




BBC news with Jerry Smit.

Turkish artillery unit has fired on Syria for the first time since the Syrian conflict

began 18 months ago. It came after a mortar bomb fired from inside Syria

killed 5 Turkish citizens. James Reynolds reports from the Turkish-Syrian


It is not immediately clear what Turkey was intending to hit. It comes in

response to the killing earlier in the day of five Turkish civilians in the town of

Akcakale. A mother and three of her children were among the dead when a

shell landed. Over the past year, the government of Prime Minister Recep

Tayyip Erdogan has strongly supported the Syrian opposition. But at the same

time, Mr. Erdogan has not wanted his country to fight Syria directly, but the

killing of Turkish civilians along the border may have made him reevaluate it

that policy.

Nato has described the Syrian action as a flagrant breach of international law

and said it stood by Turkey - a Nato member.

At least 31 people have been killed and dozens injured in a series of huge bomb

explosions in the Syrian city of Aleppo in an area controlled by government

forces. A local reporter at the scene told the BBC that there were four car

bombs, two of them exploded near a police officer's' club in a hotel tearing off

its facade .

Riot police in the Iranian capital Tehran have clashed with hundreds of people

including many currency traders protesting against the government's failure to

stop the value of the Iranian rial from plunging to record lows. Police dispersed

a crowd of official money changers who gathered outside the central bank.

The French government has proposed a new anti-terrorism law that will allow

authorities to prosecute citizens who attend militant Islamist training camps

abroad. The move come six months after Mohamed Merah a French national

killed seven people in a shooting spray in and around Toulouse. He claimed to

have attended al-Qaeda style camps in Pakistan and Afghanistan. Christian

Fraser reports from Paris.

The French authorities were criticized for failing to prevent Mohamed Merah's

attacks. His links with foreign Islamists were known to the intelligence services

as earlier as 2009. The government says the threat is still at a very high level,

and this new policy is essential to combating the threat. By the new year,

terrorism related crimes committed abroad will be punishable here in France.

French citizens found to be attending training camps overseas could face up to

10 years in prison. And the changes will also allow the authorities to monitor

the internet and telecommunications data of suspects thought to be running

extremists' websites.

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