




Peter Byford was born in a stone house in Honley,and when he was tiny his dad,a former

miner,got a job in the textile trade and the Byford's moved to was tough but

fun,and young Peter spent his days in the rolling countryside,rafting on the river,making tree

camps or playing on his own with his model railway and soldiers.

His world was rocked by tragedy when his mother died,which destroyed young Peter,a

shy child who suddenly had to grow up grieving,he went up the road to live with his

aunt and uncle,and returned home much too young to face the next challenge,that of looking

after his dad,who had lost an arm in an accident in a factory.

By then he had taken the nickname as younger Biff struggled at school because of

his shyness,but loved the music lessons and became friends with a classmate whose brother had a

the same time a young man who had a banjo(班卓琴)moved into the house opposite

where he lived and he taught young Biff how to play seeds had been sown and music began

to influence his life.

But even so,his working career began,in typical fashion for 1960s West a

short time as an apprentice(学徒)carpenter,he went to work in the local weaving this

was where Biff Byford,soon to become a legend in the world of rock,first learned to

machines would run all day,clicketyclack, noise was incredible,and the

workers would spend their time trying to lip read each other.

It was just so noisy in was really heavy only thing to do was sing to

sing to himself he did,the melodies(旋律)locking in place in his head,not to be

dream first exploded into a rocking reality.

1.Peter Byford had to leave his aunt and uncle ______.

A.because his mother passed away

B.because of his father's poor health

C.because he wanted not to stay with his father

D.because of his fully being grownup

2.What does the third paragraph imply?

A.Peter got influenced a lot by his classmate and the young man.

B.the classmate taught Peter how to play the guitar.

C.Peter shared a house with the young man.

D.The young Biff had an eye for good friends.


The United States is faced with serious traffic many cars travel on the freeways to and

from the heavy traffic causes delays and lots of pollution from cars that are using their

engines but not moving cars going nowhere is called a “traffic jam”.

While many cities in the United States have traffic problems,some of the worst are in Los Angeles,

Angeles is a big city with a large downtown of the reasons why there is so

much traffic is that few people use public transportation to get around.

Experts say one possible solution to the traffic problem in Los Angeles would be to make people want

to use the public transportation system of buses instead of their own say the buses should

be made easier,faster,less costly and more dependable than driving a car.

One suggestion is to reduce the cost of riding the who usually drive their cars could save a

lot of money on gas and parking ,Los Angeles could make the buses easier for people to

buses could travel to more places in the there could be more special lanes on the

freeways that only buses could drive changes would make taking the bus faster and easier

than driving a car.

Other experts have said that the best way to ease traffic problems is to charge people money to drive

on the charges,or tolls,would be for the most crowded tolls would be in

effect during the times of day when most people drive to work and home times in the

morning and late afternoon are called “rush hour”.People would try to avoid driving on these

roads,which would decrease the amount of ,the money collected from these tolls could be

used to improve the roads and public transportation system.

3.Which is NOT the effect caused by the heavy traffic?

A.Too many private cars. B.Time wasting.C.Serious air pollution D.Traffic jams.

4.One of the ways the experts suggest is that .

A.people should avoid driving to work and home

B.more roads should be built for the increasing private cars

C.people should be charged on the most crowded roads during rush hour

D.more special lanes on the freeways should be marked out for private cars


It was a modest test drive: Moving forward 15 feet,turning in place 120 degrees,then backing up

about 8 entire trip took about 16 minutes.

But for the team behind Curiosity,the six-wheeled NASA rover(探测器) that landed on Mars

17 days ago,the first tracks on Mars were an exciting milestone.“It couldn't be more important,”

Peter C.Theisinger,the mission's project manager,said.“I mean,we built a unless the rover

moves,we really haven't accomplished anything.”

Curiosity,which was launched on November 26,2011,is to spend about a couple of years

traveling through a 96-mile-wide crater(陨石坑) and up a mountain at the center of the crater,

exploring for signs that early Mars could have been habitable for life.

But that journey of miles started a few feet away from Bradbury Landing,where Curiosity set

down on Aug.6, spot had been named for Ray Bradbury,the author of The Martian

Chronicles and other influential science-fiction would have turned 92 on Wednesday.

Recently,Curiosity has been busy with other Sunday,the rover fired a laser

instrument for the first time,hitting a rock and analyzing the atomic make- Monday,it

extended its Tuesday,it moved its four corner wheels in preparation for the drive.

“Everything has been going extremely well,” nger far,the only broken

instrument has been a wind sensor that may have been damaged during the landing,NASA said.

During the next week,as more instruments are checked out,Curiosity is to head to its first

destination,called first,Curiosity will move only about 30 feet at a its engineers

gain experience,the drives will stretch to longer than the length of a football field.

nger warned that the early successes did not ensure future far,the mission has

accomplished only two of its primary goals:to launch on time and to land on Mars.“We've got a long

way to go before this mission meets its full potential,” he said.

5.What does Peter C.Theisinger think of the test drive?

A.It hasn't accomplished anything. B.It is of great importance.

C.It ended up as a failure. D.It was not smooth.

6.Which part of Curiosity was damaged according to the passage?

A.A laser instrument B.A wind sensor.

C.Its arm. D.Its four corner wheels.

7.Curiosity is mainly designed to ______. for evidence of life on Mars

B.prepare for human landing on Mars

C.explore the natural resources on Mars

D.try out some scientific instruments


Our Center

We have information about over 300 volunteering opportunities with more than 250 local

organizations (charities,statutory organizations such as hospitals and social services and community

groups).We are a registered charity and our service is free of charge.

We do not run volunteering projects ourselves but recruit(招收) volunteers for a whole range of

organizations across Cambridge and South Cambs.

Volunteering Links

National Council for Voluntary Organizations A center to champion and strengthen the voluntary

sector in the UK with advice,support and public policy.

Cambridge Council for Voluntary Service An independent registered charity to help community

and voluntary groups in Cambridge,South Cambridgeshire and Fenland.

Volunteering Wales Volunteering and Volunteer Centers in Wales.

Volunteer Development Scotland Volunteering and Volunteer Centers in Scotland.

Community Service Volunteers Volunteer placements in the UK.

Student Hubs A branch of Student Hubs,a youthled charity working across the UK to transform

student involvement in charitable activities.

Timebank A national campaign inspiring and connecting people to share and give time.

Registration Information

If you spot an opportunity that you like,you can go through a simple online registration process and

then we will send you the atively you can download a VOLUNTEER

REGISTRATION FORM (please save it to your own computer before editing) and email the

completed form to us at info@ .

8.Which of the following is NOT true about the center?

A.Volunteers can find plenty of opportunities in the center.

B.The center does not charge money for their service.

C.The center does not run volunteering projects themselves.

D.Organizations like Student Hubs belong to the center.

9.Which organizations are suitable for a teacher to volunteer in Wales?

A.National Council for Voluntary Organizations and Student Hubs.

B.Cambridge Council for Voluntary Service and Timebank.

C.Volunteering Wales and Volunteer Development Scotland.

Dmunity Service Volunteers and Volunteering Wales.

10.If a student wants to volunteer through the center,he must .

A.get registered at the center for recruitment

B.make an appointment with the center

C.visit the center in person to fill in the form

D.directly contact voluntary organizations

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