





(n.) (vt.)

face to face 面对面

make a face/faces 扮鬼脸

pull/wear a long face 愁眉苦脸,板着脸

in/to one’s face 当面,迎面

in (the) face of 面对着(困难等)

lose/save (one’s) face 丢脸/挽回颜面

face value 面值

sth./sb. face sb./sth. 面对

sb. be faced with sth. 面对

sb. face up to sth. 面对,承担

facial (n.) 面部的

face-lift (v.) 翻新(墙面),拉皮手术

ty (n.)

[U] 灵巧的,熟练的,容易的,便利的

[pl.] 设备,设施,方便条件

medical facilities 医疗设施


as a matter of fact / in fact / in point of fact 事


factual (a.) 如实的


fail to do sth. 做……失败了

fail in the exam 不及格

sth. fail衰弱,中断,破产,失灵等

fail sb. 令某人失望,使某人不及格

Words fail sb.某人无法用语言表达……

failing (n.) 缺点(prep.) 如果没有

failure (n.) [U/C]

power failure 停电

heart failure 心脏衰竭


(vi.) faint from sth. 因……晕倒

(n.) (be) in a faint 晕倒


in a fair to do sth. 很可能……

fair play/play fair 公平竞争,光明磊落

fairly (ad.) 公道地,相当地,简直


fair (n.) 集市,博览会


fairy tale 童话


have/put/place / lose faith in sth.


in good/bad faith 真诚地/不讲诚信地

keep/break faith with sb.


faithful (a.) 忠实的

faithless (a.) 不讲诚信的

(v.) (n.)

fall off 减少,下降

fall asleep 睡着

fall ill 生病

fall behind/lag behind 落后

fall in love with 爱上

fall apart 散开,崩溃,垮台

fall away from 和……脱离,离开……

fall on …在(某一天)

fall on deaf ears 不理会

fall on one’s knees 跪下,屈膝

fall for 喜欢,听信,上当

fall into the habit (of sth.)养成……习惯

fall back 后退,后撤

fall down 跌倒,失败~ (on sth.)

fall in 塌陷

fall short (of sth.) 不够,不足


false impression 错觉

false teeth假牙

false alarm 虚惊一场

take a false step 失策,失足


famous (a.) = famed (a.)

be famous/famed for sth. 出名

ar (a.)

be familiar (to sb.) (with sth.)

familiar friends 密友

familiarity (n.)

familiarize(se) (vt.)

familiarize sb. with sth.



family name 姓

(n.) (v.)

fan out 散开,蔓延开

(n.) (vt.) (a.)

have a fancy/fancy that …揣想

have a fancy for sth. 喜欢,想要

take a fancy to sth. 爱上,(变得)喜欢

fancy oneself as sth. 自以为是……

fanciful (a.) 有想象力的,爱幻想的tic (a.) 极好的,极大的,奇特的

fantasy (n.) 幻想,想象

(a.) (ad.)

as far as / so far as 就……而言

as/so far as … is concerned 关于

by far 修饰比较级和最高级

far-fetched 牵强的

far from (+ a./doing sth./n./pron.)


carry sth./go too far 做的太过分

so far 到现在为止

farther 指距离;further 指程度

ll (a.)

farewell party 欢送会,告别会


on farm 在农场

farmer (n.) 农夫

ate (vt.)

be fascinated with

fascinating (a.)

fascination (n.)

n (n.)

in ... fashion 以......方式

be in/out of fashion 流行/过时

come into fashion 流行

follow the fashion 赶时髦

fashionable (a.) 时髦的

old-fashioned (a.) 过时的

(a.) (ad.) 快,牢固,稳定

be fast asleep 熟睡

fasten (vt.)

(a.) (n.)

fatten (v.)


fated (a.)

be fated to do sth. / that …命中注定的 (a.)

be fatal to sth. 使死亡/破灭/失败


Like father, like son. 有其父必有其子。

Father Christmas 圣诞老人

fatherly (a.) 父亲般的

(n.) 缺点,责任(应该怪……)

at falut 有错,有毛病

find fault with sth. 找茬

faultless (a.) 没有毛病的,无可挑剔的

faulty (a.) 有毛病的,有错误的


ask a favor of sb. 向某人求助

be in/out of favor with sb.


do sb. a favor/do a favor for sb.帮助某人

in favor of 赞成,主张

in one’s favor 对某人有利

favorite (a.) 特别受喜爱的

favorable (a.) 有利的,可喜的

(v.) (n.)

fear sth. 害怕

fear for sth. 为……担心

for fear of sth./that…以防,唯恐

fearful (a.) 可怕的,极大的

fearless (a.) 无畏的

r (n.)

