




卢 根


abandon vt.丢弃,放弃n.任性 abandon smoking, abandon&nbs p;a friend

reckless abandon e.g. Approach love and ;cooking with reckless abandon.

abandoned adj.被遗弃的 an abandoned house

ability n.能力 capability, capacity, faculty

capacity n.容积,能力,身份,角色

in the capacity as teacher/sales manager 以老师/ 销售部经理的身份

aboard adv.在交通工具上(船,飞机,火车)

ahead, alike, alive, aloud, amid, arise, arou se, aside, asleep, apart, awake, aware; abreast

abort v.中途失败,撤退,流产 abortion

absorb vt.吸收;消化道的吸收 absorb the sound/impact, ;assimilate

abstract<>concrete Abstract

-tract- attract, tractor, contract, distract,&nbs p;subtract, treatment, retreat

trace n.痕迹 v.追踪,回溯 traceable

track n.痕迹,轨道,径赛 track and field 田径运动

trail n.痕迹 vt.跟踪 trailblazer 开路人,创始人

abundant adj.充足的 be abundant in wild li fe/coal/oil

enough, sufficient, adequate 足够的

abundant, plentiful, plenteous, ample; affluent, c opious 充足的,大量的

scarce, inadequate, insufficient 缺乏的,不足的

abundant, expectant, reliant -ant做形容词后缀

servant, attendant, inhabitant, participant -ant做 名词后缀

abuse vt.滥用,虐待 abroad, abnormal, absolute

child abuse 虐待儿童

academy, Chinese Academy of Sciences 中国科学院 &n bsp;academic

accelerate vt.加速 velocity

-cel- celerity, decelerate, excel, ex cellent(outstanding)

access n.通道,通路(to) vt.进入 e.g. Tiger Woods&nb sp;has access to a lot of cash.

excess n.超过,超越,过量 excessive

exceed vt.超过 exceeding adj.极度的(extreme), exceedingly(ex tremely)

proceed vi.继续前进,继续

preceding adj.在前的,前面的 previous, prior, priority

process n.过程,生产过程 procedure

procession n.队伍,行列

recession n.撤退,衰退

successive adj.接连的,连续的 consecutive, succession

concede vt.承认 vi.让步

concession n. The act of conceding.让步,这种让步的行为

-gress- progress, congress, digress

aggressive adj.好斗的,侵略性的 aggression


accommodate v.供应,向...提供,容纳 accommodation n.住处,膳宿,(车,船, 飞机等的)预定铺位

accomplish v.完成,达到,实现 complete, finish, achieve,& nbsp;fulfill

accord v.一致,和谐,给予(Formal) reach an accord

in accord with 与…一致 out of accord with 与…不一致 of one’ s own accord 出于自愿

according to 按照 answer to 与…相符 in answer to 为了响应

chord n.和弦,和谐 chorus

as far as I’m concerned, in my opinion,& nbsp;according to me, from my perspective

account n.账户;叙述,描述 e.g. Tom’s account of&nbs p;the accident is not believable.

savings account 储蓄账户 checking account 支票账户 cu rrent/deposit account 活期/定期账户

withdraw vt.收回,撤消 vi.撤退,退出

ATM (Automatic Teller Machine) PIN (Personal Identification Number)

account for 解释;导致

accumulate v.积累,增加(指在较长时期内的增长)

gather vt.聚集,收集 collect vt.收集

assemble vt.召集,收集 rally v.召集,集合 n.集会

accurate adj.准确的,精确的 accuracy


accuse vt.指责,指控 accuse<>acquit

accuse somebody of something, charge somebody ;with something

defendant, respondent, accused 被告

accuser, claimant, suitor; plaintiff 原告

ace 意思都与“一”有关,扑克牌中的“A”,成绩得“A”,网球、排球的发球得分

e.g. She aced Analysis last semester.

acid adj.酸性的,尖酸的,嘲讽的 sour

acid test 严峻的考验,决定性的考验

sour grapes

e.g. The losers’ scorn for the award is& nbsp;pure sour grapes. 失败者对奖励的蔑视纯粹是出于酸葡萄的心理

acknowledge vt.承认;告知已收

admit vt.承认,允许 admission n.允许进入,供认

confess vt.坦白,承认,忏悔 profess v.表示 profession

-gno- ignore, recognize, diagnose; agnostic, ;cognoscente

admit, emit, omit, transmit, submit

acquaintance n.相识,熟人 shallow acquaintance 泛泛之交

acquire n.获得,学到 acquisition, require, inquire

adapt vt.适应,适合(to)

adopt vt.收养,采纳 adopted 被收养的 adoptive 有收养关系的&

nbsp;adoptive/biological(natural) parents

adjust n.调整,调节,使适合 switch/flip the channel

advise(devise, revise), adhere, adverb

advisable adj.可取的,明智的 sensible

adequate adj.足够的;差强人意的

advocate vt./n.拥护(者)

accelerate, accompany, accomplish, account, accustomed, allocate, appoint, appreciate, appropriate, a


pprove,&n bsp;assist, associate, assure, attain, attract

-apt-/-ept- apt, adaptation, adaptable; aptitude, adept, inept

administrate, administrative

legislation 立法 jurisdiction 司法 executive/administration 行政 check and balance 权力制衡

admire n.赞美,钦佩,羡慕

advance n.前进,预付款 v.前进,提前,预付

advertise, advertisement, commercial, brochure, coupon

ad, TV, sub, pub, lab

affect vt.影响 affection n.友爱, 爱情 affect ation n.装模作样,做作,矫情

effect n.结果,效果

effective adj.有效果的

efficient adj.效率高的 efficiency

infect v.感染,传染 perfect, defect

afterward, forward, backward, toward, downward, up ward

backward adv./adj.向后的 know something forward and&n bsp;backward(backward and forward) 对某事无所不晓

award n./vt.奖励,奖金 reward n./vt.报酬,回报,收益

agency n.代理处,社,中介

Xinhua News Agency 新华社 Reuter’s 路透社 &nb sp;A.P. (Associated Press) 美联社

agent n.代理商,代理人;特务 agenda n.日程,议程 agitate vt.使不安,鼓 动

agony n.苦恼,极大的痛苦

alarm n./vt.警报,警告 alert, warning, siren

magnet n.磁铁,有吸引力的人或物 magnetic

alcohol n.酒精 alcoholic

-aholic workaholic, bookaholic, footballaholic, s pendaholic, shopaholic, chocoholic

-phil(e) Sinophile, audiophile, philanthropist, p hilatelist, philharmonic, Philadelphia

philosophy n.哲学 philosopher

-soph- sophisticated, sophomore; sophist, sophism

alike, A and B alike =Both A and B.

identical adj.同样的,完全相等或相似的exactly equal and alike;同卵双生的 identical twins

like adj.相似的 e.g. Like son, like father . on this and like occasions

likewise adv.同样的

alleviate vt.减轻

relieve vt.减轻,救济 relief

-lev- elevator, lever, levy, maglev(magnetic ;levitation)

alliance n.联盟 an alliance of labor unio ns工会联盟

If I were told that devil were on p

oorer terms with Hitler, I should find myself making an alliance with hell.

――Winston Churchill

ally v.结盟,同盟 n.同盟国,支持者 e.g. Italy alli ed with Germany during WWⅡ.

allowance 允许的行为;津贴

alter vt.改变,变更 alternate vt.轮流,交替 alternati ng/direct current 交/直流电


alternative n.可供选择的办法或事物 adj.选择性的,二中择一的

shift v.交换,换档;轮班的工人,轮班的时间

refresh v.恢复精力,补满,刷新

delete vt.删除

altitude n.高度,海拔 attitude n.态度 alpinist,&nb sp;latitude, longitude

amateur adj.业余的 professional, veteran

recruit n.新兵,新会员 vt.征募 rookie

amaze vt.使惊奇 surprise, astonish, astound

amazing adj.另人惊奇的

ambition n.野心,抱负 ambitious

ambulance n.救护车 fire engine 救火车

ambulance chaser 怂恿事故受害者起诉的律师

e.g. Beware of that lawyer; I heard he&n bsp;is an ambulance chaser.

amplify vt.增大 ample

amuse,逗乐 amusement, R&R(Recreation and ;Relaxation)

entertain vt.使有兴趣;热情款待 entertainment, entertainer

analyze vt.分析 analysis, analyst

ancestor n.祖先

forebear, forefather, forerunner; descendant, offspring

anchor n./v.锚,固定,主持人 fix, fasten

attach vt.附加,附属

secure v.保护,固定 adj.安全的,放心的,固定的 security

ancient adj.古代的,古老的

anniversary n.周年纪念

-ann-/-enn- annual, semiannual, biennial, perenni al, millennium

annoy vt.使生气,使烦恼 annoying, infuriating

anticipate vt.预料 anticipation

predict v.预言,预测

-dict- contradict, dictation, dictate, dictator,& nbsp;indicate, verdict

antique n.古董 adj.古老的

anxiety n.焦虑 anxious

anyhow adv.无论怎么样,无论如何 anyway

apart adv.相隔,分开 apart from, besides, in ;addition to

apology n.道歉 apologize

apparent adj.明显的 obvious, distinct, evident, ;manifest

transparent adj.透明的 translucent

vague adj.模糊的,含糊的,不明确的 obscure, ambiguous

opaque adj.不透明的,没有光泽的

appeal n.呼吁;上诉 appealing adj.吸引人的,有魅力的 repe al

-pel-/-puls- expel, impel, repel, repellent, ;propel, propeller, compel, pulse, impulse, compulsive, compulsory

appearance n.外观,外表 complexion

appetite n.食欲,欲望 have appetite for food/lear ning

appetizer (hors d’ oeuvre), main course (entr ee)


dessert n.甜食,点心 desert, insert, assert

apply vt.运用 appliance, applicable, applicant,&nbs p;application

appoint vt.任命,分配,指派 appointment, assign, designat e, allocate, allot

appreciate To recognize the quality, significance, or magnitude.赏识,感谢

e.g. I really appreciate your help.

approach v./n.靠近;方法

appropriate adj.合适的 v.未经许可挪用

approve vt.赞成,同意 approval

arbitrary adj.任意的,专制的

architect n.建筑师 architecture n.建筑;建筑学

archaeology n.考古学 archaeo- 早期的,原始的

arrange vt.安排,布置 arrangement

artificial adj.人造的,矫揉造作的

-art- artful, artifact, artifice, artisan

aspect n.方面 in this aspect=in this rega rd

respect n.尊敬,敬重,考虑 vt.尊敬 respective, respectively

suspect v.猜想,怀疑 n.嫌疑犯 adj.可疑的 suspicion, sus picious

spectacular adj.壮观的,壮丽的

inspect, specific, speculate, spectrum, specious, perspective, prospect; circumspect

aspire vi.渴望 -spire- inspire, conspire,&nbs p;perspire, expire, respire

assess v.估定,评定 assess the asset

evaluate, appraise, estimate

assist vt.帮助,协助 assistant

aid n.助手,帮助,救助 aide n.助手 hearin g aid 助听器 visual aid直观教具 band-aid 创口贴

auxiliary adj.辅助的 auxiliary troops/generator, spa re tire, subsidiary(subsidize)

consist vi.由...组成

consistent adj.一致的,一贯的;可靠的 consist

insist v.坚持

persist vi.坚持不懈;持续

resist v.抵挡,抵制 resistance, resistant

associate vt.联合,联系 society, socialism, dissociate

association, relation, relationship, connection

relate vt.建立联系;叙述(to)

assume vt.假设 assumption

presume vt.假定

presumably adv.推测起来,大概

consume vt.消耗,消费 consumer, consumption

resume n.摘要,简历 vt.重新开始,恢复 c.v. (curriculum v itae)

astronaut n.宇航员

atom n.原子 molecule n.分子 atomic

atom bomb, A-bomb, fission bomb 原子弹 hyd rogen bomb, H-bomb 氢弹

attain vt.达到,获得 contain, stain

retain vt.保持,保留 retain old customers, attrac t new customers

maintain vt.维持,保持 maintenance


obtain vt.获得

sustain vt.维持,支撑,忍受

attorney n.律师,代理人 lawyer, attorney, barrister,&nb sp;solicitor

attribute vt.归因于 ascribe

e.g. Tom attributes/ascribes his success to w orking hard.

refer v.归因于,涉及,参照(to) reference, in reference&nbs p;to

assign vt.分配,指派;归因于

audio adj.音频的,声音的

audi- audience, audit, auditory, audition, a udible, inaudible

authority n.权威,权力机构,当局

available adj.可用的,可得到的,有资格的

awkward adj.不优雅的,笨拙的;尴尬的 clumsy

awful adj.可怕的,糟糕的

ax n.斧;解雇(Informal) e.g. My friend got the ax yesterday.

