


❖ 行业组866:宗教组织

▪ 8661 Religious Organizations

▪ 8661:宗教组织

❖ Industry Group 869: Membership Organizations, Not Elsewhere


❖ 行业组869:未明确归类的成员组织

▪ 8699 Membership Organizations, Not Elsewhere Classified

▪ 8699:未明确归类的成员组织

Major Group 87: Engineering, Accounting, Research, Management, And

Related Services

➢ 87


❖ Industry Group 871: Engineering, Architectural, And Surveying

❖ 行业组871:工程、建筑、测量服务

▪ 8711 Engineering Services

▪ 8711:工程服务

▪ 8712 Architectural Services

▪ 8712:建筑服务

▪ 8713 Surveying Services

▪ 8713:测量服务

❖ Industry Group 872: Accounting, Auditing, And Bookkeeping Services

❖ 行业组872:会计、审计、簿记服务

▪ 8721 Accounting, Auditing, and Bookkeeping Services

▪ 8721:会计、审计、簿记服务

❖ Industry Group 873: Research, Development, And Testing Services

❖ 行业组873:研究、发展及测试服务

▪ 8731 Commercial Physical and Biological Research

▪ 8731:商用物理及生物学研究

▪ 8732 Commercial Economic, Sociological, and Educational Research

▪ 8732:商用经济、社会学及教育研究

▪ 8733 Noncommercial Research Organizations

▪ 8733:非商用研究机构

▪ 8734 Testing Laboratories

▪ 8734:测试实验室

❖ Industry Group 874: Management And Public Relations Services

❖ 行业组874:管理及公共关系服务

▪ 8741 Management Services

▪ 8741:管理服务

▪ 8742 Management Consulting Services

▪ 8742:管理咨询服务

▪ 8743 Public Relations Services

▪ 8743:公共关系服务

▪ 8744 Facilities Support Management Services

▪ 8744:设备管理支持类服务

▪ 8748 Business Consulting Services, Not Elsewhere Classified

▪ 8748:未明确归类的经营咨询服务

Major Group 88: Private Households



❖ Industry Group 881: Private Households

❖ 行业组881:家庭服务业

▪ 8811 Private Households

▪ 8811:家庭服务业

Major Group 89: Miscellaneous Services



❖ Industry Group 899: Miscellaneous Services

❖ 行业组899:其它服务

▪ 8999 Services, Not Elsewhere Classified

▪ 8999未明确归类的服务

Division J: Public Administration


Major Group 91: Executive, Legislative, And General Government, Except


➢ 91


❖ Industry Group 911: Executive Offices

❖ 行业组911:行政办公室

▪ 9111 Executive Offices

▪ 9111:行政办公室

❖ Industry Group 912: Legislative Bodies

❖ 行业组912:立法机构

▪ 9121 Legislative Bodies

▪ 9121:立法机构

❖ Industry Group 913: Executive And Legislative Offices Combined

❖ 行业组913:行政、立法联合机构

▪ 9131 Executive and Legislative Offices Combined

▪ 9131:行政、立法联合机构

❖ Industry Group 919: General Government, Not Elsewhere Classified

❖ 行业组919:未明确归类的一般政府机构

▪ 9199 General Government, Not Elsewhere Classified

▪ 9199:未明确归类的一般政府机构

Major Group 92: Justice, Public Order, And Safety



❖ Industry Group 921: Courts

❖ 行业组921:法院

▪ 9211 Courts

▪ 9211:法院

❖ Industry Group 922: Public Order And Safety

❖ 行业组922:公共秩序与社会治安

▪ 9221 Police Protection

▪ 9221:警察机关

▪ 9222 Legal Counsel and Prosecution

▪ 9222:法律顾问及诉讼机构

▪ 9223 Correctional Institutions

▪ 9223:劳教机构

▪ 9224 Fire Protection

▪ 9224:消防机构

▪ 9229 Public Order and Safety, Not Elsewhere Classified

▪ 9229:未明确归类的公共秩序与社会治安机构

Major Group 93: Public Finance, Taxation, And Monetary Policy



❖ Industry Group 931: Public Finance, Taxation, And Monetary Policy

❖ 行业组931:公共财政、征税以及货币政策

▪ 9311 Public Finance, Taxation, and Monetary Policy