Birds of a feather flock together.


in high/fine feather 情绪很高

e (n.) 特色,特点,特写

(vt.) A feature B A是B的特点

(v.) (n.)

feed sb./sth. 喂

feed sp. 流入

feed back 反馈feedback (n.)

feed on 靠吃……维持生命

be fed up 受够了

spoon-feed 用勺子喂,灌输


feel like doing sth. 喜欢

feel free to do sth. 随意做某人

feel for sth. 摸索(找……)

feel (like) oneself 感觉正常

feeling (n.) 感觉,情绪,想法

hurt/wound one’s feelings 伤感情

e (a.)

fertilize(se) (vt.)

fertilizer (n.)

al (n.)

the Spring Festival 春节

festive (a.) 节日的


have/run some/a (high/slight/touch of) fever 发


be in a fever of (excitement/impatience)


feverish (a.) 发烧的,炙热的,热烈的

(pron.) fewer, fewest

a few/few + [C] 一些几乎没有

quite a few/a good few + [C] 不少

only a few 只有一些

no fewer than 至少

in/during the last/


n (n.) [U] 小说的总称

novel [C] 小说

science fiction 科幻小说


in the field 在田野里,在......领域

field of vision 视野

outside one’s field 超出了……的范围


fiercely (ad.)

fierceness (n.)

(n.) (v.)

fight for/over/against/with/to do sth.

fight back 回击

fight back down sth.忍住,抑制住(眼泪)

fight/fighting spirit 斗志

fighter (n.) 战斗机

fighting (a.) 战斗的(n.) 战斗

(n.) (vt.)

figure out 算出,弄清,明白

figure that…认为,想

figure on 打算,指望

figure of speech 比喻,修辞

a fine figure of a man/woma


figure…in 算进去

figure in sp. 出现在……地方

(n.) (v.)

(keep sth.) on file 把……存档

file sth. away把……存档

file for sth. 申请


fill (sth.) with sth./be fill with 充满

fill a need 满足需要

fill in/out/up sth. 填写

fill a prescription/an order 抓药/供货

filling (n.) 补牙,馅儿,填充物

(n.) (vt.)

make/shoot a film/film sth. 拍电影

produce a film 制片

a roll of film 胶卷

film star影星

film premiere 首映

(a.) (n.) 决赛,期终考试

finally (ad.)

finalize (vt.) 最后确定,定稿

e (n.) (vt.)

state finance 国家财政

finances 财政情况,财政资金

finance sb./sth. 提供资金,管理财务

financial (a.)

financial situation 财政状况

financial crisis 金融危机

financier (n.) 金融家,财政家

(v.) (n.)

find fault with sb. 找错,挑毛病,找茬

find it (a.) (for sb.) to do sth.

find one’s way (in/out/to sp.).到达

find out 了解,打听,弄清楚

findings (n.) 发现的/了解的情况

(n.) (a.)

fine arts 美术


thumb, index finger/forefinger, middle finger,

the ring finger, the little finger

fingerprints 指纹

have sth. at one’s fingertips/ends 通晓,极为熟


keep one’s fingers crossed 希望幸运


finish sth./doing sth.

finish off/up/with sth. 做完,结束

finishing touch/stroke 画龙点睛之笔

put the finishing touches on sth.

finishing line 终点线

finished (a.) 完成了的


fire alarm 火警

fire brigade/fighter 消防员

fire extinguisher 灭火器

fire station 消防站

fireworks 烟火

firefly 萤火虫

be on fire 着火

catch (on) fire 着火

make a fire 生火

open/cease fire 开火/停火

play fire with 自找麻烦

set fire to sth./set sth. on fire 放火

set the world on fire 出名 (a.) (ad.) (n.)

a firm belief

hold firm to one’s belief(s)/firmly believe

fix the post firmly in the ground

bear sth. firmly in mind

stand firm

firmness (n.)

(n.) (v.)

Never offer to teach fish to swim.