解雇的多种说法:fire, dismiss, lay off; can, s ack, boot, kiss-off, get the hook, pink slip

auto- automobile, autobiography, automatic, auto& nbsp;drive, autonomous, autonomy


bacterium n.细菌(pl.)bacteria virus, germ

bar n.禁止,妨碍;律师界 disbar vt.逐出法庭,剥夺律师资格

barrier n.障碍 obstacle, obstruction, block

forbid vt.禁止

prohibit vt.禁止,妨碍

prohibitive adj.昂贵的,令人望而却步的

frustrate vt.阻挠,使感到灰心 frustration

bargain n.买卖和约,便宜货 v.议价,谈判

basic adj.基础的,首要的 basically

basis 非物质的,抽象的基础

base 物质的基础

foundation 物质的或非物质的,强调基础的稳固

bat vt.眨眼 not bat an eye/eyelash/eyelid ;(一夜)没合眼

beam n.梁,光束,无线电波 balance beam 平衡木

off the beam<>on the beam

She’s really off the beam if she& nbsp;thinks that man she’s dating is so wonde rful.

beard n.胡须 mustache, goatee, sideburns, 5&nb sp;o’ clock shadow

behavior n.行为,举止 behave

beneath adv.在下方 underneath, netherworld

bible n.圣经(Bible),权威的书 bibliography, bibliophile

bill n.账单,纸币,水禽扁平的嘴 beak n.猛禽的钩状嘴

small bills/notes 小面值纸币 small changes 小面值硬币

bitter adj.苦的,痛苦的

blade n.刀刃,刀片,叶片 roller blade直排滚轴溜冰鞋

blame vt./n.责备,谴责,归咎

blank adj.空白的,失色的,没有表情的 n.空白

blast n.一阵强风;(Slang)喧嚣的聚会,狂欢会


breeze n.微风;容易做的事 shoot the breeze 闲聊

bleed vi.流血,出血 blood n.血液,血统 bloody&n bsp;adj.血腥的,有血的 adv.(英)加强语气

blonde n.金发女郎 blond n.金发男子 brunette

bloom n.花,开花 v.开花 blossom

blunt adj.直率的 blunt speaking 直率的讲话

boast n.自夸,值得夸耀的事物 v.自夸,拥有 brag, vaunt, name -drop

e.g. The capital of a region in the ;southeast boasts bountiful coal fields.

boom n.繁荣,隆隆声 v.发出隆隆声,兴隆

baby boom 生育高峰,婴儿潮,尤指从1947年到1961年第二次世界大战后美国的出生率

flourish v./n.茂盛,繁荣

thrive vi.繁荣、茂盛地生长

prosperous adj.繁荣的,兴旺的 prosperity

boost v.推进,提高

boost one’s confidence/to inflate one’s ego/to&nbs p;boost morale(used for a group)

border n.边界,边境

boundary n.边界线,边界

bound vi.跳跃 rebound, bounce, spring, leap,&n bsp;jump

brand,烙印 name brand 名牌 generic&nb sp;brand 普通品牌

Scotch Tape, Kleenex, Post-It Note, Magic Mak er, Chapstick, Jell-O; aspirin, nylon, yo-yo

bride n.新娘 bridegroom 新郎 bridesmaid 伴娘 best&n bsp;man 伴郎

brief adj.简短的 v.做简短介绍 briefing (room)

abbreviate, brevity

in brief/in a nutshell/concisely 简而言之

brilliant adj.灿烂的,闪耀的,有才气的

bulk n.大小,体积 Hulk


calculate v.计算,考虑 compute, calculator, reckon(con sider)

coordinate n.同等重要的人或物;(pl.)坐标 vt.调整,协调

amount n.总数,合计

function n.功能,职务,角色,函数

numerous adj.极多的,众多的 innumerable

integer n.整数,完整的东西 integral adj.完整的,必需的 integrate vt.使成一体 disintegrate

become an integral part/common elements of my life

prime adj.最佳的;首要的;最初的 n.质数

primary adj.首要的,最初的 primarily, primate, primitive

counterpart n.副本, 相似物, 配对物 opposite number

fraction n.分数,片段,一小部分 fragment

diameter n.直径 radius, perimeter

dimension n.尺寸,维数

campaign n.战役,竞选活动 champion, champagne

canal n.运河 Panama Canal, Suez Canal, En glish Channel, Strait of Malacca

同源词canal-channel, catch-chase, fragile-frail, junction-joint , pauper-poor

candidate n.候选人

capital n.首都,大写字母,资本,资金 capita, captain, capitol, capitalism; decapitate, capitulate


career n.职业,生涯 careerist

cast n.投掷,演员表 v.投,抛,投射 cast pearls before&nb sp;swine 明珠暗投

casual adj.偶然发生的,随便的 casualty n.事故,伤亡人数

category n.种类 catalogue, categorize

classify vt.分类 classification

classified adj.分类的,保密的

cause vt.引起,促成 n.原因,目标,理想 grounds 原因,理由

cautious adj.细心的,谨慎的 careful<>careless car efree<>worried

caution n.谨慎,小心;预防

precaution n.预防,警惕

cease vt.停止 cease-fire n.停火 ceaseless adj.不停的 ;continual 有间断的连续 continuous 无间断的连续

terminate vt.停止,终止 terminator, terminal, terminat ion, interminable, determination

halt n.停止 v.使停止 come to a halt/bring&nb sp;something to a halt

celebrate v.庆祝 celebrity

cell n.狭窄的房间,细胞 cellular phone(cell phone) 手 机

Centigrade adj./n.摄氏(的) Fahrenheit adj./n.华氏(的)

-centi- century, percent, centimeter; ;centenary, centipede

-ped- expedition, pedestrian, pedicure, podium,&n bsp;impede

certify vt.证明,确认 certificate, certification, dipl oma

challenge v./n.挑战

horizontally/vertically/mentally/physically challenged

chaos n.混乱 disorder, chaotic

character n.特性,性格,角色,符号,汉字 shape/mold one’s chara cter

characterize vt.以…为特性 characteristic n.特点

what characterizes A is B=B is ch aracteristic of A

What characterizes almost all Hollywood&nbs p;pictures is their inner emptiness.


charity,慈善机构,博爱 philanthropist n.慈善家 m isanthropist

chase vt.追逐,追赶

pursue v.追赶,追求 pursuit

cheer n.愉快,欢呼 v.欢呼 cheerful, Cheers

chip, chip on one’s shoulder 不友好的态度,脾气不好

英式英语 美式英语

薯条 chips French-fries

薯片 crisps chips

choke vt.窒息,阻塞 stifle, suffocate, smother

chop vt.砍,劈 n.排骨

Christian n.基督徒 adj.基督教的,信基督教的 Christianity, Cath olic, Protestant

Wasp(white Anglo-Saxon Protestant)

circuit n.环行,电路

-circ- circle, circular, circulate; circuitous,&n

bsp;circumference, circumscribe, circumspect, circumlocution,&nbs p;circus

circumstance n.情况,条件(常用复数)


cite vt.引用,列举 e.g. The boss cited Bill’ s excessive absences when he fired him.

quote vt.引用,引证 quotation, quotient

civil adj.全民的,公民的,有礼貌的 civilian, civilize, civili zation

claim v./n.主张,宣称

-claim-/-clam- exclaim, acclaim, declare, proclai m, clamor

clarify vt.阐明 clean, clear, clarity

clash v./n.冲突,碰撞,抵触

crack v.断裂,碎裂,崩溃

crash v./n.撞击,坠毁

crush vt.压碎,压倒,镇压

smash v. 打碎,撞碎

collide vi.碰撞, 抵触 collide with

collapse n./vi.倒塌,倒闭

conflict n./vi.冲突 inflict, afflict 强迫,折磨

classic n.杰作,名著 adj.第一流的,典范的

classical adj.古典的,经典的

claw n.爪(鸟,猫的) talon 猛禽的爪

clay n.粘土,泥土,肉体 feet of clay 弱点 & nbsp;dirt, mud

pay dirt n.(Informal)有价值的发现 hit pay&n bsp;dirt

cliff n.悬崖 cliffhanger n.悬而未决的情况,扣人心弦的比赛

e.g. The recent election was a cliffhanger&nb

sp;for the two candidates. We knew the result would be very close and waited in total suspense.

coach n./v.教练 n.长途公共汽车

coarse adj.低质量的,粗糙的 husky, hoarse, rough

crude adj.天然的,未经加工的,粗糙的 crude rubber 天然橡胶 cr ude oil 原油

code n.准则,密码 encode/decode, cipher 密码/编码

colleague n.同事 partner, comrade, companion

colony n.殖民地 colonize vt.殖民地化 colonist,&nbs p;colonial

column n.支柱;专栏文章 columnist 专栏作家 pillar

combine v.使结合 combination n.组合

拉丁文前缀 希腊文前缀

表示一 un-, uni- mono-

unify vt.统一

union n.联合,组织

uniform n.制服

unanimous adj.一致的

unilateral adj.单边的 monologue n.独白

monotonous adj.单调的

monopoly n.垄断,专利权

monarch n.君主

monogamy n.一夫一妻制

表示二 bi- di-

biplane n.双翼飞机


binoculars n.双筒望远镜

biennial adj.两年的

bilingual adj.双语的

bilateral adj.双边的 dialogue n.对话

dilemma n.两难境地

divorce n./vt.离婚

divide v.分开;除法

individual n./adj.个体(的)

表示三 tri-

triple adj.三倍的

triangle n.三角形

trilogy n.三部曲

trinity n.三位一体 (Trinity College 三一学院)

半 一 二 三 四

hemi-, semi-, demi- un, uni-, mono- bi-, di-, du-, ambi-, amphi- tri-, ter- tetra-, quad-