▪ 9311:公共财政、课税以及货币政策

Major Group 94: Administration Of Human Resource Programs



❖ Industry Group 941: Administration Of Educational Programs

❖ 行业组941:教育管理

▪ 9411 Administration of Educational Programs

▪ 9411:教育管理

❖ Industry Group 943: Administration Of Public Health Programs

❖ 行业组943:公共卫生管理

▪ 9431 Administration of Public Health Programs

▪ 9431:公共卫生管理

❖ Industry Group 944: Administration Of Social, Human Resource And

Income Maintenance Programs

❖ 行业组944:社会、人力资源以及收入保障管理

▪ 9441 Administration of Social, Human Resource and Income

Maintenance Programs

▪ 9441:社会、人力资源以及收入保障管理

❖ Industry Group 945: Administration Of Veteran's Affairs, Except Health

and Insurance

❖ 行业组945:退伍军人事务管理,不包括健康及保险服务

▪ 9451 Administration of Veterans' Affairs, Except Health and Insurance

▪ 9451:退伍军人事务管理,不包括健康及保险服务

Major Group 95: Administration Of Environmental Quality And Housing


➢ 95


❖ Industry Group 951: Administration Of Environmental Quality

❖ 行业组951:环境品质管理

▪ 9511 Air and Water Resource and Solid Waste Management

▪ 9511:空气与水资源及固体垃圾管理

▪ 9512 Land, Mineral, Wildlife, and Forest Conservation

▪ 9512:土地、矿产、野生动物以及森林保护

❖ Industry Group 953: Administration Of Housing And Urban

Development Programs

❖ 行业组953:住房供给及城区发展规划管理

▪ 9531 Administration of Housing Programs

▪ 9531:住房供给管理

▪ 9532 Administration of Urban Planning and Community and Rural


▪ 9532:城区规划及社区与郊区发展管理

Major Group 96: Administration Of Economic Programs



❖ Industry Group 961: Administration Of General Economic Programs

❖ 行业组961:综合经济管理

▪ 9611 Administration of General Economic Programs

▪ 9611:综合经济管理

❖ Industry Group 962: Regulation And Administration Of Transportation


❖ 行业组962:运输规定及管理

▪ 9621 Regulation and Administration of Transportation Programs

▪ 9621:运输规定及管理

❖ Industry Group 963: Regulation And Administration Of

Communications, Electric, Gas, and Other Utilities

❖ 行业组963:通信、电气、天然气及其它公用事业的规定与管理

▪ 9631 Regulation and Administration of Communications, Electric, Gas,

and Other Utilities

▪ 9631:通信、电气、天然气及其它公用事业的规定与管理

❖ Industry Group 964: Regulation Of Agricultural Marketing And


❖ 行业组964:农业品运销及日用品规定

▪ 9641 Regulation of Agricultural Marketing and Commodities

▪ 9641:农业品运销及日用品规定

❖ Industry Group 965: Regulation, Licensing, And Inspection Of

Miscellaneous Commercial Sectors

❖ 行业组965:其它商业领域的规定、许可及检查

▪ 9651 Regulation, Licensing, and Inspection of Miscellaneous

Commercial Sectors

▪ 9651:其它商业领域的规定、许可及检查

❖ Industry Group 966: Space Research And Technology

❖ 行业组966:空间探索科技

▪ 9661 Space Research and Technology

▪ 9661:空间探索科技

Major Group 97: National Security And International Affairs



❖ Industry Group 971: National Security

❖ 行业组971:国家安全

▪ 9711 National Security

▪ 9711:国家安全

❖ Industry Group 972: International Affairs

❖ 行业组972:外交事务

▪ 9721 International Affairs

▪ 9721:外交事务

Major Group 99: Nonclassifiable Establishments



❖ Industry Group 999: Nonclassifiable Establishments

❖ 行业组999:无法归类的组织机构

▪ 9999 Nonclassifiable Establishments

▪ 9999:无法归类的组织机构

本文标签: 管理行业服务机构规定