



第四部分 “人与社会”之科学与技术篇


Passage 1 中国首位执行出舱任务的女航天员

Passage 2 人工智能让电子游戏更有趣

Passage 3 “天宫课堂”让科学梦张力无限

Passage 4 哪些事情是机器人难以做到的

Passage 5 给个人信息上牢“安全锁”

Passage 6 一堂“太空课”的8年之变

Passage 7 全球首个可繁殖活体机器人问世

Passage 7 冬奥黑科技:穿戴技术全面应用

Passage 1


On Nov 8, Wang Yaping, a female taikonaut of Shenzhou XIII mission, 1. ______

(become) China’s first and the world’s 16th female spacewalker. The expected six-month journey in space

has left many curious about the differences between male and female astronauts, especially in terms of

performing extravehicular activities(EVAs). Despite physical challenges, female astronauts have unique 2.

______ (advantage).

Mutual understanding between astronauts is very important for carrying out EVAs, which 3. ______

(base) on excellent communication skills. Women are superior in communication and language expression,

4. ______ (help) female astronauts conduct extravehicular activities.

Men and women are different in body size, 5. ______ also gives women unique advantages for

spacewalks. Their generally smaller size is an advantage, as women will be able to control their weight

better and thus perform a wider variety of tasks.

A different body shape requires a different spacesuit. A tailor-made spacesuit was prepared for

Wang’s extravehicular activities, which was 6. ______ (light) than the male version.

Designers improved the pattern of this spacesuit in the lower limb area to make it more 7. ______ (suit) for

astronauts with slimmer figures.

Many studies have found that female astronauts are well adapted to executing space missions, and

have advantages 8. ______ male astronauts in qualities such as attention to detail and thinking 9. ______


Men tend to excel in shorter-term, goal-oriented situations, 10. ______ women are better in

longer-term, habitation-type circumstances. Women’s participation in EVAs is an integral part of space

missions, and we are witnessing history thanks to Wang’s bravery.


1. became 2. advantages 3. is based 4. helping 5. which

6. lighter 7. suitable 8. over 9. thoroughly 10. while

Passage 2


Video game developers have been using artificial intelligence

(AI) in new and interesting ways ever since some of the very first video games 1. _______ (make).

For example, in the 1972 game Pong, your opponent would move a certain way 2. _______ (depend)

on how you hit the ball. In 1978, the game Space Invaders introduced enemies that had different movement

patterns. And in the 80s, Pac-Man was the first video game with enemies that could search for you based on

the path you took, and those enemies were the first 3. _______ (show) different “personalities”.

Although these advancements were nothing more than simple algorithms, they were classified 4.

_______ AI because of the “intelligence” they showed. They were programmed to act a certain way to

make their actions 5. _______ (believe) and challenge players.

And, as video games become 6. _______ (increase) complicated, developers are trying to find novel

means to make the virtual worlds more immersive for players. For instance, many modern games have

characters and environments that change and respond to how a player acts in the game.

Although this is a huge jump in video game 7. _______ (develop), AI in video games is advancing in

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