五 六 七 八 九

penta-, quin- ***-, hex- sept-, hapta- oct- ennea-, nov-

十 百 千 百万,大 多

deci-, deka- hecto- mille-, kilo- mega-, tera- multi-, poly-

command v./n.指挥 commander in chief, headquar ter

comment n./v.评论 commentary

remark n./v.评论;注意 remarkable

editorial adj./n.社论(的)

commerce n.商业

-merc- commercial, merchandise, merchant; mercena ry

commission n.委员会;佣金 committee, council, kickback

communicate vt.传达 communication

community n.社区

mutual adj.相互的,共同的

compete v.比赛,竞争 competent, competition, competiti ve

contest n./v.竞争,竞赛,争夺

complain v.抱怨,控诉 complaint, joint, restraint

complex adj.复合的,复杂的 n.情结,综合症状 complicated, intric ate

compose v.组成,形成;创作 composer, composition

be composed of, consist of, comprise, include 包含,包括

compose, constitute 组成

e.g. England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern I reland constitute/compose/make up the United Kingdom.

component n.成分 adj.组成的,构成的 ingredient

decompose vt.使分解,使腐烂

comprehension n.理解,理解力

comprehensive adj.广泛的,易理解的 extensive

compress v.压紧,压缩


contract v.订约,收缩

condense vt.压缩,浓缩 condensed milk

concentrate vt.集中,浓缩 concentrated, concentration

shrink vi收缩;不情愿,犹豫 n.神经科医生 shrink-rap

e.g. He shrank from making such a sacrif ice.

concise adj.简明的,简洁的 concisely, redundant

compromise n.妥协,和解 v.妥协 work out/reach a&nbs p;compromise

conceal vt.隐藏 conceal a crime

reveal vt.揭露,显露 expose, disclose, uncover

concerning prep.关于 “Concerning Hobbits”

about→ approximately 大约

→ concerning 关于 regarding, in regards t o, with respect to, in reference to, as to

conclude v.结束,做出结论,推断 conclusion

condemn vt.谴责

censure n./vt.谴责,指责

conduct vt.指挥,传导 n.举止,行为 conductor

confidence n.信心

-fid- diffident, confide, fidelity, confidential; bona fide

confirm vt.确认 cancel

confront vt.面对 face the music 直面挑战,承担后果 ; face up 面对(不愉快的状况)

congress n.代表大会,国会

Senate, the House of Representatives

conjunction n.联合,关联,连接词

conquer vt.占领,征服 conquest

I came, I saw, I conquered. ; ――Julius Caesar

defeat vt.战胜,击败 overcome

conscience n.良心,道德心

conscious adj.有意识的,神志清醒的 unconscious, consciousness

consent n./v.同意,赞同

consequence n.结果,后果,重要性 sequence, consequent, con sequently; consecutive

subsequent adj.随后的,后来的

conservative adj.保守的 n.保守党 Hawk vs. Do ve

Labor 工党 Democrat 民主党 Republican 共和党 Communis t ***,共产主义者

considerable adj.相当大的

considerate adj.体贴的

construction n.建筑物 structure, destruction, instru ction

consult v.请教,商议 consultant

counsel n.商讨,建议counselor

council n.会议,商议councilor The U.N. Sec urity Council city council 市议会

contemporary n.同时代的人 adj.当代的,同时代的

temporary adj.暂时的,临时的

context n.上下文 e.g. No context, no text. pretext, alibi 借口,托辞

contrary adj.相反的 on the contrary/on the ;other hand/when in fact

converse vi.交谈 adj.相反的 conversation, conversely


contrast vt.使对照 n.对比,对照 stark contrast

controversy n.争论,争吵 controversial

contradict vt.反驳,与...相矛盾,与...抵触

contribute v.捐献,贡献 contribution, attribute, distribute, tribute

contribute to/lead to/result in 导致,引起

convenience n.方便,有益,方便的用具 convenient

convention n.会议,习俗,国际公约 conventional

treaty 条约 protocol 议定书

convict vt.证明有罪,宣告有罪 n.罪犯(con) conviction & nbsp;be convicted of

convince vt.使相信,说服 convince somebody of something/ to do something

convincing adj.令人信服的,有说服力的 persuasive

cope vi.对付,应付(with)

core n.果核,核心 core business 核心业务 core st rength 核心竞争力 core assets 核心资产

correspond vi.符合,协调,通信 correspondence, correspondent,& nbsp;corresponding

court n.庭院,法庭 vt.追求,寻求

crawl v./n.爬行 e.g. From leaping antelopes&nb sp;to crawling ants.

credit n.信用,声望,贷方 vt.相信,信任

-cred- discredit, credible, incredible; credulous , credential, credo, creed

creep vi.爬,蹑手蹑脚地行进

crisis n.危机,决定性的时刻 crunch

critic n.评论家 critical adj.爱挑剔的,至关重要的 critic ism n.批判 criticize

cruise n./vi.巡游,巡航 cruiser, destroyer, submarine, helicopter(chopper)

crystal adj.晶状的 n.水晶,水晶饰品,晶体 crystallize

cultivate vt.耕作,结交 culture

cupboard, skeleton in the cupboard/closet 家丑

curious adj.好奇的 curiosity

current adj.当前的,流通的 currently, currency, excursio n

curriculum n.课程 extracurricular

cycle n.周期,循环 v.循环


dash vt.投掷,猛冲 n.短跑赛,破折号 100-meter dash

daylight, in broad daylight 在光天化日之下 as clear as daylight

deadline n.最终期限

debate v.辩论 dialogue, discuss, debate

deceive vt.欺骗 cheat, bamboozle

decline vi.下降;恶化,衰退 vt.谢绝,婉拒 e.g. I declined their offer of help.

decay, decompose, degenerate; deteriorate

decorate vt.装饰 ornament vt./n.装饰

defect n.缺点 shortcoming, drawback, flaw, wea kness, disadvantage

virtue n.优点,美德 by virtue of/in virtue& nbsp;of 借助,凭借 merit, advantage, benefit(beneficial)

defend vt.保卫,辩护 defense, defendant

define vt.下定义,解释,限制 definition

definite adj.明确的,肯定的 definitely, confine, finite, infinite

delegate v./n.代表,指定…为代表 delegation n.代表团


represent vt.代表,象征 representative

Three represents ****

deliberate adj.故意的 deliberate lie, deliberate&nbs p;murder

delicate adj.精细的;脆弱的 delicacy n.美味佳肴

deluxe adj.豪华的

luxury n.豪华,奢侈品 luxurious

grand adj.宏大的,奢华的,崇高的 splendid, spectacular, magn ificent, grandiose

democracy n.民主,民主制

-crat-/-crac- democrat, autocratic, aristo crat

demonstrate v.示范,证明,论证,示威

dense adj.密集的,浓厚的 density, condense

dental adj.牙的,牙科的 -dent- dentist, denture,& nbsp;indent, dentate

depend vi.依靠,依赖(on) dependent, dependence, indepe ndent, independence

rely vi.依靠,依赖(on) reliable

depress v.使沮丧,使低沉 depression n.抑郁,萧条期;凹地

press, pressure, compress; suppress, repress, oppr ess

impress vt.盖印,留下印象 impressive, impression, impres sionism

deputy n.代理人,副手

vice- vice-president 副总统,副董事长

vice-leader 副队长

vice-consul 副领事

vice-chairperson 副会长

associate- associate professor 副教授

assistant- assistant director 副导演

sub- sub-editor 副主编

under- undersecretary 副部长

descend v.下降 ascend, descendent

decent adj.得体的,体面的 decent pay

describe vt.描写,描绘 description, ascribe; inscribe, subscribe, scribble, script, manuscript

prescribe v.指示,规定,开处方 prescription

deserve vt.应受,应得

desperate adj.绝望的,不顾一切的 redundancy

despise vt.厌恶,鄙视

disgust n./v.厌恶

surprise: astonishment, low: abysmal 程度类比

destination n.目的地 destiny n.命运,注定

detail n.细节,详情

detect vt.觉察,侦察 detection, detective

device n.装置,设计 “We are all just prisone rs here of our own device.” (Hotel California )

devise vt.设计,发明

dialect n.方言 accent n.口音

diplomatic adj.外交的 diploma, diplomacy

discard v.丢弃 dismiss; dissipate, disseminate,&nbs p;disperse, dismantle, discrete, distill


dispose vi.处理,解决 disposal, disposable

dispute vi./n.争论,辩论

dissolve v.溶解,融化 -solv-/-solu- solve, ;solution, resolution, absolute, soluble

discharge v.卸下,释放,排出 release vt.释放,发表

distinct adj.不同的,明显的 distinction n.区别

distinguish vt.区分,使杰出 distinguish, discern, discr iminate 辨别

distinguished adj.杰出的,显著的 distinguished guests

distribute vt.分发,散布 distribution

discipline n.纪律,训练

disguise n./vt.掩饰,伪装

distress n.忧虑,悲伤

ditch n.沟 vt.抛弃 dump last-ditch adj.无后 退余地的 last-ditch effort

diverse adj.不同的,多种多样的 diversion, distraction 消遣,娱 乐

-vert-/-vers- reverse, adverse, adversity, advers ary, divert, convert; versatile, vertigo, subvert

dome n.圆屋顶,拱顶

domestic adj.国内的,内部的;驯服的 domesticate

tame adj.驯服的,枯燥乏味的 v.驯化

dominate vt.统治,支配,施加 dominant adj.占优势地位的 pr edominant

domain n.领土,领域

donate v.捐赠 donation

dormitory n.宿舍 dorm, sec(second), doc(doctor),&nb sp;mag(magazine), rehab(rehabilitate)

downtown adj./n.城市中心,商业中心 metropolis, metropolitan

urban adj.城市的 rural, suburb

dramatic adj.戏剧性的,引人注目的 drama

drift vi.漂流

We have the confidence to dream big drea

ms. But we must not let this confidence drift into complacency.

