





You must have heard of karaoke. Karaoke is a form of entertainment in which amateur(业余的)

singers sing along with recorded music. The music is typically of a well-known song in which the

voice of the original (原创的) singer is absent (不存在的) or reduced in volume. Though karaoke

is popular, there are not many people who know its inventor (发明者)—Daisuke Inoue.

Daisuke Inoue is an easygoing man. He was born in the suburbs (郊区) of Osaka in 1940. At

high school he took up the drums, because he says, "All you have to do is hit them." Before long

he was making money as a drummer in a Hawaiian band.

By 1970, he and six partners (搭档) were playing in the clubs of nearby Kobe, accompanying

(陪伴) middle-aged businessmen who sang traditional (传统的) Japanese country songs His

friends, Inoue says, could all read music and so they could pick up the latest tunes (曲调). He, on

the other hand, had to rely on (依靠) memory and play by following the lips of the singer as they

moved. "Out of 108 club musicians in Kobe," he says, "I was the worst!"

One client, president of a small **pany, was especially fond of Inoue's slow-follow-along style.

It made the president's bad, out-of-time singing sound much better. One evening he wanted Inoue

to play for him on a trip to a hot spring resort (胜地). But Inoue was unable to leave his job.

To help out his most loyal (忠诚的) client, he decided to provide him with a tape. Inoue

wouldn't be there, but the singer would still have his accompaniment. Karaoke was born.

1. Why did Daisuke Inoue take up the drums at high school?A. Because they were his favorite

musical instruments (乐器). B. Because he thought they were easy to learn. C. Because he knew

they would help him make money. D. Because it was easy for a drummer to find a job.

2. The underlined word "they" (line 5, para.3) stand forA. his partner B. his

friends C. the latest tunes D. the singer's lips

3. From this passage we know Daisuke Inoue ______.A. was an outstanding musician B. was

a good singer and dancer C. was not an excellent musician D. didn't like his job

4. Why did the president like Inoue's playing so much?A. Because Inoue followed his singing. B.

Because Inoue played very well. C. Because he had got used to Inoue's fast, exciting style. D.

Because Inoue was an easy-going man with a quick smile.

According to some scientists, migratory (迁徙的) birds should be able to withstand (抵抗) the

winter. A bird's feathery coat is a good protection against the cold. Because a bird is

warm-blooded, its body temperature always remains unchanging, even if the temperature of its

surroundings (周围环境) changes.

The factors (因素) that bring about migratory behavior (行为) in birds are difficult to explain.

It seems that this kind of behavior is not be learned but inborn. For example, many northern birds

leave their summer homes while the weather is still warm and there is still enough food to eat.

Bird migrations are probably regulated (调整) by the glandular system (腺性分泌系统).

Scientists think that the changing length of the day is the factor that brings about migratory

behavior. In an experiment, migratory birds were kept in artificially (人工地) lighted rooms. It

was found that if periods of darkness were lengthened proportionately (按比例地), the glands of

the birds became active. These glands secrete hormones (荷尔蒙), which are chemicals that

control lots of body functions (机能). Shorter periods of daylight seem to change the hormone

balance of birds, so that they retain more fat. This stored fat is the fuel that provides the energy for

a long flight. The same experiment showed that the birds became more excited as the artificial

night was lengthened. It is probably no coincidence (巧合) that most birds begin their migratory

flights during the night.

5. What does the passage mainly discuss?A. Common migratory paths for birds. B. Why birds

migrate. C. Birds that do not migrate. D. Migration in cold winter.

6. According to the passage, which of the following protects birds against cold weather?A.

Glands. B. Hormones. C. Feathers. D. Artificial light.

7. In the experiment the scientists changed ______.A. the birds' food supply B. the birds' body

temperatures C. the birds' exposure (暴露) to light D. the birds' brain chemistry

8. The underlined word "secrete" (line 5, para.3) is closest in meaning to ______.A.

produce B. hidden C. borrow D. hide

Mountain climbers around the world dream about going up Mount Everest (珠穆朗玛峰). It is

the highest mountain in the world. But many people who have climbed the mountain have left

waste material that is harming the environment (环境).

A team of Americans is planning the largest clean-up effort ever on Mount Everest. They will

make the risky trip up the mountain next month. The team is made up of nine Americans. Their

goal is to remove all the trash (垃圾) they see. They will spend two months cleaning up the

mountain by gathering all kinds of trash. They are expected to remove at least three tons of trash

in large bags.

Team leader Doug Bell is making his fourth trip up the mountain. He says he hopes to bring

Everest to the condition it was in before the first successful climb fifty years ago. He says he

hopes the effort will influence (影响) other people to clean up the environment closer home.

Human waste on Everest is a major concern (关注的问题). So the clean-up team will take along

newly developed equipment to collect and treat human waste. Over the years, the waste articles

have polluted the mountain. In the warm season when the ice melts, the polluted water flows to

Nepali villages below. The problem has gotten worse in recent years because climbing Everest has

become more popular.

