




In this article, we will provide the East City's final English exam

questions and their corresponding answers. The article will be divided into

various sections, each containing different question types. Please note that

the article will follow the appropriate format for presenting exam questions

and answers.

Section 1: Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which of the following is a correct sentence?

a) I is going to the store tomorrow.

b) They goes to the beach every weekend.

c) She have visited France last year.

d) He is studying for his exams.

Answer: d) He is studying for his exams.

2. Choose the synonym for the word "famous":

a) Popular

b) Forgettable

c) Unknown

d) Insignificant

Answer: a) Popular

Section 2: Fill in the Blanks

The following sentences contain blanks. Fill in the blanks with the

appropriate words:

3. I _____ to the market when I saw my friend.

Answer: was going

4. My brother _____ a new job last week.

Answer: started

Section 3: True/False

5. True/False: Mount Everest is the tallest mountain in the world.

Answer: True

6. True/False: The United States is the smallest country in the world.

Answer: False

Section 4: Reading Comprehension

Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow:


In ancient times, people relied on horses for transportation. Horses were

strong and could travel long distances. However, with the invention of

automobiles, the popularity of horses as a mode of transportation decreased

significantly. Nowadays, horses are seen more as animals for recreational

purposes, such as horseback riding or racing.

本文标签: 英语试题答案东城