――Bill Clinton

duration n.持续 durable, endure, endurance

dynamic adj.有活力的,动力学的


earnest adj.诚挚的,认真的

economic adj.经济学的,经济的 economy, economical, econom ist

elaborate adj.精心制作的

elastic adj.有弹性的 flexible

elect vt.选举,推荐 election, select

elegant adj.优美的,优雅的 grace

element n.组成部分,要素,化学元素 elementary

eliminate vt.清除,消灭,淘汰

embarrass vt.使尴尬,使窘迫 embarrassment, embarrassing

embrace v.拥抱,包含

emerge vt.出现,暴露 merge, emergency, submerge, immerse

emotion n.情绪,情感 motion, mobile, mobilize

motive n.动机 adj.发动的 motivate, motivation, lo comotive


promote vt.促进;晋升

remote adj.遥远的,偏僻的,疏远的

emphasize vt.强调 highlight

enclose vt.围住,装入 enclosure

entitle vt.命名;给...权利,给...资格

encounter vt./n.相遇,邂逅;遭遇(不好的,意料之外的)

enforce vt.强迫,加强 reinforce

enable, ensure, encourage, enlarge, enlighten

engage v.雇佣;预定;订婚;从事于 engagement

enhance vt.提高,增强

enormous adj.巨大的 huge, titanic

tremendous adj.巨大的,大得令人可怕的

vast adj.巨大的,广阔的

immense adj.极大的,无边的

massive adj.大规模的,大量的

tiny adj.极小的,微不足道的 minute

mini-, micro- 表示“小”的前缀

-ling, -ine, -ie/-y, -let, -et, -ette 表示“小”的后 缀

enterprise,事业 enterprising adj.有进取心的 e ntrepreneur n.企业家

company 小公司 corporation 大公司 limited company(Ltd.)有 限公司

enthusiasm n.热情,热心 enthusiastic

equivalent adj./n.相等的,等量的

-equ- equal, equation, adequate, equator; eq uilibrium

essential adj.本质的,必要的 essence

establish vt.建立,确立 found, organize

institute n.学院,协会 vt.设立,开创 institution

eventually adv.终于 finally

evolution n.进化,演化 progress, development

-volv-/-volu- evolve, involve, revolution, volume ; revolt, revolver

exaggerate v.夸大,夸张 hype n.夸大的广告v.夸张地,错误地宣称

execute vt.实施,执行,处决 executive

CEO(Chief Executive Officer) 首席执行官

exert vt.运用,发挥,竭尽全力

exert pressure on somebody/a profound(subtl e) influence upon somebody

exhaust v.耗尽,使筋疲力尽,排气n.排气,排气装置 exhausted

expand t.扩大,扩展,膨胀 span, expansion

extend vt.延伸,伸出 extent, extensive, intensive

tendency n.趋势,倾向 tend, trend

expense n./vt.花费,代价 expensive

indispensable adj.不可缺少的;责无旁贷的 dispensable

exploit vt.剥削,充分利用 n.功绩

harness n.马具 vt.套上马具;利用,统治,支配

utilize vt.利用 utility

expose vt.暴露,曝光 exposure


dispose vt.处理,解决

compose vt.组成,形成;创作

propose v.提议,建议,求婚 proposal, propose/make a toast

oppose v.反对,反抗,冲突

impose v.征税,强制实行 imposing adj.使人印象深刻的

exterior n./adj.外部的,外表 external, interior; superi or, inferior


fabric n.织物;质地,结构 textile, fabricate, fiber

weave v.纺织,编织

facility n.容易,设备(常用复数) appliance, apparatus, impl ement

facilitate vt.使容易,使便利

factor n.因素,因子

Two factors weigh heavily against the& nbsp;effectiveness of science research in industry.


…factor(s) weigh (heavily) against/in favor of something

…be loaded against/in favor of somethi ng

take something into account/consideration, factor something into one’s calculation, factor in something

faculty n.能力;全体教师

fade vi.消退,枯萎

faint adj.衰弱的,微弱的 vi.昏晕,变得微弱

famine n.饥荒 famine and sword刀兵和饥荒

starve v.受饿,饿死

fanatic n.极端狂热者 fan

fantasy n.幻想,想象 fantastic, fantasia

fancy n.想象力,爱好 vt.喜欢

fascinating adj.迷人的

fatigue n.疲劳

feasible adj.可行的,可能的

feature n.特征 vt.由…主演 e.g. This movie fe atures two well-known actors.

featurette, trailer 电影预告宣传片

federal adj.联邦的,联邦制的,联合的

FBI(Federal Bureau of Investigation)联邦调查局

feedback n.反馈,回复

fertile adj.肥沃的,丰富的 fertilize, fertilizer

fiction n.小说,虚构 sci-fi

fierce adj.凶猛的

pierce v.刺穿,打孔

flexible adj.易弯曲的,灵活的

fluency n.流利,流畅 fluid, influence; affluent, superfluous

foe n.敌对者 friend and foe, kith and ;kin, weal and woe, wax and wane alliteration n.头韵

frame n.结构,框架 v.诬告,陷害 framework

frank adj.坦率的,明白的

frown vi.皱眉,不赞成,不欣赏(on/upon)


furnish vt.装备,供应


garbage, rubbish, trash, junk, Spam, crap, ra g

gasoline n.汽油 gas, kerosene, petroleum, dies el oil

generate vt.产生,形成,生育

gen- engine, generator, generation, gene, ge nius; gender, genocide

generous adj.慷慨的;丰盛的

genuine adj.真正的,真诚的

surgery n.外科,外科手术 surgeon, physician

ghost, phantom, soul

ghost writer n.捉刀人

glimpse vt./n.瞥见,一瞥

glance, glare, gaze, glow, glisten, glitter, glimmer, gleam, glaze, glamour, spark, flame, flas h

glory n.荣誉,荣誉的事 glorious

global adj.球形的,全球的 global warming 全球变暖 globalizati on n.全球化

graduate vi毕业;逐渐

post doctorate 博士后 doctor (ph. D) 博士

master 硕士 graduate student 研究生

bachelor 学士 undergraduate 大学本科生

abroad student 留学生 returned student 归国留学生

foreign student 外国留学生 auditor 旁听生

day-student (extern) 走读生 boarder 寄宿生

intern 实习生

grant vt.同意,授予,承认 take for granted

I grant the genius of your plan, but&nbs p;you still will not find backers.

Granted, …, but… Granted, I have no experience, but I have a creative mind.

grasp vt./n.抓住,掌握,领会 grip, grab, catch, seiz e, arrest, capture

gratitude n.感谢,感激

grateful, congratulate, gratify, gratuity, gratis, ;ingrate

grave adj.重大的,严肃的

-grav- gravity, gravitate, aggravate, grieve,&nbs p;gravitas

crucial adj.至关重要的,决定性的 momentous(momentary)

gross adj.总的,毛重的 n.总额 net

GDP(gross domestic product)国内生产总值 GNP(gross national&nb sp;product)国民生产总值

guarantee n.保证,担保,抵押品 vt.保证

guilty adj.有罪的,心虚的 guilt, sin

gut n.内脏 guts n.勇气,胆量 (intestinal fortitude) balls n.勇气,尤指蛮勇

gymnasium n.体育馆,健身房 stadium, aquarium, auditorium


harmony n.协调,和谐 harmonious

haste n.急速,草率 e.g. Haste makes waste. 欲 速则不达 make haste=hurry

hazard n.危险 danger, peril

heal vt.恢复 cure, remedy, therapy


recover v.重新获得,恢复 recovery

heave n./v.举起

hence adv.因此,从此

heroic adj.英雄的,英勇的 hero, heroine

hesitate vi.犹豫 hesitation

-her-/-hes- adherent, coherent, incoherent, inher ent

highway n.公路,特指城际之间的公路

高速公路 freeway, expressway, superhighway, mot orway, thruway (throughway)

hollow adj.中空的,没有内涵的

holy adj.神的,神圣的,圣洁的

horrible adj.令人恐惧的,糟透的 horror, horrible, horrific , horrendous

terror n.恐怖,惊恐,恐怖的人或事 terrifying, terrorist, terr orism

threat n.恐吓,威胁 threaten

hostile adj.敌对的,不友善的

humble adj.谦逊的,卑微的 humble beginnings, In my& nbsp;humble opinion


ideal adj.理想的,完美的 n.理想

identity n.身份 ID card (Identification card)

identify vt.确认

idle adj.空闲的,懒惰的 v.游手好闲,虚度

ignore vt.不理,忽视 ignorant, ignorance

overlook, neglect

illustrate v.阐明,举例说明,加插图于 illustration

image n.图像,肖像,典范 imaginary, imagination

imitate vt.模仿,仿效 mimic

imply vt.暗示 implication, infer, inference, i ndicate, indication

incident n.事件,事变 coincidence, accident, accidenta l

indifferent adj.漠不关心的,不同情的 indifferent to the&nbs p;sufferings of others

inevitable adj.不可避免的,必然发生的 unavoidable

infant n.婴儿,幼儿 adj.婴儿的

inflation n.充气,膨胀,通货膨胀 deflation

inherit vt.继承 heir n.继承人 heritage n.遗产 ,继承物

initial adj.最初的,开始的 initiative n./adj.开始的,初步的

inject vt.注入,注射 -ject-/-jar- reject, eject, project, projectile; conjecture, interjection, adjacen t

innocent adj.清白的,无罪的,天真的

innovative adj.革新的,创新的 novel, novelty, novice

insight n.洞察力,见识 insightful, eyesight

instant n.瞬间 adj.立即的,速食的 instant coffee/noodle &nb sp;instance

instinct n.本能 hunch

insult n./v.侮辱,凌辱 affront

offend v.冒犯,违反,犯罪 offence, offensive

intellectual adj.智力的,有智力的 n.知识分子 intelligent, int elligence

intention n.意图,打算

interaction n.相互作用,相互影响


interfere vi.干涉,干扰 intervene

intermediate adj.中间的 n.媒介 vi.调解

interpret vt.解释 vi.作口译 interpreter n.口译员

simultaneous/consecutive interpretation

interval n.间隔,休息 at intervals adv.定期的

interrupt v.打断,中断,仿碍

-rupt- bankrupt, disrupt, erupt, corrupt, ab rupt

intimate adj.亲密的,私人的

intrigue v.阴谋;激起兴趣 arouse

invade vt.侵略,侵袭 invasion

invest v.投资,投入 investment

investigate vt.调查,研究 investigation

isolate vt.使隔离,使孤立 desolate

sole adj.单独的,唯一的 n.脚底,鞋底 solitary(solidarity), so lemn


jealous adj.嫉妒的,猜疑的 jealousy, envy

jerk vt.拉,推,急投vi.痉挛 clean and jerk 挺举 & nbsp;snatch 抓举

journal n.定期刊物,杂志,航海日记 journey, journalist(corresponde nt)

jury n.陪审团 verdict, judgment, sentence, reve rse

justice n.公平,司法,审判 justify

keen adj.热心的,渴望的,敏锐的

kneel v.下跪


label n.标签,商标 vt.贴标签于,标注

lame adj.跛的 lame duck 继续留任的即将免职的官员 sitting&n bsp;duck易受攻击的目标

latter adj./n.后者(的) former

leak n.漏洞,泄漏 v.泄漏

liable adj.有责任的,易受...影响的(to)

liberal adj.慷慨的,自由的 liberate, liberty

liberal translation, paraphrase 意译

literal translation, metaphrase 直译

liquor n.蒸馏酒,烈酒 brandy, vodka, whiskey, cock tail

spirits, booze, firewater

literature n.文学 -liter- literate, illiterat e, literal, literary, obliterate

literally, actually, really 真实的,确切的

e.g. There are people in the world who&n bsp;literally do not know how to boil water.

lobby n.大厅,休息室 v.游说议员 lobbyist

logic n.逻辑,逻辑学 logical

loyal adj.忠诚的,忠心的 loyalty

royal adj.皇室的,高贵的


magnificent adj.华丽的,宏伟的 magnify

major, minor, majority, minority

manufacture vt.制造,加工 n.制造,制造业


margin n.页边空白,边缘 marginal

marine adj.海的,海上的 marine pollution 海洋污染 &nbs p;Marine

mature adj.成熟的 ripe

means n.金钱 a person of limited means,&n bsp;a woman of means

meantime n.其间,其时 adv.其间,与此同时 in the meantime

mechanic n.技工 mechanical, mechanism

melt v.熔化,溶化,溶解

memorial n.纪念物 adj.纪念的,悼念的 remember, memory, ;memoir

mere adj.仅仅的,小的 merely

mild adj.温和的,轻微的 wild

miracle n.奇迹 miraculous

marvel, marvelous, wonder, wonderful, wondrous

miserable adj.痛苦的,不幸的 miser, misery

moderate adj.适度的,温和的

modest adj.谦虚的,有节制的

moist adj.潮湿的 moisture, wet, damp, humid

moral adj./n.道德上的,道德 morale

monument n.纪念碑 monster, monitor, admonish

myth n.神话 “History became legend, legend&nbs p;became myth.”

