


完形填空 He has been called the “missing link”, half-man, half-beast.He is supposed to live in the highest mountain in the world -Mount Everest. He is known as the Abominable Snowman.The 1

of the Snowman has been around for 2 .Climbers in the 1920s

reported finding marks like those of human feet high up on the side

of Mount Everest.The native people said they 3 this creature

and called it the “Yeti”, and they said that they had 4

caught Yetis on two occasions 5 none has ever been produced

as evidence(证据). Over the years, the story of the Yetis has

6 .In 1951, Eric Shipton took photographs of a set of tracks in

the snow Everest.Shipton believed that they were not 7 the

tracks of a monkey or bear and 8 that the Abominable Snowman

might really 9 . Further efforts have been made to find

out about Yetis.But the only things people have ever found were

10 footprints.Most believe the footprints are nothing more than

11 animal tracks, which had been made 12 as they melted(融化)and refroze in the snow. 13 , in 1964, a Russian scientist

said that the ?Abominable Snowman was 14 and was remaining

link with the prehistoric humans.But, 15 , no evidence has

ever 16 been produced. These days, only a few people

continue to take the story of the Abominable Snowman 17 .But

if they ever 18 catching one, they may face a real 19 :Would they put it in a 20 or give it a room in hotel?


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A. event

B. story

C. adventure

D. description


A. centuries

B. too long

C. some time

D. many years

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A. heard from

B. care for

C. knew of

D. read about

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A. even

B. hardly

C. certainly

[ ]

D. probably


A. as

B. though

C. when

D. until


A. developed

B. changed

C. occurred

D. continued


A. entirely

B. naturally

C. clearly

D. simply


A. found

B. declared

C. felt

D. doubted


A. exist

B. escape

C. disappear

D. return


A. clearer

B. more

C. possible

D. rare


A. huge

B. recent

C. ordinary

D. frightening


A. strange

B. large

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[ ]

[ ]

[ ]

C. deep

D. rough


A. In the end

B. Therefore

C. After all

D. However


A. imagined

B. real

C. special

D. familiar


A. so

B. besides

C. again

D. instead


A. right

B. actually

C. normally

D. particularly


A. lightly

B. jokingly

C. seriously

D. properly


A. succeed in

B. insist on

C. depend on

D. join in


A. decision

B. situation

C. subject

D. problem


A. zoo

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[ ]

[ ]

[ ]

[ ]

[ ]

B. mountain

C. museum

D. laboratory



(1) 从上下文可知应选story。story除了有“故事”的意思外,还有“传说”的意思。句意为“好多年来有关Abominable Snowman的传说到处流传”。

(2) 从下文可知,在20世纪20年代登山者在Mount Everest发现了类似人的足迹。如选择A项显然不合适。some time表示一段时间,时间长度比较短。因此,选项D应是最佳答案。

(3) know of意为“听说”。全句意为“当地人说他们曾听说过这种动物”。heard from意为“收到某人的来信”;care for意为“关心”;read


(4) 从句子的意思可知,当地人说他们曾听说过这种动物,并把它叫做“Yeti”,他们说他们甚至有两次偶然的机会曾捉住过Yeti。

(5) 从所给的连词的意思来看,选择though比较合适。though连接让步状语从句的意思是“虽然没有拿出什么证据”。

(6) 多年来,有关Yeti的传说继续流传下去。

(7) simply意为“仅仅”。Shipton相信这不仅仅是猴子或熊的足迹。

(8) felt此处表示“感到;认为”。全句表示“他认为Abominable Snowman有可能真的存在”。

(9) Shipton从他拍照的一组足迹得出Abominable Snowman可能真的存在的结论。

(10) 尽管人们在寻找有关Abominable Snowman是否存在的证据方面作了进一步的努力,但惟一可以找到的东西是更多的足迹。

(11) 大多数人相信,这不过是普通野兽的足迹。nothing more than表示“仅仅;只不过”。

(12) 由于雪融化,使重新冻结的足迹变大了。

(13) 从上下文的意思可知,虽然大多数人都不相信Abominable Snowman的存在,但苏联科学家说,Abominable Snowman的确存在。句子之间明显存在转折关系。

(14) 与大多数情况相反,苏联科学家得出Abominable Snowman的确存在的结论。

(15) 虽然苏联科学家说Abominable Snowman的确存在,但仍然没有实际的证据。

(16) actually意为“实际地”。

(17) 由于一直没有找到实际的证据,现在只有少数人继续认真对待有关Abominable Snowman的传说。take sth.seriously意为“认真对待某事”。

(18) succeeded in表示“在某个方面取得成功”。

(19) 如果人们真的捉住一个Abominable Snowman,他们就会面临一个真正的问题。

(20) 从短文的第一句话可知,Abominable Snowman一半是人,一半是野兽,所以,如果有人真的捉到了一个Abominable Snowman,他们就会面临一个问题,是把它作为动物放在动物园呢?还是作为人让其住在宾馆里呢?

本文标签: 意思存在足迹可知证据