Fish begins to stink at the head.


a fish out of water 格格不入

fish for sth. 找寻,设法得到

fish in troubled waters 浑水摸鱼

fish out (of sth.)


fisherman (n.) 渔夫

(v.) (a.)

be fit to do sth./fit for

fit as a fiddle 身体非常好

fit like a glove 合身极了

keep fit

think/see fit 认为合适的

A fit

B A适合B

fit sth. together 装上,配上

fit sth. with sth.

fit sth. into sth. 给……安排时间

fit (in) with适合,符合,一致,配合

fit up (with) sth. 安装,安放,陈设

fit on 穿上

fit (n.) 合身的衣服

fitting (a.) 合适的,恰当的

by fits and starts 一阵一阵

fitful (a.) 一阵一阵的



fix on sth. 决定,确定,选定

fix one’s eyes/attention on/upon 注视

fix up sth. 解决,安排,确定,决定,搭起,


fix the blame/crime on sb. 栽赃


flag-raising ceremony 升旗仪式


in flames 燃烧着

commit to the flames 付诸一炬

flame with anger/rage 勃然大怒

flaming anger 勃然大怒

(v.) (n.)

flash back 回想

sth. flash across/into/through sb./one’s mind


a flash in the pan昙花一现,一时的成功

in a flash 转眼间


flee (from) sp. 从……逃脱

flee the country 逃亡国外


flesh and blood 血肉之躯

le (a.)

flexibility (n.)

(n.) 飞,飞行,一段楼梯

a flight of stairs


be fluent in sth.

fluency (n.)

(v.) (n.)

fly into a temper/passion/rage勃然大怒


focus on sth. 集中于


be in a fog about sth. 对……糊里糊涂

foggy (a.)

(v.) (n.)

fold sth. (hands/arms…) 折叠,合拢

fold sth. in sth. 包

sth. fold 能折叠在一起

folding bed/chair/fan

ten fold increase 十倍的增长

69.–fold 加在数词后表倍数

tenfold 十倍

(n.) (a.)

folk music/song 民歌

folk art 民间艺术

folk tale 民间故事


a) 跟随,接着……发生

b) 遵循,按照……行事

e.g. follow the fashion 赶时髦

follow the advice/customs/principle

c) 听懂,理解

d) 干……职业follow the law

e) 必然有……后果

e.g. Because I’ve got a good job, it doesn’tnecessarily follow that I’ve got paid more.

as follows 如下

follow suit/follow the lead 照着干

following (a.) (prep.) (n.)

the following 以下的,之后的

follower (n.) 追随者,崇拜者,随从


be fond of sth. 喜欢

fondness (n.) 喜欢a fondness for sth.


food for thought 启发人思考的东西

(n.) (v.)

be food enough to do sth. 傻到做……

make a fool of sb./sth.欺骗,愚弄,捉弄

make a fool of oneself/play the fool


fool sb. into doing sth. 骗某人做某事

fool sb. out of sth. 骗走某人某物

fool about/around 胡混,无所事事

foolish (a.)

(n.) feet [pl.]

on foot 不行

set foot in/on/out of 进入,到达,走出

stand on one’s own feet 自立

drag one’s feet


(be) (back) on one’s feet


footprint (n.) 脚印

footing (n.) 立足点,相互关系,基础

footstep (n.) 脚步

follow in on e’s footstep/the footstep of sb.


football (n.) 足球,橄榄球

(prep.) (conj.)

be for 支持

for all + (n.) 尽管

for one’s (own) good 为了……的好处

for one’s part 就……而言

for oneself 为了自己

for sale 出售

for short 简称

for … purpose 为了……目的

for the sake of…


for the best/worst 往好/坏里变(想)

for the moment/second=for the present =for the

time being=for a while 暂时

(比较the moment/second…)

for the most part 大部分,大多数

if it wasn’t/hadn’t been for…要不是

long for sth. 渴望得到

mistake/take A for B 误认为

word for word 逐字逐句

for free 免费的

for certain/sure 肯定地

for ever 永远

for example/instance 例如

for fear of sth./that…唯恐,担心


forbid sth. / doing sth./ sb. to do sth.禁止

forbid sb. sth. 不让进入,吃,使用

forbidden city 紫禁城

forbidding (a.) 凶相的,不友好的

(vt.) (n.)