mythology n.神话 mystery n.秘密,谜 mysterious adj.神秘的


naked adj.裸体的,无遮盖的 bald, bare

negative adj.否定的,消极的,负的,阴性的 affirmative, positive

negotiate v.商议,协商 negotiate a contract 协商合同

table vt.(美)搁置 (英)列入议程

nerve n.神经,胆量,勇气 nervous

neutral adj.中立的,中立国的,中性的

notify vt.通知,告之 inform

notion n.观念,构思

nuclear n.核子的,原子能的,中心的 nucleus

nuisance n.令人讨厌的东西

bad apple, black sheep, rough diamond

headache, nightmare, pain in the neck

nutrition n.营养,营养学,营养品 nutritious, malnutrition


over- overall, overload, overcharge, overdraw,&nb sp;overprice, overprotect

overcoat, overpass, overlap,& nbsp;overlook, overflow

object n.物体,目标 v.反对,抗议 objection, objective, ;subjective

protest v./n.反对,抗议

obligation n.义务,责任 oblige

observe v.观察;遵守;评论 observation

obstinate adj.固执的 stubborn

occasion n.场合,时机 occasional

occupy vt.占领,使忙碌 occupation, preoccupation


odd adj.奇怪的,奇数的 odd/even number

strange, peculiar, queer, eccentric, bizarre, outl andish, flaky

odds 机率,可能性 there are heavy odds agains t/in favor of

odds and ends 零碎的东西,残余 fifty odds men,& nbsp;oddment

at odds 意见冲突 be at odds with

opponent n.对手,反对者 adversary, rival, opposition

optical adj.视力的,光学的

option n.选择;供选择的事物

optional adj.可选择的 optional/elective course, requi red course

optimistic adj.乐观的,乐观主义的 pessimistic

optimal adj.最佳的,最理想的

oral adj.口头的 oration, orator, oratory

ordinary adj.平常的,普通的,一般的 common

normal adj.正常的(智力,情绪等)

regular adj.惯例的,规律的 n.常客

oriental adj.东方的 orientate(orient) v.调整方向,朝东 orientatio n n.定向,倾向

origin n.起源,出身,血统 original, originate, hail from, stem from


parallel adj.平行的,类似的 n.平行线,类似,相似物

particular n.细节,特例 adj.特殊的,独特的,详细的,挑剔的 particularly

passive adj.被动的,消极的

paste n.浆糊 vt.粘贴

peak n.顶部,山顶,巅峰 summit, summit conference, c onsummate, pinnacle

penetrate v.穿透,渗入

pension n.养老金,退休金

perceive n.感知,觉察,理解 perception

permanent adj.永久的,不变的 temporary(contemporary)

persist vi.坚持不懈;持续 persistence

perspective n.远景,全景,透视图,观点

-per- percent, perpetual, perennial, persevere;&n bsp;pervert, permeate, pervasive

phenomenon n.现象

pirate n.海盗, 盗版者 vt.盗版

burn vt.刻录 rip vt.截取 beam vt.转换格式

pledge n.诺言,誓言 vt.许诺,担保 oath

plot n.情节;阴谋 v.密谋,暗中策划

plunge v.插入,冲入,陷入

poison vt.毒害,损害,污染

poisonous adj.有毒的,含毒的,恶毒的

toxic adj.有毒的n.有毒化学品

polish n.磨光,光泽 v.擦亮,发亮,磨光 apple-polisher

poll n.投票,民意调查 v.投票 questionnaire

portable adj.易携带的

portion n.一份,一部分 potion

proportion n.部分,比例


portrait n.肖像,画像,描述

possess vt.占有,拥有 possession, belonging

postpone vt.推迟,延期

potential adj.潜在的 n.潜力 potent, potency, impo tent, omnipotent

practical adj.实际的,实用的

precise adj.精确的,准确的

precisely adv.精确地

preferable adj.更好的,更可取的,偏爱的 preference

prejudice n.偏见,成见,伤害 Pride and Prejudice

preliminary adj.初步的,预备的 n.预赛

preserve vt.保存,腌制

prevail vi.占上风,成功;流行 prevailing adj.流行的,普遍的 ;prevalent

principal adj.首要的 n.校长 principle n.原则,准则

president 大学校长 vice-president 大学副校长

department chairperson 系主任 professor 教授

associate professor 副教授 guest professor 客座教授

lecturer 讲师 teaching assistant 助教

research assistant 助理研究员 mentor 导师

tutor 家庭教师

privilege n.特权

profile n.侧面,轮廓,人物概评

prominent adj.突出的,杰出的 outstanding

prompt adj.按时的,立刻的v.提醒,激励

punctual adj.准时的,守时的

provoke vt.激起,煽动

punch v.打孔,冲压,用拳头打击 punch line, punching bag

qualify vt.使合适,使合格 qualify the remarks/for t he job, quality, qualification


radical adj.根本的,基本的,激进的 n.激进分子

range n.范围,界限 vi.在...范围内变动

vary v.改变,使多样化 variety, various, variable, i nvariably, variation


rank n.等级 vt.排列,列队

rational adj.合理的,理性的 irrational

readily adv.乐意地,容易地

reality n.现实,实体,真实性 realistic, realism, surreal

rear n.后面,后方 adj.后面的,后方的

rebel n.造反者,反抗者 v.造反,反抗 revolt, revolutionary

refine vt.精炼,提纯

reflect v.反射,反映,细想 reflection

refuge v.保护,庇护 shield, shelter

refugee n.难民 refugee camp

regardless adj.不管,不顾,不注意(of)


register n./v.登记,注册

regulate v.管理,调节 regular, regulation

religion n.宗教,信仰,信念 religious

reluctant adj.不情愿的,勉强的

render vt.呈递,归还,致使,表演 vi.给予补偿 surrender

reputation n.名誉,名声

reserve vt.储备, 保留, 预定 Federal Reserve B oard 美国联邦储备委员会

reserved 矜持的

reservoir n.蓄水池 repertoire n.全部剧目,全部本领 bourgeois n .资产阶级 au revoir

resident n.居民 adj.居住的,常驻的 reside, residence

resort vi.求助,采取(to) n.手段,常去之地,胜地

restore vt.恢复,修复,归还

retail n./v.零售 adj.零售的

revenue n.收入,税收

rhythm n.节奏,韵律

ridiculous adj.可笑的,荒谬的 ridicule

rigid adj.坚硬的,死板的 frigid

roar n./v.吼叫,怒号

roast v.烘烤

rotate vt.使旋转

routine n.例行公事,常规,日常事务 route, en route

rust n.铁锈 vt.使生锈


sur- surprise, surname, surface, surgery,&n

bsp;surrounding, surplus, surpass, survive, surrender; surreal

sacrifice n./v.牺牲,祭祀

sample n.样品,标本 example, specimen

sanction n./v.批准,认可,授权 permission

scale n.刻度,规模,等级,比例(尺),天平,鳞

scandal n.丑闻,恶意诽谤 slander, libel

scarce adj.缺乏的,罕见的 scarcely, hardly, rarely, ;seldom

scare n./v.恐吓,恐慌 scary

scatter v.驱散,散布 scatterbrain

scope n.见识,范围 telescope, horoscope, kaleidoscope

scout n.侦察,侦察员,童子军 vi.侦察 Boy Scout

scratch vt.抓,搔痒 scratch someone’s back 回报某人的 帮助

e.g. In my business it is important to&n bsp;scratch each other’s backs

segment n.段,节,片断 v.分割

sensitive adj.敏感的,灵敏的

nonsense n.无意义,胡说 sensor, commonsense, sensible;& nbsp;sentiment, sentimental, consensus

sheer adj.完全的,全然的,绝对的

utter adj.完全的,彻底的 vt. To send forth with ;the voice

shrug n./v.耸肩

signature n.签名 autograph


significant adj.重大的,重要的,有意义的

soak v.浸透

sore adj.疼痛的,伤心的 n.伤口,痛处 sorrow

source n.来源,源头 resource

spoil vt.损坏,宠爱,溺爱

sponsor n.发起人,主办者 vt.发起,主办,赞助

spray n./v.喷射,喷雾

spur n.马刺,刺激,刺激物 v.鞭策,刺激 stimulate, stimulant,&nb sp;stimulus, goad

squeeze n./v.压榨,挤

stable adj.稳定的 staple

stale adj.不新鲜的,陈腐的,陈旧的

static adj.静止的,静态的

statistics n.统计数字,统计学

steak, well done, medium done, medium, medium rare

strategy n.战略,策略 strategic

stuff n.材料,东西 vt.堵塞 stuffy adj.不透气的

substance n.物质,实质,主旨

substantial adj.有重大价值的,丰富的,结实的

substitute n./v.替代物 A is substitute for ;B=substitute A for B

suicide n.自杀,自毁 homicide, pesticide, patricide,&n bsp;matricide, fratricidal

superb adj.极好的,质量高的,庄重的 supermarket, superior, su

preme, supervise, supersonic, superstition

superficial adj.表面的,表皮的,肤浅的

supplement n.补充物,附录,增刊 v.补充

complement n.补充物 v.补充,使完美 compliment n.赞美,敬意

swallow v.咽下,吞下,淹没 n.燕子,吞咽

sway v.摇摆,摇动 swing

swear v.宣誓,发誓,诅咒(vi.) pinky swear

swell v.膨胀,增大 swollen

syn-/sym- symbol, symmetry, synchronize, symposiu m

sympathetic adj.有同情心的,表示同情的,有好感的 sympathy, sympathize

symptom n.症状,症兆

synthetic adj.合成的,人造的 n.合成物 synthesize, synthesis

summarize v.概述,总结 summary


technical adj.技术的,工艺的 technology, technique, tech nician

tedious adj.沉闷的,乏味的

tempt vt.诱惑,吸引,试探 attempt, temptation

tension n.紧张,拉紧

territory n.地区,领土,行政区域 domain, realm, sphere

terra incognita n.未知领域 terrain, terrace, Med iterranean

local adj.地方的,局部的 locality, location, locate,&nbs p;locale

theory n.理论 Game theory, Theory of rela tivity

theorem n.定理 Fermat’s last theorem, Pythagorean&nb sp;theorem



thorough adj.完全的,彻底的,详尽的

toast n.烤面包片(吐司);干杯,祝酒 toaster

tolerate vt.忍受,容忍 tolerance

transfer n.转移,转账 v.转移,转让

transform v.变形,改变 transformer

transmit v.传送,传染,传播

transparent adj.透明的;显而易见的 apparent

transport vt./n.运输 carry, convey, bear

translation n.翻译

tremble n.战栗,颤抖 v.战栗,震动 shake, shiver, shudd er

triumph n.成功,凯旋

tropical adj.热带的,炎热的


ultimate adj.最后的,终极的,根本的 ultimatum n.最后通牒

undertake v.承担,着手做

unique adj.唯一的,独一无二的

urge v.催促,强烈要求 urgent

usher n.引座员 vt.引领,开创 a celebration to u sher in the new century


vacant adj.空的,空缺的 vacancy, vacation, vacuum, ;evacuate

vain adj.徒劳的,无益的,自负的 in vain

valid adj.有效的,有根据的

vanish vi.消失 vanish into thin air/fade away/b lend in

venture n./v.冒险,投机

verify vt.检验,校验,核实 verity, verdict, veracity

vibrate v.使震动,使摇摆 vibration

vigor n.精力,活力 vigorous, vegetable, vegetarian

vital adj.重大的,至关重要的,生命的

vivid adj.生动的,鲜艳的,逼真的

survive v.幸免于,幸存,比…活得长

revive v.复活,恢复,振奋

violate v.违犯,冒犯,侵犯

violence n.暴力,暴力行为 domestic violence 家庭暴力

voluntary adj.自愿的,自动的 volunteer


wander vi.徘徊,蜿蜒,迷失方向

weep vi.哭泣,流泪

weld n./vt.焊接

wicked adj.邪恶的,不道德的

witness n.目击者,证人 eyewitness

There is huge unemployment throughout Europe in nineteenth century.

