




1. Stop作动词,表示“停止;中止”的意思,可以用来指停止一项活动,如:Please stop talking. 请别说话了。

2. Stop作动词,表示“阻止”的意思,可以用来指阻止或者被迫停止发生,如:He tried to stop her from leaving. 他试图拦住她不让她离开。

3. Stop作名词,表示“停留处”的意思,意指一种有连接 mark

的地方,如:He got off the bus at the next stop. 他在下一站下了车。

4. Stop作介词,表示“到…;到达...”的意思,意指到达或停留在某地,如:We stopped at the beach for a rest. 我们在海滩上停了下来休息。


1. 我们到达下一站就要下车了。We're going to stop at the

next stop.

2. 请保持安静,不要再说话了。Please stop talking.

3. 他中途忘了到哪里下车,等到到最后一站才发现错了。He

forgot which stop to get off and realized at the last stop.

4. 政府决定取消那条新开路线,原定的交通线路中断了。The

government decided to stop the new route, cutting off the

planned transportation line.

5. 我们途中停了两次去休息。We stopped twice on our way

for a rest.

6. 我们需要阻止他们继续制造核武器。We need to stop them

from continuing to make nuclear weapons.

7. 警察到场的时候把他们的斗殴行为阻止住了。The police

stopped their fight when they arrived.

8. 天黑后,政府要求大家停止游行示威。The government asked

people to stop protesting when it got dark.

9. 下车另外再需要停留一段路程才能到达目的地。We need to

stop for some more time before arriving at our destination.

10. 巴士站是在书店旁边,因此我告诉他们停在那里就行了。The

bus stop was next to the book store, so I told them to just

stop there.

本文标签: 阻止停止停留意思