9. When those Americans are planning the trip up Mount Everest, what are they concerned

about?A. The risks facing the climbers of the mountain. B. The environmental pollution of the

mountain. C. The equipment for their trip to the mountain. D. The success in climbing up the


10. During their trip up the mountain, what does the American team plan to do?A. To make

Everest even cleaner than it was. B. To take away all the trash they could find there. C. To ask

climbers not to leave waste materials. D. To collect and treat human waste before the ice melted.

11. Team leader Doug Bell hopes to turn Mount Everest into ______.A. its former condition a few

years ago B. its original condition half a century ago C. a place with no pollution at all D. the

cleanest mountain in the world

12. What is probably the best title for this passage?A. A Risky Trip up Mount Everest. B.

Pollution on Mount Everest. C. Mount Everest Clean-up Effort. D. Doug Bell and His Clean-up


Time and time again, one may be warned, "Your name will be mud." Many have used the

expression in the mistaken belief that it has something to do with the kind of dirt found in the

streets or on unclear river bottoms. But the **es from the name of Doctor Samuel Alexander

Mudd, a physician who fixed the broken leg of John Wilkes Booth, the man who killed President

Abraham Lincoln.

On the night of April 14, 1865, Lincoln was watching a play in a Washington theatre. John

Wilkes Booth shot him in the back of the head. Then he jumped to the stage a few meters below,

breaking a bone in his leg. He needed a doctor to treat his injury. Booth finally reached the home

of Doctor Mudd. The doctor treated Booth's injured leg without knowing who he was. Doctor

Mudd had nothing to do with Lincoln's murder. All the evidence (证据) seems to show that he was

an innocent (清白的) man. But he had given aid to the man who shot Lincoln. This in itself was a

crime (犯罪) then. And so, Mudd was sentenced to life imprisonment.

In jail, Doctor Mudd saved many prisoners and guards in a yellow fever outbreak. President

Andrew Johnson pardoned him in 1869, after the doctor had spent almost four years in prison.

Doctor Mudd was freed, but people never forgave him. His name passed into American folk

speech as something bad, hateful.

The Mudd family also suffered because of the name. No one knows how many descendants

(后代) changed their name because of the trouble it brought them.

13. The underlined word "physician" (line 4, para.1) means ______.A. teacher B.

physicist C. health trainer D. doctor

14. Doctor Samuel Alexander Mudd was put in prison because ______.A. he had helped Booth

murder Lincoln B. the American people loved Abraham Lincoln deeply C. he had broken the

American law D. he hadn't reported the fact to the American government

15. If it had not been for President Andrew Johnson, Doctor Mudd ______.A. would have spent

the rest of his life in prison B. would have been sentenced to five years' prison life C. would

have been sentenced to death D. would suffer a lot from the name

16. From the passage it can be inferred that ______.A. Doctor Mudd has recently been set free by

the U.S. government B. a person named Philip Mudd was unlikely to be popular in the U.S. C.

Doctor Mudd would never save a stranger in the rest of his life D. Doctor Mudd's innocence was


In every school there is a "top" crowd that sets the pace (速度), while the others follow their

example. Let's say the top crowd decides that it is smart to wear bright yellow sweaters. Pretty

soon everybody is wearing a bright yellow sweater. There is nothing wrong with that, except the

fact that for some people bright yellow is rather unsuitable. The situation can even be- come

dangerous, if the top crowd decides that it is smart to drink or to drive cars at eighty miles an

hour. Then the people who follow the example are endangering their very lives. They are like

sheep being led to the butcher.

Now, chances are that you **e across situations like these more than once in your life. In fact,

it is likely that at one time or another you probably did something you knew to be wrong. You may

have excused yourself by saying, "Gee, the crowd does it." Well, let the crowd do it, but don't do it

yourself. Learn to say "No!"

Develop your own standards and your own judgments. If you know the crowd is planning

something of which you disapprove (不赞同), have the courage to bow out politely. You'll have

the satisfaction of standing on your own two feet. Remember this in your heart, you are the unique

(独一无二的) one in the world, just be yourself.

17. The main idea of this passage is that ______.A. in every school there is a "top" crowd that sets

pace B. it is a mistake to follow the "top" crowd blindly C. at one time or another you probably

did something you knew to be wrong D. people who follow the "top" crowd are endangering

their very lives

18. The author disapproves of wearing yellow sweaters if ______.A. the crowd is wearing

them B. you can't afford them C. it is against school rules D. you don't look good in


19. The underlined phrase "bow out" (line 2, para.3) may probably mean ______.A. to make an

excuse B. to be ashamed C. to feel sorry D. not to take part

20. The author asks students to ______.A. follow the crowd B. be independent (自立的) C. do whatever they want D. take the advice of their elders

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