Nineteenth century witnessed huge unemployment thr oughout Europe.

The 1960’s witnessed two profound social move ments.


yield vi.屈服(to) v.生长,生产 n.生产量,收益

Section 1

Word Choice

job position remember recall/recollect/bear in mind

dead deceased far away/distant remote

proper appropriate suddenly abruptly

give up abandon carry out institute/implement

come across encounter take part participate

cut down reduce make good use of/use utilize

put off postpone careful cautious/wary

explain elucidate consider deem

begin commence quit resign

consist of comprise leave depart

before prior to because because of the fact that

believe be of the opinion find out ascertain

clear explicit end terminate

buy purchase for in the interest of/on behalf of

enough sufficient due to/owing to/because of on account of

so accordingly almost/nearly virtually/practically

always invariably finish complete

person individual explain elucidate

Section 2



available, raise


access, adapt, adopt, affect, arise, charge, leak, range


accuse, assemble, attend, count, effective, entitl

e, exhaust, expand, extensive, identical, inform,

sp;transport, urgent, vary


accurate, add, adopt, advisable, alter, appeal,&nb

sp;arrange, beneficial, cancel, continual, continuous, cope, event, length, offer, overall, pace, refuse, rpreferable, present, relate, rise, settle, transfer,&nb


egular, resist, suit, transform, transmit


account, accumulate, adequate, affair, appear, app licable, approachable, approve, arouse, artificial, bar

gain, barrier, benefit, blank, capacity, case, cer

tain, comparatively, consequently, consider, considerable,&n

bsp;constant, consume, creative, cultivate, deliver, de

mand, dense, discipline, dispute, efficient, exact,&nbs

p;expense, enormous, exaggerate, exposure, extend, exte

nt, extremely, extra, feature, gap, gather, genero

ncrease, indispensable, injure, inquire, instant, inten

k, minimum, mood, motivation, normal, oblige, obvi

m, possibility, probability, procedure, profitable, pub

sible, result, retain, rewrite, rigid, scold, sett

Section 3



have / gain access to 可以获得

gain / have an advantage over胜过,优于

take advantage of 利用,趁…之机

do / try one’s best 尽力,努力

make the best of 充分利用,妥善处理

catch one’s breath 屏息,歇口气

take care of 照顾,照料

take charge of 担任,负责

take delight in 以…为乐

take…into account 考虑

pay the way for 为…铺平道路

pay attention to 注意

get the best of 胜过

get the better of 打败,致胜

take care 小心,当心

take a chance 冒险一试

keep company with 与…交往,与…

with delight 欣然,乐意地

make a / the difference 有影响,很重要

put into effect 实行,生效

take effect 生效,起作用

keep an eye on 留意,照看

find fault 埋怨,挑剔

come / go into force 生效,实施

be friends with 对… 友好,与…交上朋友

keep one’s head 保持镇静

us, grant, guilty, impact, impression, incident, i

sive, interval, involve, lest, lively, manner, mar

ous, offend, order, omit, origin, original, perfor

lish, rank, rate, regard, regulate, remedy, respon

le, spoil, spot, status, step, stick, suppose,&nbs

p;tense, trace, transmission, view, vigorous, virtue,&n bsp;yield


carry / bring into effect使生效,使起作用

come / go into effect 生效,实施

catch one’s eye 引人注目

make a face 做鬼脸

catch fire 着火

make friends 交朋友,友好相处

make fun of 取笑,嘲弄

one’s head 不知所措

lose heart 丧失勇气,失去信心

get hold of 抓住,掌握

throw / cast light on 使明白,阐明

have in mind 记住,考虑到,想到

come / go into operation使投入生产

keep / hold pace with 跟上,与…同步

take place 发生,进行

come to the point 说到要点,扼要地说

get / learn by heart 记住,背诵

keep house 管理家务,做家务

bear / keep in mind 记住

make up one’s mind 下决心

put in order 整理,检修

play a part 起作用

take the place of 代替

bring / carry into practice 实施,实行

make progress 进步,进展

make sense 讲得通,有意义

(go) on the stage 当演员

keep in touch 保持联系

lose track 失去联系

put to use 使用,利用

lead the way 带路,引路

make way 让路,开路

give rise to 引起,使发生

catch the sight of 发现,突然看见

take one’s time 不急不忙,从容进行

keep track 通晓事态,注意动向

make use of 利用

give way 让路,让步

make one’s way 前进,进行

keep one’s word 遵守诺言

action on 作用

attempt at 企图,努力

a great / good deal of 大量(的),许多(的)

interference in 干涉


appeal to 呼吁,要求

attitude to / towards 态度,看法

influence on 影响

interference with 妨碍,打扰

introduction to 介绍

lots of 大量,很多

a matter of (关于…)的问题

reply to 回答,答复

a lot (of) 许多(的),大量(的)

fall in love with 相爱,爱上

a number of 若干,许多

a series of 一系列,一连串


trolley bus 电车

credit card 信用卡

next door 隔壁

face to face 面对面地

a few 有些,几个

a little 一点,稍微,一些,少许

quite a little 相当多,不少

the moment (that) 一…就

I.D. card 身份证

no doubt 无疑,必定

out of doors 在户外

as matter of fact 实际情况,真相

quite a few 还不少,有相当数目的

little by little 逐渐地

no matter 无论

no more 不再

fair play 公平竞赛;公平对待

rest room 厕所,盥洗室

side by side 肩并肩,一个挨一个

step by step 逐步

all the time 一直,始终

once in a while 偶尔,有时

word for word 逐字地

in demand 有需要,销路好

primary school 小学

heart and soul 全心全意

ahead of time 提前

once upon a time 从前

no wonder 难怪,怪不得

decline with thanks 婉言谢绝



account for 说明(原因等)

allow for 考虑到

arrive at 达成,得出

ask for 请求,要求

begin with 从开始

break off 断绝,结束

break up 中止,结束;打碎,折断

aim at 瞄准,针对

appeal to 呼吁,要求

ask after 询问,问候

attach to 附属于,隶属于

break into 闯入

break through 突破

bring about 带来,造成

bring down 打倒,挫伤;降低

bring forth 产生,提上

bring forward 提出

bring up 教育,培养,使成长

call for 邀请;要求,需求

call off 放弃,取消

call on / upon 访问,拜访;号召,呼吁

care for 照管,关心;喜欢,意欲

carry on 继续下去;从事经营

come to 总计,达到;苏醒,复原

count up 把…相加

bring out 使出现;公布;出版

build up 积累;堵塞;树立,逐步


call forth 唤起,引起;振作起,鼓起

catch at 抓住(东西)

call up 召集,动员;打电话

carry off 夺去

carry out 贯彻,执行;实现

count on 依靠;期待,指望

cover up 掩饰,掩盖

deal with 处理,对付,安排

fill in / out 填充,填定

get into 进入,陷入

go into 进入;研究,调查

go through 经历,经受;详细检查

go without 没有…也行

keep to 保持,坚持


live up to 不辜负

cut across 走捷径,抄近路

do without 没有…也行

get at 得到,接近;意思是

go after 追求

go for 竭力想到得;喜爱;支持,拥护

go with 伴随,与…协调

improve on 改进

lie in 在于

live on / by 靠…生活,以…为食

look after 照管,照料

look for 寻找,寻求

look over 检查,查看,调查

make for 走向,驶向;有助于

play with 以…为消遣,玩弄

run for 竞选

see to 注意,负责,照料,修理

live through 度过,经受过

look at 看望,注视

look into 调查,观察,过问;窥视

look through 仔细查看,浏览,温习

occur to 被想到,被想起

refer to 参考,查阅,涉及,提到

run into 撞上,偶然碰见

send for 派人去请,召唤;索取

send in 呈报,递交,送来

set aside 挑出,拨出,留出;拒绝

stand by 支持,帮助;袖手旁观

stand against 反抗,抵抗

take after 与…相像

take in 接受,吸收;了解,理解

touch on 关系到,涉及

turn to 变成;求助于,借助于

serve as 作为,用作

sit for 参加

stand for 代替,代表,意味着

stick to 坚持,忠于,信守

take for 把…认为是,把…看成是

take to 喜欢,亲近

turn into 变成

turn off 关上;出产;解雇


break down 损坏,分解,瓦解


break in 闯入;打断;插嘴

break out 光出;突然发生,爆发

burn out 烧掉

catch on 理解,明白

check out 结账后离开;检验,核查

cheer up 使高兴,使振奋

clear up 收拾;澄清;放晴

come off 实现,成功,奏效

come out 出版;出现,显露;结果是

bring to 使恢复知觉

burn up 烧起来,旺起来;烧完

check in 输登记手续

check up (on) 校对,检查,检验

clear away 扫除,收拾

make it clear that 弄清楚

come on 来吧,快点;出场,上演

come round (around) 来访;苏醒,复原

come up 走近,上来;发生,被提出

cut back 削减,减少

cut in (汽车)抢道;插嘴,打断

cut out 删除

die down 渐渐消失,平息

draw in (火车、汽车)到站

dress up 穿上盛装,打扮得很漂亮

dry out 干透,使干

come through 经历,脱脸

cross out 删去,取消

cut down 削减,降低

cut off 切断;删去;停止

cut short 突然停止

die out 消失,来绝

draw up 写上,画上;草拟;停住

drop by / in 顺便来访

dry up 干涸,枯竭

drop off 减弱,减少

fall behind 落后

fall through 落空,失败

find out 查明

get around / round走动,旅行;(消息)传开

get by 通过,经过

get in 进入;收获,收集

get over 克服;(从病中)恢复过来

have got to (do) 不得不,必须

drop out 退出,离队


fall out 争吵;结果是

feed in 输入

get across 解释清楚,使人了解

get away 逃脱,离开

get down 从…下来;写下

get off 从…下来;离开,动身,开始

get through 结束,完成;接通电话

get together 集合,聚集

give away 泄露;分送

give in 交上,投降,屈服

give out 分发,放出

go ahead 开始,前进;领先

go down 下降,降低;被载入,传下去

got out 外出;熄灭

go round / around 足够分配

go through 通过,审查,完成

get up 起床;增加,增强

give back 送还,恢复

give off 放出,释放

give up 停止,放弃

go by 过去

go off 爆炸,发射;动身,离开

go over 检查,审查;复习,重温

go under 下沉,沉没;失败;破产

go up 上升,增加;建起

hand in 交上,递交

hand out 分发,散发,发给

hang about 闲荡,徘徊,逗留

hand down 流传下来,传给,往下传

hand on 传下来,依次传递

hand over 交出,移交,让与

hang back 犹豫,踌躇,畏缩

hang on 抓紧不放,继续下去

have back 要回,收回

hold back 踌躇,退缩;阻止,抑制

hold out 维持,支持;坚持,不屈服

hang up 挂断(电话)

