芯进尺--米take out the core 出芯start coring 开始取芯spearside wall corecasing scraper打捞矛井壁取芯套管清刮器connect cement head & linesqueeze cementcement plugdrill cement plugwite on cement

打捞工具及常用词语back pressuredrill out cementexplosive

milldie stamppin tapbox tappackeropennerjunck subfishing over shotcutterbladespony jointslick ng neckperforateno accidentHRS on swivelbelow jar on jarseal assemblytotal mud costcentrifical pumpbrinesub sea camera日常用语make connectionmake up BHAlay down 9" DCP/U 5" pipedrop anchors & ballast rigrig up BOP stackrun in BOP & risernipple up BOPBOP' sfunction testpressure test for the BOPslow pump rate seal assyback wash linerun in (retrieve)wear bushingfilling (empty)trip tankfilling pipe (casing)spp inc. (dec.) / in spp inf.r/fflowpump deecrease (increase)no return inf. dr. / supblind drillingdrilling breakcut (slip) drill lineflow checklubricate TD & hookTD servies (maintain TD)repair (top drive=td) TDwoke on mahine hand磨鞋铅印公锥母锥封隔器扩眼器打捞杯打捞筒割刀刀臂短钻鋌短钻杆光滑防磁钻鋌打捞短节射孔无事故水龙头时间震击器以下重量震击器时间密封总成泥浆总消耗量灌注泵饱和盐水下电视squeeze cementfast line spoolershallow gaspanelsbridge plugwell kick and 50BBLs pits gainkelly guardblow outguidelineguide railpick up weightsluck off weightrotating weightmax torquerotating HRStotal BHA lengthcheck crown o matictotal BHA weihtheld safety metting on rig floorwear bushingbridge crane of the BOPlinerwashpipe packingsand traps套管挤水泥快绳排绳器浅层气面板桥塞井涌增量50桶方钻杆保护接头井喷导向绳导轨上提重量下放重量总重量最大扭矩纯钻井时间总BHA长度检查防碰天车总BHA重量钻台举行安全会抗磨补芯BOP叉车尾管冲管盘根沉沙池接很多单根组合钻具甩9"DC钻铤接5"钻杆抛锚和压载安装防喷器组下防喷器和隔水管起防喷器防喷器功能试验防喷器试压低泵速试验地漏试验下密封总成反冲管线下(起)抗磨补芯灌(放空)计量罐灌钻杆(套管)prepare to run 20" casingfill up casing with seawaterrun in casingrun in 5" inside stringrun in 7" linefelling cement linemake up casing cuttercsing shoebridge plugcasing hangerretrieve casingcasing leakstart window on casingcasing partcut off…..casingcutter spread testcasing head准备下20"套管用海水灌套管下套管下入5"内管柱下7"尾管探水泥面组合套管割刀套管鞋桥塞套管悬挂器回收套管套管泄漏套管开窗套管断裂切割……套管割刀伸张实验套管头测斜回收测斜工具投测随钻测斜单(多)点测斜 泵压增加(减少)通知司钻/监督deviation survey 泵压下降通知钻台排量减少(增加)泥浆无返出通知司钻/监督泥有进无出钻进钻速加快切割(滑移)钻井大绳溢流检查顶驱&游车加黄油保养顶驱修理顶驱机械手工作motorn MDCFloat valve suborienting SUBcrossover SUBdownhole tools of ddsretrieve survey tooldrop surveyMWD surveysingle(dotty)shot survey定向井.电测井马达非磁钻铤浮阀接头定向接头配合接头定向井井下工具示意图

reming (back reamg)circulation bottom' s upchange shaker screenwashing well headwiper tripbit onsurfacewater onsmoonth currentpull out RTTS & SSC toolliner packersealed chamberscraperwash pipescreen pipeblank pipekick broken fruidcompletion fruidtubingoil pipeplug backnozzleboost linemarine swivelpreparebreak CIRCdegasserdesandershale shakergas cut mudopen holetubingtestingplugged bitwell off setrecover surveyrig headingwind speedrollvisibcore barreltravly blockdrawworksportannurlar preventshear ramtrip tank划眼(倒划眼)井底循环换振动筛筛布冲洗井口通井钻头起出地面等平流起封隔器和风暴阀工具管尾封隔器密封筒刮管器冲管筛管盲管破胶液完井液油管输油(气)管打水泥塞水眼加速管线水下水龙头准备短时循环除气器除沙器震动筛气侵泥浆裸眼油管测试泥包钻头井口位移回收测斜仪平台首向后风速横摇能见度岩芯筒游车钻井绞车左舷万能防喷器剪切闸板计量罐DGREWRCNPpulserACALSLDinstall well heastadilizerseating and sealingunsealedmud cleanerfishingdrapside trackstuck pipeplug backmove derrickcompletion brinedart subjettercore pointtrip gasafter effectmud cleanerdesilterprior/beforehelicopterspecial toolNo.4 guide line brockenfixcavingD.c twist offtuggerpicthsweelwaveheavedircompensatorcrown blockstabilizerstarboadchoke/kill linechoke manifoldgas peak伽马电阻率中子孔隙度脉冲井径密度安装井口扶正器座封解封泥浆清洁器打捞遇阻侧钻卡钻堵漏移井架盐水完井液投入式止回阀喷射冲洗器取芯点后效气后效泥浆清洁器除泥器在——之前直升飞机特殊工具四号导向绳断掉修理垮塌钻鋌折断气动绞车纵摇涌浪升沉方位补偿器天车扶正器右舷阻流和压井管线阻流管汇气测值

本文标签: 套管泥浆管线