force sb. to do sth./force sb. into doing sth. 强

force sth. on sb. 强加于

force one’s way …强行……

(be) in force 生效

by force 强行,靠武力

come/go into force 开始生效

put/bring/carry sth. in(to) force 使生效

in force 大批地

join forces 会师,联合

a forced smile 强颜欢笑

forceful (a.) 强有力的,有说服力的

- 前面的,预先的

e.g. forehead/forefront/forefinger


st (v.) (n.)


forecast sth. 预言,预报

n (a.)

be foreign to sth.


foreigner (n.)

e (vt.) ~ sth.

foresight (n.) 远见,预见性

(n.) = woods

a forest of 大量的

r = for ever (ad.) 永远


forget sth. / doing sth. / to do sth.

forget about sth. 不记得,忘记

forget oneself in sth. 沉浸于……

forgetful (a.) 健忘的

be forgetful of sth. 忘记

forgetfulness (n.) 健忘

e (v.)

forgive sb. (for) sth. 宽恕某人某事,免除某人


forgive doing sth. 原谅

forgive and forget 既往不咎

forgiveness (n.)

(n.) (v.)


in … form / in the form of …

be in/out of form


formal (a.) 正式的[pl.] informal

formation (n.) 形成,组成,养成

formality (n.) 形式,礼仪,手续


and (so on and) so forth 等等

back and forth 来回地,反复地

bring/put…forth 提出,产生

give/send forth 发出(光、热)

set forth 提出,出发

forthcoming (a.) 即将到来的

ate (a.) fortunately (ad.)

fortune (n.)

a large/small fortune 一大笔钱

make a fortune 发财

try one’s fortune 碰碰运气

d (a.) (ad.) (vt.)

look forward to sth. 期盼,盼望

put/bring forward 提出

backwards and forwards来回地,透彻地

(vt.) ~ sth.

well-founded (a.) 有根据的

foundation (n.)


founder (n.) 创始人

in (n.)

Ancient Greece was a fountain of wisdom and


(n.) (v.) 配上框架

framework (n.) 框架,(组织)机构

(a.) frankly (ad.) frankness (n.)


free from sth. 没有,不受……伤害

free of sth. 没有,免交……,免受……,远


free of charge/cost 免费

of one’s (own) free will 自愿地

set sb./sth. free 释放

free sb. from/of sth. 摆脱

freely (ad.)

freedom (n.)

freedom from sth. 没有,免于

with freedom 无拘无束地

(vi.) froze, frozen

freezing (a.) 寒冷的~ point 冰点,零度

frozen (a.) 冻住的

nt (a.) frequently (ad.)

frequency (n.) 频度,频繁

with great frequency 频繁地


be fresh from sp. 新来自于

freshman (n.) 大一新生

freshly (ad.)

freshen (v.)

freshen sb. up 使……感到清新

freshen up sp. with sth. 使焕然一新


be/make friends with sb. 和……做朋友

friendly (a.)

friendship (n.) 友谊

friendliness (n.) 友好态度

en (vt.)

be frightened of 害怕

frighten sb. into doing sth.


fright (n.)

frightful (a.) 可怕的frightfully (ad.)


from … to …从……到……

from then/now on 从那时/现在起

apart/aside from 除了

far from 远不是,很不= not at all

go from bad to worse 每况愈下

from one’s point of view/viewpoint/ standpoint


from the bottom of one’s heart/the heart 由衷地

from time to time 不时地

from scratch 白手起家,全靠自己


in front of 在……前面

in the front of 在……的前部


fruit bowl 果盆

fruitful (a.)


fruitless (a.) 没有结果的


add fuel to the flames 火上浇油105.–ful 充满


表示数量mouthful/basketful (l) (vt.)

fulfill the desire/command/promise

fulfill one’s requirement

fulfillment (n.)


be full of 充满

be full (up) 饱(撑)了

full length 全身的(像)

full-scale 全面的,大规模的

full-time (job/student) 全部时间

a full moon 满月

in full 全文地

fully (ad.)

(n.) [U]

for fun 为了高兴

make fun of sb. 开玩笑

funny (a.) 滑稽的,难以理解的

on (n.) (v.)

the function is to do sth.

function as 起……的作用

functional (a.)

h (vt.)

furnish sth. with sth. 给予,向……提供

furnishings (n.) 陈设物

furniture (n.) 家具(总称)


in future 今后

in the future 将来

in the near/immediate/not too distant future 在


112.–fy 加在形容词或名词后构成动词

e.g. purify/simplify/justify


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