have on 穿着,戴着

hold on 继续,握住不放

hold up 举起,阻挡,使停止;抢劫

hurry up 使)赶快,迅速完成

keep down 控制,压制,镇压;压低

keep up 保持,维持;继续,坚持

let in 让…进入,放…进来


let out 放掉,放出,发出

look back 回顾,回头看

look on 旁观,观看;看待,视作

look in 顺便看望

make out of 用…做,从…得出

keep back 阻止,阻挡;隐瞒,保留

keep off 不接近,避开

let down 放下,降低;使失望

let off 放(烟,烟火),开(枪)

line up 排队,使排成一行

look out 留神,注意,提防,警惕

look up 查阅,查考,寻找(某人)

make out 辨认,区分;理解,了解

make up 构成,拼凑;赔偿;化装

pass away 去世,逝世

pass to 转到,讨论,传到

pay back 偿还,回报

pay down 即时交付,用现金支付

mix up 混淆,混合,搞糊涂

pass off 中止,停止

pass out 失去知觉,昏倒

pay off 还清(债)

pay up 全部付清

pick out 选出,挑出,拣出;辨认

pick up 拾起,(偶然)得到;(车船)


pull down 拆毁,拉倒;拉下,降低

pull in (车)停下,进站,船(到岸)

pull on 穿,戴

pull together 齐心协力

put across 解释清楚,说明

put away 放好,收好;储存

put forward 提出

put on 穿上,戴上;上演; &nbs p;

put right 改正(错误),整理

pull off 脱(帽、衣)

pull out 拔出,抽出;

pull up (使)停下

put aside 储存,保留

put down 记下,放下;镇压,平定

put in 驶进

put out 熄灭,出版,发布;生产

put up 提起,举起,提(价)为…

&nb sp; 提供住宿,投宿


ring off 挂断电话

run down 撞倒,撞沉;追捕,追查

run over 略读,略述;辗过浏览,匆匆复习

see through 看穿识破;干完,到底

set down 卸下,放下,记下,

set off 出发,动身;引起,使发生

set up 创立,建立,树立;资助

show off 炫耀,卖弄

rub out 擦掉,拭去

run off 复印,打印

see off 给…送行

set back 推迟,延缓,阻碍

set forth 阐明,陈述

set out 陈列,显示;动身;制定

show in 领入

show up 使呈现,使醒目

sit in 列席,旁听

speed up 使加速

stand up 站起来,耐用

step in 插入,介入

take away 消除;消耗

take off 拿走,脱下;起飞

take over 接管,接办

take up with 和…交往,忍受,采用

shut out 排除

sit up 迟睡,熬夜

stand out 突出,显眼

step up 提高,加快,加紧

stick out 伸出;坚持到底,继续

take down 记下,写下

take on 呈现;接纳,承担,从事

take up 占据;开始;拿起,接收

think over 仔细考虑

touch up 润色,改进

turn in 交出,上缴;转身进入

turn on 接通,打开

turn over 翻过来;移交,转交

use up 用完,花完

wear off 逐渐消失

while away 消磨(时间)

work out 解决,算出;弄懂,制定出

work on 从事于,努力做

throw away 扔掉,抛弃

turn down 拧小,调低;拒绝


turn off 关掉,断开;拐弯,叉开

turn out 制造,生产;结果是

turn up 开大;出现;来到;发生

warm up 变热

wear out 用破;耗尽,使精疲力竭

wipe out 擦去,抹去;消灭,毁灭

work up 引起,激起;逐渐上升

write off 报废,勾销,注销


aim at 目的在于,旨在;瞄准

depend on 取决于

engage in 从事于,忙着;订婚

go on 继续;发生

insist on 坚持

keep on 继续不断,保持

persist in 坚持,持续

put off 推迟,推延

succeed in 成功

think of 想起,想到;想一想

f... 控告;谴责

devote to 奉献,致力

feel like 欲,想要

cannot/couldn’t help 禁不住;不得不

keep from 使…不(做)

look forward to 盼望,期待

prevent from 预防,防止

set about 开始,着手

thank for 感谢


add up to 合计,总计

break away (from) 脱离,逃跑

come true 实现,达到

come up with 提出,提供

do away with 废除,去掉

have nothing to do with 和…毫无关系

make believe 假装

catch up with 追上,赶上

come up to 达到,符合

concern with 关心,挂念;从事于

have something to do with 和…有点关系

fall back on 求助于,转而依靠

fall in with 符合,与…一致


as follows 如下

get through 到达,完成,及格

be fed up with 感到厌烦

get along / on with 有进展,有进步

get somewhere 有些;结果

get down to 开始,着手

get the better of 占上风,胜过

give oneself away 泄露,露马脚

give way to 给…让路,对…让步,


go back on 违背

go before 居前

have to / have got to不得不,必须

help oneself 自取所需(食物)

keep out of 躲开,置身…之外

get out of 逃避,改掉

have got 有

give oneself up 自首,投降,投案

go along with 陪同前往,随行

go in for 从事,致力于,追求

hang on to 紧握住,坚持下去

have to do with 与…有关

hold on to 紧紧抓住,坚持

keep up with 向…看齐,跟上…

let alone 不干涉;更不用说

let go 放开,松手

look down on 看不起,轻视

be made up of 由…构成,由…组成

never mind 不要紧,没关系

put up with 容忍,忍受

run out of 用完,用尽,耗尽

lend itself to 适用于,对…有用

let loose 放开,放松,释放

live up to 做到,不负

look up to 尊敬,敬仰

make up for 补偿,弥补

put in for 申请

as 把…称作,把…当做

serve right 活该,给应得的待遇

set in 来临,流行

stand up for 为…辩护;维护

as 把…作为

set out to 打算,着手

stand up to 面对,坚决抵抗;经得起


stay by 守在一边

as 把…看做是,以为…是

throw about 乱丢(东西),乱花(钱)

throw (a) light on 照亮,阐明


be able to (do) 能(做),会(做)

be absent from 缺勤,缺课

be accustomed to 习惯于

be active in 积极于

be alive to 发觉,感觉,对…敏感

be angry with 对…发怒

be anxious for 急切盼望,渴望

be ashamed of 为…感到害臊

be about to (do) 即将,正要

be abundant in 富于,富有

be acquainted with 与…相识,熟悉

be afraid of 恐怕,害怕,担忧

be angry at 因某事生气

be anxious about 担心,为…担忧

be anxious to (do) 渴望(做)

be aware of 意识到

be bad at 拙于,不善于

be based on 根据,以…为基础

be beside oneself 忘乎所以

be badly off 生活穷困

be bent on 热恋于,一心想

be better off 处境较好,情况好转

be born in 出生于…

be bound to (do) 一定会,不得不

be burned out 被烧光

be busy with 忙于…

be careful of 爱惜,注意

be born of 出生于…(家庭)

be buried in 沉思,陷入,专心于

be busy (doing) 忙着(做某事)

be busy about 忙于…

be careful to (do) 务必注意(做)

be certain to (do) 一定(做),必然(做)

be confident in 对…有信心

be clever at 擅长于

be composed of 由…组成

be connected with 与…有关

be covered with 被…覆盖

be curious to (do) 很想(做)


be derived from 由…得到

be capable of 能够

be characterized by 以…为特征

be combined with 与…结合

be concerned about 关心,挂念

be coupled with 与…配合

be crowded with 挤满,拥塞

be dependent on/upon取决于,依赖

be determined to (do) 决心(做)

be different from 与…不同

be divided into 被合成

be eager to (do) 急于要(做)

be equal to 等于

be fed up 因多而厌烦

be fit for 适合,胜任

be free from 没有…的,不受…影响的

be frightened at 受…惊吓

be divided by 被…除以

be eager for 渴望

be engaged in 忙于,从事于

be famous for 以…著名

be filled with 充满

be fond of 喜欢,爱好

be friendly to 对…友好

be glad to (do) 乐于(做),对…感到高兴

be good at (doing) 善于,擅长

be grateful to 感谢,感激

be independent of 脱离…而独立,与…无关

be interested in 对…感兴趣

be involved with 涉及

be known as 被称作…,以…著称

be late for 迟到

be mad about 迷恋

be good for 适于,在…期间有效

be identified as 被认为是

be indispensable for对…必不可少的

be involved in 包括…中,被卷入

be kind enough to (do) 承…好意,恳请

be known to 为…所熟知

be likely to (do) 可能要,像是要

be made from 由…制成(化学变化)

be made of 由…制成(物理变化)

be mixed up 混杂,混在一起

be 因…而感激


be pleased to (do) 乐于

be popular with 得人心的,受欢迎的

be prepare for 做…打算;对…做好准备

be proud of 以…自豪,因…感到满意

be ready to (do) 装备好(做);乐意(做)

be made up of 由…组成

be obliged to (do) 被迫(做某事)

be well off 生活富裕

be pleased with 对…感到满意

be possessed of 具有,拥有

be present at 出席

be provided with 装备有

be ready for 为…准备好

be regarded as 被认为是,被当做是

be rich in 富于

be rid of 除去,摆脱

be satisfied with 对…满意,满足于

be sick for 渴望

be sick of 对…感到厌倦

be strict with 对…要求严格

be supposed to (do) 应该,非…不可

get rid of 摆脱,除掉

be second of 次于

be short of 短缺

be sick in bed 病在床上

be sorry for 对…感到抱歉

be suited to 适合于

be sure of 坚信,确信

be sure to (do) 一定,必定

be terrified at 被…吓一跳

be through with 结束

be tired of 厌烦;对…厌倦

be torn open 被撕开

be unconscious of 不知道…

be unfit for 不适合,不胜任

be surprised at 对…感到惊奇

be taken by surprise被突袭

be lost in thought 沉思

be tired from 因…而疲乏

be tired out 疲倦极了

be true of 适用于

be unequal to 无法胜任…的

be united as one 团结一致

be used as 被…用作


get used to 习惯于

be well up in 精通,熟悉

be willing to (do) 乐意…

be worse off 处境较坏,情况恶化

be wrong with 有点毛病,有些不舒服

be used to 习惯于

be useful to 对…有用

be wild with joy 欣喜

be worried about 为…而担心

be worth (doing) 值得(做)

