



Group one

1. Her illness __________ her and left her ________ to study and work. (able)

2. It is important for a teacher to have the __________ to motivate his or her students. (able)

3. The newly found evidence __________ the police to find out the murderer. (able)

4. Mr. Li will take charge of our department in the __________ of the manager. (absent)

5. He reacquired an _____________ reputation after five years hard work. (academy)

6. Computers should be made readily __________ to teachers and students at any time. (access)

7. Children under 14 must be ____________ by adults in the park. (company)

8. It is stated that the price for the holiday includes the flights and _____________.


9. The public worried the ____________ of government statistics of economy growth. (accurate)

10. What has been written in the book is both ___________and exaggerated. (accurate)

11. It is often a good idea to start with a small, easlily ___________ goal. (achieve)

12. As we climbed the final few metres, we felt a sense of ___________. (achieve)

13. One afternoon, I got bored and __________ fell asleep in class for a few minute. (act)

14. Nowadays many young people are politically ___________ but with great enthusiasm in

making money. (act)

15. I wanted to express my ___________ for the way the crew handled the crisis. (admire)

16. With the great stress of life, the poor mother decided to put the baby up for __________.


17. Slience is often interpreted as an ___________ of gulilt. (admit)

18. A fireman ___________ discovered the cause of the fire. (accident)

19. It started as a curiosity, but it got so _____________ and I had to keep on doing it. (addict)

20. The trading war between America and China has widely __________ people’s life in both the


Keys ed, unable 2 abilities 3 enabled 4 absence 5 academic 6. accessible 7

accompanied 8. accommodation 9. accuracy 10 inaccurate 11 achievable 12

achievement 13 actually 14 inactive 15 admiration 16 adoption 17 admission 18

accidentally 19 addictive 20 affected

Group two

21. You can get some information at the local travel ___________. (agent)

22. Generally, teachers expect a certain amount of ____________ behaviour from boys. (aggress)

23. Farmers struggling for survival cut down the forests for _____________ land. (agriculture)

24. My parents are quite ____________ to the decision I made that I will study abroad. (agree)

25. There were ____________ among doctors about the best way to treat the disease and,

consequently, the operation was put off. (agree)

26. Tickets are limited and will be __________ to those who apply first. (allocation)

27. Death punishment is ___________ only under exceptional circumstance. (allow)

28. Those who work in different departments of government are entitled to sickness __________.


29. The ___________ project was completed in only nine months. (ambition)

30. It is __________ how often you see drivers talking on mobile phones while driving. ( amaze)

31. We need a further ____________ of the data before deciding what to do next. (analyze)

32. The minister made the _____________ at a news conference that the tax will be cut.


33. He couldn’t conceal his ____________ of being interrupted. (annoy)

34. Her most __________ habit is eating with her mouth open. (annoy)

35. The workers have called off their strike in ____________ of a pay offer. (anticipate)

36. A high level of __________ was created by the introduction of cameras into the


37. She got a round of ___________ when she fininshed her performance. (applaud)

38. The Chinese football team’s performance has been a _____________ for the fans. (appoint)

39. If you are late for a class, you are expected to make an ___________ to the teacher.


40. Women, in general, tend to be more concerned than men about their personal


Keys 21 agency 22 aggressive 23 agricultural 24 agreeable 25 disagreements 26

allocated 27 allowable 28 allowance 29 ambitious 30 amazing 31 analysis 32

announcement 33 annoyance 34 annoying 35 anticipation 36 anxiety 37 applause 38

disappointment 39 apology 40 appearance.

Group three

41. A man who __________ 13 years ago came home yesterday, saying that he was captured by

an alien and managed to escape. (appear)

42. There is no ___________ change in the patient’s condition after an operation and so his

doctor is trying to find some other ways to treat him. (appreciate)

43. Reading peoms often helps you develop an ___________ of peotry and literature.


44. It is just three months since we received official __________ to go ahead with the project.


45. An ___________ between the couples ensured there was always someone to look after the

children. (arrange)

46. The timely ___________ of the police prevented the situation from becoming worse. (arrive)

47. The value of the business was __________ at $1.25 million. (assess)

48. There is little ___________ of the damage to the natural environment. (assess)

49. He left word with my ___________ that he would call back again later this afternoon. (assist)

50. Since 1976 he has been operating the shop with the __________ of volunteers. (assist)

51. There is a strong __________ between the disease and middle aged women. (associate)

52. I haven’t been ___________ with the project over the last year. (associate)

53. My caculation was based on the ____________ that house prices would remain steady.


54. Mr. Thomas gave an ____________that the work would be completed by Wednesday.


55. “Jack will never agree to that.” he said with ___________. (assure)

56. We were ___________ to find that the driver was a six-year-old boy. (astonish)

57. I spotted a shooting star which, to my ___________, was bright green in color. (astonish)

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