above all 首先,毕竟

at all 完全,根本

all over 遍及,到处

not at all 一点也不

leave alone 听其自然,更不用说

one after another 一个接一个

anything but 除…以外任何事(物),


as for 至于,就…方面说

after all 终于,毕竟;虽然这样

all but 几乎,差一点

in all 总共,总计

all out 全力以赴,竭尽全力

along with 与…一起

one another 互相 像…一样

as if 好像,仿佛

as though 好像,仿佛

as well 也,又

not as 不如…那样

back of 在…后部,在…背部

had better 最好还是,应该

but for 除…以外,倘没有,除非



even if /though 即使,虽然

as to 至于,关于

as well as (除…之外)也,既…又

back and forth 往返,来来往往地

because of 由于,因为

and 既…又…,两个都

each other 互相

or else 否则,要不然

even then 即使那样,连,都


except for 除…之外

by far …得多,最

so far 迄今为止

if only 要是…就

in itself 本身

at least 至少,最低程度

a little 一点;一些,少许

quite a little 相当多,不少

as / so far as 远至,到…程度

far from 远非,远离

first of all 首先,第一

by itself 独自,单独

at last 最终,终于

no less than 决不少于,不亚(次)于

little by little 逐渐地

as /so long as 只要,如果

no longer 不再,已不

many a 许多的

more or less 或多或少

no more than 不过,仅仅;和…一样

make the most of 充分利用

every now and then 有时,时时,偶尔

now and then 时而,不时

off and on 断断续续,不时地

a great /good many of 许多,大量

more and more 越来越

no more 不再

at (the most) 最多,至少,不超过


just now 刚才,一会儿以前

now that 既然,由于

and so on 等等

all at once 突然;同时,一起

once (and) for all 一劳永逸,限此一次

by oneself 独自地,单独地

other than 不同于

all right 好,行

ever since 从那时起,自那时以来

ever so 非常,极其 to 结果是;如此…以至于

at once 立刻,马上

once more 再一次,又一次

every other 每隔一个地

over and over (again)一再,再三


all round 周围,处处

and so on/ forth 等等

or so 大约,左右

so far 迄今为止

so that 以便,为的是;结果是

such as 像……

that is (=i. e.) 就是说,即

what if 如果…将会怎样,



and yet 可是,然而

abide by 坚持;遵守

adapt to (使)适应,适合;改编

so...that 如此…以至于

hat 那样的…以致

as though 好像

what about (对于)…怎么样

go wrong 发生故障,出毛病

as yet 到目前(那时)为止

accustom to 使习惯

adhere to 粘附,胶着;坚持

cling to 粘住;依附;坚持

compensate for 补偿,赔偿

conceive of 设想,构思;以为

consult with 商量,商议

apologize(-ise) to 道歉,认错

collide with 抵触

comply with 照做,遵照,应允

conform to 遵守,依照,符合,顺应

cooperate with 合作,协作,相配合

cope with 竞争,对抗;对付,应付;妥善处理

derive from 导出,由…来

dispose of 处理,处置

deduce from 演绎,推断

deviate from 背离,偏离

dispose for 布置,安排

dwell on 凝思;详述

impose on 把…强加给

originate in / from 起源,发生;首创,创造

preside at /over 主持

reconcile to /with 使一致

restrain from 抑制,制止

scrape through 擦过,勉强通过

hinder from 阻止,妨碍


intervene in 干涉,干预;插入

participate in 参与,参加;分享

prevail over / against取胜,占优势;流行,

reign over 统治;盛行

sacrifice for,to 牺牲,献出,献祭

specialize in 专攻,专门研究,专业化

testify to 证明,证实

queue up 排队,排队等待

correspondence with通信

dependence on 依靠;依赖;信赖

exposure to 受到

objection to 反对,异议

proficiency in 熟练,精通

thirst for 渴望,热望

acquaint sb. with 使认识,使了解

congratulation on 祝贺

dissatisfaction with / at不满,不平

longing for 渴望

preference for,to 偏爱,喜爱;优惠;优选

requirement for 需要,需要的东西,要求

by comparison 比较起来

in sequence 依次,逐一

in accordance with 与…一致

accustomed to 习惯于

be bound to 必定,一定

to and fro 来来回回

on schedule 按预定时间

at stake 在危险中,利害攸关

on behalf of 代表…,为了…

on the sly 偷偷地,冷不防地

in excess of 超过

at random 随机地,任意地

on sight 一见就…,立即

Section 4


abroad, absent, acre, action, activity, addition,&

nbsp;additional, adjective, adverb, airline, alongside, ;alphabet, aluminum, angle, ankle, appendix, arithmetic

ggage, band, bang, banner, barber, bark, barn,&nbs

p;barrel, baseball, battery, bean, bearing, beast, ;beggar, being, belief, beside, bet, bid, billion, biology, blend, blouse, bold, bolt, bomb, bo

eadth, breed, brick, brow, bubble, budget, bulb,&n

bsp;bump, bunch, bundle, burden, bureau, butterfly,&nbs

nd, boot, bore, boring, bow, brake, brass, br

, ash, athlete, atmosphere, avenue, background, ba


p;cabbage, cable, calendar, camel, campus, candy, carbon, cargo, carpenter, carriage, cash, cashier, ;chamber, chap, chapter, charm, charter, chemical,

istmas, cigar, client, cliff, climate, clue, coil,

ust, cube, cue, culture, curl, curse, curv

e, cushion, dairy, dam, damn, darling, data, deaf, debt, deck, decrease, deer, delivery, devil, diagram,

dial, diet, differ, digest, digit,

play, dive, document, doll, donkey, dose, dot,&nbs

wer, drip, drum, drunk, dump, eagle, earthquake,&n

bsp;ease, edition, educate, elbow, elderly, electrical, electronic, elsewhere, emperor, empire, employ, e

nding, endless, engine, engineering, entry, environment

plode, export, failure, fairly, faithful, fame, fa

y, fax, fearful, fee, fireman, flee, fleet, f

bsp;finance, fog, folk, footstep, forecast, forehead,&n

bsp;foreigner, former, forth, fortunately, freight, fro

ore, fuss, gallery, gallon, gang, gap, gardener,&n

bsp;garlic, gear, geometry, gesture, giant, given,

ful, gradual, grain, gram, grammar, grape, graph,&

nbsp;greedy, grind, grocer, growth, guidance, guideline , guitar, gulf, gum, hammer, handbag, handful,&nbs

p;handle, handwriting, handy, harbor, harden, hardship, hardware, harm, hatred, hay, heading, headline,&n

import, improvement, index, indoor, inform, inhabitant, injure, inn, inner, input, insect, install, instruct, insure, introduction, invent, invitation, iss

bsp;jewel, kettle, keyboard, kid, kindness, kingdom,&nb

sp;lad, lag, lamb, landlord, landscape, lane, lap, largely, laser, laughter, laundry, lavatory, lawn , lawyer, layout, lean, leap, lease, leisure, ;lemon, lens, license, lick, lid, lightning, limb, link, liquid, liter, liver, loaf, loan, lodg

e, log, logic, loose, lump, lung, machinery, maid, mainland, male, mankind, manner, mask, mat,&

nbsp;mathematical, mayor, medal, measurement, media, me

re, mess, metric, microphone, microscope, mill, mi

llionaire, ministry, minus, mirror, mislead, mist, ;mood, mosquito, mount, mug, muscle, mushroom, nam

ely, nationality, nephew, network, niece, noodle, noun, nursery, occurrence, onion, opera, operational,&n

bsp;operator, orbit, ore, organ, organism, organization , ounce, outcome, outer, outlet, outline, outlook, output, outset, oval, oven, owner, oxygen, p ace, package, pad, painter, palm, panel, parade,&n

l, phase, phrase, pill, pillow, pint, pit, pi

bsp;paragraph, parcel, particle, paste, pat, patch,&nbs

p;pea, peach, pepper, performance, permission, personne

tch, planet, plantation, platform, plug, plus, poe

r, postman, poverty, powder, pray, preface, pregna

try, policy, politician, pond, pop, postage, poste

ue, item, jail, jar, jaw, jazz, jeans, jet,&n

bsp;heap, hearing, hedge, heed, hen, herd, hint,&n

bsp;hip, honey, honorable, hook, horn, horsepower, ;housing, humor, hunt, hut, immigrant, impatient,

;glove, glue, golf, goodness, govern, grace, grace

g, fruitful, fund, fur, furnace, further, furtherm

, envy, episode, equip, era, error, essay, ev

re, farewell, farther, fashion, fatal, fate, fault

lesh, flock, flour, female, fiber, file, filter,&n

e, evil, exception, exchange, excitement, exhibit, ;existence, exit, expectation, experimental, expert, ex

dim, dip, direct, disappear, discourage, disc, dis

p;doubtful, draft, drag, dragon, drain, drama, dra

;chemist, chess, chew, childhood, chin, china, Chr

comedy, compass, concept, contact, cop, copper,&n

bsp;copyright, corridor, costly, county, craft, create, creative, creature, crew, crime, criminal, crown, cr


nt, preposition, presentation, priest, prince, princess

vince, psychological, publicity, pump, purple, purse,&n

tion, raid, rail, rainbow, ratio, reader, reasonab

bsp;reduction, relative, renew, rent, repetition, repor

ter, reproduce, republican, rescue, restless, retire,&n

sp;rival, rob, robot, rocket, rod, rope, rub,

sp;sake, salad, salary, satellite, sauce, saucer,

n, screw, sector, selection, selfish, semester, se

sp;shallow, shave, shed, shell, shift, shortage, s

bsp;sin, sincere, singular, sketch, ski, skill, sk

bsp;slip, slope, snap, soak, so-called, soda, sofa

e, steady, steamer, steep, steer, stem,

age, stove, strap, straw, stream, strengthen, stre

bsp;rib, ribbon, rid, ridge, rifle, riot, risk,&nb

;rude, rug, rumor, sack, saddle, sailor, saint,&nb

saw, scan, scenery, scheme, scissors, scrap, scree

minar, series, session, setting, settlement, sexual,&nb

hortcoming, sideways, sight, signal, similar, simple,&n

im, sleeve, slender, slice, slide, slight, slim,&n

, software, somewhat, sow, spade, spark, speaker,&

;sticky, stiff, stir, stock, stocking, stoop, stor

ss, stretch, striking, stripe, stroke, style, subw

, profit, prohibit, project, pronoun, protein, pro

bsp;queue, quilt, quiz, rack, racial, radar, radia

le, receipt, receiver, recently, reception, recorder,&n

nbsp;specialist, specialize, species, spelling, spider, ;spill, spit, spite, split, spokesman, spot, staff , stakay, suck, suggestion, sunlight, sunset, sunshine, sweater, swift, sword, symbol, system, tag, talent , tank, target, teenager, temple, tense, textbook, thereby, thermometer, thirst, thoughtful, threat, ;throat, thumb, thunder, tide, tidy, timber, tissu

dition, tragedy, trap, tray, trial, trim, troop,&n

nbsp;twist, typewriter, typist, undergo, underline, und

erstanding, undo, uneasy, unexpected, universal, unload , upper, upright, upset, up-to-date, van, vapor,&n

bsp;vehicle, verb, version, vessel, victim, video, ;view, viewpoint, vinegar, violin, volcano, volleyball, volt, voyage, wage, wagon, waist, warmth, wa

terproof, weaken, wealthy, weapon, weed, welfare, whale, whereas, whichever, whip, whistle, widen, w

idespread, widow, width, wisdom, wit, withstand, w olf, wool, worldwide, worm, worship, worthwhile, w

orthy, wreck, wrist, yawn, youngster, zone

e, title, toe, tone, topic, torch, towel, tra

bsp;troublesome, trumpet, tube, tune, tunnel